White Lie by Brat
Summary: AU: Having had a one night stand, Buffy ends up pregnant. She has to go home for a wedding and tell her family except she's afraid to. Spike, her best friend, offers to pretend he's her fiance. Will their white lie become more?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 40 Completed: Yes Word count: 72233 Read: 66982 Published: 04/02/2005 Updated: 05/18/2005
32 by Brat
Author's Notes:
Thank you all so much!! :) Thank you to the ones who voted for me at the vkawards and the Lost in Spike awards. Love you all so much.
Chapter 32

Jonathan and Buffy stared at the frazzled girl before them in shock as she entered the room and shut the door behind her with a great slam.

"I tried to stay away, Jonathan, I really did. But I couldn't. I love you and I'm willing to take the chance that it could blow up in our faces than to lose you completely to that tart who doesn't see all the great things about you that I see. Jonathan, please. Leave here with me."

Buffy started to cry, not out of sadness, but out of the powerful emotion Fred was displaying. Any fool could see that Fred would have moved Heaven and Earth to love Jonathan and, judging by the look on Jonathan's face, he felt the same way. In fact, he didn't waste a minute rushing up to Fred and embracing her.

Odd, but she'd never noticed the height difference before now. Oh well. As far as she was concerned, it somehow only made them more perfect for each other. There was kissing, complete with the smacking, murmurs of love and promises to stay together along with a string of ‘I'm sorry's' from Jonathan.

Buffy stood back with her hands over her mouth, taking in the scene with complete joy and feeling as if she were watching a movie and having the sudden urge to watch the end of ‘The Graduate'. However, this, this was better.

And then door burst open, hitting the wall with such force that it shut on
the person who had flung it open. Buffy giggled, the whole thing extremely
comical, and then made even more so as it finally opened and a fuming
Harmony came rushing in, Spike and Lorne in tow.

Not sure what to do, Buffy watched and waited. Spike bee lined to her,
looking apologetic.

"I couldn't stop her. One of the bridesmaids spied—" he pointed at Fred
"her barge in back here and she flipped. Lorne and I tried to derail her, but
she wouldn't give," Spike explained.

"It's okay honey. You made it in time for the show," Buffy grinned.

"What show buttercup?" Lorne asked, standing on the other side of Buffy.

"For Harmony to completely lose it. I'm thinking her face might melt off
and we'll see Satan in the flesh. Or Bob Barker."

Spike and Lorne stifled a laugh.

"What the HELL is that tramp doing back here Jonathan?!" Harmony

"Way to go supersonic Harmony," Lorne jumped in.

"I think only dogs can hear you right now," Buffy added.

"Shut up Buffy!"

Buffy nodded. "Right. Continue," and she gestured for them to carry on.

"She's not a tramp Harmony," Jonathan defended Fred, puffing out his
chest and standing up to his ex bride.

"She's here on OUR wedding day Jonathan trying to steal you away from
me. She IS a tramp."

"You're the only tramp here Harmony!" Fred burst out in a flash of
confidence. "I know all about you—" she looked down at Jonathan
apologetically, "I didn't want to say anything and hurt you, but. . . but I've
seen you Harmony, cheating on Jonathan with some guy."

"You stupid twit," Harmony rolled her eyes. "I have plenty of guy friends.
I would never cheat on my Jonathan."

"Do you fornicate in the back seat of your car with all your guy friends?"
Fred asked pointedly.

Harmony's eyebrows flew clear off her head and her jaw dropped.

"I knew it!" Buffy exclaimed.

"I'm glad you said something Fred," Jonathan assured her. "While it
doesn't change the fact that this wedding is not happening, it just further
cements it and makes this a whole lot easier." He stepped up to a still
stunned Harmony. "I'm leaving here with the woman I really love, the one
who treats me with RESPECT. The one who really cares and doesn't
pretend to only to get my money. Contrary to what you might think, I
don't hate you Harmony. I actually want to thank you. If it hadn't been for
you, I might never have known what real love was. And, I feel much too
sorry for you to hate you. Have a nice life." He smiled up at Fred who was
beaming at him. "Ready to leave?"

"More than ready!" Fred exclaimed and giggled with joy.

Jonathan looked over his shoulder at Buffy. "Come see me before you
leave will you?"

Buffy nodded.

"Thanks Buffy."

"Anytime Jonathan. What are friends for right?"

He smiled, took Fred's hand and together they walked out of the room.

Harmony lunged toward her and both Lorne and Spike stood in front of
her. Spike towered over her. "I told you if you EVER touched her, there
would be hell to pay. No one lays a hand on her, you understand?"

Buffy shivered. She'd never heard that icy tone is Spike's voice before. It
was positively chilling.

Harmony burst into tears. "You ruined my wedding!" she keened.

"You were using him!" Buffy exclaimed, walking around her protectors.
She had a bone to pick, dammit. "Why don't you just tell the truth for once
in your life and admit that you were only using him for his money. You
never loved him. You didn't even care about him. You only cared that he
signed on the dotted line!"

Harmony was now hiccupping. "He was going to take care of me."

"You mean pay for you. Support you and do everything for you while you
traipsed around with your flavor of the month. You know what Harmony?
I'm with Jonathan. I can't even hate you. I feel sorry for you. You've never
changed and you never will. You're sad and you're pathetic," Buffy told her
distastefully. She looked up at Spike and Lorne. "I'm so ready to go."

"Right with you kitten," Spike purred and took wrapped a comforting arm
around her, drawing her close and kissing the top of her head.

"Unfortunately, I've got clean up and repairs to make," Lorne mused.

Buffy looked at him. "I'm sorry?"

"What for? For stopping a marriage that would have at least one person
miserable for the rest of his life? Don't be. I was your co-conspirator,
remember buttercup?"

Buffy nodded and grinned.

"Come see ME before you leave?" Lorne asked sweetly.

"Try and stop me."

"If we just make it to the door, we'll be all right," Buffy breathed as she and
Spike headed towards the door. It was so close, and yet not close enough. Almost there . . . almost there . . .

"Buffy Anne Summers!" her mother.

"So close. And yet so far away," Spike whispered.

Turning they faced her mother, father, Dawn and all the bridesmaids and
maid of honor. Her father appeared grim but his eyes were twinkling.
Everyone else. . . they looked out for blood.

"What is going on missy? You seem to have a hand in just about
everything. What did you do?"

"Saved the day, Mom. My job here is done." Tugging on Spike's hand, they
headed for the door and this time, walked out of it.

She looked up at him once the huge mahogany doors had shut behind them
and sunshine greeted them.

"Do you think I should have stayed for the clean up?" she asked him.

"Nope. It's Harmony's mess to clean up."

"I did break it up."

"No, you didn't. You just gave it a hand. It was ultimately Jonathan's

decision. He could have still gone through with it," Spike told her.

Buffy snorted. "Not bloody likely. Never underestimate my power."

Spike grinned. "I never underestimate that. Did you use ‘bloody'?"

"Yep. You must be rubbing off on me," Buffy smiled.

"Why don't we go see what else has rubbed off on you?"

"That was lame."

"It didn't even really make sense did it?" he asked, scratching his head.

"Not really."

"I've lost my touch."

"Nah. You've still got it. Let's go see how much you still have it."

"That was lame too."

"Oh shut up."


The whole scene seemed a little chaotic, but I'm guessing something like that wouldn't happen calmly. What did you think?
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=10134