If I Were You ... by Lu82
Summary: NEW SUMMARY: Spike, Angel and Xander are not completely happy with their lives. Want to find out how they'll try to make them better? Pleeease, give it a try, I promise it will be fun, despite the angsty beginning . More info inside.
Categories: Comedy fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Parody
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Completed: No Word count: 34047 Read: 29456 Published: 11/14/2005 Updated: 10/22/2006
Two Little Doves With A Stone (I) by Lu82
Hello!! Sorry for late, finally i'm back with this crazy story , too.

Elisabeth Anne Summers, MaryPerk, Shelly, Sharon, D. E. Kane ( yayyyyyy new reader, I'm so happyyy!!! ) THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH!!!

Well, this part is pretty much Dawn-centered, I hope you won’t mind...

Chapter XIII: Two Little Doves With A Stone

Spike knew that the coast was absolutely clear. It was late night, so Buffy was either outside patrolling or she was working at the Double Meat Palace.

Besides, now that he was supposed to be Angel, he knew that he could get into Buffy’s home without any problem, since she hadn’t revoked his invitation.

Well, she hadn’t revoked Spike’s either, but that would only allow Xander to get inside, not him.

The blond vampire crossed the threshold without any problems, and then he began searching for Dawn’s rucksack all around the house.

He found it in the teenager’s room, where she was already sleeping soundly.

Looking at the tons of pictures and posters that surrounded her, Spike had the confirmation that he had picked up the right boy-band.

He slipped a folded paper inside the rucksack and disappeared even faster than he had arrived.

The second part of his plan was also successfully accomplished now. He would have liked to climb up the tree and sat on the branch next to Buffy’s windowsill, waiting for his beloved to come back home and fall asleep... but it was better not to risk it.

Now he only had to get ready for the next night and face that huge torture for his Nibblet.


The morning after, Dawn went to school and once she was in her classroom, she sat beside her best friend, Janice, as she did every day, and then she opened her rucksack in order to take the books she needed for the class.

She didn’t notice the folded paper that slipped on the floor. But luckily her friend did.

“Hey, what’s that?” she made her notice.

“I have no idea...” Dawn answered, picking up the paper and reading the contents out loud. “‘If you wanna meet Blue/ I can make your wish come true. Meet me outside at sunset/ And the fun is what you’ll get.’”
“Oh my! You have a secret admirer!” Janice squealed.

“Uhmm... I don’t think so. He... or she... whoever this person is... just talked about Blue. Wait a minute. Blue. Yaaayyy!!” she exulted.

“I got it! Tonight they’re gonna play at the stadium, maybe he wants to take you there, because I’m sure that it’s a guy. Uh! Maybe it’s the one you met at the amusement arcade!” Janice suggested to her.

“No, it can’t be him. He knows nothing about my passion for them, plus he just hates them. Anyway, whoever it is, I don’t think I should go...”

“You’re kidding, right? We are talking about BLUE!” Her friend blinked in surprise.

“Yes, but I also have a very apprehensive sister who will end up freaking out if I leave with a perfect stranger to go to a concert...”

“Oh, c’mon, you’re fifteen years old already!”

“Yeah, but for some strange reason she seems to think that I’m only five. Anyway, she is already worried about my little shoplifting habit… which is nothing serious anyway. The point is that I don’t want her to be even more concerned,” Dawn admitted.

“Are you really going to give up the chance to see Blue live?” Janice asked her.

“Y-yes...” Dawn stuttered, her eyes filling with tears, while she held the paper tightly in her hand.

“C’mon, Dawnie, you are Miss Impulsive, you can’t fool me!” Janice struck back.

“Gee, you’re right. After all I’ve been kidnapped by a furious goodess and I was about to become the bride of a hellish demon. So... taking a little risk to go to the concert of my life is nothing compared to that. I’m gonna go, no matter what!” Dawn decided resolutely, punching her palm with the other hand.

“I have no idea what you’re babbling about, but I’m glad that you changed your mind,” Janice grumbled, looking puzzled at her friend, and a little bit scared, too, as she started doubting seriously of the state of her best friend’s mental sanity.

“And if I come back alive, I swear that tomorrow I’ll tell you everything!” Dawn added, and after that the two girls kept silent, since the class had started.


When the bell that signaled the end of the school day rang, Dawn gathered her stuff in a rush and ran outside, where she saw a car heading towards her.

Forgetting all the good advices her mother had given her before dying, concerning to avoid riding in a car with a perfect stranger, Dawn opened the car door... and was instantly stunned.

“Angel! Oh right, let me guess... Buffy must have asked you to spy me, so now you know everything about the concert and you are here to prevent me from going there with... whoever it is. Anyway, am I right?” she snorted.

As his only answer, Spike opened the dashboard, taking the two tickets for the concert. “Try again!”

“It’s * you *? Why, and mostly how did you know?” she interrogated him.

“Let’s just say that I have my ways. I’m a detective, after all,” he smiled.

Dawn still couldn’t believe it. “But… why? Admit it, you are just trying to buy me, that’s all!” she accused him.

“I’m not trying to buy anyone! Let’s just say that I would like to do something nice for you to show you that I can be a good friend, too... just like Spike is,” he explained.

“You mean ‘like Spike *was *?” she corrected him.

“Uh? Did you two argue?” he asked, very curiously.

“Let’s just say that he let me down, a lot!” she explained.

“Well, here’s your new vampire friend. So... are you coming or what?” he explained, patting the front seat next to his.

“I repeat. You’re just trying to buy me...” she insisted. “But it’s working!” she added, jumping inside the car and showing him the brightest grin ever.

“Okay, let’s go then!” he smiled pleased, setting the car in motion.

“Take it!” Spike exclaimed, setting the car in motion. “Take it!” he said again, giving her the mobile that Angel had left in the car, due to his total inability to use it.

“What am I supposed to do with it?” she asked him in confusion.

“Maybe call Buffy and tell her what’s going on? We don’t want Big Sis to get worried, do we?”

As her only answer, Dawn dialed her sister’s number.

(End I)

I hope you'll still like it.

Are you ready for a spuffy moment (or fake bangel if you prefer lol) .. but without any kisses.. it's still way too soon for that .. ;)
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=15603