I shall believe by Tess
Summary: Buffy Summers is, at nineteen, single mom of three-year-old Cody. When she goes off to college, she meets a lot of new friends, among them William ‘Spike’ Giles. Could there be more than friendship between them? And what happens when a little thing called life decides to interfere?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: Yes Word count: 20974 Read: 10680 Published: 10/09/2005 Updated: 09/14/2006
Attractions by Tess
Author's Notes:
Here's chapter four for you guys, hope you like it. Thanks to everyone who's reviewed, I love it!

I don't own any of the characters.

Thanks to my beta, Nichole, for her help!
4 Attractions

Buffy took a seat in the middle of the lecture hall where Major American Authors, her last class of the day, was being held. It seemed like a popular course, almost all of the seats were taken. Buffy had just put her backpack down when the door in the front of the room was opened and a young man came in. He had blonde, almost white hair and was dressed all in black. Buffy couldn’t see any detailed features from where she was sitting, but there was no question that the guy was attractive from the reaction he was getting from the females in the seats closest to him. He stopped in front of the teachers desk.

“Hello all. Mrs. Finley called in sick today, so you’ll have to settle for me. I will be the TA of this class for the semester.”

‘Oh, he’s got an accent.’ Buffy thought in her seat.

The TA looked at a paper.

“This class is dedicated to the study of American authors, which means we will discuss authors such as Poe, Whitman, Hemingway, Twain, Faulkner. Who can tell me what they wrote?” Several students raised their hands. He nodded at a girl in the front row.

“The old and the sea.” The TA nodded.

“Very good, one of the most famous American novels. Anyone else?” He pointed at a guy a couple of seats from where Buffy was sitting.

“The adventures of Huck Finn.”

“Good. More.”

Buffy listened as the class went through some of the more famous works by the authors the TA had listed.

“OK. That’s enough for now. Does anyone think I missed something?” Buffy raised her hand. “Yes.” His eyes lingered on her as she talked.

“Well, we have Sylvia Plath, for one. Then there’s Joyce Carol Oates, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Margaret Mitchell, Toni Morrison, who actually won the Nobel prize.” She was getting more and more worked up by the minute. “Not to mention Emily Dickinson, one of the greatest poets in modern time.”

“And those are all good writers.” He kept eye contact with her, and she knew he was challenging her. “But we will be focusing on the best of the best, the greatest American authors through the years.”

“And that, naturally, has to limit us to the male authors?” Buffy questioned. “That is so sexist.”

“I don’t think so.” The TA countered. “Can you honestly compare, let’s take Dickinson, with Hemingway?”

“Well, of course you can’t. Dickinson was a poet, Hemingway wrote novels. They’re in two completely different genres.” Buffy stated. She refused to look away, not wanting to give him the pleasure of feeling like he had won. Eventually, he was the one to surrender.

“Thank you.” He looked around the room. “That will be all for today’s class.”

Buffy remained in her seat for a moment, completely confused. What had he been doing? When she realized that the room was almost empty, she got up and started walking down the steps to the door.

“Miss?” She stopped, hand on the door, when the TA called.

“Yes?” She turned, and was caught in the deep blue of his eyes.

“Good job. You’ll enjoy this class.” He smiled at her before turning back to gathering his papers, leaving Buffy baffled once again.

She snapped out of her confused state, and left the class room. Outside she was greeted by Willow and Anya, who obviously had been waiting for her.

“Hey guys.” She went up to them. “What you doing here?”

“We just wanted to see how your class went.” Willow said, giving Anya a conspiratory look. Buffy noticed.

“What are you two up to?” She asked with a frown. They both gave her their best innocent looks.

“Nothing.” They said in one voice. At that moment, the TA from Buffy’s class came into the hall. Anya and Willow both turned from Buffy.

“Hi Spike.” Willow went over and gave him a hug, Anya not far behind. Buffy just stared in astonishment. This was Spike?


Spike walked out of the class room, his mind still on the girl he had ‘argued’ with during the class. She was something...

As he closed the door behind him, he was greeted by Willow and Anya.

“Hey Red, Anyanka.” He returned the two girl’s hugs, at first not noticing who they had been talking to. When he did, he froze, a small smile forming on his lips.

“Hey there.” She didn’t return his smile. “I’m Spike. I don’t think I caught your name in there.” She was about to respond, when Willow cut in.

“This is Buffy, she’s a freshman.” Willow noticed the tension in the hallway and frowned. “You didn’t pull your little male chauvinist act on her, did you?” Buffy smiled a little at Willow’s revelation.

“So, that’s what that was? I was beginning to wonder how the school board could allow a TA that was so obviously biased to actually teach.” Spike returned her smile and decided to come clean.

“Was all a show. I have nothing against female authors, in fact, we will be studying, I think, all of the women you mentioned. I try to do something a little... provocative when I first meet a class, to get a picture of the students.” He gave her an appreciative look. “I must say, this had one of the most... interesting outcomes.”

Buffy blushed a little under his gazing eyes but couldn’t make herself break eye contact with him.

“So I passed?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

“With flying colors.” He responded, their eyes never leaving eachother’s.

Willow and Anya had been watching the display in silence. Now, they exchanged knowing looks and decided to cut in.

“So, Buffy, you still on for the Bronze tonight?” Willow asked, knowing Buffy had to pick up Cody from the daycare center before her mom arrived.

“Sure, you’ll come pick me up, right?” Buffy asked, glancing at her watch as she spoke. “Shoot, I gotta run.” She said, realizing the time.

“Go, we’ll see you later.” Willow shooed her away. “I’ll pick you up at eight.” She yelled after Buffy’s disappearing form. Turning back to Spike, she gave Anya a smile that said ‘let’s have some fun’.

“She has a date.” Willow almost laughed out loud at Spike’s reaction to her statement, he looked like a little boy who had just had all of his candy stolen.

“Oh. I... I didn’t know she...” He was interrupted by Anya, who had decided to play her part.

“Yeah, handsome guy, real nice too.” She managed to keep her expression unchanged.

“I see.” Spike nodded. “They’ve been together long?”

“Oh, about three years or so.” Willow couldn’t keep up the act anymore and burst out laughing. Anya joined her. Spike just stood there, a confused look on his face.

“What’s so bloody funny?” He asked, annoyed.

“The look on your face. You’ve got it bad.” Willow managed to pull herself together and explain. “He’s three, his name’s Cody and he’s Buffy’s son.” Both of the girls noticed the relieved expression on Spike’s face. It was soon, however, replaced with surprise.

“She has a son?” He asked, and Willow nodded.

“Yeah, you don’t have a problem with that do you? Cause if you do, then you should just leave it.”

“Why would I have a problem with that?” Spike asked, a confused look on his face. “You know I love kids. What about his dad?”

“You don’t have to worry about him.” Willow responded. “He was just using Buffy, and she hasn’t seen him in over four years. He’s never even met his own son.” At that, Spike just stared at the red head.

“How could someone do that? I mean, you can’t just walk away from your responsibilities like that.”

“Well, apparently Angel didn’t feel that way.” Willow said in a bitter tone.

“But, she’s not... dating anyone?” Spike asked and Willow shook her head.


“So... you think I’ve got a shot?”

“By the way you two were looking at eachother, I’d say you’re half in.”

“Anya!” Both Willow and Spike exclaimed.

“What?” Anya said, looking innocent. Willow decided to ignore her.

“As long as you don’t have a problem with Cody, I think you should go for it.” She said to Spike. “But I think you should take it slow. She’s been hurt pretty bad.”

“OK.” Spike nodded. “So, start as friends, probably a good idea.”

“Yeah, I think so.” Willow agreed. “You’ll probably see eachother a lot, she’s an English major.”

“Then I guess we have a lot in common.”

“Yeah. And you’ll see her tonight at the Bronze. You can ask her out then.”



Buffy had just put Cody down for his afternoon nap when she heard a car in the driveway. She walked through the house and opened the front door before her mother had knocked.

“Hey, mom. You’re early.” She said, hugging her mother hello.

“Yeah, I was able to get away a little sooner than I thought.” Joyce replied, returning the hug. “How are my darlings?”

“We’re fine.” Buffy answered while leading the way into the house. “Cody’s settling in at the day care center, and classes are good. I even made some friends.”

“That’s great, sweetie.” Joyce looked around the living room where Buffy had sat down on the couch. “Where is my little angel?”

“He’s asleep, just put him down for his nap.” Buffy said, patting the seat next to her on the couch. “Sit down. Tell me what’s going on with you guys.”

“Well, Dawn is very excited about being a senior.” Joyce said, sitting down. “She already has a crush on some boy named RJ, and isn’t talking about anything else.”

“She didn’t want to come here for the weekend?” Buffy asked. She had been hoping Dawnie would come.

“Janice is having a back to school sleepover party, so she said she’d go with me next time. I hope you’re not disappointed.”

“Of course not.” Buffy replied. “Now I get you all to myself.”

“Do you have any plans this weekend?” Joyce asked and Buffy nodded.

“I’m going to a club of some sorts tonight, if you’re OK babysitting.” Joyce nodded and Buffy continued. “Willow, you remember the girl that I was meeting when I first got here, is picking me up at eight and we’re meeting some of her friends there. I’m actually looking forward to it.”

Joyce noticed the look on her daughter’s face.

“OK. Who’s the guy?” Buffy gave her mother a, she hoped, confused look, remembering her encounter with Spike earlier. She had definitely felt a connection, and thought that he had too. She knew that she’d see him later at that club, maybe... No, she cut herself of mentally. You’re not gonna go there again, Buffy. Remember what happens when you get emotionally involved with a guy?

“What guy?” She responded, avoiding her mother’s eyes.

“The guy that’s got you all wound up. I haven’t seen you like this since...” Joyce cut herself off, but Buffy knew what she was going to say and decided to ignore the unspoken name.

“There’s no guy. Why would there be a guy? You know me, I’m no-dating-Buffy these days.”

“That doesn’t mean that you have to be.” Joyce replied.

“Mom, please.” Buffy sighed. “We’ve had this conversation too many times already.”

“And we’re going to continue having it until you realize that not all men are like Riley and Angel.”

“Well, that’s not gonna happen today anyway, so can we just drop it?” Buffy used the few toys that were spread around the living room as an excuse to get away from her mother’s gaze.

“OK.” Joyce raised her hands in a surrendering motion. “I’ll drop it. For now.”

“Thank you.”

“When are you leaving?” Joyce asked, changing the subject.

“Willow’s picking me up at eight, we’ve got plenty of time.” Buffy responded, returning to the couch. “So, tell me all about what’s going on in LA.”


Buffy just laid the finishing touch on her light make-up when she heard the doorbell.

“Mom, can you get that? It’s probably Willow.” She called from the bathroom and heard her mothers steps before the front door was opened.

“Hi, you must be Willow. Come on in, Buffy’ll be out in a minute.”

“Less than a minute.” Buffy added, joining her mother and Willow in the hallway. “Let me just say goodnight to Cody, and we’ll leave.” Willow nodded and Buffy went into the kitchen where Cody was eating a bowl of cereal before bedtime.

“Wanna give mommy a goodnight hug, baby?” She asked and he hopped off the chair and into her arms. “You be a good boy and do what nana tells you, OK?” She placed a kiss on his dark locks. “Night, baby.”

“Night mommy.”

Buffy put Cody back in his chair and he returned to his food.

“You know the rules, mom.” Buffy said as she passed her mother in the hallway. “I’ve got my cell phone, call if you need me, OK?”

“We’ll be fine, sweetie.” Joyce responded, moving to close the door behind Buffy and Willow. “You just have a good time.”

“So, everyone’s coming tonight?” Buffy asked as she and Willow walked side by side down the drive way. “Should we take the car?”

“Oh, no, we’ll walk. Everything in Sunnydale is within walking distance.” Willow answered. “And, yes, everyone’s coming tonight. They’re probably there already.” She added after looking at her watch. “Let’s hurry up.”


“Wow.” Buffy exclaimed as she and Willow entered the Bronze. “What is this place, some kind of old warehouse?”

“Yup.” Willow replied, spotting her friends through the crowd. She grabbed Buffy by the arm and the made their way over. “Hey guys.” She said, squeezing in between Tara and Xander.

“Hi sweetie, Buffy.” Tara said, smiling at both her girlfriend and Buffy.

“Hey guys.” Buffy waved at Tara, Xander, Anya, Oz, Cordy and Faith who were sitting around the table, getting a round of heys back. Cordy and Oz scooted so she could sit between them.

“Hey.” Willow said, looking around the table. “Where’s Spike?”

“Right here, Red.” Came the answer from behind Buffy. She turned around and was met by the same eyes she had had in her mind for the past couple of hours. Spike was holding a tray with drinks on it, and now he started passing them out. “Red, Goldilocks, want something to drink?”

“A diet coke for me, Spike, thanks.” Willow replied.

It took a moment of Spike staring at her for Buffy to realize that Spike had been talking to her.

“Oh, you were talking to me?” He nodded. “I’ll have a diet coke too, thanks.”

The people around the table started talking as Spike walked towards the bar. Buffy looked after him for a few moments.

‘Goldilocks, huh.’ She thought. ‘I like it.’
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=14800