Thin Ice by Kings of Mercia
Summary: Right from when her mother first took her to see Cinderella on Ice, Buffy dreamed of becoming an ice-skater...
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 46 Completed: Yes Word count: 92311 Read: 54769 Published: 10/22/2005 Updated: 05/25/2006
Chapter 40 by Kings of Mercia
Chapter 40

“Yes, that’s my decision, I’m sorry, thanks, but no thanks – no, really – all the luxury travel offered in the world wouldn’t induce me to take the job, in fact, that’s one of the reasons I gave up skating – I was sick of living out of a suitcase………………that’s okay, bye” Buffy put the phone down.

She was still in her dressing gown, William had got dressed

“Babe would you mind if I got going, I’ve loads to do, I’ve got some correspondence to catch up with, emails, laundry, shopping”

“That’s fine, I was going to do some more on my book – Laura said as soon as I can give her the drafts for the first three chapters, they’ll give me an advance!”


“Will I see you tonight?”

“Yeah – how about that dinner out we keep promising ourselves, I could pick you up at 7.30pm”

“Great, I’ll look forward to it” William gave her a kiss and left.

Buffy pottered around for half an hour, sorting out what she was going to wear that evening, then making herself more coffee, she sat at the computer promising to write at least a thousand words………

She did well, and by 1.10pm, she’d written chapter 1 and was halfway through chapter 2. The phone rang, and she took the call deciding that she needed a break.


“Is that Miss Buffy Summers?”

“Yes – who is this please?” Now that the threat of her having to appear in court about Angel had gone, she didn’t need the operator answering service – didn’t stop her wishing she still had though…

“My name is Katrina Warren, I’m a research assistant for the Alan Lakewave Late show, we were wondering whether you’d like to be a guest on his late night live show on the 23rd of this month”

“Me – why me –why now?”

“Well, you’ve announced your retirement and been in a plane crash, we have it on the best authority you’re writing your autobiography”

Buffy frowned, she briefly wondered how they knew, but then she supposed it wasn’t actually a secret about the book, somebody from the publishing house must have told them.

“Hello?” Katrina said, thinking Buffy had gone

“Oh, um sorry, I er – I don’t really know what so say…no, I don’t think so – no, it’s not for me, besides he’ll probably want to talk about Coach O’Connor, and I won’t discuss anything about-“

“Miss Summers, I can assure you now, if you say to us that a subject is off limits, then we promise you not to mention it” Buffy’s mind was racing

“I’d still rather say no – for the moment, perhaps nearer the time when my book is finished – perhaps I can come on then, and plug it!”

“That would be excellent, so I can put you down for a rain-check then, well thankyou Miss Summers, bye”

“Oh, yes, right, bye”

Buffy was peckish, and she bit into an apple, checking the date of skating event for her book when the phone rang again.

“Hi babe it’s me – would you mind awfully if we weren’t on our own tonight at dinner, only I owe Quentin and he has a few days off”

“Sure – I don’t mind”

“Thanks babe I’ll pick you up as promised, 7.30pm, we’ll be going to the golf club”

“Ooh – posh! I’ll wear my Vesace then!”

“You do that kitten, knock ‘em dead for me!”

“I’ve just had somebody on the phone from Alan Lakewave’s show – they wanted me to be a guest, but I said no, well not until my book’s due out”

“They’ll make a TV star out of you yet!”

“I’ll see you later, bye!”

“Bye babe”


As Quentin led the way, followed by Mrs Travers, William whispered to Buffy

“You look stunning – that blue dress looks amazing on you”

Buffy turned and smiled, giving his hand a little squeeze

“Thankyou – and you in that suit – wow!” Grinning William grabbed the door high and held it open for the ladies as he brought up the rear.

At the bar they ordered aperitif’s, and perused the menu

“Chef’s pâté, then the salmon en croute with watercress sauce for me, darling, what will you have?” Quentin asked his wife

“I’ll have…the wild mushroom ravioli, followed by the warm duck salad with roasted shallots and balsamic dressing”

“Babe, what would you like?”

“It all looks good, but I fancy…let me see…the giant prawns with lime and cilantro, followed by the Chicken Chasseur, with wine, onions, mushrooms and fresh herbs – what are you going to have?”

“I’m going to pass on the starter, have a fillet steak medium rare, with steak fries, mushrooms and fried onions, and a side salad – do you want salad or vegetables of the day, pet?”

“Um…no thanks, I’ll leave room for pudding!”

“Quentin, salad or vegetables?”

“I’ll have the boiled new potatoes and the asparagus,” Mrs Travers said

Quentin put his glasses back on, squinted at the menu and then said,

“Sounds good to me darling – I’ll have the same as the wife!”

“Righty ho then – I’ll order for us then”

“I’ll buy the wine – waiter, bottle of Veurve Clicquot champagne please, and have another on ice as stand-by please”

“Very good sir”

“Wow – what are we celebrating Quentin?” William asked as he turned back to face everybody after ordering the food

“Ah, now that would be telling!” He grinned and tapped the side of his nose and then pointed at William

“Have patients my boy, patients, everything comes to he who waits!”


William was intrigued as to why Quentin was being so cagey, and by the end of the dinner, he still hadn’t said anything.

“So, Quentin…my curiosity is killing me here, what’s this thing I’ve got to wait for, hmm?”

“Well hopefully, it’ll only be a short wait, I shall have something to tell you in the next few days – when everything my side is finalised”

“Sounds very intriguing!”

“It’s a proposition – but like I say, I want to wait until I know what I’m talking about before I get your hopes up”

“Oh. Right!”


The following morning, they were woken by a phone call

“William, I’m sorry to call you so early, but can I speak to Buffy please?”

“Sure...babe, it’s your mom” William passed her the phone and Buffy sat up in bed, worried.

“Mom, what is it, are you-“

“Calm down love, it’s the mail”

“The mail?- What about-“

“The mail for you has come in a big truck, people have been sending you mail at the academy as they don’t know your home address, and there’s, hold on, one, two, three, four…………eight, nine sack loads here for you”

“NINE – Good grief!”

“I just thought I better warn you!”

“Thanks for letting me know – I was going to stay here and do some more on my biography as William has to go out, but I guess I’d better come home instead”

“Okay honey, I must go to work, the mail office said to ring them and they’ll come and collect the mail sacks when you’ve finished with them, now I must go, busy, busy day, bye!”

“Okay, bye mom”

Buffy ended the call and handed William back his mobile.

“I’ve got nine sack loads of mail – it’s been accumulating at the academy, and they’ve just sent it on”

“Golly, little miss popular! Not surprised though, I thought you’d be getting loads more offers for things than you already are”

“Really? – Such as?”

“Oh quiz shows, TV appearances, opening stuff, endorsements, plus fan mail – don’t for get that!”

Buffy looked thoughtful

“So, have you got to go right away?” William asked with his sexy-boy bed head and cheeky grin………

“Not straight away…why, what had you got in mind?” Buffy smiled, sexily licked her top lip and lay back, leaning on her elbows


“With a grin William leaned over and kissed her. Buffy slowly slid her arms flat, bringing William with her so he was lying across her fully. Gracefully she parted her legs and he slipped between her silky soft thighs and they made love.


Buffy got up and had a quick shower while William made coffee

“As son as I’ve finished doing what I’ve got to do, want me to come over and give you a hand with your mail?”

“Please! – NINE Sacks – oh lord, where will I start?!”

“Actually, they’re probably date marked”

Buffy looked up

“Sounds about right, so earliest first then – see, you’re so clever, you think of everything!”

They left the apartment and William dropped her home, William then going off to do his errands

Buffy entered the house to the telephone ringing. As she was by it, she answered, it was the mail office, asking when they could drop another five sack loads

“Oh good grief, um, tomorrow – they’ll have to go in the garage – I’ve only just got in and found the first nine sacks!”



“………Not even a quarter of the way down the first sack yet – and they want to deliver another five sacks tomorrow! They’ll have to go in the garage mom, there’ no room anywhere else!”

“Well don’t worry, William will help you, and Mr Duggan is giving me a few days off as I’ve worked none-stop since New Year, we’ll rope Willow in, tell you what, I’ll get a coupe of the girls in, Rachel is now on maternity leave, and it’s Carol’s half day – they will love it! We can get the mail opened and sorted into what type it is, fan mail, offers of work, etc, okay?”

“That would be great mom – I was trying to do that, but I got reading…”


The following day

Joyce stood in the middle of the lounge, there wasn’t much space with all the mail sacks, including the newly delivered ones, and all the helpers
“Right, there are all these grocery boxes clearly marked, TV work, fan mail, other work, sponsorship, product endorsement, and other - other is for general letters and anything you can put into one of the other boxes – okay folks, grab a sack and get opening!”

Joyce sat and pulled a mailbag between her knees. Everybody had a letter opener, or a blunt knife to help them. The previous day, William, Joyce, and Buffy and managed to get through a sack each, and later on Buffy had started to read some on the letters.

“Oh god, this girl is telling me how she was sexually abused by her step-father!” Buffy frowned

“Is there an address on it?”

“Um…no, she said it happened years ago…”

“I suppose it was because of the Coach O’Connor thing…shame, poor girl”

The boxes soon began to fill up, and Buffy was surprised to see after fan mail, the next most full box was for offers of TV work…
This story archived at http://