Babies Daddy by Kimber
Summary: Spike Bledsoe finds himself between the rock and the hard place. To save his son he must choose between the love of his life and the child he needs to protect. Will his plans succeed, or fall to dust.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Child Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes Word count: 47020 Read: 42714 Published: 04/21/2005 Updated: 06/29/2005
Chapter 14 by Kimber
Joyce was just finishing the dinner dishes when the doorbell rang. She wiped her hands on the dishtowel and made her way to the front door when she heard someone ask her husband if a William Bledsoe was here.

"No, officer he is not here. May I ask why it is you are looking for him?" Giles asked, knowing why it was they were looking for Spike, but needing to play dumb.

"He kidnapped a woman's son," Officer Montgomery answered.

"My, is he related to the boy at all?" Giles again acted as if he was shocked at the news.

"No, it would seem he did it to get back at the child's mother. She found out about his affair with the boy's nanny and she fired the girl and kicked him out," he explained.

"How odd, don't you think?" Giles asked, wondering who was doing the hiring at the police department.

"Why would that be odd?" the officer asked.

Joyce took the time Giles was buying her to call Hank. He would know what to do and how best to handle Spike and Nigel right now.

"Why would he take her child? Did he ask for a ransom? Are you sure he is not the boy's father? I just find it odd he would just take the child without asking for something in return," Giles said.

"I don't know, I guess I’ll ask him those questions when I find him, and I will find him," Officer Montgomery promised. "Do you know a Candace Welch?"

"No, I do not," Giles lied, without any guilt.

"Is Miss Summers in?"

"No, officer she’s not," Giles answered.

"Do you know when to expect her back?"

"Tomorrow, or the next day, at the latest," Giles replied, hoping the officer would leave without asking for Buffy's whereabouts.

"Could you have her call us when she gets back?"

"Yes, I will pass it on that you wish to speak with her," Giles said, shutting the door as the officer walked away.

"That bitch."

Giles had never heard Joyce sound so angry and curse like this in one day.

"Did you call Hank?" he asked as he moved to take her in his arms.

"Yes, he is personally calling the Mayor and taking care of matters," she told him as she snuggled deeper into her husband's arms. "I wish I could have a few minutes alone with her, just a few minutes."

Giles chuckled as he said, "If I had the power to make it happen, believe me I would."

"I don't think I can sleep much tonight," Joyce sighed.

"Don't worry. They’re safe and sound where they are. Hank was smart having admitted Buffy under an alias, so they couldn't be found," Giles reminded her.

"Thank you for reminding me about that," Joyce said, suddenly feeling better.

"Everything will work out, I'm sure of it," Giles reassured his wife. "Now, let's finish cleaning up the kitchen and then try and get some rest. Tomorrow will be a very busy day with Buffy coming home."

"You're right, dear," Joyce agreed as she leaned up to kiss his cheek.


Spike tossed around on the cot the hospital had provided for him, finding it hard to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. He knew more than half the problem was that he wanted to be lying next to Buffy, not down here.

He sat up and smiled at the sight before him. There again was Buffy and Nigel cuddled together sound asleep with smiles on their faces. He assessed the space behind Buffy and judged there to be enough for him to squeeze in.

He moved himself to where his chest was against her back and his arm fit perfect around her beautiful belly. He gently stroked his son's hair before placing it back on his unborn children.

"I was wondering what was taking you so long," she whispered as she snuggled closer.

"Don't wiggle too much, Luv, unless you plan to shag me in the bathroom," Spike purred in her ear. "Then again, we're not sure that's allowed just yet."

"I haven't been able to sleep good since you left," she told him.

"Neither have I." He chuckled, "Missed my Buffy blanket."

Buffy giggled until she felt Nigel move about. "Enough talk, we need to sleep before we wake up snuggles here."

"Whatever you say, dear," Spike whispered as nuzzled his face in the area between her neck and shoulder and settled in for the night.

All three of them slept, oblivious to the going on of the outside world. As phones rang, deals went down, and plans made, to take down one Drusilla Downing. Neither, Buffy or Spike knew that one Xander Harris sat outside their room with a concealed weapon guarding them and the little child he vowed he'd protect at any cost.


Hank was surprised to see young Harris standing guard outside of Buffy's room. He was sleeping, but in a position that if anyone tried to enter or exit the room it would wake him up.

"Xander," Hank whispered as he gently shook the young man to wake him.

Xander jumped and reached for his gun, only to have his hand grabbed and twisted behind his back, and his face against the wall. Hearing the familiar voice, stopped him from attempting to head butt the person behind him.

"What do you think you are doing?" Hank hissed into Harris' ear as he pocketed the other man's gun, making sure the safety was on.

"You scared me," Xander explained as he relaxed and didn't fight back. "Wasn't going to let her come and get the kid."

Hank heard a noise and glanced over to the right as the door to his daughter's room opened. The last thing he wanted was to frighten the occupants that were supposed to be resting in there.

Spike was ready to react to whatever lay waiting for him as he opened the door leading to the hospital corridor. The last thing he expected was to see Buffy's father manhandling Harris, up against the wall outside his girl's room.

"What's going on here?" Spike quietly asked, not wanting to wake his family.

Hank backed off giving Spike a wink before saying, "Seems, our boy has a champion."

Spike stepped out of the room after making sure Buffy and Nigel were still asleep. He let the door gently shut, without a sound as he turned to face his one time friend. The thought that this man felt compelled to watch over his son gave him hope that they could be friends again.

"I appreciate it, mate. I know things might not be the same between us. But I feel better knowing you'd do this for my son," Spike addressed Xander as he held out his hand in thanks.

Xander straightened himself as he turned to face Spike and accept the handshake. "I’m sorry what I said in L.A.. Sometimes my temper causes the need for my foot to be surgically removed from my mouth. You're right, things won't be the same, but then maybe it can be better."

Spike used the grip on the other man's hand to pull Xander into a hug. "I appreciate the chance to make it up to everyone."

"Just take care of your family, man," Xander said as he returned the hug. "Next time ask for help."

"I will, and with friends like you I know they’ll be looked after when I can't," Spike said as he stepped back, giving Xander a big grin.

"Spike, we need to talk," Hand interrupted, feeling like he was intruding on an important moment, but needing to update the man on recent events. "Are Buffy and Nigel still sleeping?"

Spike gave Hank a worried look before cracking the door open and looking in on his beautiful little family. The night-light was shining down on his loved ones who were sleeping nestled together unaware of what was going on.

"Yeah, they are," Spike answered as he again quietly shut the door and turned to face Mr. Summers.

"Xander, stay on guard while I take Spike for a walk," Hank told the long time friend of his daughter's.

"Got it covered, sir," Xander said as he gave the man a salute with a grin on his face.

Hank lead the way as he and Spike walked down to the small waiting area at the end of the hall. Spike felt nervous to the point he was nauseated, worried the older man was bringing him bad news.

He couldn't take it anymore and asked, "She's brought in the police, hasn't she?"

"Yes," Hank answered and quickly reassured Spike, "Don't worry, I have it all under control. Tomorrow someone from Social Services will become involved. We need them on board so we can set you up as Nigel's legal guardian until we are able to prove a few things."

"What if she gets him back, then what?"

Hank placed his hand on the younger man's shoulder offering his assurances, "Go. Be with your family. I promise I will take care of this. Just trust me."

"I trust you. It's the bloody system I don't trust," Spike growled, feeling frustrated that something so simple had to be so hard. "If I trusted the system, I never would've left my wife and missed our children growing inside her."

"Then go and cuddle with my daughter and your son and let me make this right," Hank simply said.

Spike nodded his head as he turned to leave, stopping when he heard Hank say, "By the way, thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?"

"I'm a grandfather," Hank said with a wink and a large grin on his face.

Spike grinned happily. "It's the least I can do, since you and Joyce made her for me."

Hank nodded, then turned to leave via the fire exit. He vowed he'd do anything and everything to make it so Spike would never have to worry about his ex-girlfriend ever again.

This story archived at http://