Dark Paladin by Thianna
Summary: Alternative Universe - The Chosen One has existed for centuries but one girl against all the evil in the world is never enough. Then they were created -- the ones who fight with the Slayer to ensure her mission is fulfilled. But what happens when a certain blond haired blue-eyed Vampire Guard wants to do more than protect the Chosen One?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: No Word count: 51291 Read: 21702 Published: 01/24/2006 Updated: 11/11/2006
10 - Warm Feeling by Thianna
Disclaimer: The characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer are owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and Fox studios. This story is not meant to infringe upon anyone's rights, only to entertain.



CHAPTER 10 – Warm Feeling

Buffy cursed herself for getting caught. She knew she could handle these vampires but they over powered her with their numbers and had dragged her outside. They had her gagged so quickly she couldn’t even scream for Spike or Niko to help her. Once outside, she felt their hold on her loosening once and she had a glimmer of hope that maybe she could break free, but those hopes were dashed when she saw a huge burly demon take over restraining her. The demon held her firmly as the vampires bound her legs and hands together with thick rope. Once bound, the demon flung her on his shoulders and made its way down what seemed like a never-ending number of streets. Her body was constantly bobbing up and down and the uncomfortable position she was in made it really hard to figure out where they were taking her. And it didn’t help the situation that this demon smelled like cheese.

The demon eventually stopped and Buffy opened one eye to see that the vampires were ushering them into what seemed like a huge mansion. They passed hallways and flickering candles before she was unceremoniously dumped onto a chaise. Just as quickly, the demon and the vampire minions left the room. She wasn’t sure where they retreated to but her Slayer senses were telling her to stay alert. She could feel them nearby just not in the same room she was in at the moment.

She stared up at the ceiling for a moment, trying to calm her slightly dizzy head. She knew that if she hoped to get out of this alive the first thing she needed to do was to free herself from her restraints. She pulled and tugged on the gag forcefully, wanting to rid herself of the taste of fabric. She then worked on freeing her legs. The rope was tight and with her limited arm movement it took her some time to loosen it enough for her to pull one foot through and free her legs. At least she could run now, but she wouldn’t be able to dust any vampires effectively with her hands still bound. She tried pulling on the rope with her teeth but quickly decided that something, anything, sharp would be more effective against the thick rope that was slowly making her wrists raw.

“I hope they were not too rough on you dear.” A voice boomed and echoed from across the large room.

Buffy quickly looked towards it source and saw a light haired man that seemed to be in his late thirties. This must be Lothos. She wanted to giggle a little at the fact that he was wearing a black and red cape that made him look a little silly. Then she remembered what the others said he was. He was calling himself a Vampire King. Maybe he thought it gave him character but the outfit was amusing her so much. All thoughts of giggling left her though when he started to make his way towards her.

He walked with confidence and the vampire signature he was giving off told Buffy that he was quite powerful. She saw him take a small knife which made her take a step back being unsure of what he was planning to do to her.

“There’s nothing for you to be afraid of Ms. Summers. Or would you rather I call you Buffy?”

“How? ... How did you know my name?”

“I know everything about you dear. You’ve been in my dreams for the longest time,” he said, reaching a hand out to caress her cheek with his fingers.

Buffy took a step back to avoid him.

“Come now dear, you mustn’t shy away from me. I can feel you. I can hear your heart beating such a melodious rhythm. I can give you peace Buffy. I can make all the hurt and pain go away. But only if you let me inside.”

Buffy stood her ground. “You know nothing of me. You … you only want to …” She felt herself wavering as his eyes seemed to peer through her soul. His voice was smooth and calming and a part of her was craving for peace. She didn’t want this. She didn’t need to be the Slayer to define who she was. She was happy as who she was, when all she had to worry about was school and getting boys to notice her. She wanted to hear more of what he was promising her.

Lothos took her bound hands and used the knife he was holding to set her free. Lovingly, he rubbed her wrists, trying to soothe the ache he surmised was there. “I’ll make everything better dear.”

He could feel her life blood coursing through her veins and he couldn’t help but grin to himself at his success. He would dine on Slayer blood tonight.

He moved closer to the Slayer, positioning himself behind her. He let his hands caress her bare shoulders and arms slowly. He had dreamt of her often enough but he had to admit that though she was young, she was quite beautiful. Perhaps he would turn this one – make her his permanent trophy. It wouldn’t be bad at all to have her as a childe, to have her lithe hands and still quite youthful features attend to his every whim. He closed the gap between them as he whispered sweet promises of peace in her ear. He smiled when she obeyed him. The smile grew bigger when he told her to tilt her head to one side and expose her neck to him.

He licked his lips in anticipation as he enjoyed the feel of her warm body molded against him. He would drain then turn her. Nature had gifted her with body and beauty and it would be such a waste to hide that from the world under six feet of dirt.

Buffy’s head was filed with his sweet words and smooth voice. His promises seemed divine and she wanted to believe every one of them. So she didn’t resist. It was like it was in her dream but her anxiety wasn’t present this time.

As his fangs descended and he poised himself to strike, a loud commotion could be heard from outside and a minion was thrown against the double doors that led to the room with such force that one of the doors broke off its hinges.

A menacing growl erupted from the other side of the doorway as a very irate bleached blond vampire in a disheveled black suit forced his way through. He was unceremoniously dragging a minion by the throat into the room, before breaking the poor bloke’s neck reducing him to nothing more than a spattering of dust.

Lothos looked at the disturbance with annoyance. He had given strict instructions that he didn’t want to be bothered while he dealt with the Slayer. He had taken pains to make sure there were enough minions about to prevent anyone from ruining his long awaited moment. But this vampire, this distant kin of his, dared to interrupt him.

“It seems that you have found some way to break through my minions. Quite impressive I must say though futile. This Slayer is mine. I have waited for her. I have endured years of sleep for her.”

“Sorry mate, the job description actually tells me that I ‘ave to prevent that from ‘appening.”

Lothos looked at him questioningly for a moment then he started to laugh. “You! … You are one of those that Amilyn has mentioned. The Slayer’s lapdogs. Does the stupid Council actually believe that such a youngling can defeat me?”

Spike looked at him defiantly. He had never really met Lothos before but he had met minions and a few of his children in the past and never cared for any of them. Now of course he understood why he had such distaste for them. It was because their Sire was a total sodding wanker and poncey looking to boot.

“I suggest that you just save yourself the trouble. The Slayer is mine. You have no hope of wining against me.”

“Not my style gramps. Words are just words. I trust these much better.” He said raising his fists and dropping into a fighting stance. He wasn’t stupid. He knew that Lothos had him beat in the age department but he didn’t seem much like a fighter and Spike did fight dirty so there was a chance he could hold his own. Things would be better if the Slayer was actually fighting beside him, but … The Slayer. Buffy! What was wrong with her? She seemed as if she was in another world. She had not reacted once since he barged through the doorway.

Spike made an attempt to move towards the Slayer but Lothos quickly blocked his path. The younger vampire threw a punch which caught the “Vampire King” unawares. He took a few steps back and Spike could read through his opponent’s expression that his initial assessment of the poncey vampire was correct. He pressed on with fist and fang to reach the Slayer. With a well-placed kick, he was able to push Lothos back with enough force that the elder vampire hit the far wall with a loud crash. Moving quickly, he made his way to Buffy, shaking her in the hopes of getting some sort of reaction. But her eyes remained glassy.

Lothos picked himself up and started to laugh. “Such a good lapdog. Such devotion to his master. Though I wonder what the dog would do if the master no longer wanted him.”

“What the fuck did you do to ‘er?” Spike asked furiously.

“I told you. She is mine. Isn’t that right Buffy? … Buffy, it seems to me your little guard over here needs some discipline. Why don’t you show him what you can do?”

Buffy turned her head to look at Spike but there was no smidgen of recognition on her face. Spike continued to reason with her but he knew it was useless when she took a step forward and punched him in the stomach.

“Bollocks! Buffy?!”

Spike took a step back as Buffy executed a roundhouse kick aimed at his face.

Seeing that her attack didn’t connect she closed the distance between them and started attacking him more aggressively. Fortunately for Spike, he had spent hours on end watching her train and patrol. He knew every move she made, every inflection of her muscle and even the slight change in her breathing as she executed move after move. He was able to read her and defend himself accordingly. But this was futile. He didn’t know how, but it seemed like Lothos has Buffy under his thrall. The enemy they should be fighting was grinning like a fool enjoying the dance between the slayer and her guard as if it was some bloody gladiator tournament.

“Buffy! Luv! Wake the bloody ‘ell up. I’m not your enemy ‘ere.”

“You must be deaf as well as foolish. I told you the Slayer is mine and there is nothing you can do about it. Your efforts are futile. Nothing can break my hold on her.”

Spike reached out with his senses to see what kind of power Lothos did have on the Slayer. He could feel the older vampire’s aura around her but nothing else.

“Well Slayer, if that’s the truth, then you better come at me at full strength because just like you I ‘ave my duties. And for your information Lothos …” Spike said affording the self-proclaimed vampire king a glance. “I’m authorized to do whatever it takes for the mission … even if that means killing my charge.”
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=16963