Don't walk away by dust to dust ashes to ashes
Summary: Completely AU. Angel makes a bet with Spike that he can’t turn the school nerd, Elizabeth into prom queen. Elizabeth (aka Buffy) isn’t your typical nerd either. She hides her beauty from the world not to mention she has a secret that she has kept since she was five. Will Spike be able to tame the free spirited Buffy or will the bet and her secret destroy all hope of love forever?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No Word count: 8055 Read: 4904 Published: 05/22/2005 Updated: 05/24/2005
REVENGE AND REALISATION by dust to dust ashes to ashes


Buffy had decided she was going to the prom just to get back at Spike. She had also decided to humiliate him as well. She had heard rumours that Dru and Angel were sleeping with each other. All she had to do was catch them and show the pictures to Spike.

A month ago she had loved him, now he was a guy she needed to teach a lesson so that other girls wouldn’t fall for the same trick. She wanted revenge.

Buffy had picked her dress up that morning. It was a very pale pink, almost white with silver trimming. It was backless and very low cut that showed cleavage but not too much. She was fumbling with her keys when someone tapped her on the shoulder. Buffy turned around and almost fainted.

“Willow is that really you?” she asked still trying to figure out who this women was

“Yes but who are you?

“Willow it’s me” she said removing her glasses

“What have you done to yourself princess?”

“Shush. No one knows I’m a princess here. I am a normal teenage girl,” she said and ushered Willow into her lounge room. Buffy hugged her, she hadn’t seen her mother’s advisor in twelve years, and the tears were streaming down her face.

“Willow is my mother here? What are you doing here?” she asked anticipating the entrance of her mother.

“I’m sorry Majesty, but your mother couldn’t make it she is really sick. She has a tumour”

“Can’t anyone help her?”

“She heads into surgery in a few days. You need to return home soon. Your mother has instructed me to bring you home this instant so that you can take over your full duty as queen of Moreton. Willow sighed when she saw tears once again starting to fall from Buffy’s eyes.

“I’ve got my prom to attend tonight,” she said

“Yes I know, you can go but you have to meet me at this hotel afterwards because we leave late tonight”

This was the worst news anyone could have told her. After Willow left she got changed and headed to her prom. Spike was going to pay dearly. Her anger was going to be released on him.

Time to put her plan into action. She put on black sunglasses and let her hair fall down naturally. It wouldn’t do any good to let Dru or Angel sees her following them from school. Buffy arrived at school just as the school bell rang and everyone left. She spotted them getting into Angel’s car and snapped a picture.
Buffy followed them all the way to Dru’s house and snapped another picture. Dru’s mother wasn’t home yet and she figured it wouldn’t be long until Dru and Angel were in bed. She snuck around the back of the house and stood up against the window to Dru’s room. Just as she suspected a minute into being in her room they were all over each other. She snapped about 10 photos and quickly left.

Once she got home she developed the photos herself and photocopied them. This would teach Spike a lesson. Never trust a friend who is screwing around with your ex.

1 hour later

Before leaving she placed on a pretty pink cape with a hood so he couldn’t tell she was Buffy. As she got into her car Willow’s words ran over and over in her mind.

Once she arrived someone went to take her cape and she shook them off. And she approached she entered the auditorium where the couples were getting there photographs taken by the professionals. She looked in to ballroom as such and looked at all the balloons filling the ceiling. The DJ was on the stage and just in front was the dance floor. In the centre was the buffet dinner and the tables were on the outside. As everyone was dancing she went around and put the photocopies on everyone’s table.

“What the hell do you think you are doing here, you are going to wreck my prom?” Dru screamed at Buffy

“Shut the hell up Dru. We all know why you are really here and with Spike. He is only here with you to win a bet with Angel concerning me, and you are only here to win prom queen because Spike will be King. Besides he knew you were easy” she raised her voice slightly. All the pent up anger was finally being released.

You’re a whore Dru, always will be. Now where the fuck is Spike” Buffy yelled and Spike emerged from the crowd which had gathered around Buffy.

“What are you doing here?” He smirked

“I came to tell you that you’re a JERK” she screamed “And guess what you have lost the only thing that was ever good in your life. For Christ sake’s I loved you and for reason’s unbeknownst to me I still do but this stupid bet of your’s has lost you the only girl you ever loved”

“What are you talking about, she’s not even here?” Spike then thought, he hadn’t told Elizabeth about Buffy. “How did you know about her”?

“Cause I am her” she screamed and let the cape fall to the ground, she took her glasses off and took the chopsticks out of her hair to let it cascade down her back. Oohs and Aghh’s could be heard from everyone. Buffy walked up to Spike and kissed him once last time.

“Why did you lie to me?” he managed to stutter out, breathing hard trying to recover from her kiss.

“Why do you insist on breaking girls heart’s for fun?”

“Maybe I can make it up to you, I don’t want to lose you. I’m sorry,” he said taking her hand

“Your apolyigising, note that in the diary. Why?”

“Cause I love you Buffy and I never meant to hurt you” he said

“That night in your room and I asked if you would never purposely break my heart and you said you wouldn’t, that was a lie wasn’t it.” She screamed.

“I love you,” he repeated

“Now you expect me to fall into your arms and cry, so you can take me home and sleep with me. Is it another bet Spike, winning a car not enough for you, you have to take something else as well. You’re an asshole Spike and no matter how much I love you I will never forgive you for breaking my heart of purpose. I HATE YOU!” she screamed and ran from the auditorium. Spike stood there in shock.

“Thank go she gone, right babe” Dru said slinking her arm around his. Spike stood at the door.

“Hey has everyone seen these. It just proves what Buffy had been saying” Oz said showing them all the pictures of Dru and Angel. It then sunk in to Spike, Buffy was gone and he had wrecked everything to win a spastic car.

“She’s right,” he murmured, “Get off me Dru you were only trying to win prom queen, you never cared about me. I’m going to get her back,” he yelled pushing Dru away, which made her trip on her heels and fall straight on her face. Everyone laughed. As he walked away Angel stood in front of him.

“Get out of my way peaches. You were meant to be my friend. Screwing Dru behind my back is not what friends do!” and with that he hit Angel with a nasty right hook to the jaw and Angel dropped to the floor.

Then started running after her. The girl he loved and wouldn’t lose again.

Buffy ran into the hotel where Willow was staying.

“Can I help you miss?” the manager asked

“I am here to see Willow Rosenberg. She is my advisor and I am the princess of Moreton. I need to speak with her now” Buffy said authoritively.

“Yes your highness” the manager responded, bowing respectfully. He phoned the bellboy and told them to take me her room. Willow arrived at the door, saw Buffy had been crying and took her in her arms.

“What’s the matter Buffy”?

“A boy” tears started to fall

“I know it’s horrible, but maybe it’s best in the long run”

“I think horrible is still coming. Right now it worst, right now I’m just trying to keep from dieing” Willow enveloped he in a hug and sat down with her while Buffy sobbed.

“I can’t breathe Willow, right now I can’t breathe”

Spike had rushed to Buffy’s house and found she wasn’t there. He then ran to the next place he thought of. He ran to ILIOS.
He scanned the room and accidentally bumped into the manager Faith.

“Hey Spike aren’t you meant to be at the prom”

“Yes, but have you seen Buffy?” he asked with concern in his eyes
“So she told you. Hang on, what have you done Spike? You went through with the bet didn’t you? You broke her heart. Thanks to you she may never love again!” Faith’s anger was building

“Did she tell you about being a princess?”

“She’s a princess?” he questioned her

“So she didn’t tell you that bit?” oh crap Faith thought


“Let’s go somewhere quiet” she led Spike into her office and wanted to bash the crap out of him for hurting Buffy.

“Take a seat and don’t speak,” she warned him and he nodded. “About a month ago she came to seek some advice. She was having boy problems. YOU” she glared “ she was pissed cause you only noticed her when she was pretty and seductive, not when she was a nerd at school. You were the first one she ever showed, besides me who she really was. A free spirited young princess with the weight of her country bearing down on her shoulders. Except you had to go through with that stupid bet. You had to break her heart for some fun.” Faith’s emotions were getting the better of her. After all she had a fiery temper.
“Anyway she has been here since she was five. She tells me she is the crown princess of a small island, so I deal with it and except her for who she is. Shocked the hell outta me. It’s my fault she trusted you, I stupidly told her to open her whole heart, even though she knew you would probably break it. Still I have to give credits where credit’s due, she still had faith in you. I know she loves you, she told me and I can see it in her eyes that you love her as well. Now all you have to decide is whether or not she is worth fighting for”

Spike grinned “hell yes she is” he nearly yelled and ran to the door

“You better hurry Spike she leaves tonight” she smiled and he disappeared out of the office.

He had to get to the airport before she left him forever.
This story archived at http://