Prayers for a Poet by Fetching Mad Scientist
Summary: Buffy has been feeling haunted lately. Things only get worse when she gets a message from Angel. Post NFA. Nominated at the Shadow & Dust Awards, Love's Last Glimpse and the Fang Fetish Awards for: "Best Angst, Best Sleeper" and, "Twisted Mind." *Winner SDFA Round 13 "Best Angst!" *This story is part of a series which has been nominated at the SunnyD Awards*
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 38 Completed: Yes Word count: 73747 Read: 37514 Published: 05/05/2005 Updated: 07/16/2005
The Eye Of The Storm by Fetching Mad Scientist
Author's Notes:
Please review. :)
He was nervous. Anyone in his situation would be. After all, a thing like this only happens once in a lifetime. He paced by the window, watching the stars come out. Oh, great, he thought, no pressure or anything, just a few angels in attendance tonight.

His fingers fumbled with the strip of cloth, like they had for the last fifteen minutes; his hands were shaking so bad, that he might as well have been all thumbs. He finally gave up and called in the reinforcements, "Harris," he bellowed, "get in here, and help me with this bleeding thing! Isn't that what a 'Best Man' is supposed to do?"

Xander appeared in the doorway of the small room, rushing to soothe the groom's frayed nerves, "Tone down the 'Big Bad' for a night, would you? You're getting married tonight, what could go wrong?"

Spike growled low in his chest, and Xander smiled, while straightening Spike's tie, "You're right, traditionally happy times are not a Scooby thing," Xander patted Spike's shoulder as he finished with the tie, "But, at least you made it this far. That's better than I can say," he let out a sigh, "Don't follow my example, okay?"

Spike wasn't listening to him. He'd wandered over to the other side of the room, pausing near the door, trying to hear any stray sounds that might be drifting down the hall.

"Hey," Xander admonished, "no fair using vamp senses to spy on the bride."

Spike balked, "Wasn't spying. I was standing about."

"Oh," Xander smiled, "Like there's a big difference? Anyway, she's not ready yet, and she's just as nervous as you are, trust me."

Spike looked at him at him, and shook his head, letting out a sigh, "Don't think that's possible, mate."

Buffy watched as Drusilla gazed into Spike's fevered eyes, "Look at me, William," she singsonged, "See with your heart."

Buffy didn't like this; she knew what Drusilla could do, once someone was in her thrall. One swipe of those fingernails, and it could be all over for Spike, "What are you doing," Buffy asked, watching Drusilla's every move, like the predator, like the Slayer, she was.

The face that Buffy had expected to be hard, and accusatory, looking back at her instead, was soft and warm, almost like a mother's would be, when faced with a sick child, "What Daddy and I have planned will take some time. I thought I would give him some pretty pictures to look at while we work," Drusilla nodded, acknowledging that, for a brief moment, she and the Slayer were on the same side, "Maybe lessen his pain some. Right now, it's too bright. I can't even bear to look at it, and he's been looking at it so long, his eyes are strained and tired."

"Oh," Buffy nodded, pulling Spike tighter in to her, "that's okay then."

"Do you have somewhere a little less crowded," Drusilla asked, "Miss Edith doesn't like all these nasty people around. I think she's a bit frightened."

Buffy was shocked, "If you think, for one minute, that I'm going to..." she paused, remembering what Spike had told her. She rethought her strategy, "Drusilla, do you think Miss Edith would let me talk to Daddy first? Maybe he has some ideas that might help?"

"Miss Edith says that would be all right. But, we must start soon," Drusilla warned.

Buffy nodded, climbing out of the bed and heading for the doorway, "I'll be quick, I promise."

Once Buffy was out of the room, she put herself between Angel and Spike, a closed door at her back, "Angel, just what is it Drusilla's planning on doing, here?"

Angel sighed, again unable to look her in the eye, "She wants her soul back. Dru wants what I took from her," he sighed again, "As payment, for helping Spike."

"What?" Buffy gasped, "But, that's crazy, no one, in their right mind, would do that! Spike is like her child, right? What mother would make someone pay them for saving their own child?"

Angel laughed, and gave Buffy a rueful smile, "Someone not in their right mind. That's my fault, too."

A plan was starting to form in Buffy's mind. She bit her lip, in thought, "Did she ask for payment, up front?"

"No," Angel said, confused, "But, if we don't do something, Spike will die, and she'll just sit there, and watch it happen."

"Maybe," Buffy mused, a slow grin pulling at her lips, "Maybe not," she said, eyes glinting with fire as she went back into the room, dragging Angel along behind her, "Come on," Buffy said, " I learned the art of doubletalk from a master."

"Who?" Angel asked.

"Who do you think," she said, then, turning her eyes to Drusilla, Buffy said, sweetly, "Drusilla, sweetling, do I have a deal for you."

The small gazebo at the edge of the footpath had been set aglow with candlelight. On either side of the winding, cobblestone path, leading to the shelter of the white lattice-framed structure, little pinpoints of light broke up the black of the night. Each small little flame was important tonight. And, the candles seemed to sense that their job was crucial, and glowed, just ever so much brighter, for the knowledge that, tonight, they were lighting the path for a bride to follow to her groom. No candle even dared think of flickering out tonight. The bride mustn't trip, in her beautiful, white gown. Tonight, two hearts were being joined, and they must be surefooted.

Under the gazebo, three people waited. There was the minister, who looked out of place, and a bit impatient. After all, this sort of thing was usually done in a church, in the daytime.

The best man, sensing the man's disquiet, whispered to him, "Hey, this is Los Angeles. Out here, we kind of go with the flow," Xander looked at his watch, "9:30," he said, eying the groom, who was chain smoking, very quietly in the corner, if corners were possible in a roughly hexagonally shaped structure, "T minus ten minutes. Better put that out," he said, nodding toward the glowing cigarette, "Or wedding or not, she'll have your head."

Spike gave a sheepish look, and then dutifully crushed the cigarette with the toe of his shoe, and pushed the butt out into the grass, "Better?" he asked.

"Much," Xander said, satisfied.

Spike wanted to check one last thing, "Harris, do you have the rings?"

Xander checked his pockets. He'd thought about razzing Spike a little, but thought better of it, seeing as how the groom had a tendency to grow fangs when provoked. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out the tiny velvet box, opened it, to be sure the rings were safely inside, closed it, and returned it to his pocket, "Yes, sir," he smiled, "ready to go."

"Good," Spike said, not really paying attention to him. Spike's attention was drawn to the small building, far up the footpath; he thought he saw a blur of white, amid the blush of pink the bridesmaids wore. He wanted to be sure, but couldn't risk shifting into the face that was better at night vision, for fear of frightening the minister off, "I think I see her," his face softened, at the vision in gossamer white, floating down the cobblestones, toward him, "Oh, my..." he said, his voice barely a whisper.

Xander was ready for this. After all, underneath the leather and the swagger, Spike really was on old softie at heart. He pulled out his handkerchief, and handed it, with as much macho flourish as he could, to Spike.

Buffy really does look beautiful, Xander thought, as he dabbed his eyes.

"So, we have a deal then," Buffy asked Drusilla, "Once I'm sure Spike's all right, you'll get your payment?" Buffy tried to keep her tone even, "The one we agreed on," Buffy nodded, hoping Drusilla was cogent enough to understand, "That's much better than anything Daddy could promise. And, it's a sure thing. Souls can be tricky things," Buffy nodded toward Angel, "Ask your Daddy. Here one minute, and gone the next. Never can trust them."

Dru seemed hesitant, "I don't think that's right. Daddy promised..."

"Ask Miss Edith, if you want to," Buffy interrupted, "Has she ever lied to you?"

"No," Drusilla admitted.

"Buffy, I don't think..." the rest of Angel's comment was cut off by an elbow to the ribs.

"Good," Buffy said, "So, let's get started then."

The minister was talking, but he wasn't listening. Spike was busy looking at her. At how the starlight bounced off of her glowing skin, the softness of her palms as he glided his thumbs over them. Her face was glowing with a light he'd never seen in her before, and it was all for him. He looked down, to try to shield his eyes from the brightness, and to hide the fact that he couldn't see for the tears in his eyes, at her small feet. Those small feet, so capable of kicking him until his head fell off, were now adorned in small lace slippers. The slippers were so small, he doubted he could even fit his hand inside them.

He took his eyes off of her feet, and brought them back to their joined hands. His left hand, and hers, was wearing a small, silver ring. It was a little bit of nothing, really. But, it meant so much. He knew, somewhere, his mother was proud. He'd finally found her; his one, his perfect fit.

He looked up when the minister stopped talking. They were expecting something, what was it? Oh right. The kiss.

His lips touched hers just as she bit her lip, bringing a tiny bit of blood to his tongue. This, he had not expected, and his vision exploded in a pyrotechnic display bigger than the Fourth of July.

Buffy watched as Drusilla pressed Spike's face to her neck, and let him drink. She could see the muscles in his throat working slowly at first, than faster as his need grew.

Even after the first feeding he was looking much better, almost like he had after Glory had beaten him, if that could be called better. Oh, well, everything is relative, she thought. Of course, there was still no hair, but this was only the first feeding.

Buffy became curious about something, and left the room to talk to Willow.

"Willow, can you tell me what he's seeing?"

"Buffy, you want me to eavesdrop on his magical pain killer," Willow winked at her, "Buffy, I'm shocked."

"Please, Willow," she asked, her eyes downward.

"Sure," she said, closing her eyes, "Just take me a second."

Willow found herself staring at a small white gazebo, next to a candle lit path. She moved in a little closer, to try and see the figures in the center, they looked like a bride and groom. She smiled. Someone was getting married.

She looked closer. Now, she could make out the faces. Once they stopped kissing, she should be able to tell who they were, exactly. Yes, she was right, they were a bride and groom.

"Oh Buffy," she whispered as she opened her eyes, "It's just beautiful," Willow sniffed a little, "You look so beautiful."

"What?" Buffy asked, her body suddenly tight with anticipation.

Willow smiled, "Buffy, he's getting you."

"Really?" she asked, suddenly awash in love for him, "I'm his 'Happy Thought'?"

Buffy knew, for the first time, that even though there were still some miles to go yet, things were going to be all right.
This story archived at http://