White Lie by Brat
Summary: AU: Having had a one night stand, Buffy ends up pregnant. She has to go home for a wedding and tell her family except she's afraid to. Spike, her best friend, offers to pretend he's her fiance. Will their white lie become more?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 40 Completed: Yes Word count: 72233 Read: 66960 Published: 04/02/2005 Updated: 05/18/2005
30 by Brat
Chapter 30

"Lorne, how long has this taken?" Buffy asked, getting frustrated by having to sit for so long. Not to mention that his fussing with her hair was causing her to become sleepy. She wanted nothing more than to spread out on her comfy bed with Spike, snuggle up and take a nap. But, she couldn't. She had things to do, a wedding to stop and an old friend to get the scoop from. If Lorne EVER finished with her hair.

"Buffy, sweets, its only been fifteen minutes."

"Really?" she asked incredulously. "Feels like forever."

"That's because you're impatient."

"No kidding," Buffy mumbled.

"But, good things come to those who wait," he chirped.

Thinking of Spike, Buffy nodded in agreement, a dreamy smile spreading
across her face.

"I see a story in that look."

Buffy looked up at him through the mirror in front of her at her vanity
table. "Don't give me the wary look; I want to hear your story. The Spike

Buffy laughed. "Oh, it's not exactly your traditional story Lorne."

"Pshaw. Traditional is sweet, but at times boring. Give me intrigue, daring,
passion, give me—"

"A Danielle Steele novel?" Buffy supplied.

This time, Lorne laughed. "Tell me."

"Okay," she sighed. "But you have to promise to not tell ANYONE. Well,
you can talk about it with Angel, but that's IT."

Lorne stopped his ministrations with the curler and raised his eyebrows. "I
smell a scandal."

"Well, it goes like this . . . "

Lorne's jaw was on the ground by the time she finished her tale. She felt
like all she had done this weekend was tell stories: Some truths, and some

"Oh honey, I so wish I had known sooner!"


"So I could have had a hand in pushing you two sweetlings together! The
way you looked at each other—all that raw heat and passion with a healthy
dose of tenderness and love." He put his hand over his heart and mock
swooned. "Heavens. You should write about this. Pass it on to the young
Spike in that tummy of yours."

Buffy frowned.


"Well, the thing is we haven't actually discussed what we'll do after. I mean
we just got together and we're supposed to ‘break up' to my family. What if
I never do get engaged to him—"

Lorne gasped in pure astonishment. "You are SO marrying him! Don't
‘break up'. Just take your time."

"And deal with pressure from my family about when the big day is? I don't
want to put that kind of pressure on Spike."

"So you admit you want to marry him, " Lorne said matter – of-factly.

"What? No-well, not no, but yeah, but not—Argh! Forget it."

"You're so CUTE when you're trying to cover your tracks. Honey, you
have to hold onto that man and not let him go. Everyone else and their
demands be damned. Don't think about what you ‘have' to do when it
comes to your family and their traditions. You and Spike aren't a traditional
couple and I don't think you'll do things in the traditional way. Just wait and
see what happens. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised."

Buffy studied him. "And you say you're good at predictions right?"

"There's only one marriage I got wrong."


"Tom and Nicole. That little scamp running out on her like that!"

Buffy giggled. "You're too much."

"Pinky swear we never lose touch?" and he stuck out his hand, extending
the pinky.

She linked hers with his. "Pinky swear," she agreed determinedly.

"Good, now let's blow this out, get your make up on and get you in that

A half hour later, Buffy was all set and ready. It amazed her how quick and
efficient Lorne could be. She figured it'd take at least an hour to get it all
done, but he was the professional and she was duly amazed by him. When
she was done, she twirled in front of the mirror on that back of her door,
not recognizing the woman standing before her. She looked like something
out of a Jane Austen novel. Well, a slightly hipper Jane Austen. She
imagined Spike coming to take her away on his horse drawn buggy and
kissing her hand as he greeted her.

"Fairy tales can come true, they can happen to you," Lorne sang. Buffy
joined him in the rest. "When you are among the very young at heart."

"Magnificent. I'd almost go straight for you."

"Really?" Buffy asked, beaming at him.

"Really. I told you the curls would be amazing and just a touch of that
make up to bring out your eyes—wah lah! Perfection."

A knock sounded at the door. "Kitten? You just about ready? The
photographer is almost done and we should get to the church before the intendeds do."

Buffy looked over at Lorne. "How come you're not downstairs doing the
photographer thing?"

Lorne rolled his eyes. "Harmful has her own ideas about how pictures
should be taken. Lots of group shots with arms around the cheerleaders.
Sorority pictures I like to call them. Yearbook trash. Bo-oring."

Buffy giggled. "I thought you didn't care for tradition?"

"Some things call for it. Now call that man in here!"

"Come in Spike," Buffy called dutifully. The door opened slowly and Buffy
bit her lip, suddenly nervous. Would Spike think she looked ridiculous? He
was used to jeans and a t-shirt Buffy, sweats Buffy, not done up Buffy.

The expression on his face told her she'd done well. Well, Lorne had done

"You take my breath away," Spike told her, staring at her, taking in every
inch of her. His expression was one of love, lust, awe and tenderness.

She understood how he felt, because seeing him in that suit with his hair a
riot of curls made her insides twitch and her panties wet.

"I'll leave you two to gawk at each other. Buffy, don't forget to come find
me at the church!" And Lorne was out the door.

Spike reached her in two steps, reached for her and then dropped his
arms. He shook his head.

Buffy felt jipped. "What?" she asked him.

"I'm afraid to touch you," he told her with stark honesty.


"Because you look so beautiful Buffy and I – God, I've never wanted a
woman more. And I know you put a lot of work into—"

Buffy cut him off by lunging in his arms and kissing him. He rested her
forehead against hers, breathless. "I know what you mean," she told him.
"If we didn't have to go, I'd flip you on that bed and ravish you."

He smirked, "I love it when you take control."

She grinned, waggling her eyebrows. "I know."

"All right, we need to go before I rake up that dress and take you right
here, right now."

Buffy drew a ragged breath and was about to tell him to be quick when the
chattering of females interrupted her. Oh right. The wedding.
Responsibilities and all that rot. She sighed resignedly. "After? Like right

He tucked his tongue behind his teeth. "At the church?"

"How bout. . . we stop here really quick while the wedding party is on their
way to the reception? We can take a detour?"

He nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes, yes."

"Okay, let's go," and she grabbed his arm, leading them out the door.

Buffy found Lorne immediately as he gave final instructions to his staff. As
soon as he saw Buffy he exclaimed ‘Alleluia'. He led her and Spike away
from the crowd, looking frantic.

"What is it? Is Jonathan here?" Buffy pressed, feeling anxious.

Lorne nodded, looking grave. "He is. And he doesn't look happy. He looks
miserable. I tried talking to him, but he doesn't want to talk. Not to me
anyway. Buffy, can you talk to him?"

Buffy nodded. "I will. Spike will you—"

"Yes, kitten, I'll go get a seat."

"Thanks. Love you," and she kissed him quickly before allowing Lorne to
lead him to Jonathan.

Opening the door to the room Jonathan was in, she was saddened to find
Jonathan hunched over, with his head in his hands. Jonathan's head popped
up. His eyes were bloodshot and he was paler than pale.

"Jonathan, how you doing buddy?" Buffy asked, making her way over to

He looked about ready to cry. "I don't think I can do this."

"Then don't."


"Don't marry her. You don't love her, do you?"

Jonathan looked down at the ground forlornly. "I thought I did."

"How?" Buffy asked, half disgusted by the thought and half actually

"She was the only one that ever showed any interest," Jonathan shrugged.

"Are you sure about that?"

Jonathan looked up. "I was."

"Was. Past tense. What happened that made you think otherwise?"

Jonathan gave her a ‘are you being serious?' look. "I know you met Fred
last night Buffy. She likes you. Thinks you're a little crazy, but she likes

Buffy let out a little laugh. "What happened last night Jonathan?"

"I discovered I wasn't as alone as I thought I was."

"Is that what you thought?"

He nodded. "And I found out last night I was wrong in that assumption."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Doing my duty. Doing the right thing."

I love you all so much!! Thank you for all your reviews!!! you guys ROCK!!!
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=10134