Overcome by Flibble
Summary: An unsatisfied Buffy comes across Spike while patrolling. This story is set in Season 4. Buffy and Riley are a couple but Spike is pre-chip.
Categories: Porn w/o Plot fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: Yes Word count: 23070 Read: 35413 Published: 06/26/2005 Updated: 10/17/2006
Chapter Thirteen by Flibble
Author's Notes:
Thank you so much to those people who have come back to this story after it's long hiatus. I know it's been way too long. And to those of you who have been reading for the first time: welcome and I hope you're enjoying the story.
Chapter Thirteen

“Thank God there’s only one tonight.”

“Tell me about it,” Spike agreed. “There are many things I’d rather be doing tonight, and I want to be doing all of them to you.” As he spoke he trailed one fingertip down her neck, brushing over the scar from where he bit her on that first night.

Buffy shivered, feeling her insides clench pleasurably as the scar tingled at his touch. Eagerly she turned into his arms, pressing a lingering kiss upon his full lips. Groaning in frustration she pulled aw ay and continued walking. “This whole you living with Giles thing sucks. Mom is back from her trip and I share the dorm with Willow. Even your crypt is out with The Initiative still after you. There’s no place for us to…be alone.”

“Well you know Giles doesn’t keep me chained to the bathtub anymore. I do have a room now, however begrudgingly it was given.” He slid his arms around her waist from behind and purred in her ear. “It’s got a comfy bed.”

Buffy snorted. “And what would Giles think of me disappearing into your room for hours at a time?”

Spike stopped walking and spoke somewhat tentatively. “He’d think we were sleeping together pet.”

Turning to face him with a panicked expression Buffy hissed, “Are you crazy? He can’t know that!”

“I know I’m not exactly his first choice for you Buffy but he’d get over it.”

“Get over it?” Buffy shrieked, forgetting that she was supposed to be quiet. “Spike you’re a vampire.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “Angel was a vampire.”

“Angel had a soul.”

“And I have a chip.”

“It’s not the same.”

Buffy cringed at the pregnant silence that followed that little declaration. Spike just stared at her, his blue eyes speaking volumes.

“So what is this is you?” he finally asked, his voice low but intense. “Am I just a convenient fuck till another Riley Finn comes along? Or until the chip stops working and you can kill me with a clear conscience?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Buffy argued, uncomfortable with being put on the spot regarding her feelings.

“Then tell me Buffy. What is this to you?”

“I don’t know, okay?” Buffy relented, throwing her hands in the air. “I never expected this to happen and I don’t understand it. I’m just as confused by the whole thing as you are.”

Spike squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, reeling from her words. When he opened them again he held her gaze as he said quietly, “That’s just it pet. I’m not confused. I’m not confused at all.” Walking closer to her he cupped her cheek gently. “I’m in love with you Buffy.”

Buffy’s eyes widened with shock. Her heart thundered in her chest. The sincerity on his face, as he patiently awaited her response, was undeniable. She was pulled toward him, as if by an invisible thread. Tears began to prick the backs of her eyes as her emotions got the better of her. She had no idea what she was going to say but she had the feeling that whatever it was, it would change her life forever. “Spike–“

A twig snapped somewhere to the left of them. Two blonde heads swung instantly toward the sound and their bodies tensed in preparation for an attack.

“Demon or human?” Buffy asked.

Spike paused for a moment, drawing on his preternatural senses. “Feels demony.”

“Guess this is the guy we’ve been looking for then.”

“Saved by the snapping twig hey pet?” Spike quipped sardonically.

Buffy threw him a look before heading toward the origin of the sound. “Come on.”

Not far away Buffy spied a tall demon trying to sneak off into the darkness. He would have looked like a regular person, Buffy noted, if it wasn’t for the green skin and horns.

“Leaving so soon?” she called out, smiling a little when the demon stopped immediately, standing stock still.

“That’s better,” Buffy continued. “Now if only all the demons would simply stop when I asked it would simple things up so much.”

Spike appeared suddenly beside her, having dawdled while she ran. When he saw the demon he frowned. “Mac?”

The demon turned to look hesitantly over his shoulder. “Spike?”

“Yeah mate.” Spike wandered over, leaving Buffy to follow him with a confused frown. “What are you doing skulking around at this time of night?”

Mac glanced nervously at Buffy.

“It’s alright Mac,” Spike assured the anxious looking demon. “The slayer’s with me.”

“Oh. Okay.” Mac nodded vigorously, though the fact obviously gave him little comfort. “I’m leaving Spike. And I won’t be back.”

Spike frowned. “Why?”

“It’s not safe. There’s army lookin’ guys running around. The slayer is killing demons left and right.” Mac said this last quietly, with an anxious glance in Buffy’s direction.

“Just the evil ones,” Buffy argued.

Spike raised an eyebrow at her. “Gave them each a personality test did you pet?”

Buffy rolled her eyes.

“There’s something else out there too Spike,” Mac interrupted. “Not demon. Not human. They say it cuts up anything that stumbles into its path.”

Spike and Buffy looked at each other in surprise.

“You know anything else about this…creature?”

Mac shook his head.

“How are you heading out?” Spike asked.

“There’s a tunnel under the old caretaker’s house on the east side of the cemetery. A buddy of mine is going to meet me there and help me get to L.A.”

“We’ll help you.”

They both looked at Buffy in shock.

“What?” she asked irritably. “Look obviously you aren’t out to kill all humans or bring about Armageddon or anything so I’m not going to hurt you. But The Initiative will. So we’ll escort you to the house where you’ll meet your friend.”

Taken aback, Mac smiled gratefully. “Thanks.”


As Spike and Buffy watched Mac and his friend disappear into the darkness of the tunnel Buffy looked up at Spike with troubled eyes.

“I haven’t had a clear conscience since the day I was chosen as the slayer,” she admitted quietly. “I’ve killed harmless demons like Mac. I must have. But I can’t stop to wonder if every demon I come across is part of the harmless minority. I have to just go with my instinct and hope it’s right. I was chosen to protect humans and if I let a demon live and it goes on to harm a human…” Stopping suddenly she shook her head sadly. “Either way, my conscience will never be clear.”

Regretting his earlier words, Spike drew her into his arms. “I know baby.”

Buffy snuggled deeper in Spike’s embrace, struck by the irony that her vampire lover was consoling her over hurting innocent demons. Somehow, it still managed to feel right.

When Spike stiffened suddenly Buffy looked up at him with a frown. “What’s wrong?”

“Soldeirs.” Jerking out of her arms Spike closed the secret door that hid the entrance to the tunnel and together they repositioned an old dresser in front of the door to conceal it.

Hearing the front door burst open Buffy grabbed Spike’s hand and dragged him over to a built-in cupboard. They slid the door closed just as an armed soldier entered the room. Ducking low behind some boxes they listened anxiously as the soldier searched the room, holding their breath when he opened and closed the cupboard door. Thank God for underpaid personnel, Buffy thought with relief. They never fail to do a lousy job.

“There’s no one here sir,” the soldier said formally.

“Damn. They must have gone around the house.” Riley’s irritated voice was instantly recognised by the couple in the cupboard and Buffy saw Spike’s jaw tense in the dim light.

“Alright. Let’s set up the map here and we’ll figure out our next move.”

Spike was practically vibrating in anger that Buffy knew had no hope of being satisfied. Gently she placed her hand on his jaw, wanting to ease his frustration. His eyes snapped to hers and she shivered at the intensity of feeling in his eyes.

Moving closer she took his head between her hands and pressed a kiss to his lips. Suddenly she found herself crushed in his embrace. His strong arms enveloped her and he nudged her against the back wall of the cupboard.

Buffy had to remind herself to be silent as his hands began to explore her body, one sliding underneath her skirt to draw her leg up around his waist. Spike’s lips trailed down her neck where he latched onto the scar he’d given her and sucked hard. His hand closed over her mouth to stifle her moan and Buffy sucked one of his fingers into her mouth.

Working her hands between their bodies Buffy undid Spike pants, drawing his hard length out of its confines. Then, moving her thong aside she positioned him at her entrance, her mouth falling open in a silent groan when he slid into her welcoming body.

Outside they could still hear the murmur of Riley’s voice and that of his soldiers. But in their darkened hiding place the silence was broken only by the sound of their breathing. Spike raised his head and their gazes locked. The feel of their bodies undulating together sent waves of pleasure through Buffy’s body and she could feel an explosive orgasm approaching.

A sudden shout on the other side of the door sounded as Riley berated the soldier who had sworn he saw Buffy, Spike and the unknown hostile enter the house. At the sound of his voice Spike’s handsome features rippled and shifted until only the vampire remained. He dropped his head onto Buffy’s shoulder, as if he didn’t want her to see him that way. Buffy reached up to lift his head again. Sliding her tongue into his mouth she nicked it on one of his fangs, relishing the way he sucked it into his mouth to capture every drop of blood. Realising that Spike could taste her blood as long as he had no intention of hurting her, Buffy tilted her head back, directing his mouth downward. As Spike lapped and sucked on her neck, Buffy writhed in his arms, the rolling of her hips increasing as she ground herself harder against him. Holding his head firmly against her neck she pressed her body close, wordlessly encouraging him to draw her deeper into his mouth.

Spike was going wild at the feel of her. Her wet heat clenched, trapping him inside of her. Her breasts rubbed against his chest as if her bare skin instinctively sought his. Her hand clamped his head to her soft neck in blatant invitation. He could practically smell her blood as it rushed through her veins just below the surface. Even as his head screamed at him in warning, he could feel himself losing control. He sucked at her voraciously, his tongue laving her skin, his fangs dragging longingly over her delicate skin.

When the first drops of blood trickled into his mouth he froze in shock. No pain. He sank a little deeper, biting back a groan at her breathy gasp. Still no pain. Unable to hold back any longer he sank his fangs deeply into her throat, his hips bucking up into her as her rich thick slayer blood filled his mouth.

Feeling her body begin to convulse around him Spike growled softly. His orgasm, when it came, was ripped from the depths of his being. He felt as if he was pouring everything he was into her, giving what little was left of life inside him to her. He knew then that he would never leave her. He would never walk away. Not even if she asked him to. She’d have to kill him first.

Feeling his human face returning he withdrew his retracting fangs carefully from her neck. The last of her blood slid down his throat and he licked her neck clean, nuzzling her lovingly.

The house beyond their cupboard was silent, and they both realised Riley and his soldiers must have left while they were…occupied.

Looking up into Spike’s face with glazed eyes Buffy smiled and whispered, “I love you too Spike.”
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=12648