I shall believe by Tess
Summary: Buffy Summers is, at nineteen, single mom of three-year-old Cody. When she goes off to college, she meets a lot of new friends, among them William ‘Spike’ Giles. Could there be more than friendship between them? And what happens when a little thing called life decides to interfere?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: Yes Word count: 20974 Read: 10677 Published: 10/09/2005 Updated: 09/14/2006
First day by Tess
Author's Notes:
Sorry for the delay, been really busy. Here's chapter three, anyway. Be patient, they'll meet in the next chapter.
I don't own the characters.
Thanks to Nichol for her help.
3 First day

Buffy stepped into the big auditorium, looking around the area. Twenty or so students were already there, and she spotted Willow among them, waving frantically at her. She waved back and made her way over.

“Hey!” Willow gave her a greeting hug. “How was the first day of college?”

Buffy sat down next to her friend and put her backpack on the floor.

“Well, this is my first class, so I’m not sure yet. I’ll let you know at the end of the day.” Buffy responded. “At least I managed to get here on time. Wasn’t sure I’d make it for a while there.”

“Cody giving you trouble?” Willow gave her friend a sympathetic smile.

“He’s not used to the environment yet, it’ll take a while.” Buffy sighed. “He didn’t want me to leave him at the day-care center, but he never does. And then, when I come to pick him up, he doesn’t want to go home.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard about that phenomenon.” Willow laughed. “My cousin has a five-year-old, I baby-sit sometimes.”

“Good to know.” Buffy responded.

The students quietened down as a man in his fifties entered the room through a door behind the teacher’s desk.

“That’s Giles.” Willow whispered. Buffy nodded.

“Good morning.” Giles sat on his desk, facing the room. “Since today is the first day, we’ll just do a quick run through on what we’re going to cover in this class.” He picked up a paper from the desk. “But first, attendance.” He started calling names, and the student in question answered.

“Good, it seems like everyone is here.” He put the attendance list back on the desk and took a heap of papers off it, handing it to one of the students in the front row. “Please pass these around.” He waited until everyone had a paper. “This is the curriculum for this class. You can read it yourself. I will expect you to be here when you are supposed to, to complete and hand in your assignments on time and to participate in the discussion. If you do that, we will not have a problem. Participation makes up for 30% of your grade. Midterms and finals for 50% and assignments 20%. Any questions?” Nobody said anything. “Good. The books you will need are on the curriculum, bring them to every class. Dismissed.”

The students started filing out of the auditorium, but Willow held Buffy back.

“Let’s go talk to Giles for a minute.” Buffy followed her down the steps to the teaching area.

“Hey, Giles!” Willow gave the older man a hug. “How was your summer?”

“Very good, thank you.” Giles turned his attention to Buffy. “I don’t believe I’ve met your friend.”

“Oh, this is Buffy, she’s a freshman. Buffy, this is Mr. Giles, but everyone just calls him Giles.” Willow introduced. “Buffy’s going to major in English, so she’ll have a lot of classes with you. I just wanted to introduce you.”

“It’s very nice to meet you, Buffy.” Giles extracted his hand. “Your reputation has already preceded you, I’ve heard that you’re a wonderful writer.” Buffy blushed.

“Thank you, Mr. Giles.”

“None of that. It’s just Giles. Now, which classes will you be taking?”

“This one, obviously, and English Lit., Modern Poetry, Intro to creative writing, Art history, Women in literature and Major American authors.” Buffy went through her classes.

“Good, good. I’m teaching the Lit course, as well as the poetry and creative writing.” Giles motioned Buffy towards the door, where Willow was already standing. The trio walked into the hallway and towards the exit. “I believe you will be in contact with my son, then. He will be the TA in English Lit. Just don’t let him scare you. His bark is worse than his bite.” Willow laughed at Giles’ words.

“I couldn’t have said it better myself.” At Buffy’s confused look she continued. “You’ll know what we mean when you see him. He’ll be back Thursday, right?” She directed the question to Giles.

“Yes, I believe so. There was some problem with his ticket, the British security has gotten a lot tighter after nine eleven, especially when it comes to travels to the States. He’s supposed to arrive on a little after midnight between Thursday and Friday.”

“Great, then he’ll be able to join us for our big reunion night at the Bronze.” Willow announced.

“Great.” Buffy smiled at her friends excitement.

“Oh, darn, I completely forgot.” Willow stopped on the stairs outside the main building. “I gotta go, Buffy, will you be OK? I told Tara I’d meet her before her class at eleven if I had the time.”

“Go, I’ll be fine.” Buffy motioned for Willow to leave.

“OK, how about we meet in the cafeteria a little after eleven? I don’t have class until one thirty. We’ll have lunch.” Willow skipped down the steps.

“Sure.” Buffy nodded. “My next class is at two, so I’ve got plenty of time.”

“Great, see you then!” Willow said over her shoulder.

Buffy turned back to Giles, who was standing beside her.

“I’ll just get out of your hair, I’m sure you have things to do.” Buffy smiled at the older man. “It was nice meeting you, and I’m sure I’ll love your classes.” She turned to leave, but Giles called her back.

“Actually, I thought maybe we could talk a little.” Giles motioned for a bench a few feet away. Buffy followed him and sat down.

“I’ve had contact with your English teacher in Los Angeles, he sent me some of your work.” He gave her an encouraging smile. “I must say I was very impressed. I haven’t seen that sort of potential in a long time.” Buffy couldn’t control her excited smile.

“Really? Seriously?”

“Definitely. If I was the editor of a paper, I would hire you on the spot.” He took off his glasses and started cleaning them. “She also informed me of your special... situation.” He put his glasses back on and looked at her.

“Oh.” Was the only thing Buffy could say. Where was he going with this?

At Buffy’s facial expression, he quickly continued.

“I’m sorry if I embarrass you, it is not my intention. All I wanted to say, is that I understand that it might be hard for you to keep up, and that if you have any problems, to come to me or my son.” He patted her hand in a comforting way.

“Thanks.” Buffy smiled at him.

“I imagine it hasn’t been easy for you.” Giles returned her smile. “And I’m not going to tell you that it will get easier, because, quite frankly, it won’t. College is hard enough without a child. But I believe you will do just fine, and I will try my best to make it easier on you when it comes to my courses. As long as you finish the assignments somewhat on time and do the tests, I will not care about a few missed classes. Alright?” Buffy nodded.

“Thank you. It’s good to know that someone understands.” Giles gave her a questioning look. “I had a couple of teachers in high school that... weren’t exactly supportive. I guess the principal had something to do with that.”

“Mr. Snyder.” Giles huffed.

“You know him?” Buffy asked, surprised.

“When I came to the States, I had the... misfortune to work with him for a while. Too long, if you understand my meaning. I have been on the receiving end of his prejudice ideas.” Buffy laughed at Giles’ obvious loathe for the tiny man.

“I know what you mean. He didn’t fail to let me know what he thought of me.” Buffy got a sad look on her face as she remembered some of the principals more hurtful words.

“I’m sorry you had to put up with him.” Giles put a hand on her shoulder. “I assure you, nobody on this campus would ever behave in that manner. And if they do, you just let me know.”

They both sat quiet for a moment before Giles spoke again.

“How are you finding your accommodations, everything satisfactory?” Buffy nodded.

“It’s amazing. I think they renovated the entire house for me. Everything’s great.”

“Good. And how are you adjusting? I would think there is a distinct difference between Los Angeles and Sunnydale.”

“It’s different, very different, but, so far, in a good way. I like the small town life. LA can get so... big and anonymous sometimes. The people here are so nice and understanding, you know?” Giles nodded at her statement.

“I lived in New York for a couple of years before moving out to California. I would think it’s the same mentality as in Los Angeles. The ‘mind your own business and stay out of other people’s lives’ mentality.” Buffy laughed at his phrasing.

“I know what you mean. And this is such a better place to race a child, too. A lot less things to worry about.”

“Yes, I would believe so. How is... Cody, is that right?” Buffy nodded. “How is he adjusting?”

“I think he’ll be fine once he’s settled in. New environment and everything, he’s been a little cranky.”

“Yes, I can imagine. My son was thirteen when we moved to New York from England. New city, new country, it’s safe to say that he had some trouble fitting in.” Buffy nodded.

“I’m glad Cody’s still little, I can’t imagine moving with a teenager.” Giles laughed.

“No, that is not something I have any desire to do ever again. But he turned out alright... if you look hard enough.” Giles chuckled.

“What’s he doing in England?” Buffy asked, curious.

“Visiting his grandmother, my mother. She still lives in London, and he goes there every summer. They are very close.”

Buffy nodded, thinking for a moment about her own family situation. Giles noticed her distant look.

“Everything alright? Did I say something?” Buffy shook her head.

“No, it’s just...” Buffy shrugged. “I don’t want to bother you with my problems.”

“Please. Bother away.”

“Sometimes it just hits me, I guess... that my son will never have that. A real family, with a Dad and grandparents.... stuff like that...” Giles gave her a sympathetic look.

“Don’t give up yet. You’re still young, I’m sure there are plenty of young men waiting to ask you out.”

“Yeah... you wouldn’t believe how easy it is to scare them off.” Buffy laughed. “There’s not a lot of guys who go for the two-for-one deal. Believe me, I know.”

“Maybe you just haven’t met the right one?” Buffy gave Giles a wondering look. “You shouldn’t give up, there are still some decent guys out there.” Giles looked at his watch and got off the bench. “I must be going. Will you be alright?” Buffy nodded. “I will see you at two o’clock, then.”

Buffy remained sitting on the bench for a while, thinking about what the older man had said. She had given up on dating, realizing that high school boys weren’t interested in the instant family package. Most of the guys who had asked her out had changed their mind after she told them about Cody. There had been a couple of guys who had said that it wasn’t a problem, but when she had suggested they meet Cody, they had quickly backed out. Then there were the ones who thought she was easy because she had a child. Buffy winced at the memory of Parker.

They had been on their second date, on their way to a movie in his car when he’d pulled into an abandoned parking lot. When she asked him what he was doing, he had laughed, saying that he knew what kind of girl she was. She had reached for the car door, but he had been faster and pinned her to the seat. She had no doubt about what would have happened if a cop hadn’t showed up.

But the last straw had been Riley. He had transferred to Hemery for his senior year, Buffy had just started her junior. He asked her out, they dated and when she asked him to meet Cody, who was one and a half at the time, he had actually been excited. It had lasted little over six months, and she thought it was going good. Then one day, she had decided to surprise Riley. Her mother had come home from a business trip a day early and was watching Cody. Riley’s parents had been out of town and she had let herself in using the spare key she knew they kept in a flower pot on the back porch. Walking up the stairs, she heard a weird noise, but didn’t think much of it. When she opened the door to Riley’s room, she found him in bed with the school tramp. She ran from the house crying, Riley not making any effort whatsoever to follow her. He had come by later that night, wanting to explain. Apparently, he had felt neglected because she had been too occupied with Cody, who had just had the flu and an ear infection. He didn’t feel that she cared anymore, so he had turned to someone else. Needless to say, she broke the relationship off then and there.

That was the last time she had dated anyone, and it had been over a year ago. Maybe it was time to give it another chance? Not all guys could be as bad as the guys she had had the misfortune to date in the past. At least she hoped so.


“Hi there!” Buffy looked up at the sound of Willow’s cheery voice.

“Hey.” Willow sat down at the table.

“Did you survive all by your lonesome on the big, scary campus?” Willow smiled and opened the milk cartoon on her tray.

“I’ve only been here a couple of minutes actually.” Buffy followed Willow’s example and opened her juice box. “I talked to Giles for a while, he seems really nice.” Willow nodded.

“He’s great, the best teacher on campus. If you like Giles, you’ll have no problem getting along with Spike, he’s a lot like his father. Even if none of them wants to admit it.” Willow giggled a little. “You’ll see what I mean. So, what did you guys talk about?”

“Ignorant teachers.” Buffy laughed at Willow’s facial expression. “It turns out Giles used to work with my old principal from Hemery. He’s a troll, doesn’t care about his students at all, as long as they don’t ruin his beloved school’s reputation. He gave me a hard time when I returned after Cody was born. Made pretty clear what he thought of me.” Buffy looked down at her food, not wanting to meet Willow’s eyes, afraid of what she might find.

“Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry.” Willow put an arm around Buffy’s shoulders. “You shouldn’t care about what people say, they don’t know anything.”

“Thanks.” Buffy took a deep breath, trying to pull herself together. “And I know, it’s just hard sometimes...”

“Well, if anyone says anything, just send them to me. I’ll show them a thing or two.” Buffy laughed at the determination in Willow’s voice. “I’m serious. See this.” She pointed at herself. “This is my resolve face. No one can resist it.”

“OK, OK. I’ll remember that.” Buffy laughed before getting serious again. “And thank you. It means a lot.” The seriousness of the moment was broken by Cordy, who joined them at the table.

“Hello all!” Her bright smile and positive charisma quickly lightened the mood. “So, Buffy, how was your first class?” She asked before taking a bite of her apple.

“Good. I talked to Giles a little, he seems cool.” Buffy answered.

“He is, it’s the only reason I decided to take Eng Lit when I couldn’t get one of my fashion classes.” Cordy explained. “That and the fact that Spike’s TA, so he’ll help me.”

“Are you guys dating or something?” Buffy asked, and got a laugh as response.

“Oh, God no. There’s a lot of water under that bridge... or over... whatever you say. A definite no, anyway.”

“Cordy and Spike went out a total of one time last year, before realizing that they had absolutely nothing in common.” Willow explained. “That’s how Spike became a part of our little group.”

“Don’t get me wrong, he’s a great guy, just not my type.” Cordy continued. “Too into books and poetry and stuff for me. You two probably have a lot in common.” She directed the last at Buffy.

“Except for the whole punk part.” Willow added.

“Punk?” Buffy asked, slightly confused.

“Spike has this whole eighties punk thing going.” Cordy explained. “I, personally, think it’s just to get girls. He was probably a big geek in high school and decided to get a new look.”

“Cause punk and poetry doesn’t really go together.” Willow continued.

“Exactly!” Cordy finished off her apple and turned to Buffy. “So, ready for your first Eng Lit class?”

“I hope so.” Buffy laughed a little. “Giles told me to talk to him if I had any problems, it’s nice to have someone to go to.”

“That’s Giles for you.” Willow said with a nod. “He really cares about his students.”

“Yeah.” Cordy agreed before switching subjects. “I talked to Xander, who talked to Spike last night. We’re meeting at eight on Friday, if everyone’s cool with that.” She looked at first Willow, then Buffy for approval.

“Fine with me.” Willow said. “I’ll ask Tara, but I’m sure it’s not a problem.”

“My mom should be here by then, so it should be fine.” Buffy thought out loud. “If not, I’ll call Willow and meet up with you guys later.”

“Great. It’s settled!” Cordy turned her attention back to her food, and Willow started going through her note pad. Buffy looked at her two new friends, a smile on her face. She was really looking forward to Friday.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=14800