Rebellion by Thianna
Summary: *COMPLETE* AU - Buffy just moved to Sunnydale with her mother to attend college. She knows nothing of demons or vampires until she meets Angelus. Angelus is Master of the Aurelius coven in Sunnydale and has decided to keep Buffy as his new plaything. Spike's bored and wants to leave Sunnyhell but his decision has some consequences.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 36 Completed: Yes Word count: 66453 Read: 47070 Published: 11/03/2005 Updated: 12/29/2005
35 - Not in Darkness by Thianna

Chapter 35 - Not in Darkness

“Are you sure the glamour will hold, human?”

“Yes Master. I have made the spell to your specifications. The Slayer will be under the glamour spell until she is near death.”

“Good. Very good Mr. Rayne. And what of her blood? Everything would be wasted if dear William recognizes the taste of Slayer blood.”

“That was a difficult addition to your request but it is in place. William the Bloody will not know that the Watcher is in actually Ms. Summers.”

“And the changing spell? Is it in place anew?”

Ethan nodded. “William the Bloody will be transformed with Slayer blood and as you requested the transformation will become permanent upon the Slayer’s death. This will change him and the traits will be passed on to his children.”

The Master clasped his hands together in delight. “Good. You are dismissed Mr. Rayne. I presume your payment was satisfactory?”

Ethan nodded with a smile. “Yes, thank you.”


Buffy saw Spike approach but with her voice and appearance, she was sure there was no way he would recognize her. And the fact that he was convinced that she was dead did not help matters any. What had they told him? What trick was being played? It was obvious that Spike was furious and she could tell from the look in his eyes that he was tired and hadn’t fed in days. She knew that the thirst strained his control over his demon, but now it made sense why he was so furious. News of her death had sent him over the edge. He made her promise that she would do all in her power to stop him from becoming a bloodthirsty monster but how could she when she herself was powerless.

She convinced herself that she shouldn’t give up. Even though she was under a glamour spell, she was still Buffy. Her appearance may have changed but her abilities and who she was hadn’t. Maybe she could convince Spike who she really was. She knew that would be a long shot because even she didn’t recognize herself with the features she had seen. But it was worth a try and if that didn’t work, then maybe she could trick him into setting her free. Anything was better than being chained up here, waiting for her demise.

"So ‘ow shall we do this Watcher?" Spike stopped a few paces from Buffy and turned to survey his handiwork. A grin tugged at his lips at seeing the blood on the walls and the floor. "Seems like I've wasted two precious meals." He said licking the last remnants of blood on his fingers. "Though ‘e did taste a little bland for me. I wonder what you would taste like Watcher."

Buffy bit her lower lip trying to think of what to say. She tugged at the chains holding her, hoping that maybe she could at least get one appendage free.

Spike looked at his next victim, tilting his head to one side thinking of which form of torture would be most satisfying. He closed the distance between them and let his eyes wander through the Watcher’s form.

"Going to beat me senseless like the last one?" Buffy said trying to sound defiant. She didn't want to do this but there was no way he would believe she was his beloved Buffy with a voice and a body like she had right now.

"Oh, you've got a little spunk in you, wanker."

"And you're a mindless fool. How sure are you that the Slayer is dead?"

Spike looked at Buffy sternly before backhanding her. "I've got a better sense of smell than you Watcher. I can smell Slayer blood on you as well as the other two wankers."

"Oh wow... Blood! ... Did you even see a body?"

Spike growled obviously irritated with this chatty wanker. "What the fuck do you know? You just follow orders from your stupid council. She was still your Slayer. She was still fulfilling your duty. Killed a master vampire she did but that didn't mean anything to you."

"Spike ... "

"Let's get this over with Watcher. I'm bloody ‘ungry." He moved towards her again.

Buffy had to think fast or else this would be the end. "Oh the great vampire killed two Slayers in a fight but can't off three Watchers without having them chained to the damn wall."

"Is that what you want? Well let's see what you can do Watcher." Spike noticed the keys near the door. He made his way to the keys them went back to where Buffy was and freed her from her constraints.

He stepped back as Buffy rubbed her wrists. She looked at Spike warily wondering how this was going to turn out. She quickly glanced at her body, wondering if maybe she had something on her that kept the glamour spell intact. She remembered that Marissa did the glamour spell on her by imbuing a pretty little bracelet with the magic. But there was nothing on her out of the ordinary except for the cut on her left arm which she didn't notice before because she thought the stinging came from the needle they stuck her with. That could explain why Spike was saying he smelled Slayer blood on the other two watchers. The cut looked like it came from a pretty sharp knife.

"Well are we going to do this Watcher? I can't wait to sink my teeth in you. ‘aven't fed in days. I just ‘ope you taste better than the last one." Spike rushed towards Buffy, raising his fists at her.

Buffy fended him off, surprised at the force he had behind them. As they fought, she realized how many times Spike usually took it easy on her when they sparred. His punches were quick and forceful. She was sure that the rage he had inside was adding to his fighting ability as well. The only good thing about this was that she sparred with him often enough that she anticipated some of his moves. But she still felt lost. She didn't want to kill him. She never did. Even when he made her promise that if the time came that she would stake him, she never believed that that situation would ever come up. Therefore, she never really thought if she could do it or not. Now she realized she couldn't.

Spike was surprised at how well this Watcher was fighting. He had moves that he didn't think a middle-aged human could do. It was strange that he seemed to read some of his moves. But the violence was exhilarating. This would make the kill all the more sweeter ... the taste of blood as his reward all the more intoxicating. Then when the killing was done, what then?

He had nothing. Buffy was dead. And it was partly his fault because he wasn't able to protect her. The Master would most probably welcome him as his General and perhaps he could drown himself in that responsibility. Buffy was gone to him and nothing else really mattered. Maybe he would even find solace in Dru again since Angelus is no more. He would find pleasure in Dru. He would drown himself in her again. It wouldn‘t be the same, but at least it would be something to ease the endless days. She would be a body to make him forget what he had. At least he would feel some semblance of love and then it would be like it was before any of this ever happened. He would have power. He would kill again. He would have Dru completely. But deep down he knew it would never be enough. One day he knew it would eventually come crashing down and he would walk into the sunrise and be with his Buffy.

But now he had to make the man that helped kill her pay. He doubled his efforts wanting the fight to end quickly so he could drink blood at last.

Buffy felt the added force in his moves and knew that she wasn't going to last much longer. Her heart really wasn't into fighting him. "Spike... she isn't dead. The Slayer isn't dead."

"Shut up wanker. I've ‘eard you say your lies before."

"I'm not lying."


"Because I'm the Slayer."

Spike paused and started to laugh. "I think I've punched you a little too ‘ard."

Buffy shook her head. "Spike it's me. It's Buffy. I know I don't look like me but it's a spell. I'm telling you it's a spell."

Spike looked at her seethingly. "You're mocking me Watcher. You don't look like ‘er and you don't smell like ‘er."

"Marissa did a spell like this for us. You couldn't tell it was me then either. Please Spike. Please believe me. I don't want to fight you."

"Fuck you! I'm tired of ‘earing your lies." He rushed Buffy and pinned her to the wall. In one swift move he had his fangs buried into her neck.

Buffy tried to push him back but he locked his hands on her arms, holding her tightly. The more he pulled from her, the stronger his grip got. She tried again and again, not wanting to lose hope as she felt herself slowly loosing strength as he pulled from her.

Spike pushed her even harder into the wall feeling her struggle. He wanted to cause pain and he bit down harder, his fangs embedded all the way into her neck.

"Spike ... " Buffy said weakly... her voice resembling that of a teenage boy as it started changing.

"Spike ... please stop." Buffy said again, a little relieved that her voice was sounding more like her own now despite her body loosing more and more strength. She wrapped her arms around his neck, letting her fingers play with his hair. She closed her eyes taking in the feel of him against her body. "I'm sorry. .... I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. I couldn't ... could never keep that promise. I ... Spike ... I love ... you .... too much." Her arm fell from his neck as it went limp.

Her words finally registered in his brain and his chest felt soft mounds pressed against him. He pulled back slowly blood smearing his lips. He didn't want to see with his eye what he knew was the truth. Her scent was around him now. The Watcher he was fighting ... the watcher he was feeding from was gone. The words of the second watcher he killed came back to haunt him. "But … he’s … dead … ” Spike thought that the Watcher was stating a future fact. He thought his victim meant the fate that he was going to instill on the last Watcher. But now he understood that he meant that Watcher was dead. It was a trick. All of it. This entire time it was all a trick so that he would kill Buffy and it seemed like he was a fool enough that it worked. Buffy was right to have called him a fool earlier.

He mustered the courage to look at her and he could feel his hands shaking as he brushed hair from her face. Her heart was still fluttering but it was getting weaker. This was worse than before. This was worse than when he made love to her then took her blood. "Buffy? Luv?" He shook his head in disbelief. How could he have let himself be duped? How could he have believed the Master so easily?

He wanted to save her. He wanted to be with her for forever. She was suppose to be with him forever. He had lived for almost a century and a half. But it was only now that he knew he found true happiness and in an act of anger he himself ended it. Tears were threatening to blur his vision and he did his best to push them back. Now was not the time for tears. It was time for action. He had to save her somehow. She was still alive ... barely alive.. but still alive. His demon told him of a solution -- the only viable solution.

He moved her to a better position, lowering her to the floor with her head on his lap. Without thinking, he slashed his left wrist open. The pain of it not even registering as his senses were all focused on her. He moved his wrist closer to her lips and he watched with eerie fascination as his blood made a trail down his pale skin. One drop fell towards her partly opened mouth.

Her heartbeat sounded so strongly. It was fighting. It wasn't giving up and in that moment, before one drop of his blood fell on her lips he pulled his wrist away and let his right hand catch the demonic elixir.

No! She was still fighting. He wouldn't destroy her like that and imprison her in darkness. No matter how much he wanted her to be by his side for all eternity, he would never shut her away in darkness. She was meant to be in the sun. She looked gorgeous under the sun.

He loved every single facet of her. He loved her strength, her kindness, her soul and the violence that bubbled underneath when she fought. Turning her would rip the soul from her body and would leave him with a demon shell. There was a chance that once she was turned she would still love him. No. He knew that her love was strong enough that in the end the demon that would take over would most probably love him just as much. But how could he say truthfully to her face that he loved her when he would easily destroy everything about her when she was still fighting?

It was different back then when she wanted to be turned. At least that's what he thought. She was confused and lost. She had no purpose and just wanted to mean something to him. If he turned her, they would have at the very least a sire and child bond that Angelus wouldn't be able to take away from her. But now things were different. She still had her life in front of her and somehow he wanted to give her a semblance of normalcy that he knew Slayers were never given the luxury to experience. Maybe after all of that ... maybe after she lived some more of her life, then he would turn her without any regret because then she would be asking it of him not out of desperation but out of a true choice. Perhaps his thinking was warped but he loved her that much.

Then he caught something at the corner of his eye, something that was swinging from his neck. He looked down quickly and grabbed the amulet that Marissa gave him. He pulled it free and rubbed it, hoping the spell would work. As the amulet started to glow, he laid it on Buffy's chest hoping that maybe Marissa could save his love in time. She was fighting for her life but if she didn't get help soon, then she would die. He leaned down to kiss her lips hoping that he would be able to taste them again. But he wasn't sure if that was a possibility after what he was planning on doing.

"I should be the one that should ask for forgiveness. For all the pain I've given you when all you've done is love me. We wouldn't be ‘ere if I was stronger. ... If I was smart enough to keep you safe from harm. Forgive me, luv. "

In a flash of light Buffy's body was gone. Spike closed his eyes and said a silent prayer that she would be safe.


A/N: I hope everyone enjoyed this longer chapter. Just a few more to go then this fic will be done. I hope you guys have been enjoying it. Please don't forget to review.

elizabeth_a_summers I know I know... Spike just can't follow through can he. I'm sorry. *hangs head in front of you* Hit away. He just loves her too much.
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