Babies Daddy by Kimber
Summary: Spike Bledsoe finds himself between the rock and the hard place. To save his son he must choose between the love of his life and the child he needs to protect. Will his plans succeed, or fall to dust.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Child Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes Word count: 47020 Read: 42712 Published: 04/21/2005 Updated: 06/29/2005
Chapter 11 by Kimber
Author's Notes:
cliffhanger warning, ducking now and running. Well he has to suffer just a bit, now don't he, LOL

Buffy rolled her eyes when she found herself in an awkward time and place as she watched the horny intoxicated couple going at it.

"God! Pet, you’re gorgeous," Spike panted as he undressed her.

Buffy felt like her body was on fire wherever he touched her. They had gone with Lorne to a frat party and ended up playing some stupid game that had them doing shots whenever they lost. They had been hanging out together for a month, and tonight had started out like all the other times. They were not together on a date, just out together as friends.

Harmony had been there and had tried to make a move on Spike, causing Buffy to go all cavewoman and threaten the ever-ready pink bimbo bunny within an inch of her life if she didn't stay away from her boyfriend.

This had caused Spike to kiss her like a man drowning and it had escalated from there. It finally led them to being at Spike's place making out like rabid teenagers.

"Perfect little breasts you have, Kitten," Spike muttered as he kneaded them softly with his hands.

"Shut up and kiss me," Buffy groaned as she raked her fingernails lightly down his back toward his hips.

"Oh I'm gonna do more then kiss ya, my little sexy meal on legs," Spike moaned as she squeezed his fine, tight, ass.

"I want you inside me now," Buffy demanded as she reached to position his cock at her wet entrance. "Please, make the ache go away."

"Oh, baby, I’ll fuck you so good, you’ll ache for me for the rest of your life," Spike whispered in her ear as he let her hand guide him, "God, woman, I need you so much. I love you, Buffy." He groaned, as he pushed himself deep inside of her, making them both moan at the sinful pleasure.

"Spike, oh, baby, you feel so good," Buffy panted, as she moved her hips in time with his. "God, never felt this good, never, baby."

"So tight, fit like a glove, like you were made for me," Spike whispered as he continued to thrust in and out of her warm body. "Come with me Buffy, let's see the stars, Luv."

"God, yes!" she screamed as she came, followed by Spike, "Love you." Right before she felt the warmth of his release inside of her.

They both continued to move softly against one another as they came down from their sexual high. She could feel his breath against her lips, since his forehead was pressed gently against hers.

She smiled, bringing her hands up and threading her fingers through his hair as she whispered, "I believe I've fallen in love with you, you sneaky little devil you."

"I'll be your personal demon, baby," Spike snickered. "I take it we're dating now."

Buffy giggled as she said, "I think I was in denial all this time. I proclaim we've been dating all along."

"I second that, Goldilocks," Spike said as he gently pulled out of her sweet body.

"Hmmm, miss you already," she mumbled sleepily.

"Miss you, too," he replied as he then cuddled her to his side.

"Hmmm, nice," she whispered as she fell asleep.

"No, baby, perfection," Spike said as he shifted himself so he could watch her sleep. "I'm going to marry you one day, have a bunch of little Buffy's running around driving me insanely happy."

Buffy stood and watched as he continued to worship her with his eyes as she slept. She wanted to know why he left her, why he fell out of love with her. Something told her that was what this journey was all about and she'd finally get the answer.

Then like a blink of an eye it was the morning after and there he was, again awake before her watching her as she slept. It was as if she was watching a romantic movie and they were the stars of the show.

She watched, as he in his naked glory got out of bed and slipped on his jeans. He then walked over to the side of the bed where she was sleeping and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"I'll be right back, Luv. Going to get you a couple aspirins and a tall glass of water for when you wake up," he said as he then turned to leave the room.

She watched as her past self started to wake. She knew from having already been there that she was going to wake up and be hurt that he wasn’t there beside her.

Buffy opened her eyes and felt the mild headache and dry mouth telling her she had too much to drink the night before. It took some time for her to realize that she wasn’t in her room and that her night of passion with Spike had not been a dream. The only problem was, she was here and he wasn’t.

"God, he hates me now," she mumbled under her breath as the tears started to form.

She was startled when the door opened and the object of her tears came through the door carrying a bottle of aspirins and two glasses of water.

"Morning, baby. I tried to get back before you woke up," Spike explained as he gave her a loving smile. "I wanted things ready for when my girl woke up with a hangover."

Buffy burst into tears at hearing him call her 'his girl'. Then it hit her they hadn’t used any protection last night. Since her break up with Angel and her vow of not getting involved with anyone, she had stopped taking the pill.

"Oh God! Spike! We didn't use any protection, I could be pregnant!" she cried, knowing he'd hate her now.

Spike hurried and put the water and bottle of pills on the bedside table, before climbing back into the bed, taking her into his arms. "Oh, Kitten, if you're pregnant, we're pregnant. I won't leave you to face that alone."

"What was I thinking?" she mumbled.

"Oh, the same as me I would imagine," Spike chuckled. "Wanted my sexy body as much as I wanted yours, and all logic then flew out the window."

"Spike, this isn't funny." She playfully slapped his chest as she snuggled closer.

"Buffy, no matter what happens between us, any child we have I will never abandon. I won't ever let a child of mine be without their father. Mine left me with no forwarding address and even though my Mum was great, it left a hole in my life. I would never do that to a child of mine. Their happiness would always come first."

It suddenly hit Buffy as she continued to watch as they sat and talked she was sure she knew where her next stop would be. She looked forward to it, since this time she had the advantage of being a spectator and not the actual participant.


"So you brought that cheating no good bastard here with you," Xander snarled at Hank as his wife kept him back from charging the older man.

"Xander, there are things we didn't know about. Things that explain why he left," Hank said. "Just hear him out, and if you still feel the same way, then so be it."

"Hank, tell me what was more important than Buffy," Xander demanded, and then added in a hateful tone, "Oh, how silly of me to ask the man who deserted his wife and kids."

"Xander, you are about to cross a line you don't know anything about," Hank warned the younger man. "No one but Joyce and myself, know the real reason behind why I had to leave."

"No, Hank, you can add me to that list," Giles informed him as he turned to Xander. "Tread softly my boy, I think we will wait for Joyce to come and tell us about her little talk with Spike and then go from there."

"What? Are you saying that after all this time he might be able to waltz right in and start playing the happy expectant father here?" Xander questioned heatedly.

"Sorry to disrupt this little tea party, but can a man get an update on his favorite girl?" Lorne asked for the doorway, looking tired and ready to drop.

"Lorne, Oh am I so happy to see you!" Dawn squealed throwing herself into his arms.

"Hello, sweet bit," Lorne chuckled as he pulled the ever-growing teenager into a bear hug. "Guess I really can't call you bit anymore now, can I?"

"Plus it was a nickname he gave me," Dawn said, reminding him that Spike first started calling her bit a few years back.

"So, can anyone tell me just what the hell happened to my Buffy melon?" Lorne asked, having called Buffy a melon ever since she had started showing.

"We’re waiting for the doctors to tell us. Seems they’re still going over the tests they performed and those tests are telling them they need to do more tests," Willow explained to the latest arrival who now lived in San Francisco, but came to visit Buffy often.

"Where's Joyce?" Lorne asked as he carried the teenager who had her arms wrapped around his neck.

"I hope she's kicking Spike's butt," Dawn told him as she dropped to the floor and looked up at him with a hateful look on her pretty little face.

"Willie's here and facing the wrath of Mama Bear is he?" Lorne chuckled wishing he'd had bought ringside tickets to that event. "My money's on Joyce."

"Mine too," Xander snorted. "Glad someone here agrees with me."

"Oh, cupcake, my reason is different than yours," Lorne was quick to say. "I hope she beats some sense into the meathead and he wakes up and crawls back on his hands and knees and him and Princess Buffy live happily ever after."

"Oh, why did I even think we'd ever be in agreement anyway?" Xander asked no one in particular.

Hank was about to say something when he noticed two strange men walk in. One man was dressed in a designer suit and the other in a shirt with a loose tie and dress pants. He was sure they were the doctor's coming to tell them some news about his daughter.

"Hello, everyone, is Mrs. Giles close by?" The one more casually dressed asked in his Irish lilt.

"She’s downstairs. I'm Buffy's father, Hank Summers," Hank introduced himself.

"I'm Dr O'Bannon, and this here is Dr. Rayne," Doyle replied.

"Willow, would you be so kind to go to the Emergency Room waiting room and get Joyce and Spike please?" Hank said, wanting to have the doctors catch him up to speed on what they had done so far.

"Sure, Mr. Summers," Willow said as she moved to go and do just that.

"We have Dr. Burkle joining us. She is a neonatologist who is looking after the babies during Buffy's illness," Doyle told them.

"Hi, sorry, got tied up on the phone with another case," the petite brunette said as she entered the waiting room and addressed the other doctor's as she turned to introduce herself, "I'm Dr. Fred Burkle, just call me Fred and I'm here to answer any of your questions."

"Are the babies in any danger while Buffy is in this coma?" Hank asked her.

"As long as Buffy's condition is stable they are in no grave danger. But, we are going to have to take a few steps to make sure they stay that way. Such as- we will need to start to feed Buffy by IV to supplement her not being able to eat," Fred explained, having not noticed she didn’t have their undivided attention anymore as she added, "Don't worry, Doyle, I think we can maintain the babies safely inside their Mommy until it's safe for them to be delivered if we have to."

Spike heard babies, danger, and Buffy in the same sentence and stopped in his tracks. He wasn't sure if he was hearing correctly. Then he noticed the three strangers standing with the others. He was unaware he had gasped aloud when he had heard the woman's answer.

Spike had heard that last statement delivered to the man who he assumed was the father of Buffy's babies. He felt like someone took a hot poker and stabbed him in the chest with it. He had lost her, no matter what, he had lost her.

Spike barely made it over to one of the chairs before he collapsed into one and sobbed uncontrollably into his hands. He didn't know who had come to sit next to him rubbing his back. He was oblivious to how everyone stood speechless not knowing what to do or say. He became lost in his own little nightmare that reminded him that this was all his fault he had lost her.

"Buffy I have something I need to tell you and I just haven't a bloody clue how to tell you with out hurting you," Spike knelt before her with her hands held firmly in his.

"Just say it," Buffy whimpered. "Just say it so we can move on and make it better."

"There's no way to make it better," Spike said as he started to cry.

"So what are you saying?" she whispered.

"I'm leaving you for Dru and Nigel," he finally came out and said it…and it felt like he was dying. Not telling her the whole truth, just like Dru had instructed him.

"You’re leaving me…as in divorcing and never seeing me again? You don't love me anymore kind of leaving?" she asked as she gave him a look of disbelief.

"Yes, but not the loving you. I will never stop loving you," Spike vowed. "But sometimes what your heart desires is not possible at the cost of something more important than your own happiness."

"What the hell are you saying, something more than your own happiness?!" she screamed as she pulled her hands out of his.

"Buffy, you have your family, he only has me,” Spike explained, wishing he could tell her everything.

He watched her pull herself together and say, "I understand, now please go."

"God, Buffy, believe me, please. I would not be leaving if I had any other option," Spike pleaded for her to understand. Not caring if he told her more than he should, wishing he'd never met Dru.

"Please, just go, and forget about me," she said as she looked off to the side, missing the look of pure anguish come over his face.

"I will never forget about you, Goldilocks, for without you I will never be complete," he whispered before he turned and left their home.
This story archived at http://