To Be Hers by mel
Summary: Beginning of Season 7, my take on how Buffy handles crazy Spike in the basement.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 21454 Read: 21392 Published: 09/12/2003 Updated: 07/16/2004
Devotion by mel
**Definition taken from the Random House Dictionary.


**devotion: earnest attachment to a person

He spent the night at the Summers' home. Buffy and Dawn insisted since the following week was Spring Break. Buffy knew such a personal event like what Spike had to endure hit hard. This was someone, whether she was of the undead sort, who he had known for over 100 years. An attachment, a bond, a strong one at that, was still there even though it had been strained for the past few years.

Buffy couldn't help to stare at him now, sitting on the couch, looking off into oblivion. She really did not know what to say to him. Every 20 minutes or so she would ask him if he needed anything. He would answer with a curt no. She thought back to the time when Angel was the one she had to sacrifice. Afterwards, the emptiness, the sorrow, the hate boiled within her. She took the coward’s way out and skipped town. It was hard to get rid of his ghost especially if she had to face her friends and loved ones. So at this very moment she wanted to give him his space.

After making Spike eat something, she made up the couch in the living room, making sure the window was well covered to keep out morning's impending sunlight. He still wasn't talking. As he sat down on the couch he uttered a word.


She turned quickly and rushed over to the coffee table, plopping herself down directly in front of him. He slid his hands underneath hers, her palms now resting on the backs of his.

"Thank you."

"You're very welcome, Spike. If you need anything, you know where I am. Just knock this time. Don't want any unnecessary roughness in the middle of the night, and oh, boy that did not come out right. You know what I mean. Good night, sweetie."

He looked up at her, surprised at the endearment she bestowed upon him but didn't respond. He nodded and gave her a pained smile in return.


The room was pitch black. Wasn't there a full moon tonight? He knew Buffy had hung a thick blanket over the window above the couch but there should be some li…ight? 'Where is that light coming from and who’s up in the middle of the night?' Spike swung his legs over the edge of the couch and stood, leaning a little to the right to peer around the doorway into the kitchen. It didn’t look like a familiar light fixture that was even in the kitchen but looked like a beam of light. 'Is someone robbing the place? They're gonna wish they'd gone to another house.' There were no noises coming from the other room so couldn't be robbers. With a whoosh, the light traveled quickly into the living room, knocking Spike back down to the couch.

"What the bloody…D-Dru?" he stuttered.

"Hello, my beloved."

Spike stood again, legs feeling shaky, confusion setting in. Suddenly, a voice screaming into his ear.

"What the hell did you do? You had no right, no right at all."

Spike had raised his arms up, and cowered away from the offensive voice. He peered over his arm. Angelus?

"Why are you bleeding yelling at me? She came after me, my friends. I had every right to stake her." He glanced over at Dru who was swaying back and forth to her own internal music. When he looked back at Angelus, he was holding a very limp Buffy tightly in his grasp.

"Buffy, no, don't hurt her. Buffy fight back, I can't, I can't move, God please don't do this, you don't want to do this."

"Oh, I'm not…but Dru is. Question is, should she kill her or…turn her into one of us?"

"Please, don't. I need…"

Dru had slipped in next to Buffy, pulling her head back by a handful of hair. Dru gave Spike one last evil, seductive smile before sinking her fangs into Buffy's supple neck. Spike couldn't move.


Light, blinding light. "Spike, Spike, it's ok.

The shaking was uncontrollable. He was being held down, his arms pinned. His eyes shot open. Bright light and something…no, someone holding his arms. Buffy, his Buffy. He sat bolt upright and wrapped his arms tightly around her tiny waist, panting heavily into her shoulder.

"Oh, God, Dru. Buffy…"

"I know, I know Spike. I know how hard it is. I'm here to help. Let me help."

"Buffy, she killed you. Dru killed you. It was…"

"A bad dream, Spike. Just a bad dream. She's gone now. She won't get me."

"But Angelus, he can. He can come after me, after you and the bit. He will. I killed his childe, he will come for me."

"No, no Angel wouldn't do that."

"Doesn't matter. Let him. I'm not scared of that poufter."

"Spike, look at me." Buffy held his face in her hands so he would look at her. "Nothing will happen, not Dru, not Angel or Angelus. This is just the guilt playing mind games with you."

"I can't lose you again, you know. I would die if you are ever taken away from me again."

Buffy laid her forehead against his. She was trying her best to comfort and reassure him. She quickly leaned in and kissed his pouting lips and could feel the tension melting away from not only herself but from him as well. She gently scooted him over closer to the back of the couch and lay down next to him, her back facing him. He naturally draped his arm over her, nuzzling the nape of her neck. She smiled, liking the feel of him so close and feeling content. They did fit perfectly together. Both drifted off into a somewhat peaceful sleep.


The following nights that Spike stayed at the house were still filled with agonizing nightmares, always ending with Buffy getting killed, and the last one with both of his girls perishing. Dru was always the one doing the killing and Angelus was always there on the sidelines. Buffy would fly down the stairs, shaking him out of the dream, holding him and comforting him. Every morning, Dawn would find the two snuggled up together on the couch, looking peaceful and happy in one another's company. She hated to wake them up. Once she scrounged around enough in the kitchen, Buffy would pop in not too long after.

"How’s Spike doing?" she asked her sister on the third morning.

"I really don't know. He won't talk to me except about what happens in his dreams."

"Who’s having dreams?" Meg asked as she and Willow came through the back door.

"Spike, having nightmares. I don't know what to do about it. He calms down and it seems they disappear once I come downstairs to be with him.

"Well, I can interpret dreams, if you think he would want me to. Part of what I practice is doing just that." Meg smiled softly.

"Well, he seems to like you. Maybe he will let you. No harm in trying."

Spike was standing in the doorway, listening in on the conversation.

"Don't think you'd be able to help me, little one," he directed towards Megan.

She walked over to him, gently touching his arm. "Will you let me try? Just try and if you feel uncomfortable or feel it's not working, I will stop."

"Whatever, if you want. Where and what do I need to do?"

"Let's go somewhere quiet, comfortable. Back in the living room?"

"Sure," he grumbled, turning and walking away. He stopped and looked over his shoulder at Buffy.

"Will you come and sit with me, Buffy? Is that alright, little one?"

"Sure, it might even help."

An hour later, after Spike retold Meg his dreams and she placed him into a semi hypnotic state, she unjumbled the pattern and came up with a solution. She looked at the couple sitting on the couch, sitting close to one another, Spike clinging desperately to Buffy's hand, a life force of strength for him. Meg cleared her throat, Buffy looked up at her and Spike slowly regained consciousness.

"Didn't work, did it?"

"Actually, I think it did. I never read a vampire’s dream before, so this has been such a priviliege. I just…"

"Meg, sorry, but what did you find out?" Buffy interrupted her ramblings.

"Sorry. Well, there is definitely guilt there, more towards you than anyone else."

Buffy raised her brows and sat up, pointing at herself. Spike looked away from both girls. Buffy grabbed his chin and turned his head to look at her.

"You're still feeling guilty about last spring, aren't you? Spike, you gotta get over that. I have."

Spike looked back at Meg. Buffy huffed with exasperation.

"What else?"

“Well, this may sound strange, but you feel guilt for an angel? Seems you won't be at peace until you talk to it, or him."

"Angel, maybe you should call him." Buffy told him.

Meg shook her head. "No, he has to do it face to face. Face the consequences. It's the only way."

"Very well, I'll leave tonight."

"I'll go with you," Buffy said matter-of-factly.

"No, luv. I need to do this on my own just in case he wants to hand out the punishment."

Spike swiftly moved off of the couch and headed to the kitchen for a bite.


This story archived at http://