Do Right By Me by Brat
Summary: William is Hanks Summers' best friend. When Hank comes to William to ask him a favor regarding Buffy, William has no idea how much this will turn his world upside down.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 44 Completed: Yes Word count: 90792 Read: 73024 Published: 10/25/2005 Updated: 01/11/2006
Eighteen (a) by Brat
Author's Notes:
Going to break this up in two parts...hope you like the first half!
Buffy woke up slowly, feeling very much that she should not be awake yet. For one, it wasn’t quite light yet; it had to be dawn for the orangey light that was peaking through William’s drapes. For another, she felt groggy and out of it.

Plus, the alarm clock on the nightstand that was placed on her side of the bed said it was five a.m.

Buffy rolled over, having the distinct feeling that she was alone and was looking for confirmation. She blinked in the semi darkness. Yep, William was not there.

She strained to hear if he was in the bathroom. Silence.

“Will?” she said, her voice thick with sleep. Curiosity and worry guiding her, Buffy threw the covers off her and got up. Padding down the hall, she made her way down the hall. Stepping into the living room, she found William sitting on the sofa with a huge pad of paper on his lap. He was holding what appeared to be a kohl pencil and his hand was moving furiously over the paper.


“Hi,” he said absently, his hand still moving, his eyes glued to the pad. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

“I woke up and you weren’t there . . . I wanted to come find you.”

He smiled, “That’s something then. I find I don’t sleep quite as well as I do when you’re with me. Funny how quickly that happened isn’t it?”

Buffy stepped forward slowly, “What are you doing?”

“Drawing you,” he said simply.

She stared at him in surprise. “What? Drawing me?”

He nodded, “Yep, you.”

“How? I mean, I’m not in here with you. Don’t I need to -- well, I guess not. That was a stupid question.”

“Not stupid. I’m drawing you from memory.”

“Which memory?”

He chuckled at that, “I have a lot of you, Princess, but this one in particular is when I woke up to use the bathroom. I looked back at you and you had taken all the covers, which accounted for why I woke up cold.”

She giggled.

“You were on your side and you were burrowed under them, your head nestled in the pillow and clutching the top of a blanket in your fist, holding it to your mouth.” He looked up at her, his eyes tender and bright. So much emotion was packed into that look that Buffy felt her knees weaken and her breath hitch. “You looked so peaceful, so adorable, I just had to draw you. Keep you with me, even when you’re not here.”

“Oh God,” Buffy whispered on a slight whimper. She hurled herself forward then and nearly lunged on top of him. He tossed the pencil and pad away, catching her in his arms and held her close as she straddled him and hugged him tightly.


“That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me,” she whispered.

“Well, you’re only twenty. But, if I have my way, I’ll be the only one saying it to you for . . . for a very long, long time. Would you like that kitten?”

She nodded and squeezed him. Pulling away slightly to look at him, she kissed him softly, almost chastely. Almost. She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair as he gazed up at her adoringly.

“Can I watch you?” she asked, “I want to see you at work.”

He nodded and smiled, “Sure. You can watch me.”

She slid to the side and positioned herself so that she sat next to him, her head on his shoulder. He picked up his pad and pencil and she gasped when she saw herself. “William, you’re so talented,you really and truly are.”

He blushed slightly, “Thank you. Now hush. Let me do this.”

She kissed his shoulder, “I’m watching.”


Buffy sat at her desk, thinking back on that day last week the following Friday afternoon. She had been working diligently and memories of being awoken by William carrying her back to bed had brought a smile to her face. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep on him; she really did find it amazing to watch him. It
was just so mesmerizing to watch and she’d been so tired. . . He hadn’t minded at all.
He’d merely placed her in bed and crawled in with her, wrapped his arms around her they’d fallen asleep together. Later, they’d gone to the Boston Aquarium and spent the day getting to know each other whilst watching the sea animals.

“Daydreaming is not productive,” Dru said, coming into Buffy’s office. She had her hair pinned back in
a tight bun, accentuating her high cheekbones and, to Buffy, her disapproving stares. Her dark eyes were currently boring into Buffy, and Buffy thought if she had a ruler in her hand, the look of uptightness
would be complete. Especially when coupled with the long pencil straight skirt and conservative blouse.

“Here we go,” Buffy muttered. “What is it you want Dru?”

Dru scowled at her, “I was looking for a file that Wesley and William have been working on, do you have it? It’s the Capello file.”

“I have it. It’s right there,” Buffy said pointing to the file at the corner of her desk. She smiled brightly, “Have a great day Dru.”

Dru narrowed her eyes and placed both her hands on the desk and leaned forward. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to.”

“And that would be?”

“You know.”

“Pretend I’m dumb. Spell it out for me.”

“Pretend?” Dru let out a hysterical laugh that sent shivers up Buffy’s spine.

“What’s going on in here?” William was there, suddenly, in the doorway. He was looking from Buffy to Dru and back again, eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“Buffy just had a question,” Dru said lightly, standing up straight and beaming at William.

“Yes, I was. I was just asking Dru what it is I’m doing,” Buffy said, glaring at Drusilla.

Dru’s smile faltered and she looked at Buffy. “Whatever do you mean?”

Buffy sat back, “You said you knew what I was doing. I’m curious. What am I doing? Or rather, what is it you think I’m doing?” She knew she was probably in the wrong by airing it out in front of William—very unprofessional—but she just couldn’t take it anymore. The woman was a menace, hell bent on making her work like hell; and Buffy had a sneaking suspicion it was because Dru knew she and William were chummy. Just how chummy they were, she didn’t need to know.

William stood there, arms folded, watching Drusilla expectantly, an eyebrow raised.

“I’ll be going back to work now,” Dru mumbled.

“Yeah, you do that,” Buffy called after her. Dru nearly slammed the door shut on her way out.

“God, I can’t stand her,” Buffy said, jumping up from her chair.

“Will you let me talk to her?”

Buffy sighed heavily, “I don’t know. I think that might have scared her off. I hope anyway.” She pointed at him, “She’s going to pull one of those ‘if I can’t have you, no one can’ moves. Just wait.”

William chuckled.

“I’m serious! She’s crazy.”

William sauntered over and pulled her into his arms. “We all set for tonight, my love?”

Buffy nodded, letting her anger go slowly. “Yep.”

“I’m very curious to see this outfit, luv. You’ve been very secretive about it.”

She smiled up at him; “I think I’ll make you proud. I’m going to look like an original punk princess.”

He grinned and leaned in, kissing her chastely. “Then after you’ll come home with me?” he asked hopefully.

“Like you have to ask,” Buffy said, swatting him playfully.

He pecked her nose, “I can’t wait.”

She grinned, “Me neither.”

**Just found out this story has been nominated at the Breathless Awards! Thank you!!!***
This story archived at http://