Bad, Bad Dream! by Bluebell
Summary: My, what does go on late at night behind crypt doors...
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2674 Read: 1922 Published: 09/16/2006 Updated: 09/16/2006
Bad, Bad Dream! by Bluebell
Author's Notes:
Possibly completed...ideas for a sequal or series!

Warning: This story contains strong language, scenes of a sexual nature, and a mild Spike/Other pairing... It's also a bit kinky!
Buffy was patrolling. It was dark, it was ridiculously late, and now it was raining. There had barely been any action all night; just two vamps and this creepy old guy who had asked her if she’d wanted any business.

She stared down at her clothes. The rain had made light work of the little yellow sundress she was wearing beneath her puffer jacket. The pale fabric was now stuck to the smooth shape of her skin, the outline of her matching yellow bra and thong showing through.

She tried to look on the bright side. Sure her dress didn’t match her boots, sure her boots didn’t match her jacket, sure she was soaked from the rain, but at least she wasn’t shivering from the cold.

She spoke too soon as an involuntary motion made her pull her jacket tighter and hop from leg to leg.

“Oh dear,” she called out, irritably wanting to go home to her nice warm bed, “if there are any vamps out here, I’m easy prey. All alone and defenceless.” She watched the bushes and behind the gravestones, but there was no movement. “Get your ugly butts out here!” She ordered, pouting at the way that she was trapped out here while all the Scoobies were inside having the times of their lives.

Then she heard it… A banging; the boom of far too loud punk rock music. She turned her head towards the sound, hair dripping wet. It was coming from Spike’s crypt.

Oh, this was just typical of him! She was out here patrolling while he was underground listening to music and probably watching something really cool on HBO. She let out a tight breath. The Notebook was supposed to be on tonight. She looked at her watch. Technically, it was on now.

Her eyebrows rose as she thought about her options. It would be stupid for her to just wait out here, missing the end of the film, while the rain attempted to break through her skin. It would make much more sense for her to go down there, into his tiny crypt and just change the channel until it was dry out. After all, she didn’t want to get ill out here.

She let out a sigh and began heading across the plots. He was tame now that he had his chip. Aside from talking and whining all through the last half-hour of the film there was not much he could do. She smiled to herself as she descended the steps to his crypt and thought how much he was going to hate watching a sappy film and having to turn his crappy music off.

I mean, she said to herself, it’s a really good film. It would be a shame to miss the best part. And, Spike might actually like it. After all, he was getting pretty sappy recently. He’d probably be sat there wiping away tears as the credits rolled.

Yeah, she could cheer him up and annoy him, and get out of the rain at the same time…

She could barely hear a thing as she dropped through into the area that he actually slept in, then froze. Across the room, way across the room, passed all the candles and alcohol and chains, was something that Buffy hoped she would never have to see again.

Spike clad only in jeans. Two women, half-in half-out of lingerie. It was just plain wrong! One woman was pressed against him from behind, her arms wrapped around his neck, her naked breasts pressed against his back as she ran her legs up and down his. The other woman bent backwards in front of him, spread-eagled for all to see, as Spike supported her with one arm and slid his hand up and down her naked torso, suckling one erect nipple.

Being momentarily stunned into keeping her eyes open, Buffy now did everything she could to keep them shut and move over to the stereo. Arms stretched out straight in front of her, she had very little difficulty in knocking everything over. It was not until she accidentally fell against the table with the stereo on that the music stopped and she opened her eyes. She’d made it quite far without setting herself on fire. She nodded, impressed with her ability before realisation struck and she shot up like a light, stake in hand.

“Okay, Spike. Party’s over,” she started to avert her eyes as he stood up but stopped when she saw red. “Is that blood?”

“Spike, baby,” one of the women cooed, as they both lay back against the sheets, waiting for him.

He cast them a silencing look before wiping his mouth and turning back to Buffy. “What are you doing here?”

She opened her mouth to speak but then realised that there was probably nothing that she really wanted to say. ‘I’m here to watch TV for a while until the rain stops.’ Or perhaps, ‘I’m here so that the both of us can watch TV for a while until the rain stops.’

She put her hands on her hips and shifted her weight to the other leg. “Hah,” she scoffed. “Don’t detract from the issue.”

He began walking slowly towards her, his head down as he tried to make her out. “Which is…?” He prompted.

“That,” she just remembered, “you had blood on your mouth.” The two women slinked to the edge of the bed and stood up. “Was it blood?” She stared defiantly up at him as he stalked closer, shivering nonetheless at the way his eyes dipped to take in her body.

He stopped, inches from her, feeling the heat of her body. There was something in his eyes that made her skip a beat. It probably didn’t help that she felt naked despite being the most covered up person in the room. He leaned to one side and started the music again, the volume now low enough for her to be heard.

She sucked in her cheeks. “Spike?”

“Yeah,” he looked her square in the eyes. “It was blood.”

“Human?” She made a mental note to check the extra stake in her back pocket.

He moved to one side to show the two women who had now stepped forwards. Both their chests were heaving despite their new heritage Buffy now saw on their necks. “Playmates.” He turned back to her. “A lad’s got a right to pass the time.”

“Oh, please!” She looked away, disgustedly. “Couldn’t get a date so you had to eat one?”

“Hey,” he growled, “turning is all about control.” She shot him a look.

“You can’t turn people. You’ve been neutered.” She reasoned, raising her voice to be heard about him.

“I can assure you—”

“Your chip.”

“Oh.” He grinned at her, his eyes darkened. “Not a problem any more.”

It took her a moment to allow that to sink in and then, as if knowing what he would do and when, she lifted her leg to block a kick. The old Spike was back.

Buffy spun around and aimed a kick to his stomach, sending him flying back. With an odd ease, he watched as she quickly dusted both vamps in the same move.

“What? No line?” He asked, beginning towards her.

“After I kill you,” she smiled back, preparing herself. She was ready for whatever he was going to throw her way. A kick, easy, she slapped his leg away and hit him hard in the jaw. A punch, easier still, she dodged and crouched low, sweeping her leg under his feet. He jumped to stop himself from falling and grabbed one of the chains that hung from the ceiling. Spinning it either side of his body, he advanced.

Buffy tried to dodge the chains but eventually, when he swung, she could only try to grab on as they wrapped around her waist, pinning her arms to her sides. He dragged her backwards, almost tripping her over, until she collided into him. He grabbed either side of the chain and pulled tighter, her back pressed firmly against his front.

“Lost your game, pet?” He whispered into her ear, nibbling on it gently before letting out a cry as she aimed a kick between his legs and he fell back. “Bloody hell!”

“Nope,” she breathed heavily as she shrugged off the chains. “Right on track.”

They both charged at each other, aiming kick after kick, punch after punch, all in moves that would have long killed any normal person. But Buffy was stronger, better, and Spike, well he was different now he was back on human blood…

“Urgh!” Buffy groaned as he slammed her against the wall. Then she laughed. “God, I’m gonna enjoy killing you.”

He grinned, fangs at the ready, and bit down hard on her lip, drawing blood. “Heard it all before, Slayer.” He licked the blood and revelled in the taste that spurred him on.

“You really are repulsive.” He flashed his eyebrows at her, enjoying every second of it She head butted him and used the distraction to force him back. She lifted an old chair and lifted it above her head, threateningly.

He laughed. She smiled and smashed it against the wall, obtaining a long wooden spike. The continued until she had him pinned to the ground, her wet hair tipped forwards over his face, her jacket long abandoned.

“We always have the best foreplay.” He locked his legs around her hips and rolled her onto her back. “See what I mean?” He asked, as he pressed closer, already hard against her thigh. “And it’s all for you,” he lowered his head.

She rolled her eyes and tried to shake him off, but he held firm.

“You sayin’ you’re not interested?” He tilted towards her neck and she shook him away. “Got it, not the neck.” Despite her force, he licked a line up the side of her throat. He turned to her lips and stared down at them, red and swollen. Then he ground against her in a deep motion. It wasn’t that it was him, she assured herself, it was just that the angle he was at was so…good! She let out a little shudder at the breath that echoed through her. “Can’t lie about some things, pet.”

She blinked and looked up, remembering exactly where she was and who she was with. This was wrong. She should just kill him now.

Grunting, with effort she forced him over and pressed her knee against his crotch, threatening to maim if she had to. Her hair slipped forwards and back over her face, tickling the back of her neck.

She would kill him later.

Without remorse, Buffy crushed her lips down onto his, whimpering slightly when they parted and she got a fresh taste of him. She knew he could taste the blood that was still on her lips and felt him grow as she arched her chest towards him, tugging with her teeth.

Spike felt a heat stir within him as she sunk her teeth into his lips. Two could play at that game. He grinned as he tasted his own blood and felt the sting of her nails as they ran up his arms and along his chest. His hands fell straight to the hem of her dress and started to lift.

She sat up and punched him hard. Then paused staring into his confused eyes. “Sorry, habit,” she whispered, pulling the dress off herself, hovering there in boots and underwear.

He would have been angry, but the sight of Buffy bent over him with his blood on her lips clouded his judgement. He shrugged lightly and rested his hands on her hips, then ran his hands up her skin to undo the clasp of her bra. Her breasts bounced free and she heard him make a choking sound in his throat before closing his hands over them.

She frowned, chest heaving as he touched her, sending soft rockets of pleasure through her. She blinked away the distraction; she had to stay in control.

She threw herself forwards over him, her breasts inches from his face as she leant onto on hand and began to remove her underwear. She fell forwards when his icy tongue lapped at one breast and then the other, his hands moulding, massaging, teasing at her soft skin.

He smoothed one hand down directly to her buttocks, sliding one finger between the cleft of her cheeks, bringing her closer towards him. She let out a little moan of pleasure when his hand tugged off the rest of her thong and he threw her onto the bed, joining her seconds later.

He spread her thighs and pressed on hand flush against her. She was so wet already, her entire body hot and inviting. He straddled one of her legs, forcing his denim-clad thigh hard against her slick opening.

She moaned as he leaned over her, his face between her breasts, his hands pushing them together, his tongue working them both at once. He began to move, rubbing his leg against her. Buffy knew that she should have felt embarrassed by what was happening. Sex she could handle, but dry, hard, wanton—what? How could she even describe the way that he was bringing her closer and closer to what she wanted with this kind of rocking?

His fingers crept down between them, all the time continuing the rocking of her entire body. Up and down, up and down; he slipped one finger in easily, his thumb gently teasing the area around her clit. He looked up to see her mouth open wide as she moaned again. He wanted to touch that mouth, feel it on him.

He entered another finger, and another, stretching her as he moved down her body. He kept one hand closed around her breast as he lowered his mouth across her. She gasped in shock, surprise, torment as he laved her clit. His fingers slid in and out as his mouth sucked and laved and tormented her to new heights.

“Spike, don’t!” She had tried to speak properly, but it came out so incoherently that even she didn’t know what she meant, or cared.

“Do you like that, pet?” He asked as she became wilder in her thrusts, meeting each motion with her own.

“Uh-huh!” She moaned, fingers gripping on tight to the sheets.

“Yeah?” He continued, kneeling upright as he continued to bring her closer to her goal.

“Yeah!” She was breathless. She tipped her head back and tried to prepare herself for what was to come.

“Do you want me?”

“Yes!” She choked, her voice getting higher. “Yes!”

“Say it, Buffy,” he commanded, increasing his speed, going deeper, harder, wilder… “Say you want me!”

“I—I—” It was building so fast now, she could feel all of her muscles begin to shake the more she pushed on. “I want you!” She shrieked as another demi-wave of pleasure started.

Spike leaned onto one arm by her head as he continued pumping. He loved watching her, the way she was panting in her exertions, sweat glistening over her body. His firm chest brushed against the soft peaks of her breasts as he bent down kissed her savagely. “Say it,” he growled.

“I want you!” She choked, gripping onto his shoulders at the unimaginable sensations that were beginning to take her over entirely. “I want you, Spike! Mmmnnnaaaaaaaaaaaargh!” She screamed, loud, wild, bucking against his hand as she came; her fingernails digging in deep, her face hidden in his neck.

“Whoa!” Buffy shot out of bed, her body drenched in sweat and her heart moving a mile a minute. She blinked and looked around her. She was in her bedroom, and she was definitely alone. “That was a bad, bad dream.”
This story archived at http://