Love Comes to Town by Soul of the Rose
Summary: Spike’s burning love for Buffy attracts Cupid’s attention from the higher realms. Intrigued, he investigates and decides to lend him a hand. Her stubborn refusal of Spike’s affections brings unexpected consequences that may lead to the loss of both Dawn and Spike from her life. Meanwhile, a prophetic dream brings her warnings of her own death and Riley is proving to be the worst boyfriend ever. How will our hero triumph? Stay tuned for sexy banter, adventure, romance and some really good smut… **NOMINATED FOR 20 AWARDS!! At Lost in Spike, Spuffy, Love's Last Glimpse, Blood Ties, Breathless & the Love Bite Awards. Thank you everyone!! UPDATE: WINNER MOST ORIGINAL STORYLINE & BEST FLUFF at the Love Bite Awards. WINNER BEST WIP & HONORED with JUDGES CHOICE at the Lost in Spike Awards. Thank you so much everybody!! :) **

Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 50 Completed: No Word count: 130839 Read: 53654 Published: 06/18/2005 Updated: 01/30/2013
Chapter 50 by Soul of the Rose
Chapter Fifty ~ Fever

“Never know how much I love you,
Never know how much I care.
When you put your arms around me
I get a fever that's so hard to bear.

You give me fever, when you kiss me.
Fever when you hold me tight.
Fever ... in the mornin',
Fever all through the night

Sun lights up the day time.
Moon lights up the night.
I light up when you call my name.
'cause I know you're gonna treat me right.
You give me fever...”

- Peggy Lee

It was after 1 when Faith and Angel finally returned to the warehouse, sneaking in the way they left. They were hoping to slip in quietly through the back door but very little in life slipped by Cordelia Chase. She turned to face them almost as soon as they were inside, arms folded across her chest disapprovingly.

“And just where have you two been?” She cocked a sharp eyebrow at Angel.

“We went for a drive.” They said in unison. They eyed each other nervously for a split second before Faith’s natural instincts took over. She shrugged nonchalantly and reached for a smoke.

“Can’t blame a girl. What with all the trauma.” She directed that last part to Spike and Buffy who shifted uncomfortably under her gaze.

“’Sides you know how much I hate being penned up. It was startin’ to feel like the Fulsom Inn around here.” She lit up a smoke and exhaled a dramatic puff. “And other than the fact that I look great in black, me n’ Johnny Cash just ain’t got that much in common.”

With that she turned and walked away; ‘nough said.

Angel had to suppress a grin at her little act.

Nice deflection, baby.

Spike watched Angel curiously. Something was up here, he could feel it. Hell, he could almost smell…

Wait a second.

Taking a deeper whiff in Angel’s direction his eyes widened. Peaches got himself shagged!

No bloody way.

But there it was; the unmistakable tang of Slayer musk mixed with the scent of sex and human sweat and just the faintest trace of Faith’s favorite body spray. She was quite the little hellcat. Certainly gave Angel a run for his money, who now that Spike was looking him over seemed worse for wear. His normally impeccable clothes were rumpled, perfect hair flattened and, hey -

Was that a bite on his neck?!

“Yeah.” Angel spoke up. “You know, we just needed to get away. Get some air. Take a little ride.”

He raised an eyebrow at Angel.

A little ride, eh?

Spike was dying to call him out in front of the group, bust his balls a bit but no telling what chaos that might lead to. The way Buffy felt about Faith, not to mention the way Spike was afraid she might still feel about Angel... After all it was one thing to say farewell to your high school sweetheart and quite another to find he was havin’ it off with your sworn enemy not an hour later. Oh yes, best not stir that particular pot.

He could assume the wanker was over Buffy now and on to greener pastures, but one never knew with Angel. The git could hold a grudge for a century or more as he recalled, he never forgot a slight. Foul temper that one - Not that ol’ Spike was worried now. He’d already bested the Poof once today.

Wouldn’t mind another go at that actually….

He replayed the fight in his head, thinking of all the ways he could inflict more damage on the next round. He gleefully imagined grinding Angel’s face into the concrete. Oh, the picturesque way his blood would fly. He sighed. Just beautiful. Maybe he could manage to take out a few teeth, a fang would be-

“What are you smiling at?” Buffy narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.

“Just happy, Pet.” He covered with a cheerful grin.
She didn’t trust that grin one little bit.

“Uh huh.” She crossed her arms, not at all convinced.


“You have Evil Face.”

Spike looked affronted.

“I do not.”

“Do so. You have ‘making sinister plans and up to no good’ written allll over you.” She wriggled an accusatory finger at him.

Spike did his patented tongue curl and gathered her into his arms.

“You love it, Baby. Who’s the Big Bad, eh?”

“I do not.” She scoffed, pulling away.

“Uh huuuh. Bet yer wet right now.” His hand wormed its way inside her pants to find out.

“Spike! Stop it!” She batted at his roving hands. “They’ll see.”

“Not if I take you outside they won’t…” He could see from her face she was considering it, against her better judgement.

“C’mon, Baby.” He purred, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling her neck from behind. “You know I’ll make it good for you…”

“We don’t have time…” she said, but he knew she was caving. He said nothing but rubbed his erection surreptitiously against her ass.

“But... we have to get Dawn.” It was almost a whimper.

“Let Faith an’ Angel get Dawn. It’ll keep ‘em out of trouble.”

Spike was starting to make sense. That couldn’t be right…

“But, but…responsibilities…” he pulled her back to him, letting her feel how hard he was. “Spiiike…noooooo.”

He grinned evilly to himself. He knew that particular “no” - it inevitably meant “yes”.

“You sure about that, Pet?” He played along for a moment, pulling away from her. “Are you sure you don’t want me to take you outside and lick every square inch of your supple, naked body until you scream in ecstatic bliss?”

She turned around giving him the evil eye. Spike batted his eyelashes innocently.

“That’s fighting dirty!” She poked him hard in the chest. “You know how I feel about your tongue!”

“Yeah.” He gave her a smug grin. “Ain’t it great?”

Buffy laughed and threw her arms around him, smooching on his face until he laughed too.

“See?” She said, settling into his arms.


“I knew you had Evil Face.”


Faith watched Angel from across the warehouse floor as he addressed his crew and set them to work. He appeared to be the big bad Daddy in more than just the bedroom which was undeniably hot. She sighed lustfully and studied him for awhile thinking about what a surprise last night was. They went 3 rounds - total K.O. She was deeply satisfied and sore in all the right places. But it was too good to last. As much as she was enjoying whatever this was Angel had LA and his crew to go back to, a life of his own... there was no place in it for her and Dawn.

And she could hardly imagine him saddled with a kid, let alone an erratic teenage girl. However grown-up Dawnie might seem today she could turn on a dime and become a screaming brat tomorrow. Faith had some very vivid memories of tantrums that ended in Dawn shrieking,“Get out, get out, GET OUT!” Followed by a slammed door that shook the whole apartment and a trashed room that looked like a Motley Crue after party, flaming trashcans and all. She shuddered to think how Angel would react - probably with a swift decapitation. Hell, it took all her self-control not to knock her into next week and she loved the little snot.

Yep, this is fuckin’ doomed. Dammit.

She frowned, already missing the all-day shag-a-thons they would never have. It would be better if she said it first, might save herself some pain. God knows she’d had enough of that lately. Still, she couldn’t help but feel grateful. She hadn’t felt that sexy and desired in awhile. Not to mention the nice, comfy distance it put between her and the ex - she could look at Spike today without feeling like dirt. It really was like Mama always said; the best way to get over a man was to get under another one. She wouldn’t mind gettin’ under him again actually.

Under, over, on top of...

She eyed Angel speculatively, thinking about all the things they hadn’t tried yet. It was a damn shame he wore such bulky clothes, he had a smokin’ bod under that trench coat. Speaking of things she’d like to get under again...she bit her lower lip. Faith always ran hot blooded, but something about Angel had her hormones in overdrive. Their chemistry was wicked, he never held back with her and his kinks scratched hers in all the right places. Maybe next time they could get out the handcuffs...

She let out a heavy sigh. Best cut that train of thought off right now. There might not be a next time, and if there was there probably wouldn’t be much more to it than that. After the big battle everyone would go their separate ways and she’d be on her own again, just like she always was. But at least she had Dawn. She took comfort in that and all it meant to her. Having family was no small thing to Faith, and Dawn was all she had left now. Strange to think the monks had nearly given her a half sister in Buffy.

Wouldn’t that have been somethin’ though? Slayer Sisters? Hell, we could start a band!

That made her smile. How different would her life have been if she’d had Joyce and Buffy in it? If she’d had a half-decent father instead of a parade of dirt bag “uncles”? Though from what little she’d heard Hank Summers was no prize either. Would he have left all of them? Or was it easier to walk away with only one child to abandon? She felt a momentary pang for Buffy. She knew the pain of being left too well. The only thing that saved her was having Dawn to care for. Buffy had her mom, but it wasn’t the same. She knew that too. Her own mother had never been able to completely fill the void her father left. Maybe they had more in common than just being Chosen... and how crazy was that? She would have sworn they were as different as night and day if you would have asked her a few days ago.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Angel’s approach. She smiled up at him before she could stop herself and covered it quickly with a brisk;

“What’s up, Boss?”

“Thought it was about time to go pick up Dawn. Wanted to get her before sunrise so we can use my car.”

She was rattled by his generosity, not to mention his nearness. He didn’t have to drive her anywhere, didn’t have to offer his help but there he was making things easier. And his proximity was making her body react in all the wrong ways. She managed to stumble out “Okay... cool.” before grabbing her jacket and following him to the door. This was so not good. She had to take control of this situation fast before she did something she’d regret. Halfway down the outside steps she found herself blurting out what was on her mind somehow.

“Look, before it gets weird - this thing with doesn’t have to mean anything.” She walked down the last few steps to him.

Well, here goes awkward conversation #2 for the night.

She was kicking herself for starting this, but it was too late now. She’d have to brazen it out.

“Oh?” He stopped and turned to face her.

“I mean...I don’t expect anything.”

“You don’t.” His expression was indecipherable as always so she just soldiered on.

“You were hurtin’. I was hurtin’.” She shrugged, trying to play it off. “It was just comfort.”

Angel looked at her thoughtfully.

“Is that what it was?” He drew closer.

“You got another name for it?” She smirked.

He was inches away now. The smile faded from her face.

“Yeah.” He growled. “I do.”

He kissed her hard then, and she forgot what she was trying to say.


Angel was damned tired of being dismissed by women today. It didn’t sit a all well with him to be put in his place. And what was Faith thinking? That it didn’t mean anything and she could just write it all off? As if he gave himself to random women everyday... Last night had been a revelation! He’d both given and received pleasure without activating the curse. And he’d left her bed feeling alive for the first time in years. Buffy had made him feel human again but with Faith it was something else. He didn’t want to define it yet but it felt powerful, important, real. He wasn’t about to let that go. He was staking his claim here but Faith just didn’t seem to get that, obviously she needed a lesson on exactly what lay between them. To dismiss it as no more than cold comfort was almost insulting.

“Is this just comfort, Faith?” He growled pushing her up against the wall. “Is this?”

He yanked up her shirt to devour her breasts and neck then pulled her roughly to him. Her jeans were undone and his deft fingers inside before she could form the words to reply. She was too consumed by his hands and mouth and what they were doing to her to answer. Angel was delighted to feel her hot and wet for him already. It told him she wanted this, needed it, just as much as he did. He stripped her half naked then with the will of his vampire strength and speed. Before she could blink they were fucking hard against the alley wall.

This wasn’t romance and pretty pink fantasies, this was urgency and lust and just exactly what she needed. Funny to end up right back where they started - only a few feet from the back door and all the prying eyes and questions inside.

“They’ll hear.” She panted, remembering how he’d wanted to whisk her away last time.

“Let them.” He shut her mouth with a kiss and thrust himself home. Faith didn’t think anymore after that.


A word with Wesley slid the responsibility of collecting Dawn over to Faith and Angel. Faith wanted to be the one to get her sister anyway so it wasn't a hard sell. Spike noticed she didn't seem terribly unhappy at the prospect of more time with Angel either and felt relieved. He’d never been all that comfortable as the focus of her affections, something about it put him in mind of being in the laser sights of an extremely high powered rifle. A part of him was always waiting for the deadly bullet that seemed somehow inevitable. Buffy on the other hand was like being in the sunshine on a perfect summer day. He basked in her warmth and love, soaking it up. He was quite certain he’d never get enough. Nice to know that was mutual. She seemed just as starved for his attention as he was for hers.

Both been hungry too long.

Speaking of hunger, he was dying to get her alone - anywhere as long as it was soon. She’d been fully clothed for at least 8 hours now and that simply would not do. Though he could tolerate some sexy lingerie. His mind wandered into outfits and what kind she might have and he fixed her with a heated stare. Buffy caught his look and blushed prettily.

"Give me 5 minutes."

"I'll give you 3. After that I'm throwing you over my bloody shoulder and carrying you out of here by force."

Buffy caught her breath. He was entirely too sexy when he got all commanding.

"Yes, sir."

"Oh, I'll teach you to say ‘sir’ later, Pet."

Buffy almost squeaked at the tone in his voice, but she managed to keep it together long enough to grab her things. He held the front door for her, eyes burning with lust and impatience.

The very second it closed he was upon her.


Angel was drilling her hard against the wall, their only real cover was the deep shadow cast by the stairs and the closed door. They were less than 6 feet from the back entrance to the warehouse and the half dozen people inside. She bit into his shoulder to keep from screaming, tasting leather.

“Who do you belong to, Faith?”

He slipped his hand between them to strum at her clit.

Oh god.

“You... god, I belong to you.”

He kissed her and rubbed harder in reward. She was about to lose it and scream in earnest, consequences be damned.

“And who’s Daddy’s good girl, hmm?” He purred into her ear.

“Fuck...” he knew all her buttons already. She whimpered. “Me...”

He chuckled.

“That’s right.” He spun her around, hands against the wall to fuck her from behind. One hand clutched her possessively while the other wreaked havoc between her thighs. How could he make it this good inside 10 minutes in a dirty alley? This frenzied coupling rivaled their first time last night and that had been spectacular. Here she was, pants halfway off and tangled around her ankles, palms being scraped raw on the concrete wall, getting fucked within an inch of her life. So when he growled “You’re mine.” in her ear she couldn’t help but yield.


“I’m gonna make sure you never forget it.”

When he sunk his fangs into the junction of her neck and shoulder she came violently, biting down on Angel’s hand where he muffled her cries. With a spurt of rich Slayer blood filling his mouth and the feel of her heat and bite he was lost. Angel came with her in a wave that seemed to draw out for an infinite moment, stifling his own roar against her back. Coming down, he turned her around for a kiss, tasting his own blood in her mouth, tasting them both. She didn’t pull away, didn’t blanch at the taste of blood like other girls would, but then again she wasn’t like other girls. Faith wasn’t like anyone. She simply kissed him back, mirroring his barely checked passion. He felt himself rising again at her touch and chuckled, pulling away.

“The effect you have on me, woman!”

“Mutual, baby.” she grinned, reaching down to pull up her jeans. “But you’re hell on my wardrobe.” She modeled the new tears down the side of one leg, buttoning up her fly.

“Don’t.” He warned, dark eyes burning.“You’ll get me started again...” He grabbed her for another kiss, growling. “I could buy you clothes just to rip them off.”

“Damn.” She kissed him back.

It’d been a long time since she’d been the focus of anyone’s undivided attention. It was nice, even if it was mostly physical. But he’d said she was his, that she belonged to him... She shrugged it off. It was never good to put too much stock into anything a guy said in bed. Even if you wanted it to be true.

Especially then.

She was getting in over her head here. The sex was intense and that always got her into trouble. If she didn’t watch herself, she’d drown. The memory of Spike and what it cost her was still fresh in her mind. She frowned, it still cut - though admittedly not nearly as much as it did yesterday. Angel turned out to be the best medicine.

Who knew?

She’d always thought he was sexy in that dark, mysterious way. He had that bad boy tryin’ to make good thing goin’ that was just so hot. But she had no idea he was like this. Buffy never said anything that even hinted at this kind of passion. Hell, they barely even had sex that she knew of. So this beast in bed thing was kind of a surprise.

A pretty damn good one too.

“What are you grinnin’ at?” He asked with a smile of his own.

“I was just thinkin’ that you got the cure for what ails me.”


The instant they were outside Spike swung Buffy up and into his arms to kiss her breathless. God he was hungry for her. All day he’d longed for this; to be alone, to touch her. He cursed the necessities that kept them apart, cursed the very world for needing her when he needed her. He’d almost lost her today. If that git had been any more powerful or Buffy any less a Slayer...


He couldn’t bear the thought of her absence, her death... when he’d only just won her. And now that they were finally alone he wasn’t going to waste a second on useless words. With an eye towards his surroundings he managed to continue their kiss and keep them both upright as he strode forward. He had a loose plan forming. They were asked to stay close while Faith and Angel were gone. Riley wasn’t likely to show again, but Glory was still on the loose. Wouldn’t do to leave the humans without protection. He could do that - and he would for Buffy and the care she bore them. What he would not do is be denied. Spike figured two doors down was enough. With the windows shut the sounds of cries and roars wouldn’t carry.


He smirked. Arms full of sweet Buffy he found the door he wanted and busted it in with a well-placed boot. He kicked it shut behind them with an impatient grunt, eyes open for a place to land. He set her down on the first stack of packing crates he found, stripping off his coat and kneeling before her. Her shirt was pushed up and her pants undone a second later. It was all he could do not to rip her clothes off and out of his way. He slid the bra straps down her arms yanking at the cups to bare her pretty tits, not bothering to unhook it in his haste. He latched on to the first exposed nipple while palming her other breast, going from one to the other and back again. He felt feverish with the need to possess her. He traced a delicate path up her chest, licked her throat and moved up to her lips again for a bruising kiss. Buffy had never seen him so wild before, so desperate for her, it made her tingle with excitement.

He moved back down to her breasts and over her belly with kisses and licks, tongue delving into her navel for a moment. She gasped when he dragged her pants and undies off to bury his tongue inside of her. Spike growled at her taste, his demon craved her cream more than even blood now. He couldn’t say he blamed it. Her honey spilled onto his tongue; she so wet, so hot. Buffy’s strong thighs around his ears, gasping and whimpering as she surrendered, his mouth full of her taste - Spike figured this was as close to Heaven as a shite like him was likely to get. He fully intended to enjoy it, letting his demon out to have the treat it had been craving all day.

Buffy felt him change, felt the ridges against her sensitive flesh, felt his teeth and God help her it turned her on. This animal at her center, growling as it ate her...she’d never understood that term before; “eat out”. The tentative and cautious way Riley approached it didn’t even begin to compare to what Spike did. He made her a meal, used his hands, his whole face to enjoy her. Approached her like a gourmand feasting upon his favorite delicacy after weeks of starvation. Buffy fell back on the dusty wood, succumbing to the onslaught of her lover’s attentions.

Face wiggling, he spread her thighs wider to dive in holding them apart while he licked her from bottom to top and back again. He was practically purring his enjoyment, little rumbles of appreciation vibrated through her. His tongue went everywhere, dove into her sex, tickled her ass, swept over her mound and up her inner thighs. She was breathless and shivering at his touch. Buffy was certain she’d never been this wet before. It felt like she was dripping, like she could leave a puddle on the floor below her.

Spike was dying, sensorium on overload, surrounded by her scent and taste and ecstatic cries. He was
torn between savouring the moment and simply spearing her on to his cock. He planned on waiting but it was almost painful now, he was near blind with longing. His inner poet adamantly protested the idea of taking his beloved in such a manner. Was their first time really to be on the cold cement floor of some filthy warehouse? William wanted candles and rose petals. Meanwhile his demon only wanted in. Demon wanted to devour her and possess her in every way imaginable. Demon wanted to make her his. While William wanted to belong to her.

His whole body thrummed with desire, his want a terrible, hungry need inside him. But what does she want? William whispered. What does she deserve? He truly despised the ponce. And he’d been hearing from him all too frequently since Buffy came back into his life. Spike wanted to roar with frustration but... William was right. Buffy deserved more than a dirty floor. He wanted her to remember their first time with joy, he wanted her to feel cherished, adored. And he didn’t want to ruin a perfect moment with his trademark impetuousness. Times like this he dearly missed his formerly evil self. The Spike of yore would’ve had her 5 different ways by the end of the first night and they’d’ve been shagging like rabbits all week.
Damn William and his gentlemanly notions!

He pulled back from Buffy with a frustrated snarl hurrying to strip off his shirt and open his jeans. He’d never felt this hard before. It was all he could do not to bury himself inside her and claim her right there. He took himself in hand instead and bent to her once more, satisfying himself on her taste and pleasure. Tuning out his own need he tuned instead to her; her cries and moans, the feel of her heat radiating out to him, the taste of her satiny sweet in his mouth. Buffy was trembling on the very edge. Instinctively he knew what she needed; when to go soft and slow, when to speed up, rough tongue working her over. If he timed it just right, they would come together.

He felt her whole body tremble, thighs twitching as she let go. When she screamed for him he rose to his feet, giving himself the one pleasure he would allow. He pulled her roughly to him, sliding his erection between her slippery lips and over her clit. She burned with slick heat, it was dizzying. He had just enough sense left to direct his movements. Cock in hand he rubbed the soft tip against her clit, drawing out her orgasm and beginning his own. He let go and pressed himself to her, cool length sliding over sensitive flesh, hitting her in just the right spot. He wrapped her legs around his waist and planted his hands to thrust against her. Her body arched hard as she spasmed, howling as she came for him again. He joined her in the next instant growling out his satisfaction as he spilled over her belly.

Watching him come set her off all over again, his demon face never more beautiful, never more wild and monstrous, and she rolled into a another set of multiples grinding herself into him with abandon. He kissed her then rough tongue invading her mouth, full of the taste of her. Some part of her rational mind thought it might be sick to like this so much, sick to get off on the attentions of a soulless beast. But the Slayer in her, that dark inner part that was demon itself, rejoiced and silenced all her doubts. This was perfect, this was right, this was all that she had been missing.

Spike went from mouth to throat, licking the sweat from her neck with his long cat tongue. She shivered with pleasurable chills as she came down, whole body singing. She thought he would stop and lay with her but his rough licks continued over her collar bone and down her chest to each nipple, nuzzling and nipping gently as she squirmed. He kissed her bellybutton and found his way to her pussy again to lick it clean, ignoring her weak protests.

Once was never enough for him. He wanted at least 3 more serious orgasms out of her before they returned. He speared her with his demon tongue thrusting deep to taste her, flexing and tickling in a way no human could. Buffy could only gasp and moan, fingers tangled in his hair as she rocked against his mouth. Her next peak built quickly, he loved that about her. Once he got her started it was as if the gates were thrown open. He could bring her off almost endlessly after.

That was exactly what he intended to do.


After the heated urgency of the alley Faith allowed herself to be contentedly lead to the car and tucked up under his arm for the ride to the motel. She tried not to think too hard about what they were doing and just let it be. It was still dark, knowing Dawn she was passed out cold and snoring without a care. She was used to Faith’s late-night activities and would know to look for a note if her sister wasn’t there when she woke. Faith always left a note though Dawn rarely got them. She usually slept like a rock til a blaring alarm woke her for school. On the weekends she’d be out til almost noon before stumbling into the kitchen for coco puffs and cartoons.

Faith slipped in quietly and brought Angel in behind her. Her sister was face down on the double bed, tangled in the sheets and blankets. She was always a restless sleeper, Faith could remember watching Dawn toss in her crib. It got so that Mom wouldn’t even put blankets in the bed at night. “My little hurricane” she called her. Funny to think that never actually happened, it felt as real as the day she was Chosen, as vivid as the night her mother died. In the end it didn’t matter to her, her love was real and Dawn was the only family she had.

She woke her little sister gently, shaking her shoulder.
“C’mon Little D. Time to get up.”

“But it’s not even light yet...” She whined groggily, cracking an eyelid at the night dark windows.

“I know, but we gotta move. Angel’s here so mind your manners.”

Dawn grumbled and buried her head under her pillow. “Come on now.” Faith swatted her rear playfully. “You got 5 minutes before I start tellin’ him embarrassin’ childhood stories.”

“Okay, okay!” Dawn threw off the covers and rolled out of the ratty bed.

Angel watched the two sisters interact and found himself charmed. He was seeing Faith’s softer side. He never realized she had one. He usually saw her in a crisis, in full Slayer mode - and that was a sight to behold. He always did love a little fight in his women and Faith had plenty o’ that. The two girls bantered back and forth playfully trading jabs and bits of news. He was pleased when she referenced him, it made him feel included somehow. He found he liked being inside the circle of their warmth.

“So what’s the sitch? Why the big move out?” Dawn asked finally.

“It’s bad, D.” Faith spoke over her shoulder, digging through her duffel for fresh clothes. “Looks like the Apocalypse is comin’ up fast. It’s ugly enough to bring Angel down from LA and Buffy out of retirement.”

Dawn’s eyes bulged at that. She wondered why Buffy was at the last Scooby meeting, hadn’t seen much of her in the past few years. Funny how she missed her, like a cousin or aunt you didn’t see often but still loved Buffy always felt like family. It had to be serious to pull her away from Riley and her wedding planning.

“Should I be worried?” She chewed her lip anxiously “What can I do?”

Angel stepped in before Faith could speak.
“I don’t want you to worry, Dawn. My team’s on it, both Slayers are on it. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

Faith was more than a little touched by his concern for her sister, but she tried to shrug it off. She didn’t want to read too much into it. Tossing her clean clothes over one shoulder she approached Dawn with her usual self-assurance.

“We got this, D. But there’s always something you can do. Right now you can get breakfast and pack up while I grab a quick shower.”

“Okay.” She smiled, reassured to be at the center of so much protection and concern.

While Dawn rummaged in the bags for suitable breakfast food Angel followed Faith to the bathroom door, picturing soapy water cascading down her body, golden skin slick and wet beneath his hands.

“You know I want to come in there.” He rumbled looming over her, hands on the doorframe.

She stole a glance at Dawn busy poking through grocery sacks and gave him a quick but thorough kiss.

“Next time.” She winked, pulling her t-shirt off and closing the door behind her with a saucy smile.

He stifled a growl wishing for LA and the privacy of his suite at the Hyperion. Apocalypses and little girls were in his way right now. But when he turned to see Dawn smiling brightly at him he found it suddenly difficult to be annoyed.

“Do you eat?” She asked.

“Not really, but I’ll take a coffee if you’ve got it.”

“Comin’ right up.”

He returned her cheery smile despite himself.


Faith emerged from the bathroom 15 minutes later with a wet head but disappointingly fully clothed. He was hoping for a little glimpse of skin under her towel though it was probably just as well. He had to reign it in with Dawn in the room and that was the last thing he wanted to do right now. He hadn’t felt this lusty since his early vampire days with Darla. Something about Faith made it feel alright to be that free with his desires. He’d forgotten how much he enjoyed that part of himself and wanted nothing more than to be alone with her again to explore it - and her - to his satisfaction.

Faith felt his dark eyes on her as soon as she opened the bathroom door. When she looked at him his gaze was hooded but full of fire. He was making an effort to hide it from Dawn, but he couldn’t seem to hide it from her. It made her heart flutter to be the focus of all his want. And it was hard to ignore her own desires, her mind was full of all they’d done together and all she wanted to do still... She met his eyes and he saw it on her face, smelled it in the heat of her skin, the musk of her mixing with the scent of her vanilla soap. She cut her eyes to Dawn, willing him to stillness with a subtle shake of her head.

“Your turn for the shower, kiddo.” It was an effort to keep her voice even.

“ ‘Kay.” Dawn barely glanced up from her phone before shuffling into the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

Thank god for teenage self-involvement.

Angel was across the room in half a second.

“Can you be quiet?’ She asked in a whisper.

“Can you?” He growled back.

He was on his knees, biting at her stomach and hips as soon as the water started.


It was hard to contain her giddiness in the car. She was light headed and euphoric after their secret quickie. He’d made her come three different ways by the time he was done, against the wall and on the floor, mouth, hands and cock. Thank god Dawn took long showers, though Faith would have gladly stayed in that room all day with him. If this was going to go on (and hope against hope it would) they’d have to make some better arrangements. She hated to push it, never wanted to be the one to lay down the boundaries. She’d sooner walk away than ask a guy to be her steady - but Dawn was involved here. She had to be careful. The kid was already sad about her break up with Spike, though she promised her she could still see him as much as she wanted. She didn’t want her going through more heartache with Angel.

Faith did her best to keep her sister untouched by her love life. She didn’t introduce her to boyfriends usually, but Spike had been special. He seemed to love Dawn from the start.

Even if he didn’t love me.

It still stung that he couldn’t find room in his heart for her when he seemed to do it so readily for Buffy. But she was a realist. It was what it was. People were like chemicals, sometimes they mixed, sometimes they didn’t. And you never knew how two people were gonna react together. Her time with Angel was a testament to that. They could power whole cities with what they had goin’ on, and she was willing to bet it was never like that for him and Buffy. So yeah, she could take it. Hey, maybe things were workin’ out just the way they oughta be. She settled back against the seat and took his hand under the cover of the high leather back. She smiled when he took it without hesitation and stroked the back of her hand softly with his thumb.

Oh yeah. Things were workin’ out just fine.
This story archived at http://