I shall believe by Tess
Summary: Buffy Summers is, at nineteen, single mom of three-year-old Cody. When she goes off to college, she meets a lot of new friends, among them William ‘Spike’ Giles. Could there be more than friendship between them? And what happens when a little thing called life decides to interfere?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: Yes Word count: 20974 Read: 10664 Published: 10/09/2005 Updated: 09/14/2006
Thank you by Tess
Author's Notes:
I am very very sorry about the lack of updates. I've had a really bad writers block, and my beta is MIA. So this chapter hasn't been betae'd. As usual, I don't own the characters.
6 – Thank you

AN: I don’t really know how the whole Thanksgiving thing works, so don’t shoot me if I get something wrong :-)

Buffy scurried around the living room, re-arranging things that, to Dawn, seemed perfect to begin with.

“Buffy, would you stop running around? You’re making me dizzy!” The younger Summers girl complained, causing Buffy to pause for a moment before taking off again.

“I just want everything to be perfect. Will you check that Cody hasn’t gotten his clothes messy from the crayons? I have to make sure the turkey’s doing OK.”

“Fine.” Dawn agreed and went in search of her nephew. She found him in his room, apparently very focused on the drawing in front of him. “Hey, kid, what you doing?”

“Dawing.” Cody answered, not looking up.

“What’re you drawing?” Dawn crouched down beside him, looking at the paper.

“That’s me, and mommy, and that’s auntie Wiwow, Anya, Tawa, Faith and Codelia, and uncle Oz, Xande and Spike.” He pointed at each of the figures as he named them.

“Hey, sweetie, put the crayons away, they’ll be here any minute.” Buffy said as she came into the room. Cody immediately jumped up from his chair and ran to his mother.

“Mommy, mommy, look what I dawed for you.” He thrust the picture at Buffy, who accepted it.

“Wow, baby, that’s a great drawing.” Buffy gushed. “Why don’t you go to the kitchen and let Grandma put it on the fridge, OK?” She gave him back the picture and he ran out of the room as fast as his little legs could carry him.

“Nana, Nana, look what I made.” Buffy and Dawn heard him yell as he rushed down the hallway and into the kitchen.

“He seems to really like your friends.” Dawn observed.

“Yeah, he does.” Buffy said, gathering a few toys from the floor and putting them back into the toy box. “And they really like him too, actually. I could easily get a babysitter every night of the week if I wanted to.”

“Well, that’s good, right?” Dawn questioned as she heard the hesitation in her sister’s voice. “I mean, that they get along and all.”

“Sure, it’s great.” Buffy agreed. “It’s just... I’m not sure how long it’ll last. What if they get tired of it?”

“Buffy, if they really are your friends and they really care about Cody, they won’t.” Dawn reasoned. “And if they decide that they don’t wanna hang around, then you’re both better off without them.”

“I know.” Buffy said with a smile. “But you try to explain that to a three-year-old.”

“It’ll be OK, Buffy.” Dawn said, enveloping her sister in a hug.


“Hey guys!” Buffy said, stepping aside to let Willow and Tara into the house.

“Hi sweetie.” Willow said, giving Buffy a hug before dropping a bag on the floor to take her jacket off. She had just managed to hang the jacket up when she was attacked by Cody.

“Aunty Wiwow!” He exclaimed as he threw himself into her arms. Luckily, she was prepared and wrapped her arms around the little boy, lifting him up into the air.

“Hi cutie!” She gave him a kiss on the cheek, to which he responded by squirming slightly in her arms. He was starting to get into the phase when he thought girls were icky, but still accepted hugs and kisses from his Mom and aunties. When Willow put him down he continued to Tara, giving her legs a hug, effectively keeping her from moving.

“Hi baby.” Tara ruffled Cody’s hair before attempting to remove her coat, but failing due to the three-year-old that was wrapped around her legs.

“Come on, sweetie, come see what we brought you.” Willow said, effectively freeing her girlfriend of the child as he ran over to Willow.

“Willow, it’s only Thanksgiving, you didn’t have to get him anything.” Buffy said, closing the door, only to open it seconds later at another knock, revealing Anya, Xander and Cordy.

“Hey guys.” She said, letting them into the house as well.

“I know it’s just Thanksgiving, but I saw this and it just screamed Cody.” Willow explained, a sheepish look on her face. She was spoiling Cody every chance she got.

“It’s fine.” Buffy said. “Just explain to him that it won’t be a re-occurring event, or I’ll never hear the end of it.”

“Sure.” Willow complied, happily following Tara and Cody into the living room.

“Well, join the party guys.” Buffy said as the trio in the hallway started removing their outerwear. “The food should be ready in about half an hour.” She started walking back to the kitchen to help her mom with the food when the doorbell sounded again. “Can one of you get that?” She called over her shoulder.

“Hey mom, how’s the food getting along?” Buffy asked as she entered the kitchen. From the hallway she could hear Spike, Giles, Oz and Faith. “Great, everyone’s here.”

“The food is fine, and I can manage without you running in to check on things every five minutes.” Joyce said, ushering her daughter out of the kitchen. “Go socialize with your friends.”

Buffy reluctantly obeyed and went into the living room where eveyone had gathered at the dinner table except Giles who was standing, rather awkwardly, at the door to the hallway. Since there was a table and thirteen chairs in the room, there was hardly any room left. The table and extra chairs were curtesy of Giles.

“Hey guys.” Buffy said, sitting down between Oz and Faith, getting a hug from both of them. “Thanks for coming, all of you.”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, dear.” Giles said. “I think I’ll go introduce myself to your mother and see if she needs any help with the food.” He left the living room.

“I guess introductions are in order.” Buffy said. “This is my sister, Dawn.” Dawn waved a little. “Dawn, these are my friends, Willow, Oz, Faith, Xander, Anya, Cordy, Spike and Tara.” She pointed everyone out.

“It’s nice to finally meat the infamous Dawnie.” Xander joked.

“Yeah, we’ve heard a lot about you.” Willow added.

"I bet not half as much as I’ve heard about you guys.” Dawn said. “I swear, every other sentence Buffy says when I’m on the phone with her it’s either ‘Willow said this’ or ‘Spike did this’. I tell you, it gets old fast. But it is nice to meet you, though.”

“You’ll have to excuse her, she has no manners.” Buffy said, sending Dawn a ‘if I could kill you with my eyes you’d be dead’ look over the table.

“Mommy look what I got!” Cody interrupted the stare fest.

“Wow, that’s a good movie, sweetie.” Willow had brought him ‘SpongeBob Square Pants – The Movie’. “Why don’t you put it by the TV, OK?” Cody nodded and went over to the TV where he put the DVD next to the other movies they had.

“Thanks, Wils, he’s been talking about that movie ever since we saw it at the cinema.” Buffy said to Willow.

“No problem. Everyone can enjoy a little SpongeBob from time to time.” Willow replied.

“Yeah, we might borrow it.” Tara added, giggling.

“But it can’t possibly compare to ‘Finding Nemo’.” Faith objected, and everyone started laughing when they remembered Faith’s reaction to the movie.

They were interrupted when Joyce and Giles came into the room, carrying trays with food.

“Dinner is ready!” Joyce announced, putting the jams down on the table. Giles set the large turkey in the middle before they both returned to the kitchen for the rest of the food.

Soon everyone were seated, and Buffy looked around at her friends and family.

“Thanks for coming, all of you. I can’t remember the last time we really celebrated Thanksgiving.” She said, and her mother shook her head.

“It has been years. I’ve actually missed it.” Joyce said.

“Well, we’re just glad you’re having us.” Cordy said.

“We wouldn’t have it any other way.” Joyce said, smiling.

“Hungry.” Cody piped up from his chair next to Buffy.

“I know, sweetie, we’re gonna eat in a minute, but first we have to say thanks.” Buffy said.

“Thanks for what?” Cody asked.

“You see, Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful for what has happened during
the year, and to tell other people.” Buffy explained.

“Why?” Cody insisted.

“So that the people we care about know that we do.” Willow contributed. Cody seemed to settle for that explanation.


“Thank you.” Buffy mimed to Willow over the table. Willow just smiled back.

“OK, who wants to go first?” Joyce asked.

“I’ll go.” Faith said. “I’m grateful for passing all my midterms.” Everyone started laughing. “No, really, I didn’t think I was going to. Seriously, though. I’m grateful for my family, and for my friends, old and new ones.” She shot Buffy a look over the table. “This year has been a great one, and I hope the next one will be too.”

They went around the table, everyone saying the things they were grateful for. At last, Buffy was the only one left.

“OK, I guess that leaves me.” She giggled a little nervously. “I am grateful for my mom, you are the greatest mom ever, the way you’ve supported me, not only this past year, is more than I would ever have expected. I love you.” Joyce gave her daughter a tearful smile. “I’m grateful for my sister, when it comes to bratty kids you’re not half bad.” Buffy and Dawn exchanged a look of understanding. “And, I’m grateful for my little boy.” She gave Cody a kiss on his head which he squirmed under. “It’s hard sometimes, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.” She looked around the table. “And last, but not least, I’m grateful for you guys. I don’t know if I could have survived this semester, let alone the next three and a half years, if it wasn’t for you. I never expected making that many new friends, and definitely not as close as you guys have become. I love you guys.” By the time she was done, Buffy had tears streaming down her cheeks, and there were not many dry eyes around the table. Faith, Oz and Cordy, who were closest, enveloped Buffy in a group hug.

“We love you too, B.” Faith replied for the entire table, and everyone nodded.

“Wow, that got a little more emotional than I had in mind.” Buffy said, wiping the tears form her face. “On to a more cheerful subject – let’s eat!”


“Hey guys.” Buffy said, sitting down between Willow and Faith in the cafeteria. She dropped her books on the table and then buried her face in her hands. “Thank God we only have finals twice a year.”

“You finish the last one?” Cordy asked, and Buffy nodded.

“Yes, finally. If I never see a test again in my entire life it would be too soon.”

“Well, you’ve got five months to get ready for the next round.” Xander said cheerfully.

“Don’t even remind me.” Buffy groaned. “Are everyone else done too?”

Everyone at the table nodded.

“Spike’s got his last right now.” Willow said, looking at her watch. “He should be here any minute.”

“At least none of us have to grade the tests.” Anya said. “I don’t get why Spike wanted to be TA, it’s just more work for him.”

“I happen to enjoy the extra work, thank you very much Anyanka.” Spike said, joining them at the table. “Everyone done?” He asked, looking around as everyone nodded.

“So, when’s everyone coming over tonight?” Buffy asked,feeling the need of a subject change. Since most of them were leaving Sunnydale for Christmas, they had decided to get together that evening to exchange presents.

Buffy was driving to LA the following day, and Anya’s flight to New York left at nine that morning. Then Spike and his dad would be going to England to spend the holidays with relatives the day after, and Willow and Tara were going to Tara’s family in Denver, since Willow’s family were jewish and didn’t celebrate christmas. Last out was Faith, who didn’t leave for Chicago until the following Monday. Only Xander, Oz and Cordy were going to stay in Sunnydale for the Christmas break.

“How about around six?” Willow suggested, and everyone agreed.

“Sounds good, I’ll order the pizza.” Buffy nodded, checking her watch and getting up. “Gotta go pick up Cody, but I’ll see you in a couple of hours.” She waved and walked across the lawn towards the day care center.


“Hey guys, come on in.” Buffy stepped aside to let Willow and Tara into the house. “You’re the last ones.”

“Sorry about that, we had to stop by the store on the way, last minute shopping.” Tara explained, taking her jacket off and hanging it on the coat rack.

“No problem, we just got done putting the presents under the tree.” Buffy walked ahead of Tara and Willow into the living room where a large, plastic Christmas tree was taking up one of the corners.

“Merry Christmas everybody!” Willow exclaimed as she entered the room, getting a round of ‘Merry Christmas’ back.

“Is not Chismas yet.” Cody stated.

“No, not really, but we’re celebrating today too.” Buffy tried to explain. “So you’ll get presents today and on Christmas Day.”

“Lot of pesents!” Cody beamed at her.

“That’s right, baby, a lot of presents.”

“OK, let’s get down to the opening of the presents, shall we?” Spike suggested, and everyone agreed.

As Xander started handing out presents, Buffy looked around the room at her friends. If someone had told her a year ago that she would be spending the next Christmas with eight close friends, she would never have believed them. She was glad that she’d been wrong.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=14800