Show Me The Way To Go Home by Sarah Aless
Summary: Buffy and Spike are drunk. A silly funfic. Also complete PWP - seriously this story wouldn't know plot if it jumped up and bit it!
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: Yes Word count: 18690 Read: 14236 Published: 02/03/2004 Updated: 03/01/2004
Chapter 7 by Sarah Aless
A/N: And again I find myself apologising profusely for the delay in posting. It seems the ENTIRE world decided to conspire against me to stop me getting this out this week. I’m not gonna bore you with the details, cos the morning after is finally here and Spike and Buffy are doing much more interesting things than I have been.
Just one thing though – almost everyone didn’t want angst. My comment to those people is, TRUST ME. Please read the whole thing. Things might not go to everyone’s liking but I urge you read it all please. I’d also REALLY appreciate feedback, cos last chapters always get less and I’m always interested in comments and suggestions.

The morning after was fairly advanced by the time Buffy woke up. Even when she finally did, she didn’t open her eyes immediately. She didn’t dare, her world already seemed a little unsteady and she hadn’t even attempted to move yet. Spike had sensed the change in her breathing and heart rate and was himself frozen for a moment. He didn’t think he’d ever felt this nervous in his life or unlife. After ignoring his worries, he’d fallen asleep on cloud nine and was now laughing at his drunken self from the night before, for thinking that his fears of Buffy’s reaction could be that easily put away. He’d been such a fool, kidding himself that he had the slayer back. As he had the night before though, he decided to enjoy her physical proximity while he could and tightened his grip around her waist, where his arm still lay.

Buffy slowly opened her eyes and groaned at the pressure on her decidedly tender tummy.

“Oh my God I want to die.” She moaned quietly before quietly muttering “I’m so sick.”

Spike squeezed his eyes tightly shut, desperate not to give in to his urge to act like an enormous poofter and cry like a baby. He’d expected this, expected her to hate herself and him. Apparently expecting it didn’t make it hurt less; the worst of it being that he actually wanted to comfort her, make her feel better, and it tore his heart out that he couldn’t. Firstly because she wouldn’t let him and secondly because he was the cause of her misery; just the feel of his arm around her apparently made her ‘want to die’.

‘Right then,’ he thought to himself ‘not going to stick around here to be repelled.’

“Spike…..” Buffy said quietly.

“S’ok. I’m going.” He said standing up and putting his feet into his pants. “Wouldn’t want to be a constant reminder of how ‘sick’ you are for having bloody amazing sex with a man who loves you.”

Buffy rolled over and looked at Spike as he continued pulling his pants on. She closed her eyes briefly as the room spun.

“Oh…..” Spike said, misinterpreting the eye closing. “You were so drunk you don’t even remember the sex do you? Well we had it Slayer! Lots of it. Fan-bloody-tastic, turn your brains to mush, sex! And you loved it!” Spike had finished pulling his trousers on now and was staring at her, hands on hips, looking quite camp actually. “Oh, I know…” he continued deciding to go the whole hog now that he thought he’d dropped himself in it by revealing what they’d been up to last night. He’d apparently gotten into his stride too. “I’m evil, I took advantage of you when you were legless. Probably want to do some violence to me now luv eh? Well let me save you the trouble.” He turned so that she had a side on view of him. He was embarrassed and hurting and scared he was going to lose it in front of her and start blubbering so he decided to brazen it out in as daft a way as possible. He later suspected he’d still been drunk at this point but at the time a Basil Fawlty impression was the first thing that popped into his head. When he spoke again he accompanied each word with a resounding smack to his own backside. “You’re a naughty boy Spikey. Don’t do it again.”

Buffy’s dissolved into silent giggles, tears of mirth running down her cheeks almost immediately as her shoulders shook.

“Bad. Bad. Spike.” He continued still smacking his ass, now quite carried away with himself. “Taking advan…..” He stopped as he realised Buffy was now red in the face from laughing. “Slayer?” he questioned. “Are you laughing or crying?”

Buffy couldn’t reply verbally as she was laughing too hard but Spike got his answer as her silent giggles quickly turned into gales of laughter.

“Oh….god Spike…” she panted out between the spasms of mirth “what are you doing?........oh god that’s so funny.”

Spike was more than a little miffed. Yeah he’d been acting oddly but he’d thought he had a valid point, and still wasn’t certain she wasn’t about to throw him out on his arse.

“Not that funny Slayer.” He huffed “You’re the one said you were sick. Just thought I’d save you the job of slapping me around and throwing me out.”

To his consternation Buffy laughed even harder at this.

“Right!” he said leaping back onto the bed and straddling her thighs. “Stop laughing….” He stopped talking as he realised she already had stopped and was looking increasingly pale. ‘Here we go’ he thought grimly ‘reality’s kicking in and she’s realising the situation we’re in.’

“Oh I don’t feel so good.” Buffy mumbled trying not to open her mouth too much in case the inevitable happened.

Realisation dawned on Spike, literally as though a light bulb had been switched on in his brain. The slayer had the mother of all hangovers and apparently it was the ‘sick to the stomach’ kind. He wanted to run a lap of honour round the house. She was sick, physically sick. Not mentally sick from the knowledge of their night of debauchery. Rather than do that, he settled for a little revenge for the temporary plummet into despair he’d just had. Still straddling her thighs he began to bounce up and down on his hands and knees.

“What’s wrong Slayer?” he grinned at her “Awwwww is your poor little girly stomach a bit tender?”

“Spike. Stop doing that.” Buffy said a note of warning in her voice.

“A-a-ah Slayer.” Spike was still grinning like a fool. “Ask nicely. Gave me quite a scare there, I’m not exactly feeling merciful.”

Buffy got even paler and her cheeks pouched at the same time as she attempted to swallow a gag which rose suddenly in her throat. Spike recognised the sign of impending illness and got out of the way just in time as she dove out of bed and launched herself at the door. He lay back on the bed in his favoured ‘hands behind the head’ lounge and laughed a little as for the second time in less than twenty four hours, he heard Buffy losing the contents of her stomach. When she’d been gone for about ten minutes and the retching had been over for at least seven of those minutes he started to get a little antsy. What the hell was she doing in there? Was she having second thoughts? Was he about to REALLY have his arse kicked?

Eventually Buffy came back into the room looking, he had to admit, 100% better than before she left. A minty smell, mingled with a soapy one told him that the delay in her return had been caused by her cleaning her teeth and washing her face. It seemed she’d cleaned her teeth profusely, too, judging by the strength of the toothpaste smell. ‘That bodes well for old Spike,’ he thought ‘she must be planning on at least getting close enough for her breath to be an issue.’

“Feel better luv?” he asked, genuinely concerned. His brain had carried on the general train of thought about Buffy being close to him; his hopes for the morning definitely counted on the Slayer feeling ok.

“Lots actually, thank you.” Buffy answered.

“Good yack always did me the world of good when I was mortal and had a hangover.” Spike grinned.

Buffy blushed, the complete absence now of alcohol in her system, allowing her to be suitably embarrassed about the ‘yacking’.

“Are you blushing Slayer?” Spike smirked “You’re only little, and a woman. No need to be embarrassed that you can’t hold your liquor. Only to be expected luv.” Spike looked downright smug now. Buffy’s blush deepened but only partly from embarrassment. The rest was caused by her rising temper at his dismissal of her as ‘a little woman’. In one swift movement she had jumped on top of him and had his hands pinned beneath her knees as she now straddled him.

“Little, and a woman I might be.” She almost growled. “But this ‘little woman’ can kick your ass up and down that very sunny street out there if you’re not careful.”

“Message understood luv.” Spike said deciding to relent with the teasing for the time being at least. As she moved her knees to let his hands free he muttered “Didn’t get that kind of speech from Meg or Jo or Be….”

“From who?” Buffy asked confused by his muttering. “What the hell are you talking about Spike? I don’t need to know about your past conquests thank you very much!” She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted at him.

It was Spike’s turn for uproarious laughter. “God Slayer,” he choked out “have you ever even picked a book up? Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy are characters from the book ‘Little Women’.”

“Oh!” Buffy blushed more furiously than she had a minute ago. “I never got round to reading that.” She bluffed. “I always meant to though. I don’t have much free time you know! Out fighting evil demons like you every night since I was fifteen.”

“Alright Slayer,” Spike had stopped laughing “I’m sorry. I know you had important things to do. But I do choose to take offence at your ‘evil demon’ comment. Not evil here luv. Bad,” he smirked “and maybe even rude” a leer “but not evil. Nice to know you’re jealous though.” He was grinning like a cheshire cat now.

Buffy rolled her eyes at him. “Ok, ok. I take it back.” Her face grew serious and she changed tacks. “We need to talk Spike.”

Spike stopped grinning immediately, the expression on his face now very obviously conveying the ‘oh-oh’ that was resounding in his brain.

“’m all ears pet.” He shifted as she lifted off him and sat next to him on the bed.

“First off. I don’t regret last night. Yes I can remember it. All of it……I think.” Her brow furrowed as she tried to assess whether there were any memories just on the edge of her consciousness. “You’re right. I loved every second of it. But sex was always something we were good at. I’m just not sure if that’s enough. I can’t go back to the kind of relationship we had…..”

“Buffy, please don’t say………”

“God Spike! Shut your mouth for half a second can’t you and let me finish. Why do you always do that?”

Looking suitably sheepish Spike made a zipping motion on his lips and looked at her expectantly, silently praying she wasn’t going where he thought she was with this. If she was going to tell him to get stuffed in a heartfelt, caring way he’d rather she’d just kicked his ass out.

“Ok where was I? Right, I can’t go back to the kind of relationship we had. It wasn’t healthy for either of us. Keeping it from my friends wasn’t the only issue but it was a big one, that’s ok now. I told you I was using you, and meant it…… the time. I’m not saying this is a fairy tale ending, just that I’m prepared to try to let myself discover what my feelings are for you instead of blindly ignoring anything but the bad ones. I want to find out, how I really feel. If you’ll let me. I’ll understand if you tell me to ‘bugger off’.” She gave a weak smile. “ ‘Cos I can’t promise anything, and I might end up hurting you again. Will you give me a chance to see what I could feel? Will you risk maybe being hurt again?”

“No, Buffy.” Her heart almost stopped beating but thankfully she didn’t manage to interrupt before he continued. “You don’t know what you’re saying. Seeing you all the bloody time and not being able to have you at all, that hurt! I know you can feel something for me, even if it’s never the kind of love I have for you. Just the promise that you won’t stamp it out if it the fire begins to burn is enough for me, for now. Now come here and kiss me.”

She was looking down now, to where her hands were clasped in her lap. She felt him cup her chin and tilt her face round and up to him. The seal on their new agreement to ‘see what could happen’ was placed in the form of a gentle lingering kiss.

Pulling back he looked her in the eye. “I love you Buffy. I need you. You know that. I’d walk over hot coals and do the bloody backstroke in holy water for you. I want a clean slate, which I think is what you meant. I want to make you love me. I can be a good man. I know I can. I want to see what you can feel for me too.”

Buffy’s face lit up and she moved in for a kiss. It was another slow and gentle one. Something they hadn’t done much if at all in the past. Of course Spike had to ruin the moment. He pulled back and rubbed his hardening cock against her leg. “Some parts of me will always be wicked though luv. And you know there’s only one method of slaying that will control this monster.” His hand drifted down between her thighs as he spoke.

“Actually I can think of more than one way.” Buffy smiled mischievously at him before lowering her head to his lap. Spike’s eyes rolled back in his head as she closed her mouth round the head of his dick. He lifted his hips so she could pull his pants down giving her access to his balls. She cupped them as she took him deeper into her mouth swirling her tongue round the underside. Gently he placed his hands on the side of her face and pulled her face up to his. Buffy frowned confused until he spoke.

“You know you’re bloody amazing at that darlin’. But I want to be inside of you. I want to make love to you.”

“Well ok.” Buffy conceded as if it was a chore. “Just thought I’d better repay my debt from losing that bet last night.”

“I’d forgotten about that.” Spike grinned “but you’re already late with your payment so there’s interest to add on. Let me make love to you then you can do that twice. In fact longer we wait, more you’ll owe me. My interest rates are kinda high.”

“Can think of worse ways to work it off.” Buffy grinned.

Spike laughed and rolled her over onto her back with the skill of a magician he managed to rid himself of his pants too. He was surprised to find that after two little kisses and a couple of seconds of blowing him, Buffy was already extremely wet. Without any further ado he pushed himself inside of her slowly. Leaning down to kiss her he moved slowly in and out; feeling her breathing and heart rate speed up at the delicious friction. They moaned into each others mouths as their pelvises rocked together. His hands gently caressed her nipples as they ground together slowly causing her to gasp. Spike knew he could do this forever if she wanted him to but was not surprised to sense a rising heat in her and feel her hips begin to move quicker against him. He hushed her, intent on keeping this slow and tender. Buffy had other ideas. Her body had deeply ingrained responses to the feeling of Spike inside her, his weight on her, his mouth covering hers and it was beginning to burn. She needed him to go faster. Reaching down she pinched his bottom before whispering in his ear.

“We have plenty of time for making love Spike and we will, but I need you hard and fast in me now. Need you to take me. Make me yours. Make me scream Spike.”

Spike growled. Some things would never change. He couldn’t deny her anything and what man in his right mind wouldn’t want to plow into her after that little speech. His hips began to piston sharply and he brought a hand down to her clit. The second he touched it he felt her juices increase tenfold and her hips arched up against him as she growled herself.

“God Buffy……” he panted “the things you do to me………drive me bloody mad you do……..gonna return the favour honey…….gonna make you insane.”

“Oh god yeah…….do it Spike……..give me all you’ve got…….love to feel you inside of me………just like that…….god yeah.”

The bed began to squeak and the headboard banged off the wall as the two writhing bodies moved with increasing urgency. Spike propped himself up on one arm and grabbed the headboard with the other, giving himself more leverage to really pump into her. Buffy planted her feet firmly on the bed so she could thrust back against him harder. Mingled groans and grunts told them both how close the other was getting. Spike ever the gentleman made sure that Buffy would get there first. Rubbing furiously at her clit now, he almost pulled the headboard off the bed as he increased his tempo and the strength of his thrusts making her keen and whimper beneath him.

“Oh……oh god……ooohhhhh……..i’m cuming” she wailed

“That’s it baby……….do it…….cum all over my cock……do it Buffy…..”

“Spike!!!!” she yelled as her climax overcame her. This was Spike’s favourite part. Nine times out of ten, her inner muscles clamping down on his cock when she came caused him to follow right behind. He loved it. That, and of course the look on her face when she screamed, the knowledge that he had done that to her. Letting go of the headboard he collapsed on top of her, his arms forcing themselves beneath her to hold her to him as he jerked his load into her.

When his sense had returned at least partially, he pulled out and moved off her. Lying next to her he looked proudly at the flush on her chest and her cheeks, spreading round behind her ears. Her breasts heaved as she panted and swallowed trying to get her breath. Spike never ceased to be amazed by how gorgeous she looked all flushed and spent next to him. It made him want to take her over and over again. Usually this wasn’t a problem, as once ‘it’ was up it took more than one go to get it to go back down. Today was no exception.

Buffy opened her eyes and looked down at his dick, still waving proudly in the air. “God!” she exclaimed reaching out to run her hand up and down his length. “does this EVER go away?”

“I think you know the answer to that question Slayer.” Spike used his patented smirk again. “I also think you know the best ways to deal with it.”

“Y’know,” Buffy mused “I think this is the best thing about sleeping with vampires. They can get drunk as skunks, keep it up all night and STILL be ready for more in the morning.”

Spike eyed her speculatively “What do you mean ‘vampires’, plural Slayer? I know you didn’t have ‘drunken all night and next morning sex’ with Angel. So what exactly do you mean?”

Buffy giggled at him. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

They both knew that it’d just been bad phrasing but it was too good an opportunity for playing to let it pass by.

“You’d better tell me Slayer.” Spike threatened, climbing to all fours and moving closer. “Of course, if you don’t want to do it voluntarily, I could go and get the spatula again.”

Buffy’s eyes twinkled as she replied “Ooooh yes please………I mean, I’ll never tell you you fiend.”

This story archived at http://