Game of Love by Elanor
Summary: Buffy, Xander, Willow, Anya, and Spike are friends from college. After the graduation The Gang, except Spike, opens a now famous wedding boutique Fairytale. While Spike is happy and getting great projects working for a very popular bridal magazine as a photographer. Now, Spike's boss Liliah wants the famous Buffy in her magazine. Who'll take the great, big project? Spike of course. But Buffy refuses to do the spread, so Spike makes a proposition: he'll find her a guy in exchange for the project. What happens when Spike realizes he is The Guy and falls for her big time? Buffy's already found a man -- a guy that Spike set her up with! Much Spuffiness ensues.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Completed: Yes Word count: 43575 Read: 59610 Published: 01/12/2004 Updated: 12/15/2004
Pt. 2 by Elanor
CHAPTER 9 -- Pt. 2

Author’s Note: This chapter and the next are two mini-chapters, but I’ll make it up to you. Chapter 11 is some Bronzing, and Chapter 12 some light Spuffy (but, if you read the summary, you know the real Spuffy doesn’t come that easy). J

Their muscles tensed as they shot down the sidewalk. They had been skating at a leisurely pace at first, but that had lasted all of five minutes before the competitiveness began to show. It had started out innocently enough. Spike’s legs were significantly longer than Buffy’s and she began lengthening her strides to match his, then to edge out a little further ahead, just to show he didn’t have to do her any favors in holding back so she could keep up. Spike resented this, not about to let a little one hundred pound five foot nothing show him up. They tried to hold polite conversation at first, but within minutes their pace made talking physically impossible.

Buffy continued to fly down the sidewalk, turning her head back, she smiled, “Spike, are you coming or what?”

Narrowing his eyes, ready to partake in yet another battle, Spike pushed off hard, his strides smooth and even, slowing closing in on Buffy. He followed her crossovers, weaving in and out through pedestrian traffic. Their impatience with those slower than them -- whether it be on foot, bike, or skate, earned the two some smiles and some scowls. Buffy was enjoying her lead, closing her eyes and loving the breeze on her face as she stopped pushing for a moment and rode the momentum of her skates. Her victory was short lived, however, when she felt a swipe at the back of her white halter top. She whipped her head around to reveal Spike skating dangerously close behind her. Buffy let out a mock gasp and bolted through the windy pathway. Spike chased her through the park -- both of them laughing. She occasionally glanced back at her pursuer, wind flowing through her newly framed locks.

When they neared the parked Desoto and knew their fun was over, Buffy slowed and allowed herself to be caught by Spike as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, slowing them both to a stop. They unabashedly smiled at each other before plopping down in the grass. They had chased each other through the entire park for an hour. When they stopped at a water fountain, Spike had caught himself following a trickle of water escaping down beneath the low neckline of Buffy’s Adidas halter top. He shook his head to remind himself who he was with -- he was doing that a lot more recently. It wasn’t like being with Buffy The Ice Queen, it was like being with an old college friend. Weird.

Buffy sat next to Spike, scowling at her laces, “Stupid knot.”

Spike let her pick at it for a few more seconds. “Here,” he reached out and took her calf, placing her foot on his lap. Buffy relaxed on her hands back in the grass as Spike worked on the knot in her skate.

She watched the constant stream of people on the walkway in front of her, making eye contact with an old couple strolling, holding hands. The older couple stared poignantly at Buffy, then glanced down to the man diligently aiding her with her skate, and smiled knowingly. Acknowledging the young love. Buffy almost opened her mouth to correct them, to tell them they were mistaken because the man they thought was her knight in shining armor was in reality her mortal enemy. But they looked so happy for them that Buffy couldn‘t bring herself to say anything, just smile back sheepishly.

Buffy decided to change the subject, “So I think your little make-over-Buffy was a success. I think I look rather cute.”

Spike glanced up from the untied skate in front of him and smiled. Buffy gave him the other foot and without a word began to work on the tie.

“So Professor Higgins, I think I’m ready. Bring on the boys. I’m going to knock ‘em dead. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. I can do this,” She smiled at her feigned confidence.

Spike smiled softly at her, the idea of sending her to the lions he had picked out, suddenly making him slightly uncomfortable. He shook his head to clear out the thought, finished untying the knot, and padded her calf, “Your first dates tomorrow.”

This story archived at http://