Silently Broken by Suzee
Summary: *11-28-06: 'Sunshine' sequel added/complete* Every night, phone in hand, Buffy Summers gives men a living soundtrack for their fantasies. He started out as just another job—but what happens when ‘Spike’ steps out of the phone and into her life as the very real William, her stepfather’s brother?

And please notice all the warnings, this is not a fluffy story--but it is Spuffy. *Nominated at the Forbidden Awards for Best Spuffy Long and the Spark and Burn Awards for Best Dark and Best Fantasy and at the Cradle of Humanity Awards for Best Story--thank you!* Runner Up for Best Spuffy at Big Bad Awards
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape, Child Abuse, Freaky/Kinky, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 57 Completed: Yes Word count: 88315 Read: 101363 Published: 03/07/2006 Updated: 11/28/2006
Chapter 48 by Suzee
Author's Notes:
they're quick things
1) I don't know what's going on with my head but for whatever reason I can't remember if I usually post at 1 or 2, so if this is early, that's why
2) Everyone should go vote at the Spuffy Awards:
3) Thank you to Laura Liz for adding me as a favorite author :D I love when someone does that
4) Thank you for all the reviews :D
Chapter 48

"You know," Spike remarked, "I think I rather like this whole living together thing we're doing."

"You just like it because it leads to us making out on the sofa fairly regularly."

"Well, I'm not going to deny that's certainly a great part of it." They had been lying side by side on the living room sofa 'making out' for nearly an hour now and Spike was happy to go on like that for at least another hour or two more.

"You do remember that my mom is coming over to 'talk' in just a little while, right?"

"Course I remember. I'm good like that." Spike wasn't ready to give up contact with her just yet so even as she talked, he kissed along her jaw line.

"If you remember that my mother is coming over--and that the door isn't locked and that this is technically a part of her house...then why is your hand up my shirt?"

"Least it's not down your pants," He shrugged.

"Spike!" Buffy tried to sound outraged but in the end she just ended up laughing.

"She's going to knock, kitten, you know that. And she can't see much either--the back of this thing blocks anybody from seeing us."

"But what else is she going to think we were doing on the sofa?"

"Pet," Spike tried to say it patiently, "Your mum knows we're dating and knows we live together; don't exactly think it would outrage her to find me snogging you."

"Snogging sounds like a stupid word, you know."

"Like 'making out' sounds so much better."

"Never said it did. And it's not my point that she knows it, she just doesn't have to see it."

"Fine," Spike switched on the television and before Buffy could say anything, went back to kissing her.

Joyce had gotten there about ten minutes later and, as expected, Buffy had gotten flustered, jumped up, let her mother in, and explained how she and Spike were 'just watching some TV'. Her mother (and Spike for that matter) chose not to comment on how it had been infomercials playing across the screen.

They had talked about tons of trivial things, what they had all done during the week, the new art show Joyce was interested in going to, the latest book William was reviewing, and the dinner that they--along with Giles--were all having the next week.

They all avoided talk of just how they expected the older man to act during that dinner; they were all hoping for the best but fearing the worst.

Spike had made her a wonderful dinner, starting it while her mother was there so that it would be ready on time. Joyce had been duly impressed and William had told her that he should cook the three of them dinner some time soon. She had agreed before going home to see what she was actually going to be having for dinner.

After dinner Buffy offered to clean up if Spike would teach her to poker. He agreed.

"—So those are the cards you'd have to have had to beat me," Spike finished explaining.

"I think that you have to be a guy to understand this game. I mean it's pretty much only guys that play it right? It's their weekly guy thing, too. So, see, I just can't get it because I'm a girl."

"Now don't give up just yet, luv. We haven't been playing that often, takes a while to get it all down."

"Yeah…or I just suck!"

"You do not suck, Buffy."

"Feels like it when I keep losing," She muttered.

"Buffy, you're doing really well for someone who's played as little as you have. Don't give up now, luv, else you'll never get better. Not even if you keep playing."

"What do you mean?" Buffy asked skeptically.

"I mean that if you decide now that you'll never be any good that you never will be—have to think positive, pet."

"I have a problem with that sometimes," Buffy admitted, remembering more monumental problems that had arisen from her giving up too easily.

"Nah, used to, but you're much better now."

"Thank you, William." He didn't ever let her get down on herself, wouldn't let her start to look back on her failings as anything other than something to learn from.

"Why don't we get to sleep and in the morning I'll go out and see if I can't find you some girly guide to poker."

"'Girly guide to poker'?"

"You seem to think it's a man's game, so I'll find some woman's way of explaining it to you."

"No, I like the way you're explaining it—I just don't like when I don't catch on to things right away."

"We'll just have to play some more then," Spike was actually glad she hadn't liked his idea, he didn't want to lose this time with her. Truth be told, he was not really doing his best job explaining things to her; that way he could spend more time with her each night.

"Sounds good."

"Alright, pet, you get off to bed, I'll shut things up."

Buffy watched him move around, shutting off lights and checking that windows were shut before he noticed that she hadn't in fact gone to bed. "Off with you now, time for you to be in bed."

Buffy got up and went into her room, not saying anything to him along the way, something that surprised him; but he guessed she was just thinking about something and that it hadn't been intentional.

Spike shut off all of the lights in the main part of the house, left the outside light on, locked up the doors, made sure the windows were all closed properly, and cleaned up their card game before finally making it into his room for a late night shower.

Try as he might, he never seemed to be able to forget the talk he and Buffy had once had, before everything even got started, about what she'd like to do to him in her shower; what she'd like him to do to her in her shower.

It wasn't something he saw himself being able to forget all that easily either, but, hey, at least it helped with the gas bill. Cold showers nearly every day would do that.

He knew that there were, of course, ways other than a nice cold shower to handle the situation, but somehow it felt wrong. He wasn't entirely sure but it seemed like when he was trying to help Buffy get past that part of her life, that he shouldn’t be getting off on thoughts from what had happened then.

Somehow it just seemed wrong. To his brain that was; certain other parts of his body didn't seem to have any problem with it.

Soaping his hair quickly, he washed off and got out of the shower. Finding the pair of pajama pants that he had left there earlier in the day--with Buffy just feet away, sleeping in the nude like he had since he was fifteen wasn't exactly smart--he dressed and hung up the towel before exiting the bathroom. It hadn't been anywhere near a long shower, but when he came out of his room he was glad for the short time he had spent in it.

"Buffy? What are you doing, luv?" As he'd opened the door he saw Buffy jump up from her seat on his bed and start towards the door.

"Oh! William, hi."

She sounded so surprised that he couldn't help but remark, "You sound so surprised to see me. This is my room, you know."

"Yeah, I, uh, yeah, I know that. See, I just was...I guess I thought you'd take longer in the shower."

"Didn't you hear it shut off? And what exactly is it you're doing here?"

"I was, um, distracted thinking about...stuff; I guess that's why I didn't hear it shut off."

"Were you so distracted you went into the wrong room?" He asked when she didn't answer his second question.

Buffy knew that it would be easy to just lie and say that yes, that was what happened. But she didn't lie to William, not anymore.

"Actually, no," she answered bravely--well to her it was bravely thank you very much! "I wanted to ask you something. The distraction was me thinking about why it was a bad idea and convincing myself out of it. But see, it's not really a bad idea. At least I don't think it is."

"What's not a--"

"Can I sleep in here?" Buffy blurted out, interrupting him and effectively silencing him all together.

"What exactly are you asking Buffy?" Spike asked as calmly as he could.

"Well, I don't mean the euphemistic 'sleep'...if that's the right word. I mean literal sleep; may I sleep in here?"

"With me?"

"Again, not 'can I sleep with you' in the 'have sex with you' sense--"

"I know that, pet. I'm just...really?"

"If it's okay with you. I just...the only night in, well, in recent memory that I've really slept well was that first night--"


"No, I don't mean because of the sex or...that was the only night I ever really slept in the same bed with you, you know..."

"I know."

"And well...I slept so well that night..."

"Is that the only reason Buffy?" He felt like she was holding something back.

"Promise not to get mad?"

"I'll certainly try," He couldn't make promises to her that he didn't know if he could keep.

"It's also, but this is not the main's also because the last time I was in here with you..." They both knew, of course, what she meant. "I need to....sort of replace that whole memory with this one....Does that make sense?"

"For some reason, it does."

He still hadn't answered her and she was starting to get really nervous--maybe leaving the room had been the smarter plan.

"So, uh...Can I?"

Spike knew this was a big thing, he just hoped that they were each seeing it as, as big of a thing as the other was.

"Of course you can." When, even after he'd gotten into the bed, Buffy was still standing in the same spot, he worried she'd changed her mind. "Getting in, kitten?" He asked as he lifted up the edge of the blanket.

Just a few seconds later, Buffy was lying next to him on her side, facing him.

"Come here," he said, taking a big risk and pulling her closer to him.

Buffy tensed up then for a second and he started to apologize when she interrupted him, explaining with a giggle, "You're hair's wet."

"I'll just have to get it a little drier next time then, huh?"

"Yep, next time you'll have to do that."

And they both knew it was going to be okay.

This story archived at http://