Thin Ice by Kings of Mercia
Summary: Right from when her mother first took her to see Cinderella on Ice, Buffy dreamed of becoming an ice-skater...
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 46 Completed: Yes Word count: 92311 Read: 54736 Published: 10/22/2005 Updated: 05/25/2006
Chapter 14 by Kings of Mercia
Chapter 14

Dr William Carling didn’t know what was the matter with him. He could hardly concentrate without his thoughts wandering to a certain little blonde ice-skater.

It wasn’t as if her foot he was thinking about either, oh no. What her feet was attached to, yes…and her face, most definitely, her large green eyes haunted his every thought!

He made his way to the cafeteria and grabbed himself a tray.

“Hi, Dr Carling!” One of the nurses from the ER greeted him, giving him a dazzling smile.

“Oh, Hi um…Amy!”

“You can sit with us if you like Dr!” A group of theatre nurses grinned and patted an empty seat at their table.

“Got some reading to do!” he politely indicated the book under his arm with a smile

“Go on…we’ll test you!” One of the more voluptuous nurses teased, giving him a wink, sucking tomato sauce sexily off her finger, and he could feel himself going red…

“Ah, Dr Carling, William, I was wondering if you have a moment or two spare, could you drop by my consulting room sometime today, I’d like your professional advise on my um…well, you see when you get there, won’t you!”

Dr Drusilla Tate couldn’t resist touching him, she put her hand lightly on his chest, straightened his collar and fixed him with her hypnotic eyes.

“Hmm, er, n-no, sorry, got um, three, y-yes, three ops this afternoon…”

“Well this evening then………I know - come to dinner – Dr Day and Dr Inkerman were coming, but they’ve both cried off… Dr Travers is coming though, but still I find myself with enough Chicken Marengo to feed a small army!”


“I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer, we can play catch up – you can tell me what’s been going on in jolly old London Town, okay – about eight for eight thirty, just bring yourself, I’ve got all the wine we need!”

And with that, Drusilla left without him being able to say no…still he supposed safety in numbers, with Dr Travers there, AND he’d get a decent home-cooked meal, that meant he could save his Findus microwave lasagne-for-one until tomorrow…That was one thing, apart from omelettes, salad, grilling a steak and doing jacket potatoes, he was virtually hopeless at, was cooking.

Sliding his tray along in front of the plastic pigeon-holes that held sandwiches and cakes of various types, he was going to have chicken, but if he was having chicken tonight…he gave the tuna a wide berth, didn’t want to stink of fish talking to patients and what have you, so he opted for the safe bet and chose a cheese salad sandwich on wholemeal bread, an apple, and a carton of orange juice.

After paying he surveyed the room and saw a quiet table in the corner, making his way to it he passed Harmony at lunch with her friends

“Hi Harm…oh, look at all those fries!” Pinching one off her plate he winked and carried on to his table.

To Harmony, this was almost as good as a date!

“Oh my god, OH MY GOD! Did you SEE what he just did!”

“He stole a fry off your plate Harm, stop having orgasms over it!” Kendra said, who, like Harmony’s other friends were getting a little tired of Harmony and her one-topic-of-conversation-when-he-was-at-the-hospital, Dr Carling!

Drusilla walked down the corridor until she came to the consultant’s door she wanted, and knocked. When she got the reply she wanted, she stuck he head around the door and said,

“Ah, Dr Travers, awfully sorry to do this to you at such short notice, but I’m going to have to cancel our dinner party tonight, what with both Dr’s Inkerman and Day crying off…” Drusilla tried to look suitably sorry………

Dr Travers looked up from his desk and said,

“Drusilla my dear, don’t be silly, of course I don’t mind…well just take a rain check as they say”

“I KNEW you’d understand!” Drusilla smiled and closed the door, thinking if she left half an hour early, she’d have time to drop into Victoria’s Secret on the way home………


“…………And then this special mesh which is made of a natural material bonds the pin in place, and you’ll be good as new!” Dr Carling was demonstrating to Buffy the procedure he was going to do on her using his pen as the pin and a small piece of paper as the mesh.

“Right, any questions? – Oh, there will be a scar, but I can work from the sole of your foot, so nobody will see it”

Buffy smiled


With him sitting on the bed next to her rubbing shoulders, she was VERY happy………

“That’s great, thankyou…I’m starving though!” William smiled and looked at his watch

“Only another…three hours to go – then tomorrow you can tuck into all the hamburger and fries and all the chocolate cake you want”

“Huh, I wish!”

“Go on – I bet you’d love to!”

“Oh, it’s not a case of not wanting to, it’s just if my coach saw me…”

“Hmm, seriously though Buffy, you are under-weight”

“I know, but they tell me it’s better for my joints and that if I am”

“Hmm…I suppose, but then it’s not a natural process you put your body through every day is it, all that twisting and jumping”

He turned and looked at her body as she lay on top of the bed, and then quickly wished he hadn’t!

Buffy was conscious of his look and felt tingly all over, to the point that her nipples began to harden and she sat up.

There was a knock at the door and Dr Travers put his head around

“There’s a theatre slot available if you want it Dr Carling, Dr Inkerman’s cartilage patient was found eating chocolate so it’s been rescheduled”

William looked at Buffy

“Want it – ten minutes to go – you’d be fine for dinner then!”

Buffy smiled and nodded


“Okay then, I’ll go get scrubbed up, I’ll send one of the nurses in to give you your pre-meds”


Willow saw Joyce sitting outside Buffy’s room, reading a magazine

“Doctor in with her?” she plonked herself down next to Joyce

“No, she’s in theatre, having the op!”

“But I thought that wasn’t until tea-time, that’s why I came now” Willow said.

“I know, but there was a slot available, somebody who was due their operation forgot the ‘nil by mouth’ rule and ate some chocolate or something, so they can’t have their op until tomorrow now”

“Oh…why is that?”

“It’s the anaesthetic, in case they’re sick”

“Oh, I see…so how long will she be?”

“She’s been gone twenty minutes, the doc reckoned half an hour for the procedure, then she might need an hour or so on the recovery ward”

“I’ll wait then, we’ve got visitors coming tonight so I wouldn’t be able to see her”

“It’s very good of you to come everyday as it is Willow”

“Well, she’s my friend! Even though she usually miles away, we’ve always kept in touch”

Double doors opened and Doctor Carling came down smiling at them, his fabric mask pulled down around his neck so he could talk.

“Everything went fine, like textbook, she has a half an inch scar, but it’s on the sole of her foot, and I managed to put it in a crease, so I doubt it’ll be seen at all when it’s healed”

Both Joyce and Willow grinned and Joyce stood and went to shake his hand, but pulled him into a motherly hug instead.

“Thankyou doctor!”

William smiled and hugged her back

“You can see her in about half an hour, somebody will bring her down from the recovery ward – well I must go and scrub up again, I’ll see you tomorrow, bye”

“Bye doctor, and thankyou again!”

“”Isn’t it marvellous what they can do these days – mind you, with all the little scars she’s got, I’m sure if there had of been a scar Buffy wouldn’t have been bothered. I suppose better call Hank and tell him”
This story archived at http://