Wheel in the Sky by MrsMuir
Summary: The sequel to Ain’t No Sunshine. Buffy once again bursts into Spike’s life, disrupting it with yet another mystery to solve, and making him see her as the woman she has become. Will they find the love they once shared? Or decide that friendship is the only thing they have left to share.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: No Word count: 52757 Read: 21249 Published: 08/30/2005 Updated: 01/31/2010
Chapter 18 by MrsMuir
Chapter 18

The Port of Los Angeles was buzzing with people. Shouts could be heard amid the grinding of machinery and the clanking of metal containers hitting one another as they were removed or loaded onto a ship. Spike parked the Desoto in the last row of the lot in front of Masters Shipping Company. The sun bouncing off the water and metal was blinding in its heat. Gunn shifted in his seat wishing that a breeze, however miniscule, would come their way.

"Now what?" Buffy asked, from her place in the front seat between the two men.

"We need to find out what shipments are coming in and which ones the drugs are hidden in," Spike said, almost as if he was thinking aloud.

Gunn watched Spike run his hand through his hair, making it stand up even more than the way Buffy had fixed it earlier. He shook his head. This whole scenario was just way too weird for him. He figured he never would have seen Buffy again, much less be hunting down a killer with her and her avenging angel ex-boyfriend. He probably should have stayed in Seattle. It would have been easier on his ego.

"Are you planning on just going up there and asking someone?" Gunn asked, letting some of his frustration come through in his voice. "Maybe we could even walk into Masters' office and ask him directly."

"That might work," Spike said in that faraway voice again. "It would save a lot of time if we could."

Buffy giggled. "I think he's got sunstroke or something."

"Something," Gunn said. "Yo man, we're going to start attracting attention even all the way back here if we don't do something." He reached behind Buffy to smack Spike on the shoulder. "Let's just get a lay of the land, split, and come back tonight to do some investigating."

"No, I've got a better idea," Spike said. He seemed to have snapped out of it as he turned to look at the other two. "I'm going to go apply for a job here. That will get me inside the office and maybe a chance to find out something."

"I don’t think that's a good idea," Buffy said, laying a hand on Spike's arm. "There are people looking for us. What if it is Masters? How do we know that those goons don't do double duty and work here, too? You could get killed."

"She's right," Gunn agreed.

"I'm a cop," Spike said. "I'm trained to take care of myself."

"Yeah, but you wouldn't have back up. The Captain has no idea of the new developments so no one knows where to even find us if we get into trouble," Buffy protested, crossing her arms to hold herself. She looked frightened as she stared out the front window of the car. "Gunn and I couldn't do anything if you got into trouble. Please don't do this."

Buffy's panic attack the other day had shown Gunn how many unresolved issues she still carried from her kidnapping. It had also revealed how deep her feelings for Spike ran. He was awed that one person could have so much need for another. Despite his own attraction for this woman, he was glad that she had found someone with enough strength to deal with her past. She shouldn't have to be afraid she would lose Spike. Gunn sighed, knowing he was in too deep to back out now. His ego would just have to deal.

"I'll go apply," Gunn said. "They don't know I'm with you two."

"I can't ask you to do that," Spike said, reaching for the door handle.

Gunn grinned as he yanked his door open and jumped out. Before he left, he leaned into the car to say, "I'll be back. Keep your ears open for a man screaming like a girl. That would be me and I do expect the Calvary." He shoved his hands in his jacket and took off toward the office.

"You're really stupid," Gunn mumbled to himself as he looked around half expecting someone to start chasing him. He didn't know anything about being on the side of the law, only about running from it. No one was waving guns at him, but two men were smoking by the building. They were eyeing his advance through the parking lot. He wasn't sure if it was suspiciousness or curiosity and probably couldn't tell the difference anyway.

There was only way to find out. Gunn waved at the men and hollered a hello at them. One of them waved back after a second of hesitation. Taking it as a sign Gunn walked over to them.

"Anything we can help you with?" The shorter of the two men asked around the cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

"Hey, the name's Gunn. I'm looking for a job. Do you know if anyone down here is hiring?"

"You got any experience?"

"A little here and there," Gunn said. He shrugged. "Never really worked on the docks, but I learn fast and am willing to do just about anything."

They looked him up and down then at each other. The shorter guy seemed to be the only one of the two capable of speech because after they checked him out, he said, "There might be an opening. Ask for Lilah when you go inside. She does all the hiring and firing."

"Thanks man," Gunn said. "I appreciate it."

A pretty blonde was sitting at the front desk when Gunn walked in. She was on the phone giving him the opportunity to look around the bare bones office. There were only a few hard plastic chairs in the lobby, no pictures on the walls and a small stack of old magazines on a side table. It didn't seem like they wanted anyone to hang around. A murmur of voices could be heard from the back. Nothing Gunn could make out so he waited.

"Welcome to Masters Shipping," the receptionist said after banging down the phone. "Can I help you?"

"I'd like to see Lilah."

"Do you have an appointment?"

"No," Gunn said, shaking his head. "But I heard she does the hiring and I'm looking for a job."

"Have you filled out an application?"

"Uh, not yet," Gunn said.

She thrust a clipboard and a pen at him. "Fill this out. I'll let Lilah know you're here."

With that the young woman dismissed Gunn as she turned back to her computer. Somehow, he was going to have to figure out a way to get information to take back to Spike and Buffy. The two of them didn't need to be wandering around this place. Choosing a seat where he could see the front door and be closer to the hallway where he might be able to make out some of the conversations coming out of the back offices, Gunn started filling out the application.


Cassie pulled her legs up, wrapping her arms around them as she stared blankly at the television. An old detective movie was playing. The hero and heroine were searching for a killer, but the search was filled with more madcap comedy then with tense moments. The hero had to keep rescuing his beautiful blonde partner from the trouble she kept finding. She played the damsel-in-distress to perfection. And she reminded Cassie of Buffy.

"What are you watching?" Kate asked, sitting on the opposite end of the couch from Cassie. She cradled a cup of fragrant steaming coffee in her hands.

"Some old movie." Cassie said, not being able to say what she really wanted. That since her dream she was really worried about Buffy and Spike. It was more than a dream. She could feel the truth deep down inside of her soul like a ticking time bomb. If only she could speak with either of them. If only she knew what they were doing. If only she could warn them. But she couldn't. Kate and Lorne watched her every step inside of this prison meant to keep her safe. Except it was driving her crazy with worry.

"You don't look like you're enjoying it."

Cassie shrugged. "I'm sick of watching television."

Technically, it wasn't a lie. She was sick of television, being enclosed in a space too small for three people, and questioning her own judgment. How could she have fallen for someone like Luke? Despite the fact that he seemed to fulfill her dreams and making her feel precious she knew there was danger lurking in his blue eyes. Now a father was dead, and people she already considered friends were in danger.

"It will be over soon."

"Yes, it will," Cassie agreed. "But the price will be too high."

"We don't know that yet," Kate put her coffee down. "Everything will be fine. Buffy and Spike can take care of themselves."

"I hope so."


"Charles Gunn?"

Looking up from the magazine he'd been reading, Gunn saw a serious looking woman standing at the entrance of the hallway. She didn't look very happy. It was probably the fact that he practically begged the receptionist to get him an interview on the spot. The blonde certainly hadn't been impressed, but he didn't care. It had worked. Now he just needed to charm Lilah Morgan.

"Yes," he said, tossing the magazine onto a table. He jumped up and crossed the tiny room in only a couple of strides. "I'm Charles," he held his hand out. "You must be Lilah Morgan."

"Obviously," Lilah said, taking his hand for only a second. "Seems you're desperate for a job?"

Not waiting for an answer, Lilah headed back down the hallway from which she had appeared. Gunn hurried to keep up with her. He was amazed that someone could move so fast in three-inch heels. Nothing slowed her down until she reached a door with a nameplate engraved with not only her name, but also the title of Personnel Manager. She sat behind a desk, and with a wave of her manicured hand indicated for him to take a seat opposite of her in front of the massive oak desk.

"To answer your question," Gunn said, after sitting. "I am in need of a job. I've been attending school in Seattle, but my mother just found out she has cancer and I have to come back to help take care of the family."

"A typical hard luck story," Lilah said, sitting back with her hands folded on her lap. "What does that have to do with Masters Shipping?"

Gunn shifted underneath her cold glare. There wasn't a drop of sympathy in her eyes. He wondered if she treated everyone this way or if she was just being hardnosed in a business that was mostly male oriented.

"Uh," he chuckled. "I'm a hard worker, learn fast, and I am willing to do anything. It doesn't matter to me. If you need it done then I'm your guy."

"Really." Lilah raised one eyebrow as she looked him over and then it dropped as she picked up his application. She looked it over. "You were going to college on an academic scholarship?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Are you going to be content with doing manual labor? I mean, wasting your intelligence while you're beating your body to death under the hot sun?"

"I don't have much of a choice," Gunn shrugged. "Yeah, I'll be honest. It pisses me off that I have to give up everything to take care of them, but what choice do I have?"

"Everyone has choices," Lilah said. "You can forget about them and continue your education."

"I could, but I won't. Like I said, I'm going to take care of them. No matter what I have to do to accomplish it."

"Ever been in trouble before? Legal trouble?"

Gunn rubbed his cheek. He could tell she was fishing for information on his morality. On the outside he forced himself to stay calm, but on the inside he was jumping with excitement. He leaned forward.

"I won't lie to you. Got busted when I was underage for theft and for possession with intent to sell. Went through a program and I've stayed clean since."

"I like your honesty." Lilah stood. "I want to bring you back for a second interview after I check out your references. Can you come in tomorrow afternoon?"

"Yeah, yeah, that would be great," Gunn said. He headed for the office door. "Oh, what time?"

"Three o'clock would be great," Lilah said with a smile.

The phone on the desk beeped and the receptionist's voice came through the speaker. "Lilah, I'm sorry to interrupt but Wesley is on line three."

"Thank you," Lilah said. She glanced back at Gunn. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"I'll be here."

Gunn almost skipped out of the building. He couldn't wait to tell Buffy and Spike everything.

to be continued…
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=13865