Twists Of Fate by Tasha
Summary: This is the sequel to Me and a Gun written by Stephanie. Stephanie and Tasha are writing this sequel together. This picks up at the end of the previous story. It would be helpful to read that story, but the summary is that right after OMWF, Buffy is caught in the cemetery, raped, shot, and left to die. Spike sees the perpetrator leaving the crypt, and then he smells Buffy's blood. He finds her inside, and the rest follows. (There is NO actual rape in this fic, but we are dealing with the aftermath that Buffy goes through because of it.)
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Horror, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations, Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: No Word count: 77904 Read: 20894 Published: 06/25/2005 Updated: 11/15/2015
(14) Life in L.A. by Tasha
Author's Notes:
The story flowed better to break it into two parts. In part one, Giles goes to LA to talk with Hank and pick up Faith. In part two (Chapter 15), you will find out what has transpired in Sunnydale while Giles was away including some delicious Spuffy.
Twists Of Fate - (14) Life In L.A.

By Tasha and Athenewolfe


Previous Chapter Summary: Giles, in his overprotective and misguided fashion, took steps to make things "easier" on Buffy. He's really trying to do it make his own life easier because he's frustrated with everything. Spike and Buffy come to separate realizations about their lives and each other. Angel was unaccounted for, probably licking his wounds somewhere.

Author's Note/Summary: The story flowed better to break it into two parts. In part one, Giles goes to LA to talk with Hank and pick up Faith. In part two (Chapter 15), you will find out what has transpired in Sunnydale while Giles was away including some delicious Spuffy.

Disclaimer: All characters originally created by Joss Wheadon and Mutant Enemy belong to them by all rights. I just sneak them out of the vaults to play with them whenever I can. I do not make any money off of this. I have only the satisfaction that others enjoy the creativity and storylines that I come up with for our heroes, heroines, and villains.

'Single' quote marks surround thoughts in this story. "Regular" quotes are around spoken words.


Giles double checked the address as he pulled up in front of the stately home. Although not as grand as a British manor house, Mr. Summers home was, nonetheless, an impressive structure. Its two stories held an impressive girth even for the Bel-Air address, and Giles felt a twinge of anger at the concept that this man couldn't bother to take care of his children. He obviously was not lacking in wealth.

Even considering the frequent trips with his mistress to their Spanish residence, Hank should have been able to clear his schedule long enough to come home for Joyce's funeral. The sheer callousness of the man's actions made Giles blood boil, regardless of the fact that Mr. Summers blamed the absence to lack of communication between his Californian and Spanish homes. Giles doubted that the man was even sorry about the incident. What kind of father would be out of contact for that long of a time period? Joyce's ordeal had taken months. Hank had not called, emailed or wrote to his children until a week after the funeral. It seemed too convenient of an excuse.

Then, there was the obvious issue of a lack of financial support. If the man would help with any of the expenses occurred during Joyce's hospital stay, or any of the funeral expenses, then Buffy would not be in such dire straights. Even if the man would just pay the child support that he owed, it would have greatly helped the girls keep it together.

In fact, Giles reflected, the majority of Buffy's problems could probably be laid at Hank Summers' feet. If Hank had shown more support to his daughters then Giles wouldn't have to leave for Buffy's own good. Dawn wouldn't have been taken away by social services either. Hell, Buffy herself probably would have been stronger and more content to follow Giles direction. His slayer would have been better prepared for everyday life. It was Hank's fault that she was so selfish that she continuously ran away from her problems and that the only way to make her responsibility for her actions would be for Giles to leave the country. It would be for her own good, and she would finally have to be responsible for her life.

As Giles continued to work up a righteous anger towards Hank, he began to fantasize about the reaction he would get by exerting the Council's influence. Hank would try to bluff his way out signing the papers because it wouldn't look good to his law firm. Giles would insist, and then he'd mention the power and influence that the Council welded. It would be a glorious battle of wit and will, but like all intellectual challenges, Giles would emerge triumphant. Before this night was over, Hank Summers would sign away custody of his youngest daughter.

The meeting initially seemed to be going well. Hank welcomed Giles into his home and led him past a beautiful solarium complete with a baby grand piano, and up a winding staircase designed to impress. The staircase naturally flowed into Hank's home office, giving Giles a momentary twinge of envy. It was completely unfair that Hank had a home office that was this beautiful. The man represented some of the worst scum found in California. It was almost as bad, if not worse, then working for Wolfram and Hart. The man was an intellectual properties attorney at a big-name firm. Demons would be almost preferable to the likes of Spielberg or Lucas. Seriously - how many lawsuits could one man file?

When the subject had turned from polite pleasantries to the subject of Joyce and her daughters, the man's eyes had grown cold and calculating. Barely constrained fury flashed across his face, and Giles began to doubt that this meeting would continue to go as smoothly as it had been. He was not, however, afraid of the upcoming battle. He would be taking Dawn back to England, and nothing Hank Summers could say would be changing that fact.

Giles began his carefully worded speech, "I will be honest with you Mr. Summers. I want you to relinquish all custody of Dawn Summers to myself and terminate your parental rights. I am prepared to take over all financial burdens, including educational and housing concerns. She would receive one of the finest educations in the world at a private institution in England. I am also prepared to overlook any outstanding debts you may owe to your daughter Buffy for the care of Dawn."

Giles eyes hardened as he stared down at the man, "However, should you try to fight this, I will see you in court for every penny that you failed to pay. Not only am I prepared to sue you for back child support and lawyers' fees, but also for the pain and suffering that your negligence caused. You would also be ordered take care of very expensive educations that both Buffy and Dawn will need to complete their studies up to any and all postgraduate degrees. There are legal precedents for this, and I am quite sure you are aware of them."

"I am also quite sure that your fellow partners at the firm will be very unhappy at the negative attention that I will draw to you. There is a one time offer that I will extend to you. Should you sign this document granting me custody and terminating your rights, then I will not pursue your lack of support in court. I'll also overlook the compensation that you should be obligated to pay Buffy."

Giles tirade was interrupted when Hank Summers proceeded to laugh in his face. The gall of the man! Did he not think that Giles was capable of carrying out his threats? "I say sir, your humor is highly inappropriate. I assure you I am fully prepared to back all my threats."

Hank stood up and walked over to a looming filing cabinet. Removing one slim file from the middle drawer, he threw it at Giles.

"As I told Mr. Travers on the phone" Hank sneered at Giles, "it would be my pleasure to give you all the documents that I was sent at Joyce's death.

Giles looked confused and began to leaf through the contents of the file. The top form was a medical test on Dawn and Joyce. As he flipped through more legal documents, none which made any sense, he finally came to a penned note.

Dear Hank,

I am resorting to an old cliché; if you have received this letter then I have passed away. I was afraid of this; the doctors said that only one in three patients recovered from this type of surgery - and since I have never been the lucky sort, I knew that I might not survive.

I have some information to share with you that I know you won't take well. Whatever you do, please don't tell the girls.

Dawn is not your biological daughter. I have enclosed the blood tests that prove this. Dawn's blood type is type A, where as I am type O. In case you are not sure what this means, check your own medical records. You are type B. This means that it is physically impossible that you are her father.

I promise you that I did not cheat on you. I was always faithful during our marriage. I do not know how, or why, this has occurred. I'd blame mystical forces, but you probably wouldn't believe that. Comfort yourself that perhaps she was switched at birth. The important thing is that both Buffy and Dawn believe that you are Dawn's father.

I would not have told you, but I know how your mind works. I know that you sent an investigator here and that you have been looking at ways to obtain custody of Dawn. I wouldn't have minded so much, if you had wanted her for herself, but I know how your firm views its lawyers.

You want Dawn for the illusion she would give you, respectability as a family man. However, Dawn deserves so much more than that. Despite what you may think it is not as you say, that it's, 'the intention that matters.' It is what you do, and you don't want Dawn. You want a mantle piece to show off at parties.

Dawn belongs with Buffy. If you commit any act that would remove Dawn from her sister's custody, my lawyer will contact Buffy and give her all the documentation she would need to fight you. I have never lied to you. I only found out this information after I went into the hospital.

Please don't cause problems, despite the arguments and fights that we were prone to; they have always loved you and believed in you. Buffy is your daughter and Dawn knows no differently. Please take care of them for me, both of them. They will need your support, now more then ever. At the very least do it for Buffy. She has always worshiped the ground you walked on and loves you like no other.

I am placing my faith in you to do the right thing.


Giles looked up from the letter, his mouth agape with shock. He couldn't believe what he just read. Gathering up the files he nodded to Hank, "You said I could take this file?"

Hank smirked, "I told Mr. Travers that you could have all the information that I have received. The blood tests are all compiled in there - including mine. While Buffy might be my daughter, and over 18 I might add, Dawn is not. I will not take responsibility for that child. I just wish I knew that Joyce had cheated on me and that Dawn was not my daughter. I paid twice the child support for years for no reason. How selfish of her! Like anyone would believe either story - switched at birth or strange mystical forces? How stupid does she think I am?"

Hank stood up and stormed out of the room. Clutching the thin folder, Giles followed. His head was spinning. If the Key was not a genetic copy of Buffy, then what would this indicate? And why hadn't Quentin Travers told him this from them beginning instead of allowing Giles to make himself look like an ass?


Later That Night

Giles cleaned his glasses while he contemplated everything that had been revealed to him. He still couldn't believe that Dawn was not the genetic daughter of Joyce and Hank. With all the fine detail that went into planning the key's insertion into their lives and memories, you would think that such an important detail would not be overlooked. He had to notify Buffy immediately and begin the research. He doubted that she would allow Dawn to go to England with him, but perhaps he could persuade her. After all, if she wasn't really her sister, then who said that Dawn should have to stay in Sunnydale. Surely his custody would be better then the State of California's.

Cheered up, he settled down for the night. The hotel room was lacking the spacious accommodations he was use to when traveling. However, the mini-bar would more then make up for it. Tomorrow would be soon enough to ponder these new revelations.

The Next Morning

Faith shielded her eyes from the bright glare of sunshine. It seemed strange to her that she was walking out of the prison a free woman. She had been prepared to serve her time, even though she knew she could have easily escaped at any time.

Catching sight of Giles, she wondered what could possible be going on in Sunnydale that they felt the need to spring her from prison. Not that she was complaining, but it just felt strange, "Hey there, what's up?"

Faith turned her face upwards to catch the sun while she listened. She knew that she hadn't been deprived of the sun. All inmates had access to the yard where they could work out and have some recreational time. However, it felt different. She felt different.

An exasperated voice broke into her musings; "Faith are you even listening to me?"

"Sorry G. How about we go get some breakfast, your treat, and you fill me in on the sitch?"

Giles shook his head at the Council's solution. He couldn't wait to get home. One Slayer who didn't listen was bad enough. Now there were two.


Faith froze with the fork halfway to her mouth, "You're kidding me G?" "She was in heaven? And you're leaving?"

Giles gave a small sigh, and he explained once more how it was for Buffy's own good that he leave. He told Faith how he felt this was the best way to assist Buffy into becoming the strong adult that he always knew that she could be. However, his explanation was cut short by Faith's mocking laugh.

"Okay once more from the top. Buffy died to fulfill her duty to the world. She committed the ultimate sacrifice that a Slayer can make. Then her friends," Faith spat out the word, "yanked her straight out of heaven. Meanwhile, you ran off to merry old England to rebuild your life, and you LEFT the hell mouth unguarded except for a robot, a fledgling witch, a neutered vampire and Xander? After years of making Buffy guard it, and then insisting that I stay so she could go to college, everyone thought 'oh well let the civilians do it'. When Buffy and I wanted to leave it wasn't okay, but you get to run away and leave it to the demons?"

Giles began to interrupt, when Faith cut him off again, "No I want to make sure I have this right. So Slayer's have this short life span right? They hardly EVER make it past their 18th birthday. Yet, Buffy and I are the oldest Slayers in history. That is mainly because Buffy died twice, and I have been locked away in prison. So because we are ancient in comparison to the other Slayers - we don't get a traditional support unit?"

Giles stared at Faith in bewilderment. What should he say to such an accusation? He wasn't given a chance to say much while Faith continued with her tirade.

"Don't bullshit me here, G. Wes explained to me that Slayers were traditionally raised by the Watchers Council and not their families. So, if you are so used to yanking the Slayers away from their families and taking care of them, why do Buffy and I have to struggle?"

"Why will you raise Kendra and other slayers, but Buffy and I aren't good enough? Hell I understand not taking Buffy away from her family, but as soon as you discovered me on my own no one ever offered to help. Oh no, Buffy and Faith can take care of themselves. So you have Buffy ready to crack, with no money and no support, and you are just going to hightail it back to England. You'll just forget that she will have to get a job, take care of her sister, slay demons and do research in her spare time?"

Faith slammed her fist onto the top of the table. "Gee how long are you expecting her to live like that? Oh I am sure you will come back for her funeral, or one of her friends, but what about day to day support. She needs her Watcher. Hell she needs you, but you are too selfish to see it."

Faith was livid. "What the fuck am I suppose to do? Get a job? Oh that will work great. Sorry I can't come in tonight. I have a vampire's nest to take care of. Are you really an idiot? I suppose you think I should move into Buffy's house and let her take care of me too or stay in a hotel, which by the way I have no money for. What the hell are you thinking?"

Faith stood up and continued her rant at Giles. "The only people who had bothered to come see her in jail were Wesley and Angel, but she still had plenty of fuel. "Obviously your stupid Council needs me in Sunnydale, but I can guarantee you this. Either get off your pompous asses and make provisions for Buffy and I so we can actually do our jobs, or I am not going. I am damn sick of being a toy. So you want me back in Sunnydale? Then make arrangements. I need a stipend and a place to live, and then I will be the best damn Slayer that there ever was. Otherwise I am staying in LA and seeing if Wes needs some help. If you don't want to stay in Sunnydale that is fine, but we need to have research support there. So, send another stogy Watcher. I WILL NOT take orders from them, but I will let them assist me and advise me. Funny thing I learned in prison, to stay alive you need to watch your back. I don't want to die because no one bothered to tell me the details about a demon.

Faith stormed out of the restaurant leaving Giles sitting at the booth. Slowly he lowered his head onto his hands. His head was pounding from too much drinking the night before, but even through that Faith's words echoed loudly. Was she right? Was he being selfish? He loved his Slayer. He just wanted her to be strong. As his English reserve began to crumble his shoulders shook. He would not cry. Couldn't anyone understand that he couldn't stay? He couldn't bear to see his beautiful Slayer die again, and with that last thought his reserve crumbled. Silent tears coursed down his cheek. He knew he had a problem. He was finally willing to admit he needed help.

This story archived at http://