Guardian Angel by Lolita
Summary: Seven years after Chosen, Spike's human and living in LA, Buffy runs into him... what happened to him in those seven years
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 3312 Read: 5507 Published: 09/27/2005 Updated: 09/27/2005

1. 1 by Lolita

2. 2 by Lolita

3. 3 by Lolita

1 by Lolita
Chapter 1

The dim, street was completely deserted,
apart from the tiny blond that was making
her way to the diner her friend Alyssa, had
wanted to meet her at. The sound of her
heals clanking on the sidewalk echoed in
her ears. She pulled her coat tighter around
her to keep out the chill of the cold, October
night. She had been walking for what seemed
like hours to her, but it had only been about
30 minutes.

Her hair was long and golden, and the light
from the moon made it look almost silver as
it cascaded down the back of her expensive,
labeled coat. Her hazel eyes glittered like
frozen glass, her skin was pale and her lips
were red and full, glistening from her strawberry
flavored lip gloss.

A casual observer never would have guessed
the weight that was on that tiny blonde’s
shoulders. It didn’t seem obvious, but this
girl was no ordinary girl. This was someone
special, a chosen special. Not a chosen one…
The chosen one. She was the longest living
chosen one, since the beginning of it all.

You may have heard of her, but then again,
maybe not. You may be one like her, a
chosen one. But it’s possible you don’t even
know of the things that go bump in the night.
She does. And she doesn’t fear them. She
loathes them; she is destined to fight them.
And she never looses. Never.

You can’t really say that she lost when it
came to… him! Just because she
didn’t kill him, didn’t mean she lost… I’d
say she gained something else instead.

And neither did he loose when it came
to her. Except for his life… or unlife, if
you prefer it that way. He lost it willingly,
though. Knowing it would save her, save
the world. Knowing where it would take
him, and that he would have to face the
consequences of all the things he’d done.
And he faced them with his head held high,
and with something else too. Because,
you see, when he lost his life, he gained
something else in return… something that
meant the world to him.


Only… *the asshole didn’t believe me!!!*

It wasn’t uncommon for her thoughts to
wonder off and think about him!
Actually it happened quite often lately!
But she didn’t mind. She had been living
with only the memory of him for
the past 7 years, and every memory was
well cherished. That didn’t mean she didn’t
get mad from time to time, especially
when she thought about the last time
she saw him.

*That egoistic bastard kept telling me
how much he loved me and kept begging
me to tell him in return… but the minute
I do… The minute I break down my walls
and admit it… all I get is “No, you don’t.
But thanks for saying it.”

THANKS! That’s all I get. And he, the
most selfish ‘poncy bugger’ I have ever
met, had to go and get himself killed,
just to save this stupid world. I thought
that was ‘supposed’ to be in MY job

Usually when she had finished those
long speeches in her head, the look
on his face when she told him she loved
him, kept popping up in her head. The
look of utter surprise and joy, mixed with
fear and pain, and it was enough to melt
away her anger. Those trains of thoughts
were usually followed by grieving the
rest of the night. Grieving and thinking
about how much she missed him and
how much she had really loved him.

The tiny blond pulled to a stop when
she finally found a sign that said ‘McGinty’s’
and hurried over to the door. It was a
small but a cozy diner, with not many
customers, but enough to keep the money
flowing in, she guessed. She looked
around but didn’t see her friend so she
took a seat at the bar. A young,
very attractive man came up to
her and asked her if he could get her
anything. ‘Marc’ it said on his nametag.
*Well hello… Marc! Aren’t you just

“No, thanks,” she said and gave him a
smile that would have had any man on
his knees in just seconds. But this man
just smiled back and went over to another
customer. * Damn, the good looking
guys are always gay!
She stooped
back in her chair and jutted out her
lover lip in a pout that he had
always thought was so adorable.

The door to the diner opened up, and
a woman hurried in, along with a cold
breeze that ran through the diner, causing
most of the people there to shiver. This
woman had mousy brown, shoulder length
hair and dark brown eyes. She wasn’t
very tall, slim looking and wearing a
black overcoat and a blue scarf and
mittens matching the scarf.

The tiny, blond turned around to see
who had entered and smiled as she
saw her friend. “Alyssa, I was starting
to think you weren’t going to make it.”
The brown haired girl looked up and
smiled. She walked over to the bar and
gave the tiny blond a big hug. “Hi,
Buffy. It’s been way too long.”
2 by Lolita
Chapter 2

His legs were killing him. After being
up for nearly 20 hours, running all over
town, whether it was dropping Tammy
off at school, working at the bar or
chopping off a few demon heads, he
really thought that standing on his feet
any longer, might actually turn him into
a jelly fish. And he still had 5 hours left
to work.

Pauly wasn’t off much help. He was
too busy hitting on everything with two
legs that walked into the bar. Just earlier
he had been prattling on about the major
hottie that was sitting at the bar just
now, talking to Alyssa. He hadn’t bothered
to look. He had no time to be ogling
women with his busy schedule.

The only woman in his life now was
Tammy. She was all that mattered to
him now, and keeping her safe was
the most important thing at the moment.
And he liked it that way. It kept his mind
off other things.

“Will, I’m telling you, you gotta come
see this chick. She’s like… a 12 on
the scale from 1-10.” William sighed.
Pauly was a hard worker and a good
friend, but he didn’t have much between
his ears. Most of it was between his
legs. “Sorry mate, I’ve got stuff I need
to clear out here first. I’ll check out this
wonder woman when I’m finished.”
Pauly huffed and rolled his eyes at him.
“Listen man, you’ve got to start living
a little. Never once do you stop what
you’re doing for a second and just give
yourself time to breath.”

“I don’t have time to breath. You of all
people should know that.” He finally
took his eyes off the paperwork in front
of him and looked up at his friend. He
seemed to accept Wills’ answer but he
knew he hadn’t heard the last of this.
The subject would be rekindled, if not
by Pauly, then by Marc or Alyssa…
heck, even Tammy seemed to pick up
on his weariness and she was only 5
years old.

“Yeah, I know. But seriously man,
you’ve got to take the day off from
time to time, spend some time with
Alyssa, get some sleep, get laid,
I don’t know. Just take some time for
yourself. If not for you than do it for
your Tammy. She deserves to have
you back home in one piece.”

*She deserves to have her mother
* the words were left
unspoken, but he didn’t have to say
them. Even though Pauly wasn’t the
brightest person in the world, he could
read people pretty well, and he knew
what was on Will’s mind.

The same thing as it had been for the past 5 years.

His daughter.


“So, girl. How’ve you been?” Alyssa
asked as she sat down next to Buffy
at the bar. Alyssa and Buffy had been
friends for 3 years, ever since Willow
introduced them. Alyssa had met Willow
in the University they had both been
attending and the two had immediately
hit it off.

“I’ve been good. Great actually!
Everything has been really slow these
past weeks and there hasn’t been much
to do in Rome except being bored.
I was getting kinda restless and I just
knew I had to come back here to get
some action. It’s been too long.” Alyssa
couldn’t help but smile at her friend’s
enthusiasm to get into a fight.

Ever since they had performed that
spell to create all those slayers, Buffy’s
life had gone from boring to the point
where she might actually go insane if
she didn’t kill anything. “How about you,
what have you been up to?” Alyssa
shrugged, “the same as usual. When
I’m not here cleaning tables and keeping
off drunken customers, I’m babysitting
my cousin Tammy. Or, you know… dusting
vamps and such. There’s not much else
to do…”

“Wait,” Buffy stopped her, “back up a little.
Here? You work here?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong with here?”

Buffy shook her head. “Oh, nothing! I just
thought you said you worked at a fancy
restaurant… not a fancy bar!”

“No, I’ve been working here for the past
eighteen years. It used to be my fathers
place but now it belongs to my friend,
William,” Alyssa answered.

“Your friend? You’re father owned
this bar and he gave it to your friend?
Didn’t that piss you off?” Alyssa just shook
her head. “Oh no, I asked him not to give
the bar to me! I’m lousy at all this business
crap! William is much better at it than I am.”

Right then, a young man came out
from the back and walked over to the
two of them. Alyssa smiled when she
saw him. “Pauly! Hi, I didn’t know you
were working tonight.” I’m not; I just
came by to get a drink.” He said, never
taking his eyes off Buffy. “And who is
this fair lady?” Alyssa jumped up when
she finally remembered Buffy was sitting
right next to her. “Oh, sorry! Buffy, this
is my friend, Paul… or Pauly. Pauly, this
is Buffy, an old… well not that old, friend
of mine.” He grabbed Buffy’s hand and
kissed the back of it. “It’s a pleasure to
meet you, Buffy!” She just barely retained
from rolling her eyes at him and instead
just smiled and pulled her hand back.

“Well then, maybe we should get going.
I thought we could go see a movie or
something like that?” Alyssa asked Buffy.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” *Anything
to get away from that weirdo who keeps
staring at me,
* she said to herself as
she noticed that Pauly was still staring at
her like she had a frog glued to her nose!
They got up and headed for the door! “Bye
Pauly, tell Will I said hi.” Alyssa waved over
her shoulder as they stepped out into the
cold, night breeze.

Just then, William came out from the back
and went to Pauly. “So mate, where’s
this Wonder woman you’re so enthralled
with?” He shook his hand in front of Pauly’s
face who was staring at the door.
“Sorry, pal! You just missed her and Aly,
said they were going to the movies or
something.” Will just shrugged and went
back to his work while Pauly kept staring
at the door.
3 by Lolita
Chapter 3

“I’m sorry if Pauly was bothering you
earlier! He can be a bit blunt when it
comes to women! But once you get to
know him, he really is a nice, decent
guy.” Alyssa and Buffy were walking
back to the bar after enjoying a night
out together. “It’s alright. It’s nice to
know at least someone is interested.”
Alyssa playfully slapped her in the arm,
“oh come on. Don’t even try telling me
guys aren’t lining up behind you. You’re
what, 28 with the body of an 18 year old?”
Buffy blushed. It was true, the years
had been kind to her, but she suspected
it had something to do with the whole
slayer deal. Plus she did miss out on
147 days in her life. That had to have
some effect.

“Yeah, well. Things have been pretty
slow when it comes to men in my life.
Ever since…” she paused, not really
ready to tell Alyssa about Spike yet.
She had told her she had been seeing
this guy she really cared about but that
he had died in an accident. Also she left
out the part that he had been a vampire.
“Ever since the accident,” she continued.
“Even though it’s been over seven years,
I just don’t think I’m ready yet, you know?
I’m not done baking.”

“I’m sorry, what? Baking? You’re not pregnant,
are you?” Buffy turned and stared at her.
“What? No! Forget it; it’s just a stupid analogy.
” They walked awhile in silence after that,
neither one really knowing what to say.
Suddenly, Alyssa’s face brightened up and
a small smile curled up on her face. “Hey, I
know. When we get back, you can meet my
friend, William. Seriously, you can’t find a
better guy than him. And he’s not bad on the
eyes. Not bad at all. If he wasn’t my best friend
and my boss, I would be all over him.” Buffy
seemed to be thinking about it for a moment
but then she just shook her head. I don’t know.
I don’t think that’s such a good idea. I mean, I’m
sure he’s a great guy and all, but…”

Alyssa put up her hands in defeat. “Ok. Not
looking for a boyfriend material, I get that. But
you can still meet him can’t you? I’m sure you
two will become great friends.”

“Yeah, sure I’ll meet him! He sounds like a
good guy.” Alyssa sighed. “He is. He really is.
And he’s such a good father. His daughter is
just the most adorable little girl I’ve ever met.”
Buffy gave her an incredulous look. “You’ve
were trying to set me up with someone who
already has a kid?” Alyssa just smiled. “I think
you’d be a great mom!”

“What about her real mom? Isn’t she in the
picture?” Suddenly, Alyssa became very quiet,
and a sad look spread across her face. “Aly?”
She waited for a response but when it looked
like she wasn’t gonna get one; she stopped
her and turned to face her. “Aly, what’s wrong?”
Alyssa finally looked up at her and seemed to
come out of her haze. “What, oh I’m sorry. I
just… it’s just… Tammy’s mom! She died
when Tammy was just a year old.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought that
up. I…” Alyssa shook her head and gave her
a warm smile. “No, it’s quite alright. I just, I
miss her. Nicole, she… she was a really
wonderful person!” They resumed their walking
and were only two blocks away from the bar.
“Did you know her well?” Buffy finally asked
after a long, silent moment. “Yeah… she was
my sister.” Buffy suddenly found her eyes fill
with tears when she suddenly had the image
of Dawn in her head, and couldn’t help but
think about what she had gone through
after Buffy jumped off that tower. “I’m sorry,”
was all she could say. Alyssa gave her another
warm smile and squeezed Buffy’s hand.

When they finally got to the bar, they had
changed the subject to something less
painful for both of them, and the night seemed
to be heading for a pleasant ending.
That bartender, Marc, was standing at the bar,
cleaning a glass and smiled when he saw
Alyssa. “Hey, sweets. How was your night?”
The two women sat down in front of him.
“It was great. We had so much fun. Oh yeah,
Marc, I’d like you to meet Buffy. Remember,
Willows’ friend.” Marc nodded his head at
the mention of the redhead. “Right, I remember.
It’s nice to meet you Buffy. I’m Marc.”

“Nice to meet you, Marc.” He picked up two
glasses and put them in front of the girls.
“What can I get you ladies?” Alyssa ordered a
*regular* for the both of them and even though
Buffy had no idea what it was, she accepted it.
She trusted Alyssa not to give her any alcohol.
“So, Marc, where’s the boss? I haven’t seen
him all day!” Marc nodded towards the door.
“He’s around back; I think he’s on the phone.
Ms. Ackerman called earlier, said something
about Tammy having nightmares about
monsters again.” Alyssa just nodded and
Buffy couldn’t help but ask.

“She gets those a lot?” Alyssa sighed before
nodding her head again. “The poor thing has
been having them almost every other night for t
he past two weeks. Always the same one,
something about her daddy getting hurt and
men with weird faces.”

“Men with weird faces, like vampire weird?”

“Could be, we’re not sure. I’m gonna go around
back; see if he’s still talking to her. Will you be
all right here, Buffy?” Buffy just waved her hand
and smiled. “I’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, don’t worry Aly. She’ll be safe with me.”
Marc said and refilled her glass. Whatever it
was, it was good, and Buffy took a large sip.


He was sitting at his desk with his head resting
in his hands, cradling the phone to his ear. “It’s
gonna be alright cupcake, there are no monsters
at Mr. Ackerman’s house… No, Mr. Ackerman
is not one of the monsters,” he said half laughing.
“Ok, sweetie, just remember daddy loves you and
I’ll be home soon. Bye.” He hung up the phone
and turned around when he heard someone
coughing behind him. “Alyssa, hey… didn’t
expect to see you here tonight.” He walked over
to her and gave her a brief hug. “I’m just here
with a friend of mine, we just came back from
the movies.”

“Yeah, right, the major hottie Pauly couldn’t
keep his eyes off. She still here?” Alyssa grinned.
“What, you interested?” They shared a small
smile before she grabbed his arm and dragged
him to the door. “Come on, she’s been dying to
meet you all night.” William couldn’t keep the
smirk off his face as she pulled him through the
door. “Oh yeah, you tell her how amazingly
irresistible I am.” He gave her a lopsided grin
before turning his head toward a very surprised
looking blonde. A very… familiar blonde.

*No, it can’t be,* they both thought at the
same time.



Please review if you want to read more soon... your reviews are what keep me going. Thx
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