Love Comes to Town by Soul of the Rose
Summary: Spike’s burning love for Buffy attracts Cupid’s attention from the higher realms. Intrigued, he investigates and decides to lend him a hand. Her stubborn refusal of Spike’s affections brings unexpected consequences that may lead to the loss of both Dawn and Spike from her life. Meanwhile, a prophetic dream brings her warnings of her own death and Riley is proving to be the worst boyfriend ever. How will our hero triumph? Stay tuned for sexy banter, adventure, romance and some really good smut… **NOMINATED FOR 20 AWARDS!! At Lost in Spike, Spuffy, Love's Last Glimpse, Blood Ties, Breathless & the Love Bite Awards. Thank you everyone!! UPDATE: WINNER MOST ORIGINAL STORYLINE & BEST FLUFF at the Love Bite Awards. WINNER BEST WIP & HONORED with JUDGES CHOICE at the Lost in Spike Awards. Thank you so much everybody!! :) **

Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 50 Completed: No Word count: 130839 Read: 53577 Published: 06/18/2005 Updated: 01/30/2013
Chapter Eleven ~ Love is the Drug by Soul of the Rose
I'm such a review whore - everytime you write them for me I feel compelled to present you with another chapter... (gimme,gimme,gimme!)

Chapter Eleven ~ Love is the Drug

“ Stitched up tight, can’t shake free.
Love is the drug gotta hook on me.
Oh, catch that buzz.
Love is the drug I’m thinking of.
Oh, can’t you see?
Love is the drug for me.”

~ Roxy Music

Buffy was feeling more relaxed now. She should have known some Scooby-time was all she needed. She’d forgotten all about Spike and that stupid dream. Inside the comforting warmth of her circle of friends it hardly seemed real. This was what was real. Not some ridiculous de-fanged vamp and a dime-store romance of a dream. How silly of her to be so disturbed by it in the first place. In the bright light of day it was all too easily dismissed.

*But his eyes…*

Bad Buffy Brain whispered. Nothing like the sky. She assured herself. Nothing like the sea. Just stupid eyes. There was no soul behind them so what could it matter? The answer to that, of course, was that it didn’t. She was probably just having some freak reaction to all the stress in her life right now.

*But what about before that…?*

Bad Buffy Brain was weakening under her defenses. She could just about ignore that one. The important thing was that Riley was here, Riley was now. And look how much everyone loved him… Xander thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. He practically treated him like a brother. And Giles approved, and Mom approved. Dawn even adored him. And that was sooo nice. Everyone loved him and loved her and she fit right in to this safe little assemblage of mutual approval. And when was the last time THAT happened? The last time she felt like she belonged anywhere? Hell, she hadn’t felt remotely normal since …since before she became the Slayer.


That realization hit her hard. She’d kinda known it, but never really REALIZED it. It ‘d been in the back of her head, this quiet knowing. But now it was front and center. Buffy desperately missed being normal. So much that it hurt sometimes. Yeah, she loved her work – she did actual good in the world. But it made her an outsider. A roll she wasn’t given a choice about.
One day she was so far inside that she was idolized. She set the trends, made the rules. She was on top, and everyone loved her – wanted to be like her. The next she was out in the cold, freezing to death with her nose pushed up against the glass. And she wanted back in.
She needed it to keep her sane, to give her balance, to prove to herself that she was still normal. Cause deep inside, in a place she kept thoughts that never saw daylight, she was pretty sure she wasn’t – not really. No, not at all. An evil little voice had been telling her: ‘You don’t belong - not anywhere.’ She was outside the outsiders, and it was so cold out there…

This was as close as she’d been to normal in a long time; inside this circle of love and acceptance where it was so warm. Her boyfriend was strong and handsome and stable. Giles was everything but a biological father. She had her mother, she had Dawn. She had the two best friends anyone could ever ask for. This was feeling a whole lot like normal life to her. And that was close enough. It was enough for her.

*Wasn’t it?*

Her subconscious whispered. Yes, of course it was. More than enough. And if Riley didn’t set her world on fire that was okay. Because real love wasn’t like that anyway. Real love was about support and respect and kindness. And he was such a good man. What kind of person would she be if she didn’t love him? That was not a question Buffy was prepared to answer. So she was just going to try and love him. And enjoy her normal life with her normal friends and her everybody’s-all-American boyfriend.

*Yes, good plan. Going with that…*

With his usual sense of impeccable timing…

Enter our hero, stage right.


*Dammit! What is he doing here? Was he even invited to this? Who the hell told him there was a meeting? Crap!*

Buffy’s brain went into overdrive. To make things worse her body followed skipping right along. It didn’t give a hot damn that Spike was a vampire sans soul and totally unsuitable in every conceivable way. As far as Buffy’s body was concerned its divine right mate was in the room and it was practically singing with joy. This only served to irritate her further. There he was casual as hell, looking like some deposed rock star. Looking like he belonged here. It got right up under her skin. What gave him the fucking RIGHT?! To just sit there, and be so gorgeous, seem so touchable, so damn…fuckable. Like she could mount him right now. Like he wanted it. Expected it. Like it was simply his due. Worse yet was how much she wanted to do exactly that. Against all reason just get up, walk over there and climb him like a tree.

Buffy tried not to look at Spike directly. She felt the heat prickle on the back of her neck, on her upper lip, between her breasts. The middle of fucking autumn and she was about to sweat through her shirt. She licked her suddenly dry lips and tried very hard to ignore the tableau her mind kept presenting her with…

She would rise casually from her chair, like it was the most natural thing in the world. Crossing the room to where he stood would take only a fraction of an instant. And then he’d be there, right in front of her – radiating inviting coolness. And she was so very hot right now. She wouldn’t say anything and he would just smile like he knew. Like he understood exactly what she needed. And he would know. He would pull her close and kiss her slowly and thoroughly. And she wouldn’t care about anything anymore. Not about Riley. Or her friends. She would forget about Glory. About brain tumors and death. It would all just fade out like a darkened stage far beyond the spotlight they stood in. And it would be perfectly right…to just kiss him like he contained the very last breath of oxygen in the room. To undress him and take her time with it, enjoying the slow, tantalizing exposure of so much perfect flesh. To bare her self to him and let him delight in her, showing him anything and everything he wanted to see. Because she wanted him to see it all. And then she would feel his cold, muscular body pressed intimately against her own and she would let him have her. She would spread for him on the counter, letting him devour her wetness and suckle her breasts. She would lay for him on the floor and love the feel of his hard body driving her into the cold linoleum. She would bend over the table and enjoy the scrape of leather and paper against her nipples and belly as he fucked her from behind. And then in the training room…

Spike’s movement startled her out of her trance. She’d been staring at him from the corner of her eye for the past five minutes. Her heart was going a thousand miles an hour and she’d broken out in a light sheen of sweat. Stupid vampire. Buffy deeply resented the thrall he seemed to have over her today. Wait – what was he doing? She couldn’t believe it – he was actually gonna smoke in here! The nerve…as if it wasn’t bad enough that he was here at all…

“ Spike. Light that thing in here and DIE.”

She glared at him with the full intensity of her pent up lust and frustration. He had the decency to look abashed and put it away. There. Now she could go back to ignoring him.

*Good. Stupid jerk.*

Now what was that about the training room again?
This story archived at http://