For Now by pj
Summary: Sequel ficlets added. If Spike wasn’t such a jerk in “Wrecked,” what would have happened? This focuses on the moment in the ‘morning after’ that may have changed it all. Each chapter acts as a ficlet during the S6 relationship.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 5146 Read: 6024 Published: 04/28/2005 Updated: 12/20/2005
For Now by pj
A/N: The beginning of this takes dialogue straight from the show – which goes to the point where I think things would’ve been different if Spike had not been a jerk. I do not claim ownership of lines from the show, or the characters, etc etc.


Her eyes fluttered open and she felt immense pain run through her entire body, feeling her back ache from the harsh and uneven surface she was sleeping on. More interestingly, her body seemed to sing with a tired satisfaction as images of the night suddenly came flooding back into her mind. She jolted upright, and took in the battered and collapsed appearance of the abandoned house. Her heart began to beat faster as panic started to set in.

Spike looked over at her, her bare back to him as she clutched the skirt to her chest. Remembering their night with perfect clarity, he put his hands behind his head in satisfaction.

“When ... When did the building fall down?” she asked with a panicked frown.

Spike barely noticed their surroundings, but at her question, took in the collapsed hole of a ceiling with wonderment. “I don't know. Must have been sometime between the first time and the, uh...” His voice trailed off with a bit of satisfied amusement.

”Oh. Oh my god.” A look of disgust flashed across her features. She shot up into standing position, clutching the fabric to her as she avoided Spike’s gaze and looked for her clothing.

Spike just watched her with amusement, not caring about his nudity. He stretched a little, satisfied with the way his body still felt the painful pleasure.

Buffy had hastily thrown on her clothes and was now looking around for something else. “Shoe, need my shoe.”

”What's the hurry, luv?”

Buffy shot him a glare. “The hurry is I left Dawn all night. And don't call me love.”

Spike raised one brow, “You didn't seem to take issue with that last night. Or with any of the other little nasties we whispered.”

”Can we not? Talk?” Buffy gritted out.

” I just don't see why you have to run off so quick. Thought we could-,”

”Not gonna happen. Last night was the end of this freak show,” Buffy replied harshly.

Spike shot up from his lying position and grabbed her, pulling her down into his lap abruptly. His jaw tight, he stared into her eyes with intensity, “Don't say that.”

With her arms in front of her, trying to push space in between them, she asked sarcastically, “What did you think was gonna happen? What, we're gonna read the newspaper together, play footsie under the rubble?”

”Not exactly what I had in mind,” he said with hidden meaning, as his hand crept up under her skirt and he plunged two fingers into her folds. Buffy gasped and tensed at his move. Her resistance wavered for a minute, before she managed to smack his chest back, “Stop!”

Grinning, he continued to pump into her with his fingers, as his other hand held her tightly in his lap. “Make me,” his voice was low as he stared at her lip and continued his movements.

”No! No!” She tried to resist as her brain was telling her not to repeat last night’s mistake. Buffy struggled against him, trying to push him off and get up, but Spike held her tight and combated her attempts. Suddenly, Buffy forgot all reason and she lunged forward to capture his lips in a searing kiss, bringing her arms up to instinctively wrap around his neck.

Remembering that a whole night had passed without the others knowing where she was, she pulled back as her last fiber of resistance kicked in. “No, no, I-I have to-,”

Spike was taking in unnecessary breaths, as he pleaded, ”Stay. I'm stuck here. Sun's up.”

At his tone of want, Buffy forced back her thoughts of anything else, and swooped in to kiss him once again. She pressed herself up against him and Spike flipped her around so he was on top. He buried his face into her neck and began to caress her with his tongue as she clung onto him and let out little gasps of pleasure.

He moved his hand and lifted her skirt, positioning himself at her entrance. Her hips instinctively jolted up as the tip of his cock touched her wet folds. “Spike…,” she whispered as her body arched in anticipation.

He pushed into her, and closed his eyes in pleasure, burying his face once again in her neck. “God, Buffy,” he breathed out as her heat seemed to strangle him. The fact that her fingernails were digging into his shoulders was driving him crazy, and he fought the urge to slam into her relentlessly.

The way he said her name made her even wetter, and she arched up against him in response. There was something about the tone of his voice - the want, the love - that made her heart clench. It was almost as if she felt worshipped every time he whispered into her ear.

He began to pump in and out, capturing her lips for a deep kiss. His lust grew at the feel of her little tongue caressing his mouth in matched fervor. Spike quickened his pace, and Buffy pulled away to let out a gasp as she threw her head back in pleasure.

Spike gazed down at her with pure admiration. He loved the way she responded to him, loved the little noises she made, and the way her body felt against his. Last night had been ‘a bloody revelation,’ and his heart sang at the fact that she was still here in his arms.

Her legs came to wrap around his waist, surging up and forcing him deeper into her. She moaned as his thrusts quickened and became a little rougher. Spike brought his left hand around to caress the back of her neck as he leaned forward to suck on her ear with a grin. He knew it would drive her crazy to have him be rough and gentle at the same time.

“Oh god,” she breathed as his cool touch hit all the right places. She felt dizzy, as the sensations were building up to her breaking point. With his cock pounding into her, and his cool tongue caressing her ear and the nape of her neck, Buffy lost all coherent thought.

‘God, I love you,’ he thought to himself as they moved together in earnest. He didn’t want to say it and scare her off – he didn’t want to ruin this moment. Spike had her in his arms, and it was enough for now.

“Spike, please,” she breathed, almost feeling an oncoming orgasm.

At the sound of his name and her pleading tone, he lost control and his hips bucked involuntarily. “Fuck!” He grabbed her by the waist to pull her closer and began to slam into her violently.

“Unh! Yes!” she moaned with her head thrown back.

With one final thrust, Spike sent them both over the edge and he roared in release as he felt her milk his cock in spastic movements. Her body shook as she cried out in pleasure, digging her nails deeper into his skin. He released into her one final time before slumping in satisfaction and lying them both down, with him on top, slightly off to the side so he wasn’t crushing her. Spike rested his head above her shoulder, breathing unnecessarily into her neck as her own gasps and tremors slowed.

“You’re so bloody amazing,” he said against her skin with his eyes closed. His hand idly ran down her skin, caressing her arm.

She breathed deeply, still basking in the aftereffects. Hearing his words, her stomach clenched, and she wished he would stop saying those things, because, well, they made her want him more.

Coherent thoughts began to flood back into her mind, and she remembered that she had left Dawn all night. Almost reluctantly, she said, “I-I should go.”

He lifted his head from her shoulder to look at her, and Buffy saw a slight crease in his forehead – one of suppressed worry and hurt.

He looked so kissable, his bottom lip jutting out unintentionally, that Buffy had to bit her lip for control. She said, with the barest hint of apologetic expression, “Dawn.”

He nodded, her answer wiping away his worry. He quickly resumed his indifferent attitude, and tried not to show her how high his emotions were running.

“You better get going, luv,” he said as he pulled away, wincing slightly at the loss of contact, but his expression was hidden from her scrutiny.

She sat up, trying not to show how much she enjoyed that…again. Avoiding his gaze, she replied in a quiet voice, “Yea…” Buffy got up to look for her shoe as Spike proceeded to find his clothes and throw them on haphazardly.

A part of him wanted to jeer at her, taunt her for giving into him in order to alleviate this awkward feeling of silence. He wanted to get back at her for making him feel this weak and vulnerable. But the other part of him knew that if he let that demon out to have his fun, he could ruin everything. She would undoubtedly close herself off from him, and punch him in the nose for good measure. He breathed in, and pushed back that urge.

Buffy gave him a frowned look, as she seemed to be battling her own inner dialogue.

“C’mere,” he said evenly.

“What? No, I have to go this time,” Buffy stepped back as he moved forward.

“I know,” he replied as he pulled her forward lightly by the arms. His hand reached up to brush a lock of hair from her face, and she looked confused at that.

She had been waiting for the fight, the sexual jokes, and overall general cockiness that Spike had been showing just a little bit ago. But as he brushed her hair back, she froze, not knowing what to do. If she hadn’t been so shocked at his innocent touch, she might have pushed him off or wrenched herself out of his grip. Instead, she felt her fear escalate as he gave her an intense gaze that she didn’t want to hold. ‘It’s just sex, it’s just sex,’ she chanted to herself in reminder, closing her eyes.

He leaned his head in closer, faces almost touching. As if reading her mind, he said into her ear in a low voice, “It’s not just sex, and I’ll be here until the day you get that.”

She almost shuddered at his words, and suddenly the wind brushed up against her body, chilling her more. Buffy opened her eyes to find that Spike was gone. And she pushed back the feeling of loss. For now.


A/N: Ok, well he didn’t mean literally ‘here.’ But anyway, that’s my drabble. Boring, isn’t it? Heh, sorry. It is just one re-write of an episode scene, but if you use your imagination, then you might see how their sexual relationship could have been different if he was nice instead of cocky. Consider if he didn’t say how he ‘knew it would be better to f*ck a slayer,’ and voila! Buffy does not smack him away, and resumes to giving in :D Buffy probably wouldn’t have been so mean if he wasn’t a jerk in that episode. Think about when she said: “Is that what this is all about?” – Well, if she asked that, it obviously means she thought it was about something else ;)
This story archived at http://