Body and Soul by Flibble
Summary: After coming back from the dead Buffy is having trouble dealing. Spike decides to help her out.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes Word count: 8016 Read: 9395 Published: 06/16/2005 Updated: 06/23/2005
Chapter Four by Flibble
Chapter Four

She slipped quietly into the crypt just as the sun was setting. He watched her silently as she stood just inside the door, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness. Her long golden hair hung loose around her shoulders. The sleek lines of her body were enhanced by the black parts and strappy red top she wore. Just the sight of her was enough to fill him with longing.

When her searching eyes found him Buffy gasped in surprise. “Spike. There you are.” Moving forward she flicked on a lamp and a dim light filled the room.

“Evening Slayer,” Spike approached her slowly. “How’s the ankle?”

“It’s much better,” she replied. Then, taking a deep breath she continued, “I just came by to thank you again for last night. It helped. Got the best night’s sleep I’ve had since…well since I got back.”

Spike smiled at her words, glad he’d been able to give her some relief from her suffering. “Good,” he said with a nod. “Have a seat.” He indicated his comfy chair.

“Umm, okay,” Buffy knew she should patrol but found herself settling into the chair. A short visit wouldn’t hurt.

After disappearing momentarily Spike returned carrying two objects: a wooden stake and a blindfold. Crouching in front of her he handed her the stake, then held up the blindfold. His gaze locked with hers as his eyes silently asked her permission.

Buffy was incredulous, “You are kidding right?”

“Come on Slayer. I’ll make it worth your while.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.

“Oh that is so definitely a no.” She started to rise from the chair but Spike’s hand on her arm made her pause.

“Buffy,” he spoke quietly. “I’m not gonna hurt you. I promise you won’t regret it.” When he saw she was thinking about it he added, “I know you’re curious.”

That did it. Buffy’s heart was thumping loudly and her brain was screaming at her to get the hell out of there but in truth she was curious to know what he had in mind. With a small groan of defeat she dropped back into the chair. When Spike granted her a warm smile she couldn’t help but smile back, glad that she had decided to stay.

Standing, Spike quickly fastened the blindfold around her head. For the next few minutes she could hear him moving around the crypt, opening and closing doors. Butterflies were doing somersaults in her belly as she wondered what he was up to and it took all her willpower not to peek.

Finally Spike settled onto a short stool in front of her. He grinned at the look on her face. “Relax Slayer. I promise not to bite. Now open wide.”

“Excuse me?” Buffy wondered if she had heard him correctly.

“That pretty little mouth of yours. Open it.”

Somewhat nervously Buffy licked her lips, allowing them to part slightly. At the sight of her pink tongue all the borrowed blood in Spike’s body made a mad dash for his groin. If he’d been human he was sure he would have fainted. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, he thought as he stared at her parted lips. But, now committed, he decided it was best to just get on with it.

When Buffy felt something firm touch her lips she jumped slightly.

“Bite,” Spike said softly. Calling herself all kinds of stupid Buffy sank her teeth into the…strawberry? She laughed in relief when she recognised the delicious sweetness of the fruit. When she felt the strawberry at her lips again she readily took a larger bite. “I love strawberries,” she exclaimed.

“Good, have another,” Spike said as he popped a piece of fruit into her mouth.

Buffy chewed momentarily before laughing, “You cheated, that’s honey dew melon.”

“You caught me,” he chuckled, plucking another item from the small pile beside him.

Then Buffy felt something soft against her cheek. Before she had time to wonder what it was she caught the scent. Roses. She gave a pleased sigh as Spike trailed the flower over both her cheeks, and slowly down her bare throat. He lingered briefly at her collarbone, enjoying the way her heartbeat increased slightly as she leaned into the touch. Finally he continued the feather-light strokes down her arm before tossing the rose to the floor.

Leaning closer he whispered in her ear, “Time to poke out your tongue.”

Dazed, Buffy complied without thought. Taking her chin gently in one hand Spike used the other to upend a squeeze bottle and drizzle honey on her tongue. Drawing it quickly back into her mouth Buffy made little moans of pleasure as she sucked at the honey. His fingertips drinking in the feel of her soft skin, Spike caressed her cheek before reluctantly withdrawing his hand.

By now Buffy was breathing heavily. This assault on her senses, the tastes, the touches, the scents, were like an aphrodisiac to her. She could feel her body coming to life as heat spread languidly through every part of her. Hoping she wasn’t being too obvious, Buffy squirmed a little in her chair in an attempt to get more comfortable while she awaited Spike’s next move.

Unbeknownst to her, Spike was busy fighting tooth and nail to keep himself under control. The scent of Buffy’s arousal was coming off of her in waves and it was quickly driving him mad. His cock throbbed painfully in his jeans as he forced himself to remember all the reasons he couldn’t touch her. The stake she still had gripped tightly in her right hand was not the least of those reasons. Nevertheless he could feel himself edging closer to her, irresistibly drawn to the warmth that radiated from her body.

His gaze focused intently on her mouth, he picked up another tidbit from his pile and leaned in close. His mouth just inches from hers, he caressed her full bottom lip with his thumb. “Open.”

When she complied he placed a square of chocolate on her tongue, shuddering when she closed her lips over his fingers as he withdrew them from her mouth. Sucking on the chocolate she groaned loudly in appreciation of the smooth sinful taste. When his name escaped her lips on a quiet moan he couldn’t suppress his growl of pleasure.

The soft sound drove Buffy wild. Reaching out, she ran her fingers through the soft curls at the nape of his neck as she allowed her forehead to rest against his. “More,” she demanded, her voice husky with need.

Fumbling blindly with his left hand Spike found what he was looking for. A can of whipped cream. Giving it a quick shake he took her hand and sprayed a generous line of cream along her index finger. He was surprised when she brought it to his mouth instead of her own. Gladly he took the cream covered digit into his mouth, cleaning it thoroughly with his tongue.

Buffy’s heart was pounding. Her breathing came in shallow pants as she imagined that talented mouth on other parts of her body. Leaning toward him slowly she drew her finger away and replaced it with her lips.

Shocked to his core, Spike held still for fear that she would realise what she was doing and stop. But when she slipped her tongue between his lips to explore the coolness of his mouth, he was lost.

Unable to control himself any longer Spike gave free reign to the passion and need that were clawing at him. Burying his hands in her hair he ravished her mouth. His tongue duelling with hers.

He tasted like whiskey, cream, blood and earth. Buffy was drunk on the seductive combination. Needing to be closer she slid off the chair onto his lap. The feel of his hard, denim clad thighs between her legs sent liquid heat coursing through her and she cried out in pleasure.

Spike’s hands were everywhere. Unbridled joy mixed with carnal lust as he relished the feel of finally having the woman he loved in his arms. Cupping one of her breasts in his hand he kneaded it gently, running his thumb over the hard nipple. Tearing his mouth from hers he kissed and licked his way down her neck. Drawing the straps of her top down her shoulders he bared her small but firm breasts to his hungry gaze. Taking one rosy nipple between his lips he sucked gently, rejoicing at the sexy little noises she made as she held him to her, hips grinding unconsciously against his throbbing cock. As much as he was enjoying her movements Spike knew if he didn’t do something soon this would come to a somewhat quick and embarrassing end.

Drawing her legs around his waist he rose from the stool and carried her down the steps to his bedroom. When he laid her down on the bed she immediately began tugging at his t-shirt, fumbling when the blindfold prevented her from seeing what she was doing. Smiling at her frustration he quickly shed his clothing and reached for her again.

She shivered when he lifted her top over her head. Bending over her he licked and kissed her nipples as he undid the clasp and zipper on her pants and pulled them, with her black lace panties, over her hips. When she was naked, save for the blindfold, he paused to drink in the sight of her. She was perfect. With her skin flushed with desire and her chest heaving, she looked like a goddess. Had she told him to kneel in worship he would have done so without question.

A small whimper broke him from his thoughts and he joined her on the bed, covering her body with his. They both groaned aloud at the shock as cool skin touched hot.

Buffy attacked Spike’s mouth, wanting to touch every part of him. She gloried at the weight of his body pushing her into the soft mattress, and when he slipped his naked thigh between her legs, rubbing against her core, she thought she’d go mad. Her hips rose to meet him in frenzied movements, her body crying out for his. Rubbing her entire body against his length she became desperate to be closer, to have him inside her.

Rolling Spike into his back Buffy rose up onto her knees. Reaching for his hard cock she positioned him at her entrance. With one swift movement she slid down the entire length of him, smiling wickedly at his shout of surprise.

After a few moments she started to move, rolling her hips as she glided up and down his shaft. Leaning forward she rubbed the tips of her nipples against his chest as his hands stroked her back.

Quickly their movements became more frantic as they both hurtled toward release. Rolling them back over, Spike began to pound Buffy into the mattress with hard deep thrusts. Biting into her neck with blunt teeth he suckled on her tender skin, keening softly. When he felt her muscles begin to spasm around him, her cries of ecstasy filling his ears, the tenuous grasp he had on his control broke and he roared his own release. His dead seed exploding into her welcoming body.

As their ragged breathing began to slow Spike moved to lie by Buffy’s side, gathering her into his arms. He was pleased when she snuggled against him. With a final tender kiss he carefully removed the blindfold.

Buffy blinked several times as her eyes adjusted to the dim light. Turning her head slightly she looked at Spike. His hair was mussed and his eyes had turned a deep, velvet blue. She thought he’d never looked more handsome, more human. She had expected to find him waiting expectantly for…what? A declaration of love? Another snog? Something! Instead he just watched her, content, sated. Relieved, she reached up to stroke his cheek. “I have to go,” she said quietly.

“I know,” he replied.

Rising from the bed Buffy gathered her clothes and dressed quickly, suddenly self-conscious of her nakedness. Out of the corner of her eye she snuck glances at Spike as he stepped into his pants. She practically drooled at the sight of his muscular body as she recalled how it had felt beneath her fingers. The memory caused a fresh stirring in the pit of her stomach and, squashing it firmly, she fled up the stairs.

Crossing the room she spied the pile of food beside the chair she’d been sitting in, along with the forgotten stake, and smiled. “Still hungry Pet?” Spike drawled as he came up behind her. Turning to face him she smirked, “I think I’m done for now.”

“For now?” Spike grinned saucily and he slid his arms around her waist.

Buffy stiffened at the hope she heard in his voice and regretted her words. “Spike, I don’t know…”

“Hey,” he cut her off sharply, “none of that now. I’m not looking for promises. And I’ll make only one demand on you.” Taking her face between his palms he forced her to meet his gaze. “Don’t regret what happened here tonight. Right or wrong it was bloody good for both of us. Don’t ever regret.”

She smiled and nodded. “I promise,” she whispered. Backing away from him she turned to leave but paused when he called her name.

“How about Friday night? You, me and Dawn. I’ll even bring dinner.”

Taking a deep breath Buffy thought for a moment. “Okay,” she said softly, and disappeared from the doorway.

Spike released the unneeded breathe he hadn’t realised he’d been holding. A small smile touched his lips. “It’s a date.”
This story archived at http://