Babies Daddy by Kimber
Summary: Spike Bledsoe finds himself between the rock and the hard place. To save his son he must choose between the love of his life and the child he needs to protect. Will his plans succeed, or fall to dust.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Child Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes Word count: 47020 Read: 42707 Published: 04/21/2005 Updated: 06/29/2005
Chapter 19 by Kimber
The dark haired woman sat on the bed in her hotel room, going over her plan again. She'd find the boy tomorrow and take him, right out from under their noses. No one played her for a fool and got away with it. Tonight she'd spend the night here, just outside of Sunnydale. Tomorrow she'd disguise herself so she could find that boy and take him faraway from Spike.

Dru jumped at the knock on her door, shocked since no one knew she was here. Approaching the door with suspicion and wondering if she should answer the door or pretend she wasn't in.

"Pretty Darlin', I know you're in there," the familiar southern voice spoke through the door.

She knew he had found her and there was no way she would be able to hide from him right now. Hoping her influence over him was still strong, she quickly opened the door and jumped into his arms.

"Oh, my love, you found me!" she cried, bringing the tears forth easily upon command.

"You knew I would," he replied, smiling as he hugged her close and knew she was about to lie to him again.

"He forced me to leave you," she started her story. "Wanted his son, and to punish me for keeping him from Nigel."

"My poor sweet wife, I'm here now," he drawled, happy she hadn't seen his hands and what was in his left one.

He kept her close in his embrace as he carried her into the room. Her lying, whoring, cheating, ways were going to end. The voice of God inside his mind spoke, instructing him on how she should be punished."

"Now, he's taken my son from me and I don't know what to do," she cried, thinking he was still the same weak-minded preacher she had swindled before having to run from Texas.

"No need to worry your pretty little head about it," he assured her as he carried her toward the bed. "Caleb is here now and he will take care of everything."

Dru smiled, thinking she still had him under her thumb as she continued to sniffle and say, "I knew I should have called you, but I didn't think you'd want to help me."

"I'm going to help, don't worry about that," he told her, his voice changed, becoming sinister in nature as he quickly flung her on the bed.

"Caleb?" Dru asked, her voice confused as she saw a part of him she'd never knew existed.

"I warned you not to leave," he growled as he reached over and grabbed a pillow. "No one leaves me and lives."

Dru's eyes grew large, knowing he was about to kill her. Before she could scream he straddled her body, placing his hand over her mouth. Her wrists capture above her head, with his other hand. "You never asked about my other two wives. You should've, maybe even gone to visit them."

She looked up and noticed the look of madness in his eyes, realizing her fatal mistake. He wasn't eccentric as she had first thought, but psychotic. How could she have misread him so badly?

"Oh, Dru, Dru, Dru, what are you to do?" he sang, as he smirked down at her. "The first ex-wife met her untimely death at the hand of a supposed robber. The second wife? Well, she took her own life in a dark alley all hyped up on street drugs. Never did anyone ever link them to me."

Dru was wondering how he'd make hers look like anything but murder. Her question became reality as he leaned in and hissed, "How terrible, you knew you were caught in your lies and deceit. A child abuser that could no longer live with the guilt of what she had done to her own child." His hand that covered her mouth, now also pinched her nose. "Soon you will be too weak to fight me any longer."

Time felt like it was standing still, she found it hard to breath and no matter how hard she tried she could not buck him off. Her mind started to dim, as her lungs felt like they were going to burst. The fact her life started flashing before her eyes, scared her, seeing all she would have to pay for after she died.

"He waits for you in Hell," Caleb said as he felt her weaken, waiting a few seconds more before he completed his plan.

She felt in a daze as he let go of her hands. The will to fight was gone, as she felt him place something in her right hand, cold and heavy. Her mind unable to process what he was doing, as he lifted her hand placing something cool against her temple.

"Repent sinner against God and man," he preached. "For you will be judged and sent to Hell for those you have defiled with your presence and evil deeds."

Before she could react and stop him, she was dead. She never heard the shot, or felt the pain as the bullet entered her brain. Her last thought was- how could she let this happen?

Caleb acted quickly as he hurried off the bed and smoothed out the sheets that proved there had been two people on the bed. Noticing the blood on the gloves he pulled them off and stuck them in his pants pocket. He commended himself on keeping her from seeing them when she'd first opened the door.

Picking up a Kleenex he then walked to the door, opening it slowly, making sure no one would see him leave. He walked quickly to the fire exit and took the stairs to the lower level, smiling to himself as he made it to his room undetected.


The shifting of the bed woke him up. It was hard not to keep from smiling, as the little body continued its way up toward him and Buffy. The thought of this being an everyday occurrence made it impossible not to grin.

Buffy knew Spike was awake, and followed his lead as Nigel made his way up the bed toward them. Realizing with a silent giggle it was a good thing she did wear the shirt to bed.

"Daddy, are you up?" Nigel asked, his voice so soft and unsure.

"Yes, Poppet, I'm up," he said, as he turned to face his son’s sweet face and sleep tousled hair.

"Me too," Buffy informed them both as she rolled over to have a look at her family. "My, like father, like son." She tried not to snort, taking in how the only difference in their hair was the color. "Both have fantastic bedheads."

"I wouldn't talk if I were you." Spike smirked, loving how her hair hung around her face, all disheveled. Making him want to run his fingers through her mane, hoping to tame its wild strands.

Nigel giggled as his father pulled him up placing him between Buffy and himself. "I'm hungry."

"I think you father can help you with that," Buffy said as she looked across at Spike. "But, that could be a problem with kitchen wear."

Spike snickered. "Well, you have the shirt on, Luv."

"Yes, but it doesn't cover all the necessary important parts, Honey," she sweetly returned.

"Nigel, did you use the bathroom before coming in here?" he asked.

"No." Nigel's voice sounded like he'd done something bad.

Spike and Buffy each picked up on it immediately with Spike tickling his son as he suggested. "Well, then you go to the Loo, and I will go see about making us something to eat."

"Stop," Nigel laughed. "I gotta pee."

Buffy smiled as she watched both her men play. Feeling one of her babies kick she waved her hand to get the others attention. "Nigel, come say hello to your brothers or sisters." Nigel looked at her confused, until she brought his hand to her stomach and said, "They want to say hello to you."

The young boy's eyes grew large and his mouth gaped open when he felt the first kick. "Does it hurt?" he asked.

"No," she simply said, watching as he continued to feel her belly.

"Can they hear me?" he asked as he looked up with excitement written all over his face.

"I think so," she replied as she ran her hair through his messy hair.

Spike saw the tears of happiness in Buffy's eyes as they watched Nigel lean down and introduce himself to the unborn babies. "I'm Nigel," he said and then kissed her belly. "I'm your big brother."

"Yes, you are," Buffy reaffirmed. "Nigel, I will love you always as if you are my son."

Nigel looked up with an expression of wonder as he asked, "Can I call you mommy?"

Spike noticed he asked mommy and not mummy. He watched as Buffy's face broke into a huge smile as she nodded. "I would be very happy and proud to have you call me mommy."

Nigel quickly moved off the bed and started to run before stopping to say, "Gotta go to the bathroom."

Spike chuckled as he quickly threw back the covers and jumped out of bed. "Need my shirt, Kitten."

"But I like it on me better."

"Can't be walking around here half-naked all day." He sighed, laughing as she rolled her eyes.

"Never stopped you before."

"Didn't have an impressionable four-year-old to mentor, then," he said with a wink as he pulled on his pants.

"True." She sighed dramatically as she removed his shirt and put on her own clothes.

He stalked her around the room to get his shirt, making her giggle and laugh as she did before Dru had interrupted their happy life. Once he had his shirt back in his possession he put it to his nose and breathed in her scent.

"Mine," she said as she pulled his face down to hers and kissed him passionately. "Don't you ever forget it."

"Never, baby, never again will you doubt my love for you," he promised as he led her out the door. "Now let’s go so I can feed my family."


Hank had just hung up from Joyce. She had things ready that she was sure Buffy would need. He figured he'd give the newly reunited couple, some private time at the apartment. Let them get settled in- nap, talk, to just be a family for a little while.

When his cell phone rang, he prayed it was good news about Drusilla's whereabouts, as he said, "Summers, here. I hope you have something for me."

"Hey, boss man," Warren's cheery voiced greeted him. "I have some pending good news, well at least I think you can call it that."

"Enlighten me," Hank replied, hoping he would be able to recruit the man to come work for him after all this was completed.

"Do you know where Sutherland, California is?" Warren asked.

"Yes, otherwise known as Smotherland, due to the questionable deaths that happen around there," Hank answered, wondering what this had to do with anything concerning Dru.

"Well, it seems they have a Prudence Falkner as a guest at the Days Inn, or was a guest. Seems she didn't like how things were going and put some lead in her head," Warren explained.

"Should we be aware of this Prudence for some reason?" Hank asked, wondering if it had something to do with Dru.

"It was one of the few names I was able to pull up that our lovely mother-not-of-the-year had used in the past." Warren sighed. "I called ahead and told them not to move the body."

"Good man, Warren," Hank praised him. "Call Lindsey and ask him to go over and take Joyce to see Buffy. I'm going to take a quick drive to see if it is indeed her."

"Gotcha covered there, boss man," Warren replied as he used the other phone to dial Lindsey's phone. "Keep me updated, will ya?"

"I’ll let you know as soon as I see the body. Tell McDonald to keep my family safe."

"Will do, over and out," Warren said as he hung up from Hank and turned to tell Lindsey the new plan.


Spike never felt happier watching his family sitting together at the table. The look on his girl's face as she ate her French toast smothered in sliced bananas and syrup, was a mixture of disgust and curiosity. He couldn't help wonder what other concoctions she had come up with throughout her pregnancy.

Nigel scrunched up his nose at what Buffy was eating and asked, "I don't have to eat that, do I?"

Spike fought back a laugh when Buffy started to pout and say, "It tastes better than it looks, honest."

"Don't you fret, Luv. If you think it's the next best thing since milk and cookies you go on ahead and enjoy," Spike consoled her.

"But it is," she said as her bottom lip started to quiver. "Here, taste it for yourself," she offered as she held her fork out toward Spike.

"Don't care too much for the bananas, Pet," he used as an excuse.

"You like my mom's banana cream pie," she challenged him.

"But I don't like the banana bread," he reminded her.

"You won't know, unless you try it," she said with a determined look on her face.

Spike laughed as he leaned in and let her put the bite of her food in his mouth. The taste was too sugary sweet for him, and other than the cream pie, he really didn't like bananas very much.

"So?" she asked, waiting to see his reaction.

"Nope, not as good as the cream pie." He sighed, as he stood to walk over and stand behind her. "Maybe I need to have a second taste."

Buffy tilted her head back as he leaned down and kissed her deeply, tasting the sweetness that was her mixed with the taste of her meal. Never would he get tired of kissing her, and vowed she would never doubt his love for her ever again.

"Now, that was better then any banana cream pie," he said as they separated, giving her a wink as he turned to his son and asked, "Are you still hungry?" Having noticed his plate was almost empty.

Nigel nodded his head yes, as he looked up at his father's face. "Will I have to go back and live with mummy?"

"Do you want to?" Spike asked as he knelt before his son's chair to ask.

"Would I be bad if I said no?" he asked, making Buffy feel like the boy was too grown up for his young age.

"No, it would not make you bad, Nige. Maybe one day you can tell me everything she did, and I can tell you it will never happen again. I promise no one will ever hurt you again as long as I'm alive," Spike assured his son, as he reached over and cupped his small face with the palm of his hand. "You will grow up knowing you are loved and wanted."

Nigel threw himself in his father's arms, causing Spike to lose his balance and fall backwards. He tickled his son, making his childish laugh ring through the kitchen. The noise that told him in the end, the journey to get his son was worth it if he continued to hear this sound for as long as he could.

The boy's genuine laughter made Buffy's eyes tear up. It was like finding sunken treasure telling her that the rough bump in the road, known as Dru, with an acceptable intrusion. If things had not worked out the way they had, this beautiful child would not be here with them today. Spike's life would have been darkened a great deal, worrying about his child's quality of life and if he was still alive.

She silently thanked whoever was responsible for her trip back in time to witness her past. If she had not had the chance to see it from another aspect, she was not sure she would've been able to accept Spike back in her life so easily, if at all.

This story archived at http://