When Stars Collide by wattie
Summary: Buffy Summers is a young aspiring actress who is a recluse. William "Spike" Simons is an famous actor who is coming out of a bad break up with his long time girlfriend Drusilla. In order to boost there careers their managers set them up in a fake relationship. But how fake will it end up being?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 27 Completed: Yes Word count: 33488 Read: 39512 Published: 01/12/2006 Updated: 11/01/2007
Chapter 6- I Think They Saw Us by wattie
Buffy pulled down on the baseball cap for the twentieth time in the last five minutes. She had agreed to meet Spike at a local coffee place. It had seemed like a good plan at the time. Grab a coffee, window shop a little, hold hands and look as though they were a couple.

As she stood waiting for him, the butterflies in her stomach were telling her that today’s outing might not be as simple as first thought. She felt exposed; every person that looked at her caused her to look down at the pavement. She hated being on show this way. It was different when she was acting because she was not herself, but playing a character. She could lose all her self-inhibitions and let go. Sometimes she wished she could do that behind the camera as well as in front of it.

Spike was late, she would have been more surprised if he had not been late for every other meeting they had had. She hated that about major actors. They lived so far away from the real world that they had forgotten how it works. She would bet her Prada pumps that he had not cooked himself a meal in years and laundry, forget about it.

She was just about to leave when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

“Hey Pet.”

She turned around to see him. He looked every inch the movie star. His designer ripped jeans hung on his hips. He wore a tight vintage t-shirt that had hula girls on it, the t-shirt and jeans did not quite meet showing just a hint of the tight stomach underneath. The outfit was completed with his rock star, dark sunglasses; his platinum hair, which was still wet from his shower somehow made the dark lenses, seem almost too dark to see through.

“Do you ever arrive on time?”

“Some women find it appealing that I arrive after them.” He smirked.

“Really? Well, I am not one of them. And might I say, way to blend in with your hair. You might as well have a neon light pointing at us.” She huffed.

“Well, part of this exercise is that we get noticed. The hair will help that.”

“I just don’t see why I have to wear the baseball cap, it makes me look dumpy,” she sulked.

He lifted her chin with his hand, moving in closer with his eyes burning into hers.

“Look at me love. Trust me when I say you look as beautiful as I have ever seen.”

She wanted to believe him. She looked into his blue eyes and wanted to believe she was beautiful, that she was his even if it was just for this moment. That it was all real.

He was moving in closer and closer she licked her lips in anticipation. He was going to kiss her and more importantly, she was going to let him. Just as his lips were going to touch hers, he moved to whisper in her ear.

“I think they saw us,” His voice sounded like liquid sex, which she was starting to think he was made of.

Way to go Buffy a guy tells you you are beautiful and you loose all sense of rational thought.

“What?” His voice had broken her from her thoughts.

“The photographers, on the other side of the street; I think they saw us.” He quickly moved back from her gesturing towards the other side of the street.

She looked across the street, but could not see any photographers.

Spike could have kicked himself. What was it about this woman in front of him that had him going from cool as ice movie star to snivelling ponce in 30 seconds? She looked so beautiful standing there. He had taken a few seconds to take her in before he had said hello.

There was no expensive gown to cloud his judgement this time. She wore a pair of jeans that fit snugly across her hips. They were low, not Paris Hilton low, but low enough to get his blood pumping. Her tank was a deep green and made her eyes stand out even more. There was no denying it. She was breathtaking.

Standing waiting for him, he could tell she was uncomfortable, shy even. It made her even more interesting; in front of the camera, she was as fearless an actor as he had ever seen. However, standing here in public, she looked nervous, scared even. He wanted to know what had made this women feel so ill at ease in the world.

He had wanted to make her feel comfortable. If he knew anything about anything it was women, and the quickest way to make them feel comfortable was to compliment. As he had told her how beautiful she looked, his thoughts of making her feel at ease faded into the background. He wanted to make her feel like the most beautiful women in the world, because to him at that moment, she was.

He shook all such thoughts from his head, thinking like that lead to no good. He had felt that way with Drusilla and look how well that had turned out. The excuse about the photographers was for her own good, as well as his. If she knew that she could do to him with a look, he would be as good as gone.

“Let’s go do this then,” he reached out to take her hand. She recoiled back from him shocked.

“What are you doing?”

“Fishing for trout, I am trying to hold your hand. Don’t know about where you come from pet, but its kinda what couples do.”

“We are not a couple,” she sounded as if she was trying to convince herself as well as him. “This is a business arrangement Spike, nothing more.”

“You and I know that pet but, to the outside world we need to be in love. Can you play that part pet?” He needed her on side for this to work. He did not want to scare her off so early on, but as this thing wore on, there would be a lot more than hand holding happening.

“I don’t know if I am that good an actor.” She shot back a little too quickly.

He tried to mask the hurt he felt. Did she really think he was that repulsive? At least it would make not being attracted to her a little easier. He looked at her again. Her eyes were a colour green he had never seen before. They were beautiful. Oh yeah this was going to be a piece of cake. Yeah and Marisa Tomei deserved that Oscar.

He reached for her hand a lead her towards the coffee shop.

“Well, I know I am. So, let’s go get that cup of coffee, shall we?”
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=16632