Body and Soul by Flibble
Summary: After coming back from the dead Buffy is having trouble dealing. Spike decides to help her out.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes Word count: 8016 Read: 9371 Published: 06/16/2005 Updated: 06/23/2005
Chapter Three by Flibble
Author's Notes:
Thanks to Lindsay for the warning on not having chapters under 1000 words. I've now tagged Chapter 2 onto the end of Chapter 1 so I reach that limit. Please go back and read that one if you haven't read it yet.
Chapter Three

Buffy was annoyed. No, annoyed wasn’t a strong enough word. She was pissed off! Here she bares her soul, to Spike of all people, and what does he do? Wagging a finger at her he says, “Don’t move,” and then he disappears down the stairs to the bottom floor of the crypt. At first she had heard some banging and muttering, then the sound of running water, and finally silence.

Glancing at the door Buffy considered leaving in a huff, but her anger got the better of her and she limped awkwardly down the stairs ready to give Spike a piece of her mind.

Her anger gave way to confusion as she took in the site before her. The room was lit by a multitude of vanilla scented candles (her favourite). In the corner sat the biggest bath tub she’d ever seen. It practically overflowed with bubbles, and the rising steam hinted at the hot water lurking beneath.

Spike, who had been lighting the last of the candles when she came in, stood watching her, a small smile lifting the corners of his mouth.

“What are you doing?” Buffy was more than a little wary.

“The way I figure it,” Spike said as he walked toward her, “you’ve got two problems. Your mind is so busy trying to escape from its so called shell that you’re forgetting you’re not trapped. Buffy this flesh, it’s a part of who you are.” As he spoke he ran his fingers through her hair, and she fought to stop from leaning into his touch.

“A-And the second?” Buffy cringed at the husky sound of her voice. Ho much?

Leaning in close Spike whispered in her ear, “You’ve forgotten how to feel pleasure.”

Even as his words caused shivers to run down her spine Buffy tensed, suddenly convinced that this was no more than a new way of trying to get into her pants. She wasn’t up to resisting him tonight. Breaking away from him she flung out an arm to indicate the tub, “And this is supposed to solve my problems?”

“Well it can’t hurt.”

“And I suppose you’re going to tell me that your motives have nothing to do with me being all naked in your crypt.”

Spike felt himself harden instantly at the image those words conjured. He gave an exasperated sigh. “Look Slayer, all I’m offering you is a couple of hours to relax. No one knows you’re here. There is no one to make demands on you. I’ll be just upstairs so there won’t even be any nasties to come in and surprise you.”

It does sound awfully tempting, Buffy thought as she eyed the steaming tub. “How do I know I can trust you?”

“You don’t,” Spike replied, then reaching around her he slid a stake from her jeans pocket, enjoying the feel of his fingers gliding momentarily along her tight buttock. Handing her the stake he gave her a wry grin, “But we both know that if I piss you off I’ll be dusted faster than you can call me a bastard.”

With an unladylike snort Buffy finally relented and gave him a nudge toward the stairs. “Go on, get up there and start protecting me from those nasties.”

Nodding, Spike dragged his gaze away from her and made his way up the stairs.

After waiting a few moments to make sure Spike was gone Buffy quickly shed her clothes and slid into the tub. An appreciative groan escaped her lips as she settled into the hot water. After the strain of the past few hours the heat was like a balm on her aching muscles. Spying a washcloth and soap she lathered up and began running the rough cloth over her tired limbs, enjoying the feel of it against her skin. Maybe Spike has a point, she mused, relaxing in a hot bath is not exactly something that I’ve had time for since I got back. Scooping up a handful of bubbles she blew into it, smiling as she watched bubbles fly all over the place. With a sigh she relaxed back and closed her eyes. Just a few more minutes, she promised herself, then I’ll go home.

Sometime later Spike sat tensely in his comfy chair pretending to watch the tele. Ever since he came up from downstairs he’d cursed his vampire hearing as her little mewls of pleasure reached him. Just the thought of her so close, all wet and naked, eyes closed, lips parted in relaxation, was enough to keep him in an agonising state of arousal. But now he hadn’t heard so much as a splash in over half an hour and he was beginning to worry.

Easing his way down the top couple of steps he bent to peer into the room, and rolled his eyes. Buffy was sound asleep. Straightening, he cleared his throat loudly, “Slayer!”

Buffy came awake with a shriek, limbs splashing about in the now cool water. Spying Spike’s boots near the top of the stairs she shrieked again, “Spike what are you doing in here?”

“Saving you from drowning I’ll wager Pet.”

“Well get the hell out!”

Shaking his head Spike stomped back up the stairs, muttering that he should have left her sorry arse there to drown.

As soon as he was gone Buffy scrambled out of the tub. Drying off on a nearby towel she hurriedly pulled her clothing back on and, taking a fortifying breath, made her way up the stairs.

Spike turned as he heard her approach, noting the slight limp from her injured ankle.

“I should probably get going,” she spoke quietly. “Dawn will be worried.”

“Right then,” Spike nodded.

“Thanks for…” Thanks for what, Buffy thought. For being there whenever she needed him? For not pressuring her? For helping her relax for the first time in months?

“Thanks for tonight.” Oh yeah, she groaned inwardly, that was downright moving. Idiot.

Spike just looked at her with those intensely blue eyes, a small smile playing across his lips. “You’re welcome.”

Grabbing his car keys off a nearby bench he headed for the door, throwing a quick, “Come on, I’ll drive you home,” over his shoulder.

“You don’t have to do that, I can…”

Spike cut her off with a look. “You’re hurt Buffy. If you come across any vampires on the way home you’ll be at a disadvantage.”

“Besides,” he added with a shrug, “I just got you all loosened up. Wouldn’t want to let that go to waste.”

With that he walked out the door, leaving her little choice but to follow.
This story archived at http://