Love Comes to Town by Soul of the Rose
Summary: Spike’s burning love for Buffy attracts Cupid’s attention from the higher realms. Intrigued, he investigates and decides to lend him a hand. Her stubborn refusal of Spike’s affections brings unexpected consequences that may lead to the loss of both Dawn and Spike from her life. Meanwhile, a prophetic dream brings her warnings of her own death and Riley is proving to be the worst boyfriend ever. How will our hero triumph? Stay tuned for sexy banter, adventure, romance and some really good smut… **NOMINATED FOR 20 AWARDS!! At Lost in Spike, Spuffy, Love's Last Glimpse, Blood Ties, Breathless & the Love Bite Awards. Thank you everyone!! UPDATE: WINNER MOST ORIGINAL STORYLINE & BEST FLUFF at the Love Bite Awards. WINNER BEST WIP & HONORED with JUDGES CHOICE at the Lost in Spike Awards. Thank you so much everybody!! :) **

Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 50 Completed: No Word count: 130839 Read: 53578 Published: 06/18/2005 Updated: 01/30/2013
Chapter Twenty ~ Across the Universe by Soul of the Rose
** Since you've been oh-so-patient and have flattered me with all those yummy reviews, here's a brand new chappie...**

Chapter Twenty ~ Across the Universe

“ Sounds of laughter, shades of life are ringing
through my open ears inciting and inviting me.
Limitless undying love which shines around me
like a million suns and calls me on and on
across the universe…
Nothing’s gonna change my world… ”

~ the Beatles

Buffy wasn’t sure what to expect at the Magic Box now. Alternate Universes?

* Alternate Xanders?!*

That gave her brain a spin. She was deeply relieved to find the same old bright blue building standing exactly where she’d left it 24 hours ago. She followed Willow through the front door and was greeted by the familiar scents of herbs and incense.

*So far, so good.*

There was Xander, looking…Xanderish, talking to Anya at the counter. They turned to smile at her as she came in. Nice and normal. Giles seemed his usual tweedy self, mulling over the day’s receipts and drinking tea. She patted Xander’s back affectionately as she walked by. The mushy love-vibe between him and Anya was almost palpable. She felt a momentary pang; her and Riley didn’t seem to share much of that these days.

*No, just you and -*

She cut the thought off abruptly, focusing on settling herself in at the large round table designated for research. It was piled high with books and manuscripts already. This seemed to be heading in the direction of an all-nighter… Oh, well – at least she could look forward to coffee and doughnuts later. Plus lots of mid-researchy chitchat. She smiled happily to herself and rummaged for a pen and notebook in her bag. The ringing of the small brass bell over the door startled her. Who could that be? Everyone was here already…

*Oh yeah. Faith. Act natural - keep stake handy.*

“ What’s up all?”

She sauntered in casually, tight jeans and a white tank top showing off her well-sculpted body. Buffy felt self-consciously thin and frail by comparison.

*Just remember you can kick her ass.*

She reassured herself, giving her a faux smile. She wasn’t sure if she should be comforted that Faith still looked the same or not. Faith pulled out a chair from the table, straddling it and resting her arms along the back.

“ So what’s the 411, people? Giles didn’t say much on the phone.”

Just then the doorbell sounded again, and everyone turned to look. Dawn straggled in, gasping. She grinned insolently at Faith between pants.

“ Told ya you couldn’t ditch me.”

Buffy had never been so glad to see her sister in her life. It felt like weeks since she’d last laid eyes on her. She got out of her seat to greet her and pulled her into a tight hug.

“ Dawnie! I’m so happy to see you.”

Dawn hugged her back looking puzzled.

“ But I just saw you last - ”

“I know, I know – I’ll explain later.”

Was it her imagination or did Dawn’s hair look browner somehow. More chocolatey. She tucked a smooth strand behind her sister’s ear gently.

“ What’d you do to your hair, Dawnie? It looks darker…”

Dawn touched her long hair self-consciously.

“ What? Nothing. I got it cut…” She eyed Buffy warily. “ Are you okay? Cause you seem kinda weird today.’

“ Yeah, I guess. It’s been a weird kinda day.”

They walked back to the table together to sit down. Dawn situated herself between Buffy and Faith, dropping her backpack with a noisy thud. This drew a glare from both Slayers. Dawn balked at the double stare-down thrown her way.

“ Okay, okay. Sorry! Jeeze.”

Faith seemed to relent a little and leaned forward to talk to the younger girl.

“ So how’d yer day go, Squirt?”

“Ah, it was okay. Same stuff as usual.”

“ Long as you went. More than I did when I was your age.”

“ Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can I please get another Faith-as-juvenile-delinquent story to keep me on the straight and narrow?”

Buffy was surprised that Faith would bother with her sister. She’d never noticed her taking an interest before. Maybe AU Faith really was good…maybe.

“ Hey, don’t be such a smart-ass. I just want ya to learn from my mistakes is all.”

Buffy smiled approvingly, warming ever so slightly to this new Faith and her seemingly un-evil intentions.

“ Yeah, Dawnie – you should listen to her. I think it’s nice that Faith wants to be a good influence on you. Lord knows you won’t let me be one.”

Dawn shot her a curious look.

“ Yeah, Kiddo. Listen up, I’m chock full a wisdom.”

Faith ruffled Dawn’s perfect hair playfully. The girl batted her hand away and patted it back into place irritably.

“ Hey! I did not spend an hour with a flat iron just for you to mess it up again.”

Faith shrugged amiably, smiling.

“ Dunno why you don’t like it curly anyway. Look at mine – it looks hot.”

There was something oddly familiar about this conversation.

“ Ever occur to you I don’t wanna look like you, Doof?”

*That’s funny they sound just like me and -*

“ Hey now, total babe over here. You oughta be happy we share any genes at all, Kid.”

All the color drained out of Buffy’s face.

Dawn rolled her eyes insolently.

“ Oh whatever. You are so full of yourself.”

But she grinned when she said it. Just like she always did when she mouthed off to her sister.

“ You know I’m right though.” Faith said poking at her playfully. “ You know you can’t wait to grow up so you can be just like your big sis.”

It felt like a mule-kick in the gut. Buffy felt all the air drain out of her lungs.

Dawn squealed and giggled at the tickling she was getting.

“ Oh right. As if!”

A dreadful sick feeling crept in.

“ Be nice, Kiddo – or I’ll tell everyone about how you used ta strip off all your clothes and run stark freakin’ naked all over the neighborhood.”

Dawn’s voice went up an octave in her outrage;

“ Hey, I was two then!”

“ See that just proves my point ‘bout your genes – ya come by it honestly.”

Faith shot her sister a bawdy wink. Dawn giggled and poked her back, smiling.

“ Well, you might have a point there. But at least I didn’t get your skanky taste in clothes.”

Her older sister’s eyebrows shot up at the jab.

“ Whoa! Harsh words from the gromit. I’m so gettin’ you for that one later.”

Dawn dismissed her with a wave of her hand.

“ I know, I know. When I least expect it… can we get on with the research already?”

Faith ruffled her hair again for good measure and turned to look at Giles who was watching the scene with amusement.

“ So anyone gonna tell me what’s goin’ on? Or do I have to wait for the apocalypse ta actually go down?”


Buffy took the first available opportunity to pull Willow into the training room alone.

“ Oh my God, Wil! Dawn is Faith’s sister? FAITH'S ?!!!”

Her voice was tinged with hysteria. Willow looked completely nonplussed.

“ What? Whaddaya mean? Of course Faith is …” Willow’s eyes grew wide when comprehension hit. “ Because you never retired in the other Universe…you were the only one. And the monks choose the Slayer to be her protector.” She gasped. “ My God, Buffy… Dawn is YOUR sister there.”

Buffy nodded, holding back the tears threatening to spill.

“ Those monks made her out of me, Wil. And I’ve been loving her and protecting her from Glory and…”

She broke down, finally. The stress of it all was too much. She felt like straight-up crazy was right around the corner. Tears streamed down her face as she thought about her sister. So many memories, manufactured or not, they felt real. Dawn was like a part of her. There was no one she was closer to. And if she wasn’t her sister anymore… Buffy couldn’t finish the thought, she could only cry harder.

Willow wrapped her arms comfortingly around her friend, her mind boggling at all the implications. Every time she thought she understood the way the Universe worked, things just got weirder. She patted Buffy’s shoulders soothingly, making little shushing sounds.

“ Oh, Sweetie – I’m so sorry. It didn’t even occur to me that this could happen. I mean this concept is still kinda new to me. I still don’t know if Vampire Willow is an AU me, or just a by-product of Anya’s magick or... I mean I couldn’t’ve made choices THAT bad, right?”

Buffy was too lost in her own misery to hear, she continued snuffling into her friend’s shoulder.

“ But focusing! The good news is that this almost proves my theory, Buffy. You have to come from an alternate Universe…things just don’t add up otherwise. So now we know, right?”

She rubbed her arms reassuringly trying to cheer her friend up a little.

“I guess so.” Buffy said sniffling. “I just wanna go back, Wil. Words cannot express the extreme wrongness of this place for me.”

Willow nodded sympathetically.

“ Of course you do. And we will figure this out. I promise…” She frowned, worrying – then she added softly;

“ I just don’t know how yet.”

** OMG! Can you believe I just did that? But wait, there's more...Mwahahahaha. It's only gonna get crazier from here, Kids. *rubs hands together evilly* Stay tuned true believers - more to come by Monday xoxoxoxox Rosie the Riveter (get it? 'cause I'm so *riveting* lol - I crack myself up...)
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