Return to LA by Spuffy6
Summary: Takes place post Chosen and goes pretty AU after that. Buffy's been having the same dream since they closed the Hellmouth that leads her and the Scoobies back to LA for a surprise. Includes the Angel Team and Angel Investigations, not W&H. Not sure where this is going to take me but I have quite a bit written already. Totally Fluffy.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 6590 Read: 4750 Published: 01/10/2006 Updated: 01/18/2006

1. Chapter 1 by Spuffy6

2. Chapter 2 by Spuffy6

3. Chapter 3 by Spuffy6

4. Chapter 4 by Spuffy6

Chapter 1 by Spuffy6
Author's Notes:
Hope you like!

Buffy was asleep in a small hotel room in Cleveland. The gang had decided it was best to leave California altogether. There was to much there to remind them of everything they had lost. It appeard that she was dreaming, and it didn't look like a good dream. She hadn't slept well since...since that day he left her. Suddenly she jumped up out of her sleep. It looked like she was crying and out of breath, drenched in a cold sweat. She only said one thing.

Buffy: It can't be.


Angel, Gunn, Fred, Wesley, and Lorne pached up the last of their things and were heading out the door. Over the past few weeks, they had turned Wolfram & Hart's LA branch into the new and improved Angel Investigations. Now it was time to finally say good bye to the Hyperion.

Angel: I guess it's time to say good bye to this old place.

He grabed his last box of office supplies.

Gunn: Yeah, too bad, man. I really liked this pad.

He came inside from pacing away his last things in the moving truck.

Fred was sitting on the couch in the lobby.

Fred: I know. It's so much more homey then the Wolfram & Hart offices.

Lorne looked at her from behind the counter.

Lorne: You're telling me, pumpkin. Place gives me the wiggins.

Angel tried to be optimistic about the situation.

Angel: Yeah, but the offices will help us with our mission. We will have unlimited resources and a staff specialized in demon activity. It's for the best.

Wesley nodded.

Wes: I agree. Shall we go then?"

He lifted his last bag over his shoulder to bring to the truck that was going to bring their things to the office.

Angel agreed.

Angel: Yeah. Let's go.

The group gathered the rest of their belongings and head out the doors.

When the final bags and boxes were loaded, the truck drove away toward Wolfram & Hart. Everyone but Angel heads to the limo waiting for them while Angel stands at the doors. He takes one last look as he closes the doors to the hotel.

Right before the doors close completely, a bright light flashes through them, but Angel does not see it. He continues to walk away until he hears a faint noise from inside, a noise that sounded like something crashing into the floor.

Inside the hotel, a figure lays on it's stomach. It's the body of a man dressed in a ll black. His hair is short and very...blonde.

Angel was shocked.

Angel: What the..?

He calls to the group in the limo.

Angel: Hey guys, come here a sec.

Everybody gets back out of the limo and rushes over to Angel.

Wesley is the first to question him.

Wes: What's the matter, Angel? You're not have second thoughts are you??

Angel quickly answers, still unsure of what he had heard.

Angel: No it's nothing like that. I just heard a noise from inside.

Gunn stated the obvious.

Gunn: It's probably just this old place making old building sounds. It's probably nothing, man.

Angel still wasn't sure.

Angel: Let's just check it out. It sounded more like something hitting the floor.

Everyone but Angel looks skeptical but they follow him in anyway. When they get inside, they see the figure of the man laying on the floor.

Fred seemed shocked.

Fred: Oh my Goodness!

Gunn came in behind her

Gunn: Is that a body?

Angel knew exactly who, or should he say, what it was.

Angel: Yeah...It's Spike.

Wesley didn't seem to believe him.

Wes: Are you sure it's Spike? Didn't our sources say he died in the battle with the First in Sunnydale?

Angel looked pissed, and didn't sound very happy to see his grandchilde at all.

Angel: Yes, wouldn't be the first time a vampire came back from the dead...again...after dieing on the Hellmouth. I did it too, remember?

Gunn was getting confused. What the Hell was he talking about?

Gunn: Huh?

Angel wasn't in the mood to go over his past while Spike lay there on the floor of the place he was trying to leave behind.

Angel: Never mind. As much as I can't stand him...ok, hate him...we should help him. He is family...unfortunatly.

Angel bent down and picked up Spike and threw him over his shoulder.

Wesley was the voice of reason.

Wes: Should we contact Buffy?

Angel stopped to think about that one. Then, he actually did something right.

Angel: I think we should let Spike decide that. Let's get him back to the office.

Gunn didn't think that was such a good plan.

Gunn: Do you think that's good idea? With all the freaky scientists and demon specialists there. Don't you think they'll want to play with him for a while? See how he came back?

Angel continued out the door with Spike over his shoulder.

Angel: I'm in charge of what goes on there now. Remember, it's no longer Wolfram & Hart, it's Angel Investigations now. They wont touch him unless I say so. Now help me get him into the limo. He's coming with us.

With that the gang headed out to the limo once again, unaware of the visitors heading their way in the morning.


In Angel's office, he is pacing next to the windows with the shade drawn, in the middle of day. He still hasn't completely gotten used to being able to look out at a sunny day. On the couch on the side of the room, Spike lays there still unconciouse from the night before.

Angel looked at Spike as though he was the most inconvienent thing to drop in on him, especially when there other more important people who needed his attention.

Angel: God are you ever going to wake up?

Little did he know, the sleeping form on his couch was already awake.

Spike opened his eyes and took in his surroundings before saying anything.

Spike: Sorry mate. Guess I got used to sleeping at night.

Angel looked ready to drive a stake through his heart.

Angel: So, you are awake?

Spike sat up to answer his grandsire.

Spike: Just woke up hearing you complain about me. Never get tired of that do you, Peaches. So I'd wager this your new stomping grounds, eh?

Angel: Yeah. Look don't get comfy. You're only here so...

Spike: So you can figure out why I'm here, int that right?

He interrupted Angel before he could finish what he was saying.

Angel: Yeah. Last I heard you died in the battle in Sunnydale.

Spike jumped at the mention of Sunnydale. His home. Their home.

Spike: You've heard from Buffy? Did everyone make it out? Are they alright? Have you seen them?

Spike questions were coming a mile a minute and Angel couldn't keep up.

Angel: Whoa, take it easy. No, I didn't hear from them.

He walked over to his desk to sit in his nice comfy chair.

Spike had to know how Angel knew about what happened during the fight and what happened to a particular blonde.

Spike: Then, how?

Angel spread his arms out as if to show off something.

Angel: The new stomping grounds, as you put it. Highly trained demon specialists and information gatherers. They were able to get info pretty quickly about the happenings in Sunnydale.

He sounded so smug about his new little business and it make Spike sick.

He had to know.

Spike: So you haven't heard from her?

Angel: No.

And it was the only information Angel seemed willing to give. So Spike pryed for a little info then that.

Spike: Did you happen to look into seeing if they made it out alive!?

He was furious that this was the guy Buffy had measured him up to for so long and he didn't even look interested in her servival.

Angel didn't think he owed anything to Spike. Much less anything about Buffy.

Angel: I'm sure they're fine.

Spike was furious.

Spike: Well you bloody well better find out for sure!

It looked like the conversation just raised a few octaves.

Angel: Hey! Don't think I don't care about what happened there, but I've had alot of things to worry about right here! The woman I...Cordy has been in a coma for over three months now! I've had to take charge of an entire law firm branch and now you enter the picture. Sorry if I didn't have time to check up on my ex!!

Spike settled down at that little give in Angels voice. Something about the woman he...Oh yeah? No wonder he didn't care about what happened to Buffy.

Spike: So you're in love with the cheerleader, eh?

Angel tried to play dumb.

Angel: What?

Spike just laughed at the poof. Can't play dumb, Peaches, your'e already as stupid as they come.

Spike: 'The woman I...'"

He teased.

Spike: Please. You know I'm right.

Angel was determined to change the subject.

Angel: We're not here to talk about me.

Spike: Fine. Whatever. I'll just stay here for a while till night falls then...why aren't we a couple piles of dust right now?

Angel: What?

Spike points to the open windows with a look of confusion on his face.

Angel: Oh. Special glass. It's all over the building.

Spike: Oh. Looks nice out there.

Angel: Yeah.

Spike: Anyway, like I was saying. I'll wait a few hours an' head back to Sunnydale to see if everything...

Angel: You can't

Spike: Why the bloody hell not!? i'm not atying here so your chums can pick me apart and see how I tick.

Angel: I mean you can't go back to Sunnydale. There's no Sunnydale to go back to .

Spike: What are you talking about?

Angel: You destroyed the whole town when you sealed the Hellmouth.

Spike: Oh. I did all that, eh?

Angel: Yeah.

Spike: That was some amulet you gave the Slayer. Did the job nicely.

Angel: If you want, I can track down Buffy so you can...

Spike: No!

Angel: I thought you wanted to see her?

Spike: No. I don't.

Angel: But you just said you wanted to go back to Sunnydale.

Spike: Just to check. Make sure everyone was safe.
The last thing I want is for Buffy to know that I'm...

Before he finished his sentance a voice came from the door behind him.

Buffy: Spike?

Spike: ...back.

Chapter 2 by Spuffy6
Author's Notes:
please review!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, everything belongs to Joss.

Without turning to look at the door, he answered.

Spike: Buffy?

Angel: Buffy.

Spike, to Angel: Did you...

Angel: I told you I haven't talked to her.

Spike: Then how?

He asked as he turned to look at her. She just stood there, looking as beautiful as the last day he saw her, but there was something different about her. She looked so worn down, and she was crying. For him? Why?

Spike: Buffy. How did you...? I mean...What are you doing here?

Buffy: I came to see the man I love.

Spike was shot down. She had come here to see Angel and just happened to be thrown by the sight of him. On the other hand, Angel was very pleased. He saw the look in Spike's eyes when he heard her voice. Now that she was here for him, he was much happier.

Spike: Oh.

Buffy: You see, the last time I saw him was in the middle of an apocalypse. I said a few things I don't think he understood at the time. We left on some awkward terms and I came here to make them better. You see, I came here because...I mean I felt that...I knew that you were back Spike.

Spike just stared at her. How could she have known? Could she really sense that he was back? How could she? And wasn't she here to see Angel? Not him? She said she was here to see the man she...oh!

Buffy: Spike?

He was lost in thought and answered without even thinking.

Spike: Yeah, luv?

He didn't mean to say it, but it was so natural. And just hearing him say that word made her knees shake and her heart skip a beat, which Angel could hear with his vampire hearing. It made him think differently about the situation. So, she was here for Spike, not him. He didn't expect that.

Buffy: I came here to see you.

Spike: But you said you came here to see the...

Buffy walked up to him and placed her hand on his cheek.

Buffy: Man I love.

Angel stood to the side as he watched this scene play out in front of him. He had asked her that exact question when he came to see her in Sunnydale and she lied straight to his face. He was quite upset that she was in fact there to see Spike and not himself.

Spike: Buffy?

Buffy: Didn't I tell you that already?

Spike: Yeah but...

Buffy: But you didn't believe me. I told you the one thing you wanted to hear from me for three years and didn't believe me when I was finally able to tell you.

She was crying now and so was he. Only he was trying to hide it, but she knew. She could tell when she looked into his eyes. He was full of love, terror, and confusion all at once.

Buffy: What's wrong?

Spike: Nothing. Just still trying to let that sink in is all. You're right I didn't believe you. I wanted to, but I couldn't. And part of the reason I told you that you didn't was so you could move on. I was about to die. I knew that. I didn't want you to be stuck on a man that didn't bloody well exists anymore. And the other part of me just didn't believe it. I thought you were just saying it cause I was about to die, so you could make me go down on a happy note or some rubbish like that. I didn't want it to be about that. I wanted you to mean it when you said it to me.

Buffy: And now?

Spike: Well, I'm back. I'm not bloody well about to die, and you just said it again. I guess it's safe to say you mean it.

She smiled at him, as he smiled back. He didn't care that Angel was standing only a few feet away, he let himself cry. And he was internally smirking at the fact that this scene was playing out right in front of the poofter and there wasn't a sodding thing he could do but watch it. She removed her hand from his cheek and placed both arms around his neck. He, in turn, moved his hands to rest on her waist. She leaned in very close to him but they did not kiss. He lowered his head so it could rest on hers. As they talk they do nothing but whisper to each other.

Spike: Say it again.

Buffy: I love you.

Spike: I love you.

All he could do was smile. She saw how happy she had made him with just three little words. She smiled back at him, then leaned her head up so her lips could touch his.

Buffy: I'm gonna kiss you now.

Spike: You better.

Both let out a small giggle before Buffy brought her lips up to meet Spike's. This kiss was completely different then any kiss they had ever shared. It was full of love, from both sides, and seemed to have lasted forever. If Angel wasn't standing right there, it probably would have.

Angel: Uh, uh.

Spike was the one to pull back. He still had a big smile on his face Buffy let out another slight giggle and rested her head on his shoulder.

Spike: Right. Maybe we should take this somewhere more private then, eh luv?

Buffy: I think so.

She smiled at him and then left his embrace for a moment.

Buffy: Angel? When I came looking for Spike, I stopped off at the hotel first. Obviously you've moved out, but...The rest of the gang is already there and we don't really have anywhere else to go, so...?

Angel: It's yours. For as long as you need it.

Buffy: Really? I mean...thank you.

And that's all he got. Spike was ecstatic. He was expecting her to give Angel a small kiss or even a friendly hug, but she did nothing. She said thank you and walked back into his arms.

Buffy: Um, before we go...I was just wondering. Why aren't you a pile of dust?

She was talking to Angel, who was standing in front of the window.

Angel: What? Oh, the windows, right. It's a special glass, the sun doesn't really go through it, so...

Buffy: Oh. Just curious.

Spike was confused. Why didn't she ask why he wasn't a pile of dust instead of Angel? He would have to figure out what that was about later when they had more time to talk. But now he just wanted to get out of there, with her.

Buffy: Let's go, Spike.

Spike: Right.

Buffy headed for the front door of the building when Spike pulled her back.

Spike: Hey, luv. I just got back. Don't quite feel like turning to dust again.

Buffy: What? But you...Oh, right. I'm sure Angel has a sewer system under the building he uses to get in and out. Come on.

They left the new Angel Investigations through the sewer tunnel conveniently located under the building and headed back to the Hyperion. The whole way, Buffy wouldn't let go of Spike's hand. It was as if letting go would mean he would leave her again. Spike wasn't complaining of course. He was just confused as to how she knew he was here.

Spike: Buff?

Buffy: Yeah?

Spike: Did you really know I was here? I mean, how could you know?

Buffy: Spike.

He continues to walk but she stops. And since she still has his hand firmly in her own, he abruptly stops as well.

Spike: What is it?

Buffy: I had a dream.

Spike: A dream? About what?

Buffy: About you. I've had it every night since the day that you died. But not until two nights ago did I finally get through the entire dream. You see, every night I would get a little further but never really finish it.

Spike: I don't understand. Was it a Slayer dream?

Buffy: More like a nightmare.

Spike: Oh.

Buffy: I saw it all. I even saw things I didn't see that day. I saw you in the Hellmouth. I saw you die.

Spike: Buffy.

She had started crying at the mention of his death. If he needed any proof that his death had taken its toll on her, he saw it now. Her face. Her eyes were dark, as if she didn't sleep at all. Apparently the only time she did sleep she was having nightmares anyway. Her mouth. When he first saw her he could tell. When she smiled at him, it was like it was the first time she did since that day. But now, he would make it so that she would smile everyday. As soon as he could get her to stop crying. He took her into his arms and she laid her head on his chest and continued to cry.

Spike: Shh. Don't cry, luv. I'm here. I'm back. I'll never leave you again. Just please, stop crying. I hate to see you cry.

Buffy: Every night I'd see you die. Fall to dust, right in front of my eyes. And there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Spike: It's alright, luv.

Buffy: No it's not. Do you have any idea what happened to you after you..!?

Spike: What are you talking about?

He backed away from their embrace so he could look into her eyes.

Spike: You know what happened to me?

Buffy: Yes.

Spike: Tell me.

Buffy: I will. But not here.

Spike: But...

She placed her index finger over his lips.

Buffy: Let's just get out of this sewer, and I'll tell you everything.

Spike: Alright then.

She sniffles a little, and wipes her eyes.

Spike: Hey. Come’ ere.

He pulls her back into an embrace and holds her there for a long moment. She pulls away from him and looks up into his eyes. She thought she would never be able to loon into those deep blue eyes again. She slowly raises her head up to his and places a gentle kiss on his lips. He pulls her deeper into the kiss, trying to convince her that he's going to stay, and not leave her again.

Buffy: I love you, so much.

Spike: I love you, too. I'll never stop loving you.

Buffy: Promise me that.

Spike: I promise you, Buffy. I will always love you.

Buffy: Good, now let's get out of here.

Chapter 3 by Spuffy6
Author's Notes:
Well, the story continues. PLEASE review and let me know what you think.

They started to walk again. Buffy continued to hold onto Spike's hand. She laced her fingers around his and he held her tightly. Aside from the moment before she left him at the Hellmouth, this was the first time they ever really held hands, like a real couple. It was nice, except for the fact that they were in a sewer.

The rest of the walk was made in silence. Neither really knew what to say. Buffy really wanted to tell him everything that had happened to her since that day but she couldn't do that until she told him what she knew about where he was. Finally, they made it out of the sewers and into the basement of the Hyperion. Before they climbed the stairs to the lobby, Spike stopped them.

Spike: Do they know why they're here?

Buffy: No. I didn't want to say anything until I knew for sure. Kinda didn't want to get anyone's hopes up.

Spike, sarcastically: I'm sure they'll all be really excited to see me.

Buffy: They will. Besides, it doesn't matter what they think. After...after what happened, I told them everything. I told them what happened between us those last few days. The way you found me in that abandoned house and stayed with me. About Angel and the nights I spent with you in the basement.

Spike: You told them all that?

Buffy: Yes.

Spike: But you didn't have to. I was gone. There was no reason to risk your friends over me.

Buffy: It was my choice. I owed you that much.

Spike: You didn't owe me anything, luv.

Buffy: I still owe you, for everything you've ever done for me and never got anything in return for it.

Spike: I never expected anything from you for what I did to help.

Buffy gave him that 'oh please' look.

Spike: Ok. I never expected anything from you after I fell in love with you. After that, it was all about making sure you were safe.

Buffy: I know, and thank you. I love you.

Spike: Are you going to tell me every five minutes, luv?

Buffy: If I can.

Spike: Good. I love you, too.

He takes her in his arms and gives her a passionate kiss. They stay in that embrace for a while. They knew they wouldn't be able to do that for a while once they get upstairs. They're going to have a lot of explaining to do.

Buffy: Are you ready to see them all again?

Spike: As I'll ever be.

Buffy: Ok. Let's go.

She takes his hand again and leads him up the stairs to the lobby of the Hyperion. Once they get to the top of the stairs, Dawn calls out to her. Spike is still hidden behind a wall.

Dawn: Buffy! Where have you been? Did you find what you were looking for?

Buffy: Yeah. I did.

Dawn: Well?

Buffy: Where are Willow and Xander?

As soon as she had asked, both Willow and Xander stepped out from one of the office rooms connected to the lobby.

Xander: You rang?

Willow: We're right here. Why? What's going on?

Buffy: I know I dragged you guys here without really telling you why, but...

She had to pause. How was she supposed to tell them about Spike without completely shocking them?

Dawn: Buffy?

Buffy: You know I was having those nightmares about the battle with The First, right?

Willow: Yeah. Is that why we're here? Is The First..?

Buffy: Yes, that's why we're here. And no, it has nothing to do with The First. You see I finished the dream and realized what it was trying to tell me. And that's why we left Cleveland to come back to get him.

Xander: Who?

As if on cue, Spike stepped out from behind the wall he had been hiding behind. Buffy still had her hand in his. The others just stood there in shock. Were they really looking at Spike? The same Spike that had died saving the world? None of them could say anything. So Spike did.

Spike: Hi.

He spoke. They couldn't be dreaming if he could actually speak and they all heard him. Dawn, Willow and Xander just stared at him for a while longer, then they turned to each other and shared some confused and questioning glances.

Buffy felt a little uncomfortable just standing there, and Spike was wondering how long it would take them to let it sink in. Then Dawn spoke.

Dawn: Spike?

Spike: It's me, Dawnie.

Dawn: Spike? You're alive?

Spike: Well...

Dawn: You know what I mean! You're really here?

Spike: Yes.

She did the only thing she thought she could. She walked up to him and gave him a nice right hook to the jaw. Buffy looked shocked.

Spike: Hey!

Buffy: Dawn!?

Dawn: Why did you do that?

Spike: Niblet, I did what...

Dawn: You just stayed there and let Sunnydale fall down on top of you!

Spike: I had to.

Dawn: No you didn't!

She started to cry and Buffy let go of Spike's hand so he could give Dawn a hug. She held onto him very tightly. After a few long moments, she reluctantly let go of him.

Spike: It doesn't matter anymore lil'bit. I'm back.

Xander: And how exactly? And why does he get to be the one who comes back?

Spike: What?

That's all Spike needed right now-lip from the whelp.

Buffy: Xander.

Xander: What? I'm just asking what's on all of our minds. Aren't you the least bit curious about how he came back?

Spike: Actually, I am.

Xander: I wasn't talking to...What do you mean?

Buffy: Xander, I'll explain everything, but he doesn't remember what happened to him.

Dawn: But how are you going to tell us if he didn't tell you first?

Willow: Because that's what she's been dreaming about. Isn't it?

Buffy: Yeah.

Xander: What were these dreams about exactly?

Buffy: Let's go sit down. This is going to take a while.

They all notice how Buffy takes Spike's hand again as she walks over to the couch in the center of the lobby. Xander was going to say something but Willow put her hand on his shoulder and silently told him to back off. They all take a seat on the couch or on some random chair they found in one of the offices.

Buffy didn't seem to care that all of her friends were staring at her, cause she held Spike's hand out there for them to see. Even as she talked, she would occasionally look down at their entwined fingers, drawing even more attention to them.

Spike: So, luv, what happened after the Hellmouth?

Buffy: Where do I start? Ok. I'll just tell you my dream as best I can.

Spike: Alright.

The others just listened, never interrupting with questions or peanut gallery commentary. They wanted to know as badly as Spike did, and Buffy wanted to finally get this out of her system.

Buffy: The first thing I saw was me running out of the Hellmouth. That much I knew happened. But then I saw you, and I heard you talking to yourself. You said you wanted to see how it ends. And you started to smile, and laugh. The next thing I knew, you were burning. Your face started to turn red, then parts of your face caught fire, and eventually you just turned to dust and fell to the ground.

She had started to cry as she relived that scene. Without caring what the others would think she instinctively pulled Spike closer to her and he wrapped his arms around her waist to comfort her as she told this tale.

Buffy: But it didn't stop there. I saw beyond that. After you...after you turned to dust, there was a flash of light where you were standing. Even though you were a vampire, you still had a soul. And that soul was sent to the only place where it belonged.

Spike listened to her as she explained what happened. He looked almost worried about where this tale would lead him but he needed to know. He figured he would go to Hell. He was a vampire after all. Even though he had a soul, he didn't expect anything else. But he needed to know where he went and he needed to know how, and why, he was sent back.

Buffy: Your soul was sent to Heaven.


Please review!
Chapter 4 by Spuffy6
Author's Notes:
Please review

Disclaimer: I own nothing, everything belons to Joss.

That was a shocker for everyone. Heaven? How did he go to Heaven? And why didn't he remember it?

Spike, under his breath: Heaven?

Buffy: Yes, Spike. Your soul was sent to Heaven. Everything you did over the years to help with one apocalypse after another, earned you a place there. And sacrificing yourself to save the world was the last thing they expected from you. So when you died, they didn't hesitate. You were allowed to enter.

Spike: They?

Buffy: Our friends the Powers That Be. They sent you to a heavenly plain. I could remember being there too. It was the same place I left.

Spike: Bet they're getting tired of that, eh?

He was making reference to the fact that Buffy was in the same place and ripped out. He had gone there as well and now he was out, too.

Buffy: Yeah, I'd bet. So, the next thing I saw was you standing, just standing, there was nothing. It was a clear place, no walls, no floor, just nothing. And standing in front of you...she looked so beautiful. She gave you a choice. No matter what, you belong in Heaven. And when you die again, you will return there. But you had a choice to make.

Spike: What choice? From who?

Buffy: Your actions over the last few years earned you a right to return to this plain. You were a vampire, who fought to the death to reclaim your soul. No vampire has even done that. And you did it out of love for the Slayer. That was something they had never seen before.

Spike: But Angel...

Buffy: Had already had his soul when he fell in love with me. You were seen as an evil creature without a soul, but still had the ability to fall in love. And while everyone thought it was obsession, I guess, only someone who really wanted it could have made it through the trials you had to endure.

Spike: You know about that?

Buffy: I saw that, too. All of it. Your trip to Africa, the demon you sought out, and the trials. By doing all these things, getting your soul back, saving the world, she said you could either stay, in Heaven, where you were, and wait for the day that...I joined you, because she knew what the last thing I said to you was. Or...

The others just looked at each other with a little confusion. They were still getting used to the idea of Buffy being so close to Spike, but what was she talking about? What was the last thing she said to him? Spike saw the confusion on her friends faces. Even though she said she had told them about their relationship, which he believes, she still didn't tell them she was in love with him. But he couldn't worry about that right now, he wanted to know the rest of this story first.

Spike: Or what?

Buffy: She said you could come be with me.

All he could do was smile. Even though he already knew what his decision was, he could tell her right now, he'd always chose her. Meanwhile, Xander had a look of what looked like disgust on his face, which only made Spike smile more. Willow looked like she was still trying to take all of this information in. She looked very confused. And Dawn. She had a huge smile on her face. As though she knew about them. Maybe she did. Buffy may have told her sister that she was in love with him, just not her friends.

Spike: Obviously we know what choice I made.

Buffy: Yeah, well, not in the beginning.

Spike, Dawn, Willow and Xander: What!?

Buffy: Your first choice was to stay there.

Spike: No. I would never...

Buffy: I guess it's for the same reason you told Angel you didn't want to find me. Why is that?

Spike: Buffy. I just didn't want to hurt you anymore. I didn't know that you already knew I was back. I didn't want to hold you to something you didn't mean.

Buffy: But you know the truth now. Right? You believe me?

Spike: Of course.

Their grip on each other got tighter while the others were still missing a few pieces to this very confusing puzzle. What the hell were they talking about?

Spike: So what made me change my mind?

Buffy: Well, she asked you what you wanted and you just stood there. Then you looked up and said you wanted to stay there. That's one of the times I woke up actually. Always seem to wake up at the important parts. But the next time I fell asleep, you were still standing there. She asked you if that was what you really wanted. You just stood there. You looked so confused and sad. And I could hear all your thoughts. You didn't know what to do. You wanted to come back, to be with me. But then again, you didn't want to hurt me anymore. You ran it all through your mind. Every time we were together. Good and bad. Then you went back to the first time you told me you loved me. When you asked me to give you a crumb. Some tiny hope that maybe, someday, there was a chance with me. And then you went back to the last time you saw me. When I told you...that I loved you.

That was the first time she said that in front of the others. Xander and Willow looked shocked beyond belief. Dawn just sat there with a smile on her face that couldn't get any brighter. And Spike was sitting in almost as much shock as Willow and Xander. Was that really what was going through his mind? Did she really just she loved him in front of her friends, or more so, Xander?

Buffy: And that's when you changed your mind. You knew there was a chance with me and you took the chance to come back here and see if I meant it. That's when she told you to close your eyes, and you started to fall, until you hit the floor in this very room.

Now the others stared to ask some questions. Even though Buffy wasn't really paying attention to them, she answered anyway, never taking her eyes off of Spike.

Xander: He landed in here?

Buffy: Yeah.

Willow: And you saw all of this in dream.

Buffy: Yeah.

Dawn: Why here?

Buffy: Not sure.

She noticed Spike was still staring at her with a confused look on his face.

Buffy: What is it, Spike?

Spike: Who?

Buffy: What?

Spike: You keep saying 'she.' Who was I talking to?

Buffy looked at him, then at Dawn, and back at Spike.

Spike: Joyce?

Buffy: Yeah.

Dawn: Mom?

Buffy: She was beautiful, Dawnie.

Dawn: I wish I could have seen her, too. But I'm glad that she could help you guys.

Xander: I'm still trying to understand what's going on here. love him!?

Willow: And you saw all of this in a dream?

Buffy: Yes. I wouldn't say something that wasn't true.

She took Spike's hand in hers again and looked deeply into eyes. She just smiled at him. Then she looked away.

Buffy: There was something else.

Spike: What?

Buffy: You haven't noticed yet, have you?

Spike: What do you mean?

Buffy: The amulet. The light that was shining out of it. Spike, it cleansed your soul. Everything that you ever were or did was wiped away. Can't you feel it?

Spike, dumfounded: What?

Buffy: Nothing.

He was very confused by that statement, so he asked again.

Spike: What?

Buffy: There’s no more remorse or guilt, no more pain. You've been forgiven.

Spike: I...?

Buffy: You've been given another life.

Spike: But...If I was cleansed...If I was given another chance...?

Buffy: You're not dead anymore.

Willow: Well, yeah. He's right...Oh!

Dawn: What? What's going on?

Spike stood up from the couch, along with Buffy and he headed for the door.

Buffy: Spike?

Spike: I need to see.

Spike walked up to the doors and opened them very quickly. The sun was still out, but heading for sunset. They had been talking all day is seems. He did the only thing that was on his mind at that moment. With Buffy in his hand, he walked out into the sun.

This story archived at http://