Dark Paladin by Thianna
Summary: Alternative Universe - The Chosen One has existed for centuries but one girl against all the evil in the world is never enough. Then they were created -- the ones who fight with the Slayer to ensure her mission is fulfilled. But what happens when a certain blond haired blue-eyed Vampire Guard wants to do more than protect the Chosen One?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: No Word count: 51291 Read: 21703 Published: 01/24/2006 Updated: 11/11/2006
4 - Retribution by Thianna
Author's Notes:
Please be warned that a part of this chapter is pretty violent. Not really descriptive in the sense that its blow per blow violent, but there’s the imagery.
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CHAPTER 4 - Retribution

William had his arms crossed against his chest as he leaned against a tree watching Helena, Angel and Caden fighting a small pack of werewolves.

“William, are you just going to watch all night long?” Angel called out.

“Vampire Guard in training,” he said with a smirk.

“Training involves actually doing something not staring at the stars.”

“Seems like you don’t need me right now. ‘m sure the three of you can handle this.”

Angel turned around to avoid getting hit. With a loud growl he slipped into demon visage and attacked the werewolf that had lunged at him.

William shook his head and slipped quietly away, leaving the Slayer and her two vampire bodyguards to handle patrol by themselves. He had to see his mother. He had to personally let her know that he was fine. He didn’t want her to think that he had abandoned her.

He stuck his hands in his coat pockets and walked down a familiar street. It felt the same and different at the same time. With his heightened senses he could hear everything that was going on and was amazed at all the little underhanded business that was being conducted in the middle of the night that he never knew about before.

He stopped right in front of his house and smiled as he picked up his mother’s sweet scent. He took another deep breath before walking up to the door and using the knocker.

“Yes? Who is it? ... Oh, Master William. I didn’t think you’d be coming ‘ome today.”

“That’s quite alright, Mary. I did not exactly send word that I would be stopping by.”

“May I take your coat, sir?”
He nodded as he slipped the coat from his shoulders and handed it to the young woman.

“You’re mother is in the study with Mrs. ...”

“Mrs. Connelly.” He finished for her.

Mary gave him a puzzled look. “ ’ow did you know that it was Mrs. Connelly, Master William?”

“Oh, uhm … well I can smell her perfume.”

“From o’er ‘ere sir? I can’t smell anything.”

“Lucky guess?”

“If you say so, sir.”

William made his way to the study. He knocked on the door gently before opening it.“Hello, Mother.”

“Oh, William! I’m so glad you’re home.” She stood up and walked over to her son with outstretched arms. “I have been so worried about you these past few weeks. Jonathan told me that you just had so much work to do.”

He took her hand and kissed it. “Please forgive me Mother. I didn’t mean to make you worry so.”

“That’s quite alright dear. The important thing is you’re home. You will be spending the night, yes?”

“Sorry Mother. I just can’t.” he said sadly. In truth, the idea of spending the night in his old room was alluring but he knew better.

“That is such a shame, but I guess it cannot be helped though I think they work you too much, dear. Oh, I do worry about you so. I just wish you were married. I would feel so much better if I knew someone was taking care of you.”

“Now Mother, you know you are all I need.”

“Such a sweet sweet boy.” She said, cupping his cheek tenderly.

“Yes he is. Though I must say I’m surprised that you did not at the very least attend the gathering over by the train station tonight dear.” Mrs. Connelly finally said.

“The train station, madame?”
“Why yes. My dear Edward had been fortunate enough to close a deal with the local railroad company and to celebrate he rented out three train cars for a party. I was quite certain that he invited all you younger ones to the gathering.”

“I’m sure he did not forget Mrs. Connelly. I just have been very busy with work as of late. Well, Mother I must keep this short. I just remembered that there was something I needed to attend to.”

“Will you not stay and at least eat something? You look awfully pale and thin dear.”

“I’ll be fine Mother. I’ll find something to eat on my way back. Please don’t worry.” He said planting a kiss on her forehead. “Now if you would excuse me.”

William walked out of the study and headed for the coat closet to get his coat himself. He really wanted to stay for a while longer but there was a certain gathering that he had to attend.

He walked with speed and purpose all the way to the train station. Memories of that fateful night replayed over and over in his head and the demon inside wanted retribution. He let his senses guide him – picking out smells and noises until he found what he was looking for. He stood outside the train cars for a moment and let his eyes scan the crowd of people that were laughing and enjoying themselves. He shifted restlessly and his boot hit something on the ground. He looked down quickly to see what it was and a mischievous smile crossed his lips as he picked it up. It was a railroad spike and he knew just what to do with it.


The once pristine and glamorous train cars were now a horrific scene of dead bodies and blood. William still held the railroad spike tightly in his left hand but it was no longer covered in dirt and dust. He had bathed it in blood till even his hand was slick with the viscous liquid. This was the first time he had tasted humans and it was the most delicious thing he had ever sampled in his life. Whatever it was that the Council had been feeding him was like dishwater compared to human blood. It was warm and sweet. His chest was heaving up and down and his eyes were now half closed as he replayed in his head the scene he created but moments ago. It was then that his senses picked out one heartbeat still remaining. He let his senses guide him to the heartbeat’s owner. He knew that scent well. It was his reason for rebirth, cowering like a frightened child underneath a table. He tucked the spike behind his back and let his demon mask melt away as he bent down to his knees.


The woman turned to him with frightened eyes. “Wi…William?”

“Yes, it’s me.” He said offering her his right hand – his clean hand.

“Is that dreadful monster gone? How did you escape?”

“Yes Cecily, he’s gone. As for how I was able to escape, I was knocked unconscious. He must have mistaken me for dead. Come let me at least help you up.”
She hesitated at first but took his hand.

“Don’t look Cecily. It’s quite dreadful.” He said, pulling her close to him.

“Oh William. We must flee immediately.” She said finding a little comfort in his arms.

“I don’t know. I kind of like it here. You’re in my arms.”

“Oh please, this is quite inappropriate.”

“No, I find it somewhat ironic. It’s funny that you would refuse the love of a man but so easily would wrap your arms around a … what was it you called that creature that did this? A monster?”

“Now you’re being preposterous. Whatever are you talking about?” she said pulling away from him.
William let his eyes peruse her body openly as he licked his lips causing Cecily some form of embarrassment. He took a step forward and reached out to caress her cheek. “I wanted you. All I thought about was you.”

“William. Please. … ”

“Yet I can tell this time around you’re intrigued. Shouldn’t you be running away from me now? Shouldn’t you be running away from the man that you claim was beneath you?! Do you still feel that way Cecily?” he said raising one eyebrow seductively.

“Uhm… I…”

“I wanted you. You were radiant.” Then he chuckled. “You were bloody effulgent.” And with that said he clamped his right hand tightly around her neck. Blue eyes burned yellow and the monster that he was came forth.

Cecily’s eyes widened in terror. “You?! But …”

“Seeing you ‘ere now, I wonder what I ever saw in you. Though I guess I should be bloody thanking you some ‘ow for turning me into what I am.” He said finally revealing the railroad spike he had hidden earlier.

“What are you going to do me?”

“Thought about actually draining you. But that’s too kind of a punishment. ‘sides, wouldn’t want to ‘ave to actually press my lips against your skin.”

She shook with fear and her eyes never left the spike that he was now twirling casually in his left hand.

“I think it is fitting.” He said following her gaze. “Everyone did say my poetry was so painful to hear. Of course Edward experienced that first hand. Never thought the human skull was so fragile.” He said laughing sadistically.

“Is that what you’re going to do to me?”

“Not really. You see, it wasn’t really my poetry that you scoffed at.” And in one swift move he pushed her down onto a table and jammed the railroad spike into her heart. The look of shock on her face was precious and the demon inside him was overjoyed at killing this obnoxious woman.


The young vampire quickly turned around to see Helena look at him in horror. Caden and Angel took a protectively stance before her.

“What have you done?” Helena asked and she was surprised that her voice didn’t crack. All these people were dead and it was her fault they had died.

“They got what was coming to them.”

Angel rushed him and picked him up by his shirt. “Are you insane?! I should stake you right here and now.”

“Bloody want to see you try mate.”

“You’re a Vampire Guard! We don’t kill innocents.”

“They were ‘ardly innocent in my opinion. And when was the last time you tasted fresh ‘uman blood?”

“A while and I don’t care for it.”

“That’s because you’ve got that sodding soul in you. I don’t have one. I don’t need one. I think tonight was quite liberating, don’t you? Got me to work out some issues.”

“This isn’t a game William.”



“The name is Spike.”

“Well you won’t be using that name much longer because I’m ending it tonight.”

“Wait, Angel. Don’t!” Helena cried out.

“Helena, you cannot be serious?!”

“I know this is wrong. I’m the Slayer. It’s my destiny to fight these things. Don’t you think I know that this is wrong?! But … but killing William now isn’t going to bring any of these people back. We need him Angel. I just have this feeling that we really need him.”

“No we don’t. Caden and I can do the job of protecting you ourselves.”

“I’m not saying that this is right, but a part of me can’t really blame him. I know what it’s like to be different, to be an outsider. We all do, right? We can help him. We can still save him.”

“He’s not that William anymore. He’s not the Watcher you knew. He’s evil!”

“So were you at one time!”

Angel reluctantly let Spike go.

“That’s mighty kind of you Sire.” He said mockingly.

Angel narrowed his eyes then rushed his child pinning him against the side of the train car. He formed a fist and forcefully punched Spike in the stomach. As Spike clutched his stomach and tried to remain standing, Angel leaned over to whisper into his ear. “I didn’t do it for you William! I did it for Helena. If the Council found out about this, they would have her killed without question.”

Spike looked at the Slayer who was now finding comfort in Caden’s arms. She didn’t cry but there was pain in her eyes. He could tell she was blaming herself for the deaths he had orchestrated. He never intended to cause her any pain. He just wanted to destroy a painful memory and in that selfish act he had put the Slayer’s life on the line. He was a Vampire Guard. His sole responsibility was to protect the Slayer and though she was still alive and breathing, he had somehow failed miserably. He had to apologize. He wasn’t going to apologize for the deaths he just caused. He didn’t feel guilty about that. He felt guilty that he made Helena cry. He guessed that that didn’t really make any sense but all he understood at the moment was that Helena was sad and he caused it.


… three weeks later …

The sun was casting its orange light across the horizon as it set once more to usher in the black night. Spike wasn’t sure how many days he had been in this cave but it seemed like he had been there forever. They had him chained up all hours of the day and though the cave was fairly large, he only had a few feet at his disposal to roam.

He heard footsteps approaching and he knew for a fact that it was Caden before the older vampire’s face came into view.

“So how my favorite little vampire doing tonight?”

“Very humorous Caden. ‘ow much longer are you guys going to keep me up ‘ere? It’s been out of my system for days.”

“You caused a lot of trouble for us Wi ... I mean Spike. You’re lucky that they bought it when Angel said that this family of vampires we’ve been tracking for a while caused all that mayhem.”

“Whatever …” Spike said taking the bottle Caden was offering.

“Absolutely no remorse for what you did huh?”

“Why? Should I? ‘onestly Caden, I felt free for once in my life.”
The brown haired vampire sighed softly. “I know how you feel Spike. It’s the demon inside us. It takes a lot of control and years of discipline to make peace with it. But it’s not impossible. The real question each of us has to ask ourselves is what we plan to do with the second chance that was given to us.”

“I understand why the poofter does it -- protect the Slayer. It’s because of that sodding soul of his. But I don’t have one and neither do you. Why did you agree to fight alongside the Slayer?”

“Aside from the perks?” he said laughing. “There are many reasons I guess. I mean I don’t feel like I owe the world or anything and I’ve done my fair share of chaos and destruction in my younger years. But there was this girl. … “

“I should ‘ave known. A bloody bint is usually the reason for everything.”

“Shush! … I’m talking here. Got smitten by this lovely young lass. Dark brown hair … hazel eyes… sweet… caring. Guess I was crazy thinking of her the way I did, instead of how we should act I mean. We’re demons through and through. I don’t pretend to be anything else. But she got me. And maybe for that one brief moment in my unlife, I actually felt happy. It wasn’t the same as the satisfaction of feeding. It was better. I felt content like nothing else in the world mattered.”

“So what changed?”

“Vampires … a group of them … They killed everyone in the village. No, killed would be putting it mildly. Let’s just say her death opened my eyes to what our kind was truly capable off.” He chuckled slightly. “I know it sounds pathetic or maybe it doesn’t really make any sense but I wanted to do something about it … do something different. If I did something then, maybe she would have survived.”

“To what? She’s mortal Caden. Would you ‘ave turned ‘er then?”

“That’s not the point.” He said thwacking Spike behind his head. “I still wonder how you became a Watcher. Is there any part of William still in there?”
Spike growled. “What? That ponce? You ‘ave got to be joking.”

“Was just a question Spike.” He said moving towards him to free him from his restraints. “You do not need to get all agitated over it. Remember, I’m on your side.”
Spike rubbed his sore wrists. “Don’t make me laugh Caden. Do we even belong to any side? We’re vampires but we’re protecting a vampire slayer.”

“You had no qualms before oh dear Vampire Guard.”
Spike growled back. “Didn’t really ‘ave a choice in the matter. It was either protect ‘er or be staked.”

“Is it really that bad? Honestly?”
Spike wasn’t exactly going to admit that the older vampire spoke true. Helena had risked a lot by protecting him and that in itself was reason enough to endure his current fate. It really wasn’t bad as Caden had pointed out. There was violence, free blood and he was getting paid on top of that. Of course this would be the first time he’d be out in … “How long again has it been since he’d been outside?” he thought when a shirt hit him in the head. He caught the shirt with his right hand before it fell to the cave floor. He shot Caden an evil look.

“Fresh shirt. We don’t want to scandalize the ladies out there.” He said which a slight chuckle. “Now hurry up. Helena and Angel are waiting.”


Once he stepped outside, he could already sense Angel leaving. That suited him just fine. It wouldn’t exactly be kind to Helena if they started bickering right then and there. There was just something about him that he didn’t like, even when he was human. Helena smiled as he drew closer.

“So where are we off to pet?”

“Actually nowhere. Angel will be going on patrol today.”
He raised an eyebrow questioningly.

“There are a lot of things that need to be said between us but I don’t think words are really right. Words can get misinterpreted. So we’re going to do something we both understand.” She said with a small smile as she curled her hand into fists.

Spike turned to look at Caden. “Wot’s gotten into the Slayer.”

“Not my idea Spike. Was actually Robert’s idea.”

“Robert? Where is that wanker of a Watcher anyway?”

“Didn’t exactly set you free to hear you talk all night Spike. Or is it that you’re afraid of me?”

“Wot?! Look Helena. I appreciate everything you’ve done so far but you don’t need to be attacking me.”

“Haven’t even moved an inch vampire! Come on I’m getting sleepy. You were more fun when you were teaching Latin.”

With a raise of his eyebrow, Spike shifted into his demon mask and lunged at the Slayer. “You’re asking for it.” He said knocking her down.

“And you’ve got a lot to learn.” She placed her hand on his face and pushed him back. Spike was flung a few feet away while Helena did a flip then a cartwheel using the momentum to kick him in the chest.
Spike grinned when he caught her foot then pushed back to throw her off balance. He waited till she got back on her feet and then they exchanged blows. Slayer and vampire continued their dance while Caden watched lazily against a tree.

Spike was impressive as a fighter especially since he had seen him when he was still human. It seemed virtually impossible that just a month ago, he hated anything that wasn’t considered proper in society. He was quite the introvert and now he was a weapon – a dangerous one at that. The world was lucky that this vampire had sworn his allegiance to the Slayer. If left unchecked, he could be one of the most evil creatures that ever existed. Caden understood the spirit within the younger vampire. He knew Spike craved the violence just as much as the blood. The incident three weeks ago was proof enough of that. His actions then were uncalculated and driven by pure emotion. How much chaos and destruction could he be capable of if he actually focused his energies? Caden just hoped that the world would never find out.

“You’re dead Slayer!” Spike had his head bent towards Helena’s neck as he held her tightly.

“Maybe, but you’re still dust!” she retorted and sure enough, if she had a stake in her right hand he would have been. Though she was still imprisoned in his embrace she had twisted her body just enough that a stake could be shoved to his chest if enough force was applied.

“There’s no bloody way you’d be able to pull that off for real!” Spike said letting her go.

“Can too.”

“’ell no!”


“Don’t look at me Helena.”

“See! I win, pet. Ready for round two?”

“Beginner’s luck!”

“Sure, luv. Sure.”

Caden just gave them another whimsical smile. It seemed like Helena’s watcher guessed right. This was what they both needed. Spike needed an outlet for his violence and Helena needed to understand Spike’s true nature. She needed to see that he was no longer the same William who had been her friend and tutor. He was now a demon. But Caden knew the truth behind the watcher’s suggestion. Two instincts rule a vampire’s action when faced with a Slayer – kill or run. Spike was not the type of vampire to run from anything or anyone. To be a Vampire Guard, the demon inside needed to be controlled and reason should rule over instinct. This little sparring session was actually a trial of sorts. If Spike loses to his instincts, Helena was ordered to destroy him right then and there no questions asked. However, Helena was under the trial as well. If Spike harms her and she does nothing then Caden was ordered to dispose of them both.

The older vampire smiled again watching the sparring session in front of him. He was thankful that they seemed to be getting along well and that his hands wouldn’t be stained with slayer blood tonight.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this pretty long update. Thanks to everyone who have reviewed so far. Thanks to Elizabeth Anne Summers for all the support.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=16963