Cosy Little Crypt for Two by Spikes_Deb
Summary: Set about the time of Hells Bells, Buffy's angry and upset that Spike brought a guest to the wedding. She goes to drown her sorrows and finds herself with a part time job. Of course, it just so happens to be somewhere she's guaranteed to bump into Spike...
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes Word count: 15714 Read: 6409 Published: 03/09/2006 Updated: 03/09/2006
Happy Ending? by Spikes_Deb
Author's Notes:
Last chapter. I hope you've enjoyed my little fluffy interlude - I would have loved to see a resolution to 'that' conversation at the wedding. His eyes.....gah! Deep and delicious. Thanks to Lou, my beta and my friend. I owe you gazillions, hun.

“I thought we were going dancing” Buffy muttered as she snuggled against his neck, her arms wrapped tight around his back.

“Nah, got a better idea, love. You don’t mind, do you?”

Buffy smiled. No, she didn’t mind at all………as long as they were going where she thought they were going….

“Where are we going?”

Spike upped the pace and resettled her against him, eyes bright and a huge smile on his face. “Thought we’d do a little private dancing….”

Buffy surprised him by placing a hot kiss on his mouth, dragging his lower lip between her teeth for good measure.

“I’ll take that as a yes then…”

The door to the crypt was unceremoniously kicked open, then kicked closed behind him as he still held her in his arms. The upper story went by in a blur as Spike walked straight towards the entrance to the lower level and jumped down, dropping Buffy on the bed once he reached it. The sheets were still rumpled from last night and the shredded tapestries littered the room. As Spike lit the candles, Buffy chuckled.

“Killed a few innocent furnishings last night?” Spike growled and she laughed louder.

“D’ya blame me, pet? Was a little…..frustrated.”

“Well, we can always take up weaving, it’s meant to be soothing for….eep!”

Buffy squeaked as she was pounced on by a fully aroused vampire, her legs dragged apart as he fumbled with his belt buckle and zipper. He barely inched the jeans down his hips, just enough to let his cock spring free, Buffy assisting by kicking off her mules and using her feet to push the heavy denim further. She wanted no barriers between them – physical or emotional. She wriggled beneath him, desperately trying to free herself of the dress she wore, knowing that if she didn’t the insubstantial but fairly expensive garment was about to be shredded. Spike leaned up to remove his shirt and she grabbed the chance to tug the dress over her head and off. Spike’s eyes smouldered with lust. She lay beneath him with just a wisp of lace covering her mound. The minx had been walking about almost naked….

Cool fingers reached for and snapped the tiny excuse for underwear leaving Buffy panting and eager for his touch. He crushed her lips, tongue wrapping with hers as he tried to get even closer to her, almost crushing her with his need to totally have her. She gripped the curls at the nape of his neck and tugged his head back in an effort to breathe.

Spike’s passion glazed eyes struggled to focus on the goddess lying on his bed with kiss-swollen lips. Buffy. He could hardly believe it. She looked at him quizzically. “What?”

“Nothing….just drinkin’ you in..”

“Less drinking – more kissing.” Lips met lips again, tongues and teeth clashing, hands roving and stroking each other towards anticipation of pleasure to come. Spike felt his control slipping again, drawing away to battle the demon.

“Buffy……I can’t….can’t control myself, love. It’s not gonna be gentle…….want you too much……”

“Counting on it. Show me what you’ve got.”

Consent given, Spike allowed his brow to ridge. His fangs descended, eyes changing hue and giving him his enhanced eyesight. Everything was sharper – sound, sight, smell. The aroma of their mingled arousal had him salivating. The scent of the partially healed bite at her neck drew his attention, his head dipping before he knew it. He stopped, giving her one last time to change her mind. Buffy locked her eyes on his and deliberately turned her head, offering her neck to him.

He struck fast and hard, fangs buried deep ignoring her gasp of pain and the way she tried to pull away. It was momentary anyway, Buffy arching into his body and shifting beneath him to wrap her legs around his hips. His cock brushed her curls, liberally coated now with evidence of her enjoyment. With a slight movement, he was inside her moving slowly to match the suckling at her neck. Buffy could already feel the fluttering of approaching orgasm and marvelled at how absolutely delicious the dual sensation of fangs and cock made her feel. Wanton. Bad. Sensual. Playful.

Instinctively, she nipped at his shoulder, biting down hard enough to graze his skin and draw blood. Spike stopped his hips and his tongue, drawing away from her neck and licking at her blood that dribbled from his lips. His eyes were raw with emotion.

“Buffy…….don’t……..not unless…….you can’t joke about biting with a vampire, love. It means too much…”

Buffy held his gaze as she deliberately licked at the blood trickling from the small graze to his shoulder. “Tell me.”

“It’s how we mate; everything’s about the blood. Life, death, love. A bite given in passion and received the same way – it’s a promise, a commitment to each other and to each other’s clan. More than a marriage, Buffy. It’s eternal. You can’t just bite and run, not this kind of bite. If you feel anything for me….if you bite me….well, if you bite me I’ll want the full package. The demon won’t settle for anything less.” His words were husky with the force of his emotions, sensually lisping as he spoke around the fangs.

Time seemed to stop as Buffy lay still beneath him. She found herself gazing at his demon face and willing herself to find something abhorrent about it. Anything. To test herself. But she didn’t. She loved it. She loved him. All of him. Decision made, she pulled him down towards her neck, turning slightly so that his throat was close to her own mouth.

Spike hesitated, unsure what was happening but tantalised by the sight and smell, the taste, of her blood so close. He licked at her neck, gently probing the wound with his tongue. Buffy pulled his face tighter against her, rotating her hips to encourage him to bite. He did, fangs entering her flesh again but oh so gently that she barely felt them. She kissed his shoulder, alternating kisses with nips and licks, moving further along as she turned her face towards him. Reaching the soft skin that merged from his shoulder into his throat, she steeled herself and bit down hard, stifling the urge to gag as her mouth filled with his blood. Spike bit harder, instinct taking over now as the demon recognised the claiming taking place. Ancient words filled his mind and bubbled up to be spoken against her neck. Buffy couldn’t hear the words but sensed that they were important, suckling harder and swallowing down the blood pooled in her mouth. It didn’t taste half bad…

She pulled away to breathe, asking him in a sibilant whisper, “What are you saying, Spike?”

Spike forced himself to stop drinking, drawing back the demon who was now half-way satisfied. “Mine, Buffy. You’re mine, love. Demon’s just making sure and claiming you properly.”

“So…you just say ‘mine’? And that’s it?”

“No…well, yeah……if the feeling’s there, that’s all it takes. ‘s all about the intent.”

Buffy moved quickly, sinking her teeth back into his neck before he could move, allowing all of her feelings and hopes to fill her mind, his blood washing over her tongue to slide down her throat. “Mine,” she stated, loudly and firmly.

Spike lost it completely. All finesse disappeared in the lust – both for blood and for her body – that swept through him. He roared his pleasure loudly, pounding her into the bed, his cock stretching her and hitting her sweet spot with every thrust. As he felt his climax approaching, he returned to her neck biting savagely to complete the claim, hazily realising that Buffy was once again suckling at his throat. When he felt her pussy clench around him he let the world slip away, relying solely on instinct and sensation and giving in to the heady temptation of absolute pleasure.

When the room finally stopped spinning, he lost the vamp face and looked down at Buffy, laying limp and satiated on his bed and in his arms. God. She really was there. He gently licked at the twin holes on her neck sealing them and nuzzling delightedly, purring his happiness. Buffy wrapped him tight against her. This was what she’d been missing since she’d been ripped out of heaven.

He deserved to know the truth.

“Spike… I need to tell you something.” He tried to shush her, finger on her lips, wanting to keep the bliss and afraid of what she was going to say. “No…I have to. The thing is……I’ve been lying to you. I….I love you.”

Spike raised himself up on shaking arms, looking at her with absolute shock written across his face. “You…love me?”

Buffy nodded. “I don’t know since when…or what changed…but ….I love you.” She found herself crushed, felt wet tears dripping onto her skin. “I…thought you’d be pleased….”

Spike chuckled then, looking down on her worried face. “Buffy – I’m ecstatic. You don’t know how long I’ve…..but thing is, pet – you’ve met the demon now – hell, you claimed him! – but there’s something else you get too. Thing is….you also get the soddin’ poet.”

“Huh? I don’t understand…”

“Ah, well – I’ll tell you all about William the Bloody Awful poet one day – just not right now. Got better things to be doing with my mouth.” He raised an eyebrow and smirked and Buffy felt her skin tingle once more with lust. He always did that to her. Long may it continue. She’d never felt so content, and nothing anybody could do or say – Scoobies, Giles, her stupid inner Bitch Buffy – would ever change that.

“Better get to it then………William….”


Hope you've enjoyed, and if you have, please let me know. Thanks for reading :)
This story archived at http://