If I Were You ... by Lu82
Summary: NEW SUMMARY: Spike, Angel and Xander are not completely happy with their lives. Want to find out how they'll try to make them better? Pleeease, give it a try, I promise it will be fun, despite the angsty beginning . More info inside.
Categories: Comedy fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Parody
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Completed: No Word count: 34047 Read: 29450 Published: 11/14/2005 Updated: 10/22/2006
The Right Move by Lu82
Hello everyone, sorry for late, the huge shameful late, but finally I’m back with this story, too..

Elizabeth Anne Summers, Laura (yayyy!! a new reader, I'm soo glad!!) , Sharon, Chloe, THANK YOU ALL !!!!!!

Chapter XV: The Right Move

“Ok. For now you achieved the level ‘Not surely a fighter, but at least neither a sissy!’ I guess it’s enough for today.. “ Spike commented taking his shirt on again, ready to go out, since the so craved sunset had finally come.

“You should make a good show for your honey tonight.. “ he added with a smirk.

“Maybe.. if I manage to get up. Ouch!” the brunette complained, laying on the ground, as he kept massaging himself everywhere.
“Oh, c’mon, you can’t be already knocked out. I used not even half of my strength with you, newbie!” the other struck back, arranging his beloved leather coat that luckily for him hadn’t been damaged by the flames.

“So, get out and do your duty. And don’t bloody make me show up badly!” he summoned him, leaving.

Xander laid on the ground for a while and then he decided that he could manage to get out, not before arranging himself.

His crypt wasn’t so modern and plenty of optional as Spike’s one, so he hadn’t a shower inside it, but at least he had the luckiness of being near a river.
And in a graveyard there wasn’t any chance of meeting a voyeur!

After about half an hour, he was ready to go out, wearing a showy striped shirt.
He was walking around the town, when someone noticed him.

“Hey, Spike!” Dawn called him out.

As thoughtful as he was, Xander hadn’t even realized that he had passed by the girl’s school, neither had he noticed her come out from there.

“Hey, Dawnie. But.. are you still at school? If I’m not wrong, lessons should be over at 4:00 p.m. ..“ he observed.
“Yes, but not when the teacher hates you so much that he makes you spend two hours more of punishment, just because I arrived in the class with a late of five minutes this morning!” she complained, snorting.

“Oh, that sucks. Anyway, is your teacher always so evil with all his students?” he asked her.
“No. Just with me, I don’t know why. And tomorrow he said that he’s gonna interrogate me, and it’s not even time for interrogations. See? He really hates me!” the desperate Dawn answered.
“That’s not right. You know, he reminds me of Snyder with Buffy, back to High Scholl days .. “ Xander commented.
“Hey, how do you know about Snyder and Buffy?” Dawn questioned him, narrowing his eyes.
“Uh! Well, your sister and I happened to talk a lot, about everything, that’s why I know. At least mine is not a fake memory!” Xander justified brilliantly.
“Hey, that’s a low blow!” the teenager protested.

“Anyway.. hey, you are talking to me. Does it mean.. “ Xander trailed.
“Well, yes and no. I mean, I’m still angry for what you did to Buffy, but, on second thought, I guess that that was the right thing to do..”
“Do you really think so?” Xander wondered.
“Yeah. First I saw it as something egoistic from you . But now.. I don’t know.. the fact that Angel wants Buffy back doesn’t bother me so much anymore. He’s changed, a lot, do you know?”
“Believe me, I do!” he smiled.

“Well, I can’t forget that you hurt Buffy. But about me.. you did nothing to hurt me, so.. I guess that I’ll be neutral about that. So, yes, we can still be friends!” Dawn smiled at him.
“But now I guess that it’s Angel the cool one, right?” Xander grumbled.
“The cool one? So you’re fixed with this stupid idea, too? Gee, you’re reminding me of Xander now.. when he was jealous of you!” Dawn rolled her eyes.
“Uh! What a coincidence!” Xander pretended to be astonished.

“And to think that I was planning to do something to make you forgive me.. “ he informed her with nonchalance.

“Uh! Really?”
“Yes, but since you said.. “
“Forget what I said. Let’s pretend that I’m still mad at you, so now do something to make me forgive you. And you know, there’s something that you could do for me.. “
“Anything, Dawn!”
“Well, my teacher is still in the school. He’s the only person left there, so you can’t make any mistake. I don’t feel like being interrogated tomorrow. You are a vampire and vampires likes scaring people. Do I need to say more?” she raised her eyebrow.

“I got you and you know what? I wanna do that, I’m gonna do that and I can do that. It’s just a matter of growls, flashed fangs and yellow eyes. And it sounds fun, too!” he commented with a smirk.
“You are talking as if it was the first time you do that.. “ she made fun of him.
“Well, it’s not the first time, of course, but it’s been so long since I did that I almost feel like it is!” he justified.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes. Don’t worry, I won’t mention your name, but I assure you that that pain in the ass won’t bother you anymore!” he assured her, heading towards the school.

And true to his word, after a few minutes Xander came back, with a satisfied smile.
“So? Did you threat him?” she asked hopefully.
“What? Does it mean that you didn’t hear his screams? Damn, I should have scared him more!” Xander rolled his eyes, but Dawn chuckled.
“I’m just kidding. Of course I heard that, good job, Spike!” she congratulated.
“Thank you. You know what? It was so much fun that I guess that I’ll buy my new TV set in the same way, tomorrow, at the shop!” Xander said, as he began enjoying for real being a vampire.
“Why don’t we go now?” she suggested.
“We?” he repeated.
“Yes, don’t you remember? I said that you needed my help to arrange your new crypt, so here I am!” she offered with a smile.

“That’s great, Dawn. Anyway, sorry, but not tonight. I have to work. Well, for now it’s just a reunion to introduce me to all the guys.. “ Xander explained.

< No matter that I already know every single one of them!> he thought.

“Wait. Work? You? Where? And why?” she questioned him.
“Well, at the building yard. I’m replacing Xander, since he went to Los Angeles.. “ Xander explained, but he realized that Dawn was looking at him astonished.
“What? Didn’t you know that? Now he works at Angel’s agency, since Angel is here.. “ he informed her.

“Hell no, I didn’t know that, and neither did Buffy. So, Xander went away and he didn’t even say bye? Grrr, that’s not the way to act. Grrr, now I can tell that he’s the one I’m angriest with!” the teenager snapped.
“Well, good for me. Anyway, believe me, Xander really cared about you and you were special to him, but now he’s changed.. “ Xander explained.

“He’s changed, too? Gee, what’s that? An epidemic disease?” Dawn struck back.
“Yeah, a kind of.. “ Xander rolled his eyes.

“Anyway, now I’d better walk you home. It’s not prudent to hang around after sunset, you should know better.. “ Xander said, ready to walk Dawn home, but then a doubt hit him.
“Wait, What about Buffy? She isn’t there, is she?” he wondered.

“Relax. She’s patrolling at the opposite site of the town.. “ Dawn assured him.

“Good. You know, it wouldn’t be prudent for me to meet her, I guess she’s still mad at me.. “
“You guess right. The farer you keep from her, the better is!” Dawn advised him.


And in next chapter, we’ll go back to Los Angel to keep an eye on Angel.. I hope you won’t mind..
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=15603