Interesting Developments by Kill_Pineapples
Summary: One shot high school fic. Spike and Buffy have nothing to do with each other. Untill one day...
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1665 Read: 2131 Published: 07/31/2006 Updated: 07/31/2006
1/1 by Kill_Pineapples
Author's Notes:
I know, I know...update my other stories. I'm really working on them. But this one I had to post. I wrote it when I was on vacation
Interesting Developments

Spike looked up and saw two guys approaching him. “What did I do?”
“Looking at the lovely cheerleading ladies.” The brunette, called Xander, said.
“So? What’s wrong with that? You’re dating one!” Spike defended himself.
“He’s not the one worrying about his ‘image’.” The other guy, Gunn remarked.
The two boys sat down on the bench next to the bleached blond and watched the cheerleaders as well.

“I don’t worry about my image.” Spike mumbled. The other 2 exchanged glances. Spike let his eyes stray to the golden goddess in the midst of all the others, Buffy Summers. She was the perfect girl. Smart, friendly and extremely beautiful. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and kiss her senseless. Actually he wanted to do other stuff with her too, but not on the sports field. When she turned around she flashed him a brilliant smile. The corners of Spikes mouth started to move upwards.

“Don’t even think about it.” Gunn said, breaking the spell. He immediately looked up.
“Our lovely miss Summers. She’ll never be interested in you. She’s been dating that O’Connor, like forever. Even looking at her and you might end up in a bloody pulp.” Xander commented.
“What? Hell no! They broke up this Christmas, because she didn’t put out.” Gunn replied. “But anyways, she’s just not your type.”
“Says who?”

“Look at her. You’re badass, she goody two shoes. You’re Joe Strummer, she’s Britney Spears. She’s straight A student and you’re straight F.”
“Oi! I am NOT failing school. I may skip a lot, but I’m still getting good enough grades.” Spike said with a threatening voice.
“What my friend Gunn was trying to say here,” Xander said, trying to break the tension “is that you too are opposites.”
“And opposites attract.” The bleach blond said and walked away.

“That’s not what I meant.” Xander yelled. He ran after him and then said: “Alright, what if opposites really attract? How long can you stay with her, without getting bored?”
“Because she doesn’t want to have sex or because she’s a very dull person? Which every one knows is not true.”
“The first one.”

“If she’s doesn’t want to have sex with me yet, I’ll wait. Breaking up, because a girl doesn’t want to have sex is a ridiculous thing to do.” Spike said.
“What? Where did that understanding come from?” Xander asked surprised. He didn’t know that his friend was capable of waiting on a girl.
“Been there, done that, mate.”
“Alright. The test. Ask her out.”

“Fine, I’ll ask her when she’s at her locker.” The bleached blond said with a careless voice.
“Now? Don’t want to butter her up first?” Again Xander was surprised
“I don’t think that’s necessary.”
“Wanna put some money on that?”
“Sure. A hundred bucks.”
“Deal.” The brunette stood still and looked around. “Where did Gunn go?”
“Making out with his girlfriend.” Spike said while walking away.


Buffy was busy cramming her stuff into her locker. She really needed to clean that thing out. Today’s practice went mighty fine. Everyone knew the routine and only one mistake was made. And even that mistake worked out fine. During practice she saw Spike Pratt staring at her. She didn’t mind it. He wasn’t the guy she’d usually go for, but he was so handsome. He had cheekbones to die for, the bluest eyes she’d ever seen and because of his choice in clothing she was always able to admire his well formed body.
And she knew for certain that under that bad boy persona of his lay a very sweet guy.

Buffy was lost in her musings, when two strong hand grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. Before she knew it a mouth crashed on to hers. They were the softest lips she ever felt.
Buffy’s brain recovered from the shock and automatically her hand went to the other persons cheek.
The person retreated and yelled: “What did you do that for, you bloody bint.”
She looked at the person standing in front of her and whispered: “Spike, what are you doing? Have you gone completely nuts?”
“Only for you, love.” He whispered back.


Xander was watching the show from a distance. He had to grin when Spike got slapped and then he heard them getting involved in a heated conversation. Xander couldn’t here most of it, except for the word ‘bagels’. He really wondered what they were talking about.

Suddenly he felt a hand slip into his and he looked sideways. His girlfriend Cordelia was standing next to him, looking amused.
“What are Spike and Buffy fighting about?” She asked him.
“Spike wanted to ask her out , but didn’t choose the smooth way.”

“Meaning that Spike kissed her full on the mouth and then Buffy slapped him. And now they are fighting. I think I heard something about ‘bagels’.”
Cordelia rolled her eyes. “You only think about food.”
They concentrated on the pair again. Suddenly they saw Buffy grabbing Spikes hand and dragging him away.
“Interesting development.” Xander said. Cordelia just grabbed his arm and dragged him after the couple.


Buffy closed the door behind him. Spike expected more yelling. Instead she flung her self around his neck and started kissing him.
He reacted, immediately kissing her back. One arm wrapped around her waist and the hand on his other arm was placed on the back of her head. His fingers played with her golden locks. Spike let his tongue slip out and let it slide against her lips. Buffy let hers come out and play. She moaned softly.

Way to soon did they had to part because of oxygen.
“I missed you.” The girl panted. “I hated not being with you. If you want to keep it a secret that’s fine.”

“You never listen do you, pet? I don’t want it to be a secret anymore. I am dating the most gorgeous girl ever and I’m hiding it. You know why? Because of my image! That is the lamest excuse ever. I’m surprised you didn’t threaten to break up with me sooner.” Spike said while stroking her cheek.

“But why so suddenly?” Buffy asked with a puzzled face.
“I actually wanted to tell you tonight, but I just had a good reason to ask you now.”
“I’m intrigued.”
“Xander said he would give me 100 bucks if I asked you out and you said yes.”
“Are you planning on sharing the 100 bucks with me?”
Spike narrowed his eyes. “Why?”

Buffy got and evil grin on her face. “Because I know for a fact that Cordelia and Xander were watching and probably outside the door of this wonderful broom closet, so what if I come out, you run after me and then you say something melodramatic about going out with me, down on your knees, begging me. And then I’ll say: ‘No, you are an ass.’ And then there is some more begging and groveling and then I say: ‘Agh, alright! If you insist!’”
She was practically beaming at the thought of a groveling Spike.

He, however was less amused. “Hardy har har. Very funny, kitten. How about some less drama and more reality?”
“What’s wrong with a bit of drama?”
“Nothing is wrong with a bit of drama, but you’re almost trying to re-enact ‘the Bold and the Beautiful. You watch way too much soap opera’s.”
“Says the guy who’s hooked on Passions.” She said dryly.
“Passions has a storyline at least.” Spike defended himself, before he saw Buffy laughing.

“Evil chit you are.”
“That I am.” She said with a grin, “But what do you suggest Mr. I-know-everything?”
“How about something nice and simple? Like, holding hands when walking out.” Spike asked. Before she could react he put on his puppy-eyes and Buffy knew she couldn’t say no.
“Alright…but you’re soooo gonna buy me dinner.”
“Of course dear.”
She kissed him on lips.

A small crowd had gathered. They had seen Cordelia and Xander waiting in front of the broom closet and were slightly intrigued. They heard some talking, silence, a loud bang, noises of things falling over and followed by a lot of yelling.
“You did that on purpose!”
“No I didn’t. I just lost my balance. And don’t be so twitchy.”
“I’m not twitchy! You’re just… mean!”

There was some whispering. And then “Yeah… well! You’re a sissy. You can’t even take one push.”
“I’m not a sissy!”
The outsiders heard a soft noise. “You’re a bitch you know that?”
Suddenly the door slammed open. A crying Buffy came out and managed her way through the crowd. Soon Spike followed. When he managed his way the through, the crowd turned around as one man to follow the drama.
“Buffy, pet, I’m sorry for calling you a bitch. But you slapped me!”
“You deserved it.”
“Let me take you out and make up for it.”
It was silent for a while. The people surrounding held their breath.
“Alright. You can buy me lunch.”
Suddenly everyone cheered. The couple both smiled and walked away. As they did, Spike wrapped and arm around her shoulders.


Xander couldn’t believe his eyes. The bastard had pulled it off! Cordelia was just smiling.
“Aren’t you happy? Our friends hooked up!” She squealed and then hugged him.
“I am sooo happy.” He mumbled gritting his teeth.


As they walked away Buffy mumbled: “Kaching!”
Spike smiled and said: “Oh yeah.”


A/N: Hope you liked it! At least I had a lot of fun writing it
This story archived at http://