White Lie by Brat
Summary: AU: Having had a one night stand, Buffy ends up pregnant. She has to go home for a wedding and tell her family except she's afraid to. Spike, her best friend, offers to pretend he's her fiance. Will their white lie become more?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 40 Completed: Yes Word count: 72233 Read: 66957 Published: 04/02/2005 Updated: 05/18/2005
Nine by Brat
Thank you guys so much for the reviews!! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Chapter Nine

"Papa don't preach, I'm in trouble deep, Papa don't Preach, I've been losing sleep . . . And I made up my mi-ind, I'm keeping my baby!" Buffy belted out in time with Madonna on the radio.

Spike looked over at her and couldn't help but grin at her antics. She smiled cheekily at him and continued to sing. He had to hand it to her; she certainly knew how to amuse herself. And him.

Once the song was over, Spike turned the radio down. "So tell me, pet. How did it go with your mom this time around?" He figured since they were on their way to her parents now, he might as well get the scoop. Buffy being stubborn, waited as long as she could, timing it so they'd have just under an hour in which to meet before they all turned into pumpkins. Apparently her parents were the early to bed kind.

Buffy shrugged. "Fine, I guess. I of course had to explain the Satanic cult


"Yeah, I instead told her that I wasn't an actual member. I told her I volunteered to help out with their

Spike burst out laughing and Buffy started to laugh along with him. "I couldn't help it! I love ruffling her feathers. Of course then my father got on and told me to stop harassing my mother because she'd been upset all week and blah, blah, blah."

"I think you might be as crazy as the rest of them pet. Maybe crazier."

She put a hand over her heart and looked at him in mock hurt. "Perish the thought."

"And me? What did you tell them about me?"

"Well, she mainly wanted to know what you did, what your income was –
all that superficial crap I could care less about."

"Good to know."

"What's good to know?"

"That my finances didn't hinder your decision to marry me."

"Well you do make good money when you have a show and you are quite
successful in certain circles. But all that stuff is unimportant to me. As long
as you're happy doing what you do, then that's all that matters."

"I am happy. So it doesn't bother you that at certain times you're more of
the bread winner than I am?"

"Not if it doesn't bother you. It's not like you don't help out. You make me
dinner. You pack my lunch."

"I pack your lunch now?"

She nodded, "And you do the laundry."

"I'm a prince among men aren't I? Do I take care of other needs as well?"
he asked huskily, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Her response was laughter which he tried hard not to let bother him.
Course, what did he expect her to do? Dive across the seat and show him
just how well he could take care of her needs? The idea had him shifting in
his seat as his penis started to twitch. Her next move however, did nothing
to help his state. She did practically dive across the seat after unbuckling
her seat belt and pressed up against him, gliding a hand across his chest
and down to his hip. "You take care of ALL my needs baby," she purred.
Then she flipped back into her own seat quicker than he could blink and
giggled. "That'd be convincing huh?" she wondered as she buckled up.

Spike could just nod, speech being difficult at that moment. He gripped the
steering wheel tightly, fighting the urge to pull the car over and take care of
BOTH their needs.

"I didn't just freak you out did I?" she asked, studying him.

"Nope. Figure we're gonna have to touch to be convincing, don't you

She nodded slowly and started to fidget. She only fidgeted when she was
nervous. Was she nervous about touching him? Did she find it repulsive?

"Spike," she started, trepidation in her voice.


"I guess I didn't really realize how weird this could get so I just want to get
it out in the open now that if it does get weird then it won't ruin anything—not that it would because I know you don't feel that way towards me and I don't – I mean we are going to have to make it look good but I just don't –"

"The fact that you're a writer and can't make a coherent sentence astounds
and concerns me."

She gave him a look. "Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

"Yes kitten. That we're acting and the fact that you have to put your hands
on my hot body has nothing to do with the fact that you secretly yearn for

Buffy hitting him playfully on the arm, stopped him from continuing. She
sat back, turning up the radio a bit and yawned loudly.

"Tired luv?"

"Actually I am. It just hit me like a truck."

"Why don't you get some rest? The directions you gave me were pretty
cut and dry and I'm not directionally challenged like you are."

"Hey! I am not directionally challenged."

"Buffy, you couldn't find your way out of a paper bag with both ends open."

She glared at him and huffed.

He smiled and reached over, placing his hand on the back of her neck and
starting to rub. She was jelly a second later.

"That feels nice," she moaned.

He shifted again his seat. Maybe that was a mistake. Lustful thoughts were
beginning to resurface with that simple moan.

"Rest Buffy. Why don't you cover up with my duster?"

"Ohkay . . . "and she reached behind her on the seat of the DeSoto and got
comfortable, wrapping it around her and burrowing under it, her head
tilted towards him. "Wake me," she yawned.

"I will."

"Wuv you."

"Love you too, kitten," he murmured knowing she had no idea how much
he really meant those words.

Buffy woke with a jolt, popping her eyes open and finding Spike's cerulean
ones gazing at her tenderly. "Hi sweetheart."

"We here?" she asked, letting out a loud yawn.

"Yeah, baby, we're here. In the driveway to be exact."

Her tired mind could not even begin to comprehend the extreme husky
gentleness in his voice or the even more endearing ‘sweetheart' and ‘ baby'
coming from his lips. She was used to ‘luv', ‘kitten' and ‘pet'. ‘Baby' and
‘sweetheart' were new. She tossed it aside and nodded at him. "Okay."

Climbing out of the car, she stretched her arms above her head and
glanced toward the house. The lights were on in front parlor.

"I'll just grab our stuff, all right?" Spike was saying, the trunk open and
blocking him from view.

"Okay. Let me help you," she came around to him and he shooed her
hands away. "What?"

"Buffy, I've got it."

"Spike, I didn't pack rocks, I can carry a suitcase."

"BUFFY!!" A big booming voice startled her out of her soon to be
argument with Spike and she flipped around as a large and dark figure
came running at her. Angel, her brother.

"Buttmunch!" she squealed hurtling herself in her big brothers strong

"Asswipe! How you doing?" he laughed and hugged her.The brunette with the chocolate brown eyes loomed over her, but she supposed that was how he was able to intimidate so many of her boyfriends.

She giggled. "Good," and she looked up at him, beaming.

Looking over her shoulder he nodded towards Spike. "How bout we get a
look at the fiancé. That I knew nothing about. That I didn't even know you
were dating. I'll try not to be hurt and make you feel guilty," he told her,

"So far? Doing great, thanks," Buffy said dryly and disengaged from

Angel's arms. She poked him in the chest with her finger. Hard. So he knew
she meant business. "Do not scare him. Capice?"


"I mean it Buttmunch."

Angel ignored her and walked around her, holding out his hand toward
Spike who was standing there in extreme fascination at their exchange and
the amused twinkle in his eye calmed Buffy. Spike met Angel halfway and
the two shook hands.

"William Giles. You must be . . . Buttmunch?"

Angel chuckled, "Angel. Brother in case you missed it."

"I'm the fiancé. Nice to meet you Angel."

"Same here. So, how long have you been dating my sister?"

"Angel! I'm putting my foot down. No twenty questions in the driveway!
You can ask all you want tomorrow, but right now I just want to get past
mom and dad and the rest of the circus and then go to bed."

Angel held up his hands in surrender. "All right, all right, all right. I'm sure
William wouldn't mind sharing a beer with me before heading off though—"

"Yes, he does mind. I keep a short leash, back off," Buffy told him

"Like mother like daughter huh?" Angel teased, grining.

Buffy glared at him. "Unlike dad's leash, Spike's does go beyond the

"Ouch," Angel muttered. "Well, if you plan on going to bed anytime soon,
you best get in there now. Mom's been chomping at the bit. I'll get the
luggage. You guys go ahead."

"Thanks Angel." She held out her hand to Spike and he took it, gazing
down at her with a soft smile. "Ready honey?" she asked sweetly.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"I apologize in advance and hope you know how much I tha—love you."

Spike leaned, pressed a kiss to her forehead and squeezed her hand. "I
love you too."
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=10134