Do Right By Me by Brat
Summary: William is Hanks Summers' best friend. When Hank comes to William to ask him a favor regarding Buffy, William has no idea how much this will turn his world upside down.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 44 Completed: Yes Word count: 90792 Read: 73024 Published: 10/25/2005 Updated: 01/11/2006
Fourteen by Brat
Chapter Fourteen

Buffy decided to forego even trying to be nice to Harmony considering all the girl ever did was look at her distastefully. Like she was the one that practically had SLUT emblazoned across her shirt. Harmony’s
plunging neckline nearly plunged to her knees.

“Hi Elizabeth,” Harmony said indignantly when
Buffy was almost past her desk.

Taking pause, Buffy turned slightly and
said “Hello.” To which Harmony looked her up and
down with a look that told her she was a fashion
disaster and turned back to her computer. Shaking her
head, Buffy continued to her office thinking the woman
was a menace.


Buffy snapped out of her musing to find Wesley
standing before her looking somewhat grim.

“Hi Wesley, what’s up?” Buffy greeted him
lightly. She was learning with Wesley that despite his
tendency to look as if the world were ending, it was not
often the case. In fact, he was quite funny; it was just
that his humor was so dry and delivered with such a
straight face; it took a minute for the joke to be realized
as a joke. She’d also learned that when his jokes
were understood and appreciated, he even smiled.
Buffy had decided it was a goal of hers to make the
man smile at least once in her presence.

“I wanted to speak with you about something.
Can you come in?” he asked gesturing to his office.

“Of course,” she answered and felt her heart
rate kick up. Oh God, what if he’d found out about her
and William? What if he was going to fire her before
she could find another job and properly give her two

“Please have a seat,” Wesley said, gesturing to
the swivel chair in front of his desk. He strode over to
the gigantic window behind his desk and looked
outside, apparently deep in thought.

“Wesley?” Buffy said nervously, “Did I do
something wrong?”

“Elizabeth, I found out something rather
disturbing today. Apparently it’s gone on a while now
and I just found out,” and he turned and looked at her

Her throat closed and her hands trembled. “Wh-
what?” she stammered.

“I didn’t even realize how dire it was, but
Harmony informed me that everyone knows and it is in
fact a big deal.”

She couldn’t even speak; she just sat
there with her heart hammering in her chest. This was
officially the end of her career.

He looked at her sadly now, “Jennifer
Aniston and Brad Pitt have split.”

She gasped, placing her hand over her heart
and then broke out into nervous giggles to which
Wesley grinned.

“Wesley, you scared me!” she scolded, the
relief flooding her, “I thought I’d done something

“You have done something wrong.” And
like that, he was back to business.

She raised a brow, “And that is?”

“I hear you’re leaving us.”

Buffy looked down, “Yes, that’s true. I’m
looking, but I haven’t found anything yet.”

Wesley sat down across from her, placing his hands
on his desk as he peered at her, “Why do you wish to
leave?” he asked, cocking his head to the side

“It’s not that I—I really WISH to leave. It’s that I
think I should,” she said wondering how in the hell
she was going to talk her way out of this one. It wasn’t
as if she could tell him the truth. And what had Will

“It’s William. He’s too hard on you,” Wesley
said, nodding knowingly. He frowned, “Or it’s Drusilla
making work hard for you.”

“No, well, yes. I mean, it is William, but it’s not
that he’s hard on me—“

“I knew it. Too easy on you!” he smiled happily
as if he’d just won a case. Though Buffy wondered if
he really did smile on that occasion. He sat back and
rested his palms together in front of his face. “We can
fix that.”

“W-we can? Wesley, I really think I should just

“Nonsense. I want you to work for me instead. “

She blinked, “What?”

“You heard me. I want you to work for me
instead. Will you?”

“You’ve no idea what I can do. If I’d be
good for you.”

“You down play your abilities. Why is that?”

She didn’t know what to say to that.
Wesley’s eyes narrowed. “It’s your father, isn’t it? You
compare yourself to him.”

“How do you know that?” she asked,
feeling slightly dazed.

“Because I’ve done the same thing with
my own father. Not a healthy thing to do.”

Buffy picked at invisible lint on her dark
brown suede tailored jacket and nodded, “I didn’t
realize I was doing that until recently. Comparing
myself to him, that is. My father and I used to be really
close and as of late we’ve had more of a love- hate
relationship. I pushed when he pulled and then we
found ourselves at a standstill. I wanted to be
successful like him, but I didn’t want to be compared
to him. So far, aside from Drusilla, I’m the only one
that does the comparing.”

“It’s normal and natural, Elizabeth. The
important part is to find your own niche. Once you do,
everything else falls into place. Every attorney has a
different approach, a different method if you will. I am
willing to bet that your father’s way and your way will be
quite different.”

“Because I’m a woman?” Buffy asked,
trying to tamp down the sarcasm.

“No, not at all. I have found your father to
be cut and dry in his dealings. You do not strike me as
the same.”

She shook her head, “No, you’re right, I’m

“I have seen that in the short time you’ve
been with us. In the questions you ask, in the way you
approach your work. You seek knowledge and that’s a
wonderful thing.”

It stunned her and warmed her to be so
complimented by someone like Wesley. She’d been
so wrapped up in her drama with William; she’d never
thought that anyone had taken notice of her. William
had praised her, yes, but she’d chalked it up to his
affection for her. Wesley though, Wesley had noticed
and coming from him it meant a lot.

“Thank you, Wesley,” she said, touched.

He smiled, “You are quite welcome. So,
does that mean you will work for me instead?”

“Yes,” she agreed readily. How could she

“Excellent. I will tell William if you wish.”

“Can I?” Buffy asked, jumping on that one.

“Of course. Would you like to start with me

“Yes,” she nodded.

“Excellent,” he stood and held out his
hand. Quickly, Buffy stood and took it. He shook it
quickly. “Glad you will be working with me Elizabeth.
Come see when you arrive tomorrow.”

She nodded, “Thank you again, Wesley.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Excited over Wesley’s offer and his praise, and nervous about telling William, Buffy decided to tell him straight away. She made her way down to his office with an extra spring in her step and upon rounding the corner, nearly slammed into him.

He caught her just before they made contact. “Easy
there, luv. I was just coming to find you.”

She grinned up at him. “Hi. I’ve got to talk
to you,” she rushed out.

He quirked a brow. “Oh? What’s this about

“Can we uh, go into your office?”

He grinned saucily, “Of course.”

He turned and started for his office,
opening the door and gesturing for her to enter. He
closed the door and as she sat down on the chair
reserved for clients and his paralegals, he perched on
the desk before her. “What’s going on?”

“I was just with Wesley and—“

“All this time?” he frowned, glancing at his
watch. “You’ve been in there for nearly a half an hour.”

She knit her brows together. “So?”

He shook his head, “Nothing, never mind.”

Just as she opened her mouth to speak,
he jumped up and took hold of her hands, tugging her
to her feet and into his arms. He smiled tenderly and
leaned in, kissing her sweetly. “I missed you, Buffy.
After we talked last night, I wanted nothing more than
to have you in my arms. I wanted to be there talking
with you while you fell asleep with me holding you. I’m
so glad you called me last night, kitten.” And he kissed
her again, leaving her breathless. He smiled and
tucked some of her hair behind her ear. “What did you
need to speak with me about?”

“Wesley offered me a job with him and I
took it,” she blurted out.

He blinked at her, his hold on her
loosening. “Oh?”

She rushed to tell him all they had talked
about, not wanting to make him feel out of the loop
and wanting him to not be upset. She couldn’t really
gather why she felt he would be though—

“Did I make you feel as if you weren’t doing
a good job?” he asked, his tone slightly hurt as he
pulled away from her.

She shook her head and reached for him,
taking hold of his hand, “No, Will, not at all. It’s just . . .
like when your parents tell you that you’re good looking
or smart or whatever – you feel that they tell you that
because they love you and they’re supposed to say
that, not because they actually SEE it—“

“You think I just said all that because we’re

She let out a frustrated sigh and let go of
his hand, “How is this not coming out right?”

He shook his head, “I’m sorry, Buffy. I
just . . . I guess I just hate the thought of you feeling
that I don’t think all those same things as Wesley

“I’m sorry—“

“Don’t be sorry. I know what you mean,” he
put his hand under her chin and tilted her head to look
up at him, “I understand,” he said deeply, his eyes
conveying the truth of his words.

“Thank you,” she said, smiling softly.

He dropped his hand, “I never knew you
felt that way about your dad though,” he said quietly.

“I try not to dwell on it too much. Wesley
said he went through the same thing with his father so
he understood.”

“So you and Wesley have something in
common then,” William said turning away from her,
his tone slightly bitter.

She watched him retreat to his chair, eyes
narrowed. “Are you jealous?”

He guffawed. “No.”

She pointed at him, “You are. You’re
jealous of Wesley. Just because we had a chat—“

“He knows things I don’t, Buffy,” he said
forcefully, his eyes glittering.

“You know about how I think my Dad is
having an affair. Wesley doesn’t know that—and you
know what? I shouldn’t have to defend myself to you. I
have a right to talk to other people, William. And this is
exactly why I am no longer working for you.” With that
she spun on heel to leave. Before she made it to the
door however, William was on her, grabbing her about
her waist and hauling her against him. He wrapped
his arms around her, nuzzling her neck from
behind. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. My stupid jealousy and
insecurities . . . Don’t go, Buffy. I’m sorry.”

She went lax against him, all the fight
leaving her at his desperate words. “Will, Wesley is going to be my boss, there’s nothing for you to be jealous about.”

“I know, because you’re my girl, right?” he
said huskily and bit lightly on her ear, causing a shiver
to course through her.

“Yes,” she whispered, and he dotted
kisses down her neck, biting softly on the skin there
and then kissing it. She let out and soft moan and he
spun her in his arms, plundering her mouth hungrily
with kisses and nibbles. Sliding his hands under her
bum, he lifted her and instinctively, she wrapped her
legs around his waist.

“William—“ she breathed, between heated
kisses.“We can’t.”

“We can. Business meeting—sshhh...Just
have to be quiet luv, can you do that?”


“Let me take care of you, Buffy,” he
whispered and placed her on the desk. He tugged off
her jacket and immediately lifted her camisole off her,
tugging her bra off her shoulder and down so that it
rested on her rib cage, releasing her breasts to his
gaze and touch. He kissed her as he kneaded them in
both of his hands, brushing his thumbs across the
peaks, making them hard to which he then attacked
with his mouth, laving them and biting gently.

The sensations were going straight to her
pussy and Buffy found herself forgetting about the
others in the office as she ground her mound against
his leg that was in between her legs. Soon, he was tugging her out of her pants, her panties following shortly behind. She reached for his buckle and undid
it, moaning as he kissed her and slid a finger inside
her slowly, rubbing her clit in circles with his thumb.

“Sshhh...have to be quiet, kitten,” he purred
and helped her undo his pants. His cock sprang free
and he grabbed her, sliding her close to him. He
teased her with the tip of his cock, taking his finger out
and gliding his tip up and down her slit, teasing her clit
until she shook with need. He plunged inside her, and
she gasped with the feel of him inside her. She
wrapped her arms around him, using him as her

“God, you feel so good,” he groaned softly
and started thrusting madly.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she whispered, her nails
digging into his shoulders as she clamped down her
inner muscles around him.

“Fuck,” he ground out, “Do that again.”

She did so and he started pounding
harder inside her.

“Gonna burn me. . . God, Buffy, love being
inside you . . . Need you . . . “

When she felt him pinch her clit, she bit
down on his shoulder and closed her eyes tightly,
coming apart. Dragging her face to his, he kissed her
hard. Holding her hips with bruising force, he came.

Breaking away to breathe, he rested his
forehead against hers. “Bloody amazing you are,” he

“Oh God, I don’t think I can walk.”

He grinned.

She buried her face in his still covered
chest. “What are we going to tell everyone now?”

“We were having a meeting, that’s all.” He
reached over and grabbed some tissues from the
tissue box on his desk and as he slipped out of her
with a mutual whimper, he cleaned her up and then
himself. Quickly they righting themselves, Buffy having
jelly legs as she slid to the floor.

William chuckled and when they were sure
all traces of sex had been cleared, including Buffy
opening a window to clear the air, she swung the door
open with an armload of files. Wesley was just coming
to the door when she opened it.

“Everything all right?” he asked.

She smiled, fighting down a
blush. “Perfect. He took it well.”

Wesley smiled, “Wonderful.”

“You were in there for a long time,” Drusilla
nearly barked as Buffy passed her in the hall.

Buffy stopped and glared at her. “Well, you
no longer have to worry about me Dru. I’ll be working
for Wesley now. I was just telling William.”

Dru stared at her expressionless. “So
you’re not leaving.”

Buffy rolled her eyes and continued
on. “Nope!” she called over her shoulder and
practically slammed her door shut.

She leaned against the door and heaved a
tremendous sigh. That was exactly the sort of thing
she’d wanted to avoid doing at work. She couldn’t help
the euphoric grin that escaped however.

God, that was hot.
This story archived at http://