Rebellion by Thianna
Summary: *COMPLETE* AU - Buffy just moved to Sunnydale with her mother to attend college. She knows nothing of demons or vampires until she meets Angelus. Angelus is Master of the Aurelius coven in Sunnydale and has decided to keep Buffy as his new plaything. Spike's bored and wants to leave Sunnyhell but his decision has some consequences.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 36 Completed: Yes Word count: 66453 Read: 47041 Published: 11/03/2005 Updated: 12/29/2005
2: Dinnertime by Thianna
Author's Notes:
Chapter 2: Dinnertime

Spike gently closed the door behind him and took in the room that Buffy occupied. It was small, having but a full size bed, one chair and a dresser. Spike didn’t even bother with the chair and headed straight for the bed, leaning himself against the headboard with the pillows propped up behind him for support.

Buffy opened the closet doors and looked through the clothes that had been given to her. She went through one hanger after the other, sighing softly when she saw an outfit that she knew she would never be caught dead in. She really didn’t have any choice in the matter. The coven pretty much gave her the stuff that none of the other females wanted. There was even a hamper full of stuff in one corner of the room.

Buffy found a two piece dress in dark blue and she held it in front of her for Spike to see. Spike raised an eyebrow and smiled devilishly. “You know pet, I can’t make a very good objective decision if I don’t see you in it.”

Buffy bit her lower lip, her eyes scanning the room for a place where she could change but there really wasn’t any.

“Come now love. No need to be shy around me”, he smiled giving her a wink.

Embarrassed nonetheless, Buffy turned around to face the closet, her back to the vampire as she removed her shirt and shimmied out of her pants.

Spike looked her over, his gaze moving from her elegant legs up to her tone behind, followed by her slim waist and a glimpse of her breasts. He couldn’t help but grin as he watched her change into the dark blue dress. She turned around as she smoothed the dress waiting for his approval. Shaking his head in the negative, Buffy let out a sigh as she looked once more in the closet for something else.

This went on for about another fifteen minutes with Buffy trying on various outfits while she tried her best to cover herself up. As she pulled the black dress up her torso, Spike knew they found a winner. The dress was cut short and low, accentuating all her features. Turning around, she paraded in front of him and she could tell by the way his eyes were roaming on her body and his tongue licking his upper lip that this was the dress he wanted her to wear. She really didn’t understand why there was a need for her to dress up. Nothing special was going to happen. He would bring her to the table, she’ll have to sit quietly behind Angelus and watch in disgust as the vampires feast. It was hardly an occasion to dress up for, but who was she to argue with a vampire that could break her neck in a second. She was just happy that despite the beating he received just a few hours ago, he did not take his anger out on her.

Buffy sat in front of the dresser, looking at herself in the mirror before rummaging through her bag for some make-up. A little eyeliner and lipstick helped brighten up her face.

“Pull your hair up, pet.”, he said startling her. She didn’t even hear him walk up behind her. Spike watched patiently as she pulled her hair up into a bun then pulled a few strands lose to gently frame her face.

Spike positioned himself behind her, pulling out the black choker he found among the pile of clothes in one corner of the room. He fastened it to her neck, bending down ever so slightly as the blood vessels in her neck sang to him. He could feel her pulse, the vein lulling him to come closer. Her scent filled his senses as it drew him to her. He gently placed his lips near her neck, just below the choker. Moving ever so gently, his lips moved against her skin, his tongue daring to taste what his nose can smell. Her blood was calling to the demon inside him as blue eyes shifted to yellow. He fought for control, shaking his head and pulling away from her. “No, now was not the time.” he thought. He wasn’t stupid enough to mark her before Angelus did, but what he was planning tonight, should at least annoy his sire to no end.

“Ready pet?”

Buffy nervously stood up, not really sure how she felt about what just happened. She felt his lips on her skin and it ran a shiver through her. She thought she wanted more of it until she heard the subtle demonic rumble from his chest. Since he had no reflection, she couldn’t see exactly what he was doing behind her, but the rumbling unnerved her. But before the fear could really register in her brain, he was backing away from her. She turned and saw him offering her arm. Gingerly she accepted and Spike led them out the room and down the hall.

They arrived in the dining room, Spike moving to wrap his right arm around her waist as they entered. The other vampires had already gathered there and Spike knew that all eyes were on them. With his left hand, he gently caressed Buffy’s hand trying to assure her that he would keep her safe. As they reached the head of the table, Buffy stopped by one of the chairs a few feet away from the head chair. Spike shook his head, and led her to the seat right next to his assigned one. It was the seat that Drusilla usually occupied, but Spike had a feeling that tonight, his Dark Princess wouldn’t be needing it since she would be most probably be all over Angelus anyway.

The other vampires continued to follow them with their gaze and whispers ensued. Spike pretty much ignored them, putting all his attention on his “date”. Buffy was beautiful and Spike knew he wasn’t the only that thought so as he caught a couple of vampires looking her. He could tell that she was nervous. She wasn’t supposed to sit beside him, but that was just another little part of Spike’s plan to piss off the grand Master. She leaned over nervously, “Spike…let me sit where I’m supposed to sit.”

Spike shook his head and gave her a toothy grin. “Don’t worry my pet.”, he said his fingers gently caressing her cheek. “I won’t let him harm you. Besides, would you really want to be over there where he’ll ignore you when you can be here with me?”

Before she could answer, Angelus with Darla and Drusilla draped on either arm entered the room. There was cheering from the other vampires as the three took their seats. Angelus had a smug look on his face as he took his seat at the head of the table. The smug expression on his face quickly faded upon seeing that Spike was already in the room, with Buffy sitting closely beside him. Spike returned his gaze with a grin as he leaned towards Buffy’s ear saying something that made her giggle.

“Stop that…” she said mid-giggle. “He’ll get mad.”

Spike brushed his lips against her ear once more. “Let him. He won’t be able to do a thing with both Darla and Dru with him tonight.” The thought of Dru with Angelus was a bitter pill to swallow but he tried his best to act like he didn’t care. He thought it best to focus all his energy on Buffy tonight.

Buffy quickly glanced over and true enough, both Darla and Drusilla were keeping Angelus occupied. Buffy recalled on one occasion how she ended up on the receiving end of Darla’s palm. Angelus had wanted her to sit on his lap, among other things, and Darla was not too pleased at the way he was hungrily looking at her as more than just a meal.

“But... tomorrow, it will be different”, she said solemnly.

Spike put a finger on her chin and made her look up at him. “I’ll take care of tomorrow, love. Right now, you’re with me and all that matters is you.”

Buffy sighed softly. His blue eyes looked so sincere and his words were laced with what seemed like concern. She had to remind herself of the chant to keep her from falling for his seduction. But it didn’t seem like that was working. He was pretty much ignoring everyone else in the room and rarely let his eyes move away from her. She couldn’t help but feel somewhat special.

Soon, the sound of shuffling feet started to echo through the room as it grew silent when “dinner” was served. Buffy saw the others lick their lips in anticipation as she steeled herself for what was to happen.

Spike smelled humans on the way, and his body yearned for blood until he felt a warm hand on his, trembling slightly and she saw the fear in Buffy’s eyes. Something inside him felt like it twisted itself into a knot as he studied her trembling features. “Bugger”, he whispered and with a long sigh, he reached out and pulled her closer to himself, letting her bury her face in his chest, one hand covering her exposed ear from the various muffled cries. Spike preferred a spot of violence before his kill, so he rarely attended these gatherings that Angelus loved so much. The Master drank in the anguish and cries of the victims before him, taking much pleasure in the fear he created.

Spike was hungry and the smell of blood in the air wasn’t helping. But somehow it just didn’t feel right to feast before her and he wondered how many nights has she been witness to this. Was Angelus trying to drive her mad like he did Drusilla before turning her?

Spike could feel Buffy clinging tightly to his shirt. As if on instinct, his hand moved to stroke her hair to try and calm her down. “It’s alright, pet. No one’s going to hurt you.” Buffy loosened her grip on his shirt, but her heart was still beating erratically.

Angelus had been watching the interaction between his plaything and his childe. “Spike, you’re not eating. I know you must be hungry after what you’ve been through”, Angelus directed at him as he nursed a wine glass filled with blood.

“Thanks for the concern Angelus. But you were gracious enough to send me a gift.”, Spike said with a devilish smile as he moved his left hand to Buffy’s chocker, his fingers dancing gently against fabric and skin.

Angelus returned Spike’s comment with an angry glare and a low growl. Spike delighted at his grandsire’s reaction. Buffy apparently meant something more to Angelus and that just made it more imperative that he try and take Angelus’ new plaything away from him. Besides, Angelus had taken Dru as his, why can’t Spike take this human? She was mortal anyway, just food, the coven wouldn’t really care. He looked down at the woman in his arms and pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Upon seeing this gesture, Angelus pushed his chair back and strode towards them, yanking Spike from his seat and startling Buffy who was finding comfort in the latter vampire’s arms.

“You don’t know your place, boy” Angelus growled through vampire fangs.

Spike wore a smug grin. “Oh I know my place. It’s that seat over there, beside her. You did order her to be my escort for the evening. That means I can do whatever I want to her or with her as long as she’s willing. She’s property remember and you just gave her to me.” He said licking his lower lips. “Oh, unless of course the great Angelus has a thing for humans now.”

Angelus glared as he released Spike by pushing against a wall. Spike hit the wall with a thud. Grinning at his grandsire’s temper, Spike straightened out his shirt then walked over to Buffy to see if she was okay. He pushed a lock of hair that had fallen from her bun behind her ear and gave her a comforting smile. “Let’s go, love.”, he said offering her his right hand. She placed her small hand in his, her eyes affixed to the floor. She didn’t want to see the anger the she was sure was on the Angelus’ face. She followed her escort as he strode out of the room, down the hall and towards what she remembered was his room. He opened the door and quickly ran in to grab a long black leather duster. He quickly checked the pockets for his cigarettes and lighter and happily started to make his way back up the hall, planning on a change of scenery. Not hearing her heartbeat close to him, he turned back and frowned, seeing her transfixed in front of his door. “Pet, you coming?”

Buffy turned towards the sound of his voice and debated on what she should do. If she stayed behind, Angelus might have some mercy on her or he put all his anger on her. If she went with Spike, she … she … She wasn’t really sure what would happen if she went with Spike. He had been nice and sweet to her so far, but he was a vampire. All he would want is blood right? Her hands fidgeted with her dress, trying to decide which evil would be less painful.

Spike made his way back to her, his hand lifting her face to meet his. “Pet? Night’s young. Do you really want to stay here?”

“But… Angelus.”

“I told you not to worry about him.”

Biting her lower lip she nodded.
This story archived at http://