Unexpected Company by PaganBaby
Summary: AU. Buffy is an amorous single gal. William is a naive, virginal young man. Can they survive a few days alone without their lustful urges getting the better of them?

Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: Yes Word count: 26406 Read: 19328 Published: 08/20/2003 Updated: 09/04/2003
Chapter 3 by PaganBaby
In the morning, William went for his run, trying to put the events of the previous night behind him. He had to get a handle on his rampaging hormones, before... He didn’t know what would happen if things kept progressing this way.

No more wanking, no more panty stealing, no more thinking about what it would be like to...do things to Buffy and have her do things to him. It had to stop. This was the third day of his stay with Buffy; with some luck, Willow would be back soon and things could go back to the way they were before.

William checked on the purloined red silk panties; they were stained. There was no way she wouldn’t notice. He’d have to keep them... Hopefully she would never notice them missing. His devilish side (that was kept under tight control normally) was happy to be keeping a souvenir of his time with Buffy. He hated himself for having such distasteful thoughts.

After his shower, William went to his room to read for awhile. His heart jumped when he heard the sounds of Buffy moving around. How could he face her after everything that had happened? After what he'd seen...

As he expected, Buffy knocked lightly on his door.

“William, you up?” she called softly.

He considered pretending to be asleep, but his mouth started working before his brain. “Yes, I’m up.”

“Would you like some breakfast?”

“No, thank you...I’m not very hungry.” In truth, he was starving, but he couldn’t go out there right now. He was far too embarrassed and nervous.


“Yes, I’m fine.”

“Okay,” Buffy said, sounding disappointed.

A half hour later, Buffy knocked on his door again.

“William, I have to go out for a while. Is there anything you’d like me to pick up for you?”

“No. Thank you, anyway,” William replied politely.

“I should be gone about four hours. I’ll bring home something for lunch. See you later.”

“Alright.” William gulped.

He’d be alone in the house again... Could he control himself this time, and not go grubbing about in her bedroom?

No, he couldn’t.

William lasted for an hour and a half before going on autopilot to Buffy’s bedroom. There were more pairs of underwear on her bed. Silk, lace, regular and thong, there was a heap of them. He picked up pair after pair, rubbing the material between his fingers and sniffing them. He never wondered why she had so many pairs of underwear on her bed. One pair in particular (black satin with a lacy trim) caught his attention. He could feel her wetness and smell her musky odor strongly. She’d worn them quite recently. Once again, his cock became a stone column tenting out in his trousers.

William rubbed himself through his pants as he smelled her delicious aroma. His tongue stroked the fabric where her pussy had been not so long ago.

“Oh God, I’m doing it again...I’m sick...I need help...”

Even as he was saying it, he was heading back to his room with black panties in hand. It was absolutely imperative that he masturbate. No other thoughts were allowed in his mind; there was no room for anything else. His entire purpose in life, at this moment, was to have a wank -- with her panties surrounding and rubbing against his staff.

Buffy wasn’t due back for a few hours yet; he could get this out of his system (literally) and clean up before she got home, his mind supplied the useful information, trying to relieve his anxiety.

William raced to his bedroom and stripped off his clothes, then lay on the bed. He parted his thighs slightly and took a hold of his cock. With his other hand he slid the undergarments along his length. He closed his eyes and tilted back his head with a moan. The cool, slightly damp material felt so good on his hot, throbbing manhood.

“Uhhh...Ohhh Buffy...so good...” William groaned, moving the panties down to his sac and rubbing over the sensitive skin there.

After a few minutes of that, he wrapped the panties around his cock and began jerking himself in earnest. William couldn’t stop the loud moans and heavy breathing sounds coming out of his mouth. It felt so wonderful! It was wrong and bad, he knew that, but it felt so very right at the same time.

William adjusted Buffy’s underwear around him so that it was wrapped tight around the shaft; his cockhead peeked out, then slid back inside the panties as he stroked. Satisfied with the arrangement, he shut his eyes and concentrated on the sensations.

His hand sped up, stroking the smooth material over his cock more and more quickly. His hips began to buck fitfully.

“OH GOD--Mmmhhhhaaa--OH YES!” William shouted.

His cock erupted, sending hot jets streaming up into the air. The head of his cock had escaped the satin prison and was spraying in the air. William continued pumping hard. He felt some of the hot liquid land on his hand and dribble down. He looked down his body to watch his cock going off, his hips still bucking like mad.

William’s heart stopped, his face went slack for a second. He’d forgotten to close the door in his haste to beat off -- but that wasn’t the worst part.

Buffy was standing in the doorway, her hand over her mouth, her pie plate-like eyes, fixed on his spewing organ.

He couldn’t stop cumming! As a matter of fact his orgasm intensified after seeing her. His body wouldn’t stop jerking and twitching. His cock kept shooting volley after volley of ropy, white liquid.

“OH-OH DEAR GOD!” he yelled, pressing his head back into the pillow and gritting his teeth in the unrelenting, all-encompassing climax.


A few minutes earlier…

Buffy planned on coming home early all along to see what he got up to when she wasn’t there. Something dirty, she hoped.

She entered the house through the back door to make as little noise as possible. Stopping first in the kitchen to put down the bags of carry out food she’d bought for lunch, she went in search of cute little William, that naughty, panty-stealing scamp.

When she entered the hallway, moisture flowed between her legs at the unmistakable sound of a man moaning in pleasure. God, he sounded so hot -- so fucking hot! She wanted to make him sound like that for hours and hours...

Buffy poked her head through the open door, her jaw dropped a little, her eyes went wide. He was naked -- beautifully, gloriously naked -- and jerking off with her panties on his cock. It felt like all the blood was being sucked out of her brain and going straight to her sex. She stepped fully into the doorway, not thinking about concealing herself anymore. Not thinking about anything else at all, just her beautiful, horny Adonis jacking himself on the bed. When she was about to walk in and announce herself (then jump him) he cried out and started to cum forcefully.

She stopped and just watched the display, unable to speak or move. He was cumming all over the place. Saliva started to build up in her mouth.

That was when he noticed her staring at him.


As his powerful orgasm began to subside, the reality of the situation hit him. William frantically pulled the cover over his groin, the wheels in his head spinning crazily to think of something to say. He wanted nothing more than to burrow into the earth and hide. There was no way out of this -- there was no explanation he could give to remedy this. Buffy had caught him at the most vulnerable moment imaginable. She’d watched as he...arrived, voluminously. And she’d surely recognized her own underwear being stroked up and down his dick.

William’s mouth open and closed silently, his eyes rounded in panic.

Buffy mentally recovered from the arousing scene; she was so fucking hot now that she couldn’t stand it. Her clit pulsed in time with her rapid heartbeat. She walked into the room.

“B-Buffy...I --” William started to speak but stopped when Buffy held up a hand.

“Shhhh,” she commanded. “Don’t say anything.” She slunk over to the bed, a seductive smile on her face and switching her hips. “You took my underwear yesterday too, didn’t you, you bad, bad boy?” Buffy breathed.

William swallowed hard and just stared at her.

“I wondered what happened to them... You could have asked for them. I would have given them to you. Especially if I knew what you were going to do with them.” Buffy traced up and down her cleavage with an index finger; her tongue came out to moisten her lips.

He watched, his eyes going from her breasts to her lips and tongue. Incredibly, he felt his cock start twitching to life again.

“You’re so hot, William. So tight and hard. I thought about you last night... I imagined that you were fucking me with your big cock. Would you like that? Would you like to fuck me?” Buffy asked huskily, crawling up onto the bed like a predatory cat.

William had to be dreaming this -- Buffy couldn’t be here right now. He must have passed out from the orgasm and he was dreaming... Those thoughts vanished when Buffy crawled her way up to him and moved aside the sheet to expose his nakedness, then lightly touched his re-hardening member. It was real, alright. Very real.

He jumped, making Buffy giggle.

“Is that a yes?” Buffy raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you want me?”

“It-It’s not...we shouldn’t...pre-marital sex is... I don’t b-believe in it. It’s not right...” William whispered unable to look away from her dark green eyes.

“I didn’t ask if it was right or not. I asked if you’d like to fuck me. Do you want to? Cause, I’m so fucking turned on right now...” Buffy looked at his cock and licked her lips hungrily.

William sucked in air when Buffy put her hands on him to remove the soaked panties from his staff. She smiled and tossed them over the side of the bed. Before his cock had a chance to fall, Buffy had her hands on it, gently stroking up and down.

"B-Buffy...how can you want me? I'm...I'm not --"

"You're the sexiest guy I've ever seen, William." Buffy grinned. "Such a beautiful face, like an angel...and such a gorgeous body... Let me show you how much I want you..." Buffy said.

Keeping her gaze locked with his, she leaned down and lapped at the dripping tip of his cock. His body jerked, he gasped.

"Wanna fuck you, sweet William." Buffy swept her tongue up and down the sides, gathering up the spunk that had dripped down. "Wanna fuck you so bad..."

"Oh-Oh God..." William moaned. "Sex before marriage...is-is dirty...a-and...s-s-sinful!" The Mother-trained portion of his mind tried asserting itself.

Buffy gave him a toothy, wicked smile. "It is if you do it right. You ever hear that Billy Joel song 'Only the Good Die Young'? There's a line, 'I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun'. We may be damned, but we'll sure as hell have a good time getting there..."

William quit protesting as loudly as he had been, he muttered how it was wrong in between moans and low guttural sounds.

For the next minute, Buffy licked, sucked and kissed his stiffening prick, cleaning him of his spendings from his last orgasm. His cum was tangy and scrumptious, Buffy wouldn't mind taking a gallon or two down her gullet. She was practically vibrating with excitement -- not only was she going to get to ravish his pristine, previously untouched body (Yay!), but his body also apparently had a very quick recovery speed. (Double Yay!)

William had two fistfuls of bedding clutched in his hands. "We shouldn't..." William groaned, shifting his hips slightly towards her.

Buffy took her mouth and hands off of him and moved away. William's eyes snapped open.

"Don't! Please, d-don't stop!" he begged, going up on his elbows, his long cock pulsing against the toned muscles of his abdomen.

Buffy got off the bed and stood up, smiling down at him. He'd changed his tune pretty damn quick. He looked so adorable, so sexy. It was cute that he was afraid she wasn't going to continue. He was downright delusional if he thought she was leaving this room without leaving him a quivering pile of sweaty flesh.

"Don't worry, honey. I'm only stopping to do this," Buffy said, unbuttoning her shirt. "I can't very well fuck your brains out fully clothed...well, I could. But it's more fun if we're both all naked and sweaty."

William's eyes were riveted to her hands as they made progress down her blouse. Buffy slowly moved her green silk blouse over her shoulders and down her arms to the floor. Then, even though she wanted to take him right this second, she practiced restraint and slowly unzipped her skirt then slid it down. His unwavering attention and anxiety were turning her on even more. His ocean-blue eyes never left her.

She hadn't realized just how gorgeous he was until now. Brilliant blue eyes, cheekbones to die for, his hair was nice and thick with some curl to it, perfectly shaped and placed nose, a chin that made you want to nibble at it and nice kissable lips. All that combined with the body made for one hot and spicy tamale!

Buffy got back on the bed on her knees, crawling closer to him.

"Have you ever been with a woman, William?" Buffy asked, only wearing a leopard print bra and panty set.

"N-No." He swallowed.

"Do you like me?" She kneeled by his body, scratching her nails lightly up and down his right thigh.

"Y-Yes. I l-like you..." William said, doing his imitation of a deer caught in headlights.

"Don't be nervous, baby. We're all virgins once... I want to make you a man. Won't you let me?" she whispered bending over him, lowering her lips to his.

Buffy brushed her lips over his lightly, barely touching. Her right hand caressed his chest, feeling the deliciously hard, well-formed muscles twitch under her palm. Her hand drifted down to his ripped abs -- her fingertips danced over the cut lines. Buffy lowered her hand further to take his cock in her hand and began kissing him harder at the same time.

Buffy slid her tongue between his lips, making him emit a sound somewhere between a squeak and a whimper. Buffy moaned into his hot, sweet mouth, thrusting her tongue inside to explore where no woman had gone before. Her hand stroked his cock softly, even as her lips and tongue became more demanding. She broke for air with a delighted sigh.

"Mmmm, you taste so fucking sweet." Buffy looked down into his dazed face then down his body at her hand working his cock. "You like that? Does that feel good? Tell me..."

"Y-Yes! It f-feels so good!"

"You want me to suck your cock? Or would you like to play with me?" Buffy asked, loving both of the choices no matter which one he picked.

His mouth worked without sound for a moment -- he couldn't think straight enough to decide. It felt like he only had a thimble full of blood left in his brain.

"Tell you what," Buffy said with a chuckle, "you can play with me for a little while, then I'll suck on that gorgeous cock of yours."

Buffy got back to her knees and took one of his hands then moved it to rest on her left breast. William didn't move, he stared at his hand atop her breast.

Buffy caressed his hand. "Go on, you can touch me. I want you to touch me."

Slowly, William started squeezing her breast, still staring and tilting his head to the side, as if he couldn't believe it was actually happening.

"Mmmm...that feels good!" Buffy sighed. "I won't break, you know. You can squeeze harder -- I like it hard."

William did as she asked, putting more strength into his gropes.

"Ohhh...that's right...that's very good!" Buffy smiled.

She reached behind her and unhooked the clasps of her bra. He still needed some prompting, so she took his hand and slid it under the cup of her bra. Buffy moaned, feeling his hot hand on her bare breast was so good...so fine.

"Ohh William..." Buffy said, pulling her bra straps down her arms then tossing the garment on the floor, "Put both your hands on me -- I need to feel both of them."

Buffy slowly laid down on her back, holding his hand to her breast. William, in a haze of confusion and lust, got to his knees and looked down at her. His eyes wandered over her body, drinking it all in. She was the first naked woman he’d seen in person, and he was not disappointed. He put his hands on her tits and started squeezing. Her hard nipples could cut glass, he thought as he ran his thumbs over them.

"Ahhh...Oh...Ohh yes!" Buffy squirmed. "Love your hands!"

"I-I don't know what to do..." William said, his voice unsteady.

Buffy looked up into his beautiful face. His eyes were full of lust, but shiny, as if he were trying not to cry. She wanted to say, "Awwww!" He was so young and unsure of himself.

Buffy smiled kindly at him, reaching up to stroke his sharp, yet soft features. "It's okay, I'll tell you what to do. You do want me, don't you, William?"

He nodded emphatically.

"Good. Come here, baby." Buffy slid her hands up his arms and tugged him down.

William lay down, half on top of her. Buffy gently ran her fingers over his face and into his hair, lifting her head to latch onto his lips for a soft kiss. William responded immediately, breathing heavily into her mouth and kissing her back. Buffy put her tongue in this mouth, encouraging him to do the same to her. Hesitantly, he did, at first just brushing softly against hers, but quickly getting into it and plumbing her mouth passionately. His hands went back to her breasts.

Buffy made approving sounds to let him know much she liked it.

"You want to suck on my tits? I like that," Buffy panted.

William nodded and swallowed. He kissed at her neck, then moved his mouth down to her chest. He placed kisses all over her breasts then put his mouth on the one he was fondling, licking and sucking on the puffy pink nipple.

"Ohhhh...Ohhhh William!" Buffy grinned. "So good, baby -- something tells me you're going to catch on to this whole sex thing quick."

William smiled shyly and promptly went to her other breast, sucking the erect nipple into his mouth. After a few minutes of this, Buffy was panting and writhing around. She needed his mouth and hands all over her body. She remembered that she'd have to instruct him on what to do next.

"You want to see my pussy?" Buffy asked, wrapping one of his loose curls around her index finger and twirling it.

William nodded, his eyes going wide at the thought of seeing it in the flesh, not experiencing it second-hand through her panties.

Buffy smiled. "Take off my panties."

William rose up on his knees. With shaky hands, he put his fingers into the waistband and pulled down slowly, intently watching as her trimmed bush was revealed. He paused for a second once her mound was uncovered -- just looking at it.

"Now the rest of the way." Buffy lifted her butt off the bed.

William snapped out of his trance and moved her panties down and off her legs.

"You...You aren't cross with me for...stealing your undergarments?" he asked nervously.

"Uh-uh. I think it's flattering. You were just horny and frustrated -- I can relate. Like now, for instance. I want you so bad...but I want to feel your mouth on my pussy first. You want to do that?"

William took some unsteady breaths. "Y-Yes."

Buffy spread her legs, opening herself up to his inspection. "Just explore, baby. You can take your time, touch me, lick me, do whatever you want to me... Oh," Buffy reached behind her getting a pillow and putting it under her ass, "this will help you have a better look."

William touched her thighs lightly, stroking his hands up and down. It was just as he imagined, her skin was so smooth... He lightly ran the fingers of his left hand over her moist, puffy labia.

"Uhhh!" Buffy jerked off the bed, scaring William.

"Did I do something wrong!?"

Buffy laughed deliriously. "No. It just felt so good to feel you touch me there! I've wanted to feel you do it so bad it was just a little bit of a shock. Please, don't stop..."

William touched her again, watching as his fingers slid up and down, gathering more moisture on each pass.

"You see how wet I am?" Buffy groaned. "God! I'm creaming so hard!"

William stroked her right thigh as his left hand delved between her lips, she was so hot and wet inside of them. He watched her face while he stroked, seeing if she liked it. She did -- a lot. Buffy was moaning and moving her hips slightly.

"That's so good--Oh yeah--Touch my clit!"

William new what the clitoris was -- he'd been an excellent student in anatomy and biology classes. He'd blushed furiously whenever women's body parts were discussed, but he'd paid close attention at the same time, very close attention. He just didn't know how women liked to be touched there -- hard or gently? Gently, first, he decided. He wouldn't want to hurt her. Better to err on the side of caution.

His fingers brushed over her throbbing clit. Buffy's hips bucked off the bed again.

"Ohhh, Yes! Again!" she moaned.

William rubbed her clit gently in circles, feeling it pulse and throb under his fingers.

"Oh fuck! Ohh--that's good!" Buffy declared, smiling down her body at him.

She saw him licking his lips as he gazed at her pussy. Her smile broadened considerably.

"You can put your mouth on me. You want to taste me?"

He looked into her eyes and nodded.

"Go on, stick your tongue in my pussy. It's not for every guy though. Some don't like doing it at all. I'll understand if you don't like it."

Buffy prayed that he liked it and wasn't one of those squeamish guys.

William moistened his lips again and lowered his face to her mound. He placed soft kisses onto her lips and clit. At first he just pressed the flat of his tongue against the lips, letting his tongue soak up the wetness flowing from her. Inhaling deeply through his nose, he shuddered at the powerful musky scent of her pussy. It was almost overwhelming; he felt lightheaded.

Buffy controlled herself only with supreme effort. She wanted to start fucking herself on his face, but this was exploration time for him. He had to get used to the look, taste and texture of her sex. She wanted him to be more confident and less nervous.

William moaned softly; his pulse was pounding, his cock getting stiffer than it had ever been at the taste of the source of the spendings he'd smelled and licked from her panties. It was more delicious, more extraordinary than he'd thought it would be. He dragged his tongue up her slit to her clit, rubbing against it.

"Ahhhh--Oh Christ!--Ohh yeah!" Buffy's eyes fluttered.

Encouraged, William's licks became stronger and harder -- top to bottom, bottom to top. The more he licked, the more impassioned he became. His tongue slipped between her labia, slavering on the sensitive, slick, red-hot flesh.

Buffy bit her lip. "Ahhhhh--Oh yeah, baby!--Ohh God!" She stopped herself from bucking again.

'Hot Fucking DAMN! The kid is really going to town!' Buffy 'Ooohed' with delight.

William circled her hole with the tip of his tongue, wondering if it would be alright to put it inside. He pushed the tip of his tongue inside and looked at her for permission.

"Yes! Fuck me with your tongue! Do it! Oh yes!"

William inserted his tongue into her tight hole, little by little, driving her crazy. He moved it in and out leisurely, moaning into her pussy. His eyelids fluttered -- feeling her tight, slick walls around his tongue and the flood of juice that greeted his organ were excruciatingly pleasurable. Out of habit, his hand went to his dick, pulling slowly on himself while he feasted on her pussyjuice.

Buffy noticed him masturbating. It was great that he was getting off on eating her out -- REALLY great! -- but she didn't want him to cum without it being up her pussy or down her throat.

"William, honey?"

He stopped and looked at her, licking her juice off his lips and chin. Buffy was struck for a moment at what a great, long tongue he had. No wonder it felt so wonderful inside of her, it was as long as some men's pricks.

"Don't touch yourself just yet. I want you to cum inside of me -- my mouth, pussy or ass, it's your choice."

William's eyes rolled back for a moment. He'd almost shot his wad when she said it. Thinking faster than he thought he was capable of, he squeezed the base of his cock to forestall cumming.

Buffy smiled in understanding. "Did you almost cum?"

He grinned sheepishly and nodded.

"That's okay, I love knowing I turn you on so much. And I gotta say, " Buffy stretched her arms over her head, "you eat pussy like you've been doing it for years. Very high marks..."

William smiled brilliantly at that. "Really? I did alright?"

"Oh, yeah."

"But...you didn't...you didn't have a-a thing..."

"An orgasm?" Buffy asked with a smile.

He blushed and nodded. "I...wanted you to have one while I..."

"Well, I won't object if you want to finish the job..." Buffy thrust her hips up and spread her legs wider.

"Is...there anything special that I have to do to make you...do it?"

Buffy grinned at him. He was just too fucking adorable!

"Just keep doing what you were doing, that was so good. If you suck on my clit, I'll get off real quick," she said helpfully.

William dived back into her muff, licking and sucking at her gooey center. Buffy groaned, not able to control the thrusting of her hips anymore.

"Stick a finger up my cunt--AHHHH--and--suck--Oh yes!--on my clit!"

William worked an index finger into her pussy and slid his mouth up to her clit. He wrapped his lips around the stiff nubbin and sucked lightly while rubbing his tongue over it.


He applied harder suction to her and pumped his finger in and out more rapidly.

"MMMRRAAHH! YESSSSOHYESSS!" Buffy screamed, her body shaking in orgasm.

Not knowing if he should stop or not, William kept up his invasion. Her juice gushed around his finger. He was fascinated and getting more and more aroused at the sensation of her inner-walls flexing around his finger. He stuck another finger inside of her and sucked harder on her clit.

"OH FUCCCCKKKK!" Buffy's eyes opened wide as another orgasm followed closely behind the first. "DON'T STOP--OHGODOHFUCKYES!!"

Buffy humped against his mouth and hand for a minute before sinking down against the bed. Droplets of sweat had formed all over her body, she was panting for breath. A huge smile graced her face.

William's jaw started to ache a bit. He took his mouth off of her and rubbed at his jaw.

Buffy moaned and smiled up at him. "God, William...that was so fucking fantastic! Kudos, your first time up to bat and you gave me multiples. That's a big achievement. Not every guy can do that to a woman."

He beamed at her. "I-I'm glad I could do that for you."

"Come here, I want to kiss that beautiful mouth..." Buffy beckoned to him.

William lay on his side next to her. Buffy put a hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down to her. They kissed, their tongues stroking against the other's in a fevered dance.

"You want to cum in my mouth?" Buffy asked, nibbling at his full bottom lip.

He whimpered softly. "Y-Yes...Oh God, yes..."

Buffy pushed him onto his back and licked at his nipples. She wanted to play with him too...but the poor kid was going to blow any second. She decided there'd be more time to explore her young lover's body more thoroughly later. He needed to cum too badly right now.

Buffy took his engorged staff in her hands, stroking gently up and down. Grinning down at him, she flicked her tongue over the purple helmet. He gasped and went rigid for a moment.

"That feel good?" Buffy asked, sucking on the tip and drawing patterns over the head with her tongue.

"GOD YES!" William yelled, bucking his hips up.

Buffy put a hand on his right hip, to stop him from bucking too much. She began gobbling him enthusiastically, taking most of him down her throat and bobbing up and down while she stroked her hand around the thick base.

"Ahhhh--Oh Buffy--Oh God!"

She took her mouth off and pulled on his cock more forcefully. “Cum for me, baby. Shoot in my mouth -- I want every last drop. I‘m gonna suck your balls dry."

Buffy quickly replaced her mouth on his cock, waiting for the imminent eruption. She didn't have long to wait. Within seconds William was shouting out in ecstasy.

"BUFFY! OH OHHH Y-Y-YESSS!" William's cock spurted into her mouth impressively.

Buffy hummed and moaned around his exploding member, drinking down everything he shot and rolling it on her tongue. William came for a minute straight, leaving him panting, quivering, and grinning like an idiot. Buffy leisurely cleaned his cock of extraneous spunk, then crawled up to drape herself over his tight, sweaty body.

She kissed his lips tenderly. "Mmmm, your cum tastes so fucking good -- sweet ambrosia."

William moaned and wrapped his arms around her, deepening the kiss. He rolled them so that she was on her back, his hands moved over her body. His kisses and touches were driving her delirious with desire. Buffy suppressed a giggle and smiled happily when she felt him poking at her with his still amazingly stiff prick.

He pulled back and looked at her questioningly.

"Mmmm..." Buffy's hand gripped his wet cock in her hand. "You must have been sent to me from God, you're still so hard after just cumming."

"That's good, right?" William asked.

"Oh, yes. That's very, very good," Buffy purred. "I need you to fuck me, William. Do you feel up to it?"

"Y-Yes, I do. But... What if...What if I'm no good?" he asked in a quiet voice.

"Oh, baby," Buffy cooed, stroking his handsome face with one hand and his big cock with the other. "You'll be amazing, I know it. You were soooo good at everything else. Don't be scared. I think you might have some kind of...inborn talent for fucking." Buffy smiled and laughed lightly.

William smiled weakly. He remained nervous despite his success at cunnilingus. He laid on top of her, rubbing his cock along her slit.

"Do--Do we need to use...things?" William asked.

"You mean a rubber?"

He nodded.

"Nope. Everything's taken care of. I want to feel your bare cock inside of me." Buffy shifted her hips. "Don't make me beg for it. Fuck me," she said huskily.

William's breathing hitched up a few notches as he positioned himself outside her opening. He slowly pushed into her.

"Ohh yes!" Buffy cried, feeling his delicious organ invading her core.

The large knob of his cock pushed and stretched her aching pussy with an unbearable slowness. She grasped his upper arms as he continued the torturous slide into her. Finally he was fully seated inside of her, their bodies flush against each other. William rested atop of her, panting against the side of her neck and squeezing his eyes closed.

Buffy's hands roamed over his shoulders and back, petting and caressing him.

"You feel so good inside of me! Oh God, so good -- so fucking good..." Buffy moaned, raising her legs higher and rubbing the backs of his legs with her pointed toes. "How does it feel for you?"

"Oh yes...I...Buffy...never...felt...anything...Oh God -- like this," came William's muffled response.

Buffy purred like a contented cat and smiled.

Cautiously, William began slow, shallow thrusts into her pussy.

"Ohhhh--Mmmmm--Oh yes! That‘s it--just like that!" Buffy groaned.

William felt like he was in Heaven. It was still unbelievable to him that a woman like Buffy took him to her bed...well this was technically his bed, but still... Fucking her was better than he EVER could have imagined in his wildest dreams or fantasies. Her inner-walls hugged his cock tightly. She was so wet and hot inside, he thought he might lose his mind.

Buffy counter-thrusted up at him, driving his cock deeper and deeper, harder and harder into her. They moaned and moved together rhythmically for an eternity (actually about 30 minutes). If he hadn't cum twice already, William would have done so much more quickly. They'd started off with a slow, easy pace, gradually building up steam over time. Buffy guided him along the way; sliding her hands down his back to take his firm ass in her hands to keep him in rhythm. His ass felt so good in her hands, she grinned, squeezing and fondling him while he slowly pumped into her. She had several mini-orgasms as they fucked, leaving her almost completely breathless.

Buffy would never want for another cock again, he felt incredible inside of her. No other man had made her feel so good. His cock was just the way she loved them: big, hard as a rock, thick and meaty. He fit inside of her perfectly, not a centimeter of his staff showed when he thrust all the way in. His heavy, fuzzy balls slapped against her flesh over and over again. It felt more right than sex ever had before for her. There wasn't a chance that she'd be left wanting like she had been with her other lovers. No, this boy -- rather, this man -- could get the job done. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Buffy started going wild under him when she felt 'the big one' sneaking up on her.

"William! Ohhhhh--Oh FUCK! I'm CUMMING!" Buffy yelled, thrashing her hips at him.

William started pistoning in and out of her, gulping in air and groaning. He fucked hard and deep into her spasming channel.

Buffy growled, tossing her head back then wailing. "OH G-GGOD! CUM IN MY PUSSY! PLEASE!"

His body responded to her orders.

"BUFFY! OH GOD--UNNNGGHHAA! OHHHHGODDDD!" William shouted, arching his back and shooting his load deep within her.

Buffy clutched at his ass, pulling him in as deep as possible. "YESSS--WILLIAM! OH YES!"

William jerked and whimpered, filling her up with his heavy cream, his hips pumping wildly, his ass clenching and unclenching under her hands. He collapsed against her, his cock continuing to fire off round after round. Buffy's hands glided up his back, her nails scratching him lightly.

Finally, it was over.

Neither one of them attempted, or wanted, to move. Buffy was basking in the afterglow with his softening cock still firmly embedded in her pussy and his hot cum clinging to her inner-walls. She kissed the side of his neck, her fingers tangling in his unruly mane of hair. The vein in his neck thudded under her lips.

"You were incredible, William," Buffy said softly. "I was right, you DO have a natural talent. I never came so hard or so long before."

William couldn't speak yet, the experience had been too profound for him. He'd resigned himself to the fact long ago that he might never get to enjoy a woman's body. His lack of charisma and success with women were legendary back home. But that was all changed now. He'd just had mind-bogglingly, fantastic sex with a beautiful, experienced older woman...and she liked it! Maybe he wasn't a complete failure after all...

Buffy hummed contentedly, caressing his hot, slick skin. "I didn't kill you, did I?" She laughed.

"N-No," William was able to say.

He sighed and extricated himself from her, feeling a pang of loss at not being inside her depths. The cool air was quite a contrast to the snug warmth of her swelteringly hot pussy. William lay on his back, the rising and falling of his chest starting to return to normal. Buffy lay against his side, stroking his muscular torso adoringly.

Buffy couldn't stop smiling. Not only had she had the pleasure and honor of de-flowering this fine, fine specimen, but he'd given her one HELLUVA ride.

"Well, what do you think?" Buffy asked curiously. "Was it as good as you thought it would be?"

With his eyes still closed, William smiled happily. "I never... It was.... God, I never knew it could feel that good...amazing..."

Buffy's proud smile expanded. "Glad I could show you the ropes. Fuck...that was great!"

He turned his head towards her. "You're not just saying that? I...did well?"

"Don't make me smack you, William." Buffy giggled. "You know you were good." She settled against his body, luxuriating in his heat and the smoothness of his skin. "I'd like to do this again...and again...and again with you. If you'd like to."

"Oh yes, I want to do it...again." William smiled then yawned noisily.

Buffy laughed. "Yeah, I'm a bit tuckered out too. Why don't we take a little siesta? Then we can heat up what I brought home for lunch."

"Lunch? I'd forgotten..."

"Hmmm, me too until just now." Buffy sighed. “We had more important things on our minds.”

William put an arm around her back and softly stroked her forearm with his other hand. A loopy smile graced his lips; Cupid had aimed at his heart and fired, hitting his mark. Love bloomed in William's heart and soul for the blonde beauty who'd taken his virginity so memorably.

They drifted off to sleep.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=140