Buffy and Spike's B-I-G Adventure by Kings of Mercia
Summary: Buffy and Spike travel back in time to 19th Century London to help some of Angel's gang try and retrieve a book that has been stolen by a very powerful warlock. Some interesting encounters, hi-jinx and a big surprise ending keep things ticking along...
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: Yes Word count: 18146 Read: 13405 Published: 12/10/2005 Updated: 01/15/2006
Chapter 6 by Kings of Mercia
Chapter 6

When Giles opened the door to his room, he smiled. William was fast asleep, lying with his head on his arm, an open book in front of him, and Xander lying on the floor, he too was fast asleep.

Willow was the only one awake, but she too was flagging – yawning and blinking.

“Hello – working on your own now I see!”

“They did well…so any luck?”


“Shh, keep your voices down, remember Cordelia’s in the next room and she’s got to get up for work”

“Right, sorry, we forgot!”

“Giles, mind if Will and I scoot – we’ll come back this afternoon”

“You carry on – you can tell him everything that’s happened”

Buffy went over to William – she’d taken her hair down, but was still dressed like a boy.

“Baby…wakey-wakey” Buffy said softly and she kissed his cheek

William woke, fumbled for his specs and blinked, then he beamed at his wife and hugged her to him

“You’re back!”

“Yes my love, and we can go home now, soon as I put my dress back on”

Buffy went into the bathroom to do just that, while William said

“Sorry for falling asleep on you like that, it’s all the Latin, it always did that to me!”

“Never mind – we had a couple of ‘lucky strikes’ tonight – and it’s my fault, I SHOULD have pointed out to you that there is an English translation the second half of the book you were reading”

“Oh, I know, I was just keeping my hand in with the old language, you know!”

Giles smiled and Buffy came out of the bathroom

“See you later then Giles – oh yes, and expect an invitation to tea from mother – she wants to meet my new boss!”


“Put your foot there…that’s it, now………no don’t, I’ll pull you up………there! – Now careful………I’ve just got to undo the latch on the window here…there – oh no, hold on………there, okay, got it!”

Buffy opened the window and climbed through it, turning to haul William up off the flat roof, but he climbed in with effortless ease too, grinning, he closed it and dropped the latch properly.

“I haven’t done that in…15 years!”

“God, just LOOK at the colour of our hands!”

“Oh mercy me…um – oh lord I’m going to dirty everything I touch – I pity the poor maid in the morning!”

“Wait, here use this handkerchief to open the door, we’ll creep down to the kitchen and get some water”

After washing their hands at the kitchen pump, Buffy couldn’t help noticing a huge cake that had been left out, and her mouth watered

“William…look – cake!”

“Are you hungry little one – I bet you are”

“Starving – good job I didn’t slay anything!”

“Well we can’t have you hungry my pet, sit down” Spike lit the gas mantle, and filled the kettle he put it on the wood burning stove and cut two huge wedges of cake. He then made tea and they both sat there eating

“What sort of cake is this?”

“Not sure…probably Madeira cake, bit like a sponge but heavier – do you like it?

“It’s better than lettuce soup, grilled kidneys and duck still with the shot still in it!”

“Poor baby…missing pizza?”

“Don’t! Anyway, want to hear more about to night?” Buffy asked, cutting herself another slice

“Want some butter on it?” William asked


“It can be a bit dry”

“Okay, just a little though”

“So go on, about tonight”

“Oh well, were did I get to?”

“You saw Trick leave the Sailor’s Arms, and get a cab”

“Right, thankyou, so – oh that is nice with butter on! Um, so Giles hails us a carriage too, and……………………


“Ah, I‘m glad we turned the covers back, the bed’s nice and warm!”

“What’s the time?”

William looked at his fob watch

“Nearly 4am!”

“Are you tired – what time will we be expected to get up?”

“Oh, by nine I should expect, why?” William asked

“Because…I was thinking of having my wicked way with you, that’s why!” Buffy slid her hand down from his chest to over his stomach down………

She giggled when she realised that he was obviously interested!

“See…I’m not the only one who wants to play!”

William could feel himself colour up, but in the firelight Buffy couldn’t see this and she quickly threw back the bedclothes and straddled his slim thighs. This surprised William, who’d only every really heard about face-to-face missionary position, and when she reached for him and sank down on him, William felt all his muscles tighten and he arched his back, the sensations exquisite and he gasped. Buffy too had her mouth slightly open and her eyes closed in rapture she rolled her hips, rising and falling. William slid his hands up her soft-skinned thighs and then on up to her breasts, he cupped their sway and circled her nipples with his thumbs making Buffy gasp and move more frantically on him

Sitting up the best he could, he gently pulled Buffy towards him, kissing her. This changed the angle of him inside her and Buffy with some swift agility bought her legs up and snaked them around his waist, without loosing a stroke, this meant a deeper penetration for both of them and William knew he wouldn’t last

“Babe, Buffy, my darling, I can’t…”

Without a word, she guided his hand to where they were joined, and encouraged him to rub her clit, which he did so, Buffy bobbed faster and she felt his shaft swell and her orgasm was upon her in a blinding flash, gripping him, milking him William’s own climax hit at the same time, deep, long, hard and oh so very good………

Buffy kissed her husband and whispered,

“I love you William”

“My Buffy, I love you”

They slept wrapped in each other’s arms until the maid knocking the door woke them at 8.45am.


Buffy entered the morning room stifling a yawn, William trailed behind her, he couldn’t stifle his yawn and his mother looked on faintly amused

“Tired, William?”

“Jet-lag!” Buffy said, and then realised what she’d said and quickly tried to cover

“What I mean is, travel-tiredness, it catches up with you – where I come from it’s still, let me see – it’s 1.10am I’d be fast asleep!”

“Well you two can rest later, help yourself to breakfast my dear”

Buffy went to the sideboard and lifted the first silver domed lid – bacon! She took a plate and put on two rashers, next came sausages, then some eggs, there were mushrooms, kidney’s and some kippers too, but she ignored the last two items and took a freshly baked roll and went and sat down, where William bought his own piled plate over and poured them both tea.

“Ah, William, a little trifling matter, but it has put cook in a flux, did you by any chance cut a cake in the kitchen last night?”

“Oh, um, y-yes, sorry ma-ma – we were both hungry – got the midnight munchies, so to speak!” Anne smiled, amused

“I see – the cook had all sorts of fanciful ideas…one of them being that mice could cut cake!”

“I’m sorry ma-ma, I’ll go to the kitchens and apologise!”

The maid came in with some toasted muffins and Buffy, still hungry took two

“Tilly, would you convey my deepest apologises to Mrs Hodges for me, for it is we, that is *I* am the culprit for cutting the delicious cake last night…and um, give her this for me, will you?”

William put a sixpence in Tilly’s hand

“Yes sir, right away sir!”

“Good, you may go”

The maid dropped a curtsey and left

Anne stood and said

“I have to go to see a friend this morning William, but we will take luncheon together, yes?”

“Why yes ma-ma, but we too have an engagement this afternoon at two thirty”

“Very well, I’ll tell cook luncheon for 12.30, yes?”

“Yes, ma-ma”

“I bid you both good morning”

Anne left the room and Buffy said,

“Any more bacon and sausages? – In case I don’t like lunch”

After another two rashers and two sausages, and another cup of tea, they went back up to bed.


When Buffy came down stairs, there was a distinct smell of fish in the air, and Buffy was pleased that she’d eaten extra at breakfast.

But then when she entered the dining room she was pleasantly surprised to see a whole, poached salmon, it had been skinned and it’s scales reproduced in very thin slices of cucumber, a tureen full of cooked potatoes and another full of green garden peas.

She helped herself to a little of everything and sat down

“And how are you enjoying your stay my dear?”

“Oh very much, thankyou ma-ma…everything is so – well it’s just how I imagined, William told me so much about you” Buffy looked up to see a family portrait above the fireplace, standing pride of place at the back of his family stood a strikingly good looking man, tall, slim with the same high cheekbones as William – what she was surprised to see was two little girls in the picture too, one had blonde hair, one had dark, as well as a tousled haired William.

Buffy looked questioningly at William and he whispered that he’d tell her later.

“So William, when am I going to meet Robert is it?”

“Rupert, ma-ma, Rupert Giles – um, he IS a very busy man, but he might make luncheon tomorrow”

“Good, it’s a shame it isn’t later on in the year, we could have had luncheon on the terrace outside…still, never mind, another time maybe” Buffy felt almost sad that it would never happen, all being well they could all be back in the 21st century by Saturday morning………


“Ah, you’re here, good!” Politeness stopped Giles from saying ‘at last’; they were only a little late, it being ten to three.

“We couldn’t get a carriage, we had to practically walk here!” William said

“Yes Giles, and that’s FOUR miles, in these shoes and this corset so don’t say anything more okay!” Buffy grouched and plonked herself down.

“Er, Quite! Giles looked slightly bemused and cleaned his spectacles.

“This is the plan, Friday evening we all go to the cemetery dressed in dark clothing, and keep watch. Willow has spells to help us in case of difficulties, but we still must take care.

“What about Rack, he isn’t the Grand Wazoo –super warlock for nothing is he – what I’m saying is, HE’LL have spells too, possibly stronger ones?” Xander asked. Willow had her deer-caught-in-the-headlights look, and everybody looked at Giles.

“Ah, we thought of that, but he’s strength isn’t what it is, it’s not up to any where near 21st century strength” Wesley said

“No – how can you be sure?” Cordelia asked

“Two reasons, the first because of something he said the other night to Trick in the graveyard, and the other thing well, according to the Watcher’s diaries, in 1950 he had a great battle with a magical demon warlord and he stole his mojo – that’s what made him super-powered”

“What did he say to Trick the other night then?”

“Oh, that he wasn’t going to traipse across town carrying such a valuable commodity as the book – if Rack was up to full 21st century strength, he could carry the thing out in front of him in a hand-cart and repel all takers at 50 paces if he wanted to” Everybody nodded meaning they understood.

“So what do we do if we see the book, grab it?”

“If there’s no danger, then yes – if there IS danger, then Willow will have spells, like I say”

“As a back-up plan, we can always see who buys it and get them after” Wesley said

“Does this mean I don’t have to go back to the shop now?” Cordelia asked

“That’s right Cordy, you’ve done your bit”

“That’s good – I’m sick of women wanting dead pigeons on their heads!”

“What?” Buffy asked, wrinkling her nose

“Not literally, just SO many feathers!”

“Oh. Oh by the way Giles, lunch tomorrow – sorry, luncheon with ma-ma, she wants to meet you!” Buffy said with a grin.

Giles got slightly nervous and ‘fumbley’ with his specs.

“Well, er, y-yes! It is to be expected – a manager meeting his young charge’s parents – mother, I mean”


“Ma-ma, this is Rupert Giles, Mr Giles, this is my mother Anne Carling-Blackmore”

Giles took Anne’s hand gently and they made their acquaintances.

“Come through to the salon, we’ll have a dry sherry before luncheon”

Anne looked stunning; she was wearing a dress of cornflower blue stripe that really bought out the colour of her eyes. Giles could see for himself what a beautiful woman she would have been in her younger days.

After a light lunch of lamb cutlets and a vanilla blancmange to follow, they spoke briefly about business and Anne spoke of her ambitions for her son, especially now as he was married………
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=16049