Wanted by stateofmind
Summary: A girl is wanted by the vampire comunity - buffy is sent to save her but doesnt know why. Things sound simple till she realises one of her allies is someone she thought to be dead! Will the unrwquited love be fullfilled?
Categories: NC-17/Hardcore Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: No Word count: 29057 Read: 13488 Published: 04/06/2006 Updated: 09/10/2006
Chapter 9 - Tension in the ranks by stateofmind
Author's Notes:
I dont own buffy but I would like to borrow spike for a while, everything else is mine.

I am still looking for a new beta people - any volunteers?
Chapter 9 - Tension in the ranks

I’m gonna break her heart, what the hell do you think you did you great poof!” Spike said squaring up to him.

“I love Buffy, its just not gonna work right now that’s all.” Angel said spitting out the words.

“What about wolf girl in LA, she blown you off or is she just a stepping stone till you get something better?” he smirked knowing he was touching a raw nerve with his sire.

“You know nothing about it Spike, at least I know what love is, unlike you who will shag anything going.”

“Hey I was the one who had a hundred year relationship, I didn’t see you and Darla lasting that long mate.”

“At least I’m honest with Buffy, unlike you! You mentioned your little thing with Harmony when you became whole again?” Angel smirked seeing the look on Buffy’s face.

Lucy had enough, listening to the two act worse than her son. She looked at Buffy, she was hurt, she had no idea who this Harmony bird was, but she knew Angel had no idea blurting it out.

“ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Lucy screamed stopping the pair in their tracks. Spike and Angel both looked at her, anger seeping from her. Luke ran over and grabbed her leg, scared by the raised voices. “ENOUGH! Ok enough, for crying out loud are you both 12?”
“You slept with harmony?” Buffy asked quietly looking at Spike, tears in her eyes.

“Baby girl it wasn’t like that, and I never actually slept with her, she got possessed and tried to kill me!” he moved forward trying to take her hand but she pulled it away.

“She only wants me Spike anyway, I’m in her future she told me so.” angle smirked glad the couple were fighting.

“And you” Lucy spat “Can shut the hell up.” Angel tried to speak again but Lucy’s glare stopped him dead.

Spike stopped and looked at Buffy. Running the information over in his head. ‘She wants him’. He was hurt, Buffy couldn’t speak she didn’t know what to do, still be mad at him over Harmony, or try and explain that night to him. Luke jumped into his mothers arms, try to get Spike’s attention. Spike shrugged him off, Lucy shushed him knowing it wasn’t the time to explain to a two year about grown up relationships.

“It was night wasn’t it, when you killed Kaylum. I could smell him all over you, you lied to me, told me it was nothing.” the hurt could be heard in his voice.

“No, no, it wasn’t like that. I was scared, confused, for god sake Spike I thought I was gonna die.” she wept trying to get his eye contact back, try and reassure him that she was telling the truth now.

“Well I did die love, burning up, hell bound the lot, and I did it for you.” she went to hold him but he stepped away.” Don’t touch me, just leave me alone.!”

He stormed off, knocking Giles as he came in to find out what all the noise was. Watching him go and seeing Angel had arrived he added everything up, things were never going to be simple between these no matter how much time was between them. He walked over and took his nephew from Lucy. “Angel making your presence known as usual I see.” he saw Buffy crying on the stairs and looked at Lucy for help before he looked back. “Buffy what’s wrong?” she just shook her head and ran up the stairs.

“Why couldn’t you just keep your mouth shut Angel, I love him, you hear me love him, and he is who I am gonna grow old with, not you him! At least I was till you came here. I shouldn’t have called you, I should have told Spike we didn’t need you!” and with that she slammed the bedroom door.

“Buffy..” Angel called after her but gave up. It was too late the damage was done.

Dawn came into the house followed by Willow, shopping bags between them. “We’ve got the groceries Lucy where do you…… oh hi Angel” Dawn said her eyes frosting over. “where’s Buffy and Spike?” she said looking at the hurt faces of her friends.

“What happened?” Willow asked knowing something was wrong.

“Err will explain later right now we’ve damage control to do, why don’t you take Luke to the park or something he doesn’t need to hear this.” she asked smiling at Dawn.

“But if Buffy’s hurt shouldn’t I..” Dawn asked feeling pushed out.

“I think right now Buffy just need to cry it out Dawn. It was more a Spike thing I was thinking about.” Lucy smiled at Dawn.

“I think she’s right Dawnie just give her some space.” Willow added before Dawn could protest. She picked up the little boy and took him to the kitchen to get him ready to go.

Dawn turned on Angel. “Why do you always hurt her” she asked before joining Willow.

Lucy left to find Spike leaving Giles and Angel alone. Giles glare was worse than Lucy’s. He was disgusted with Angel, he had always thought of him as an allie, but now he was wondering.

“You had no right Angel, absolutely no right”

“Hang on a minute you are in the Spike fan club now?” he asked shocked.

“That fiery young thing is my niece Angel. Spike has taken care of her for the last few months. That’s who Daniel wants, and for that I am part of the Spike fan club as you put it. He’s turned into a good man Angel, we can all see it, even if you are too blinded by your own self pity and hatred to notice. She’s happy with him, just leave them be.” Giles cleaned his glasses leaving Angel gob smacked by the door.

How could he be so stupid, the one person he truly loved and he broke her heart again.

Lucy found Spike in the garage, whacking seven shades out of the punch bag. He was hurt, angry, and totally in love with that girl. She also knew him too well, talking sense into this bloke was not going to easy.

“I hope that’s Angel we are beating seven shades of shit out of!” she smiled as she stood behind the bag holding it for him.

“Yeah well, wasn’t going to pummel him in front of the nipper now was I.” Spike whacked it again nearly sending Lucy off with it but she stood her ground. “Who the hell does the pounce think he is anyway.”

“Some one who thinks she belongs to him.” she knew she was scarping raw nerves here but it was necessary to get him to see sense.

“Well that bloody well ain’t true. She wants me I know she does she said she would marry me for gods sake.”

“Ok news flash here, but I will quiz you on that later” Spike smiled at her “she loves you, I don’t think there is anyone else not even him. You didn’t see how hurt she was on that first night here when she thought me and you were an item. Laughable idea I know as you would totally drive me insane if we were a couple, but she was jealous and hurt.”

“But why the hell did she say it to him then? Then came and slept in my bed.”

“You hit the nail on the head Barbie! I don’t know what went on over there and to be honest for my own sanity I don’t want to, but she came to you, not him you! She sent him away and came to you to comfort her. That should be all you need to know. She was scared and more than likely covering bases, if you think your gonna die you try and tidy up loose ends.” she smiled at him.

“Still hurts like hell.” he said though some bandages at Lucy. “Come on gear up I need a sparing partner.”

“Oh great I get beaten coz your pissed at hair gel boy.” she laughed wrapping her hands. “and its supposed to hurt, that’s what love does to you. It makes you crazy, pulls your heart out..” she threw a punch at his chest, dodging one he had sent her way, “But you wouldn’t be without it. Trust what she’s telling you boy!”

“Your right,” he said the battle still commencing both keeping blows low and connecting. “You know why I took you on?” he asked.

“Funny way of putting it, but no. I just assumed Kelly had threatened your life, she’s scary when she wants to be.” she laughed giving as good as she got.

“No, it was when she showed me your picture. You look like my sister.” he went quiet concentrating on the moves he was administering. “You look just like her. She could always talk sense into me no matter what. I was a whelp when I was alive the first time, but she always kept me going, never let me give in.”

“Do you regret being turned?” she asked.

“In a way yes, coz the stuff I’ve done would make your hair curl, but if I hadn’t then I wouldn’t have met Buffy, I wouldn’t be complete.”

Lucy stopped and took a step back. Sweat dripping down her face, she just smiled at him. It was the smile she always gave him to tell him I told you so.

“Go sort it out.” she said. They hugged before he left her alone with her self satisfied gloat.

Spike walked back into the house, noticing that the living room seemed too quiet. ‘Where the hell has the great poof gone.’ He wandered up to his room. Running over in his head how he was going to apologise to Buffy. He hated seeing her cry, why couldn’t he just listen. He got to his door and pushed it open slowly and stopped. Angel was sat on the bed with Buffy, his arm around her shoulders as she cried. His blood boiled, how could she do that to him. Why take solace in his arms if there was nothing there, why not go to Giles, or Kelly even, he was sure she was still lurking around after the night before. He pulled the door to again and walked back down the stairs, his heart in his throat and out of the house. He needed to get out for a while, just drive somewhere and clear his head.

The night draw in and Lucy was looking around her house for Spike. She hadn’t heard him go out. It was a big house but she had been there long enough to know all the hiding spots, so where the hell could he be. She had put Angel in the attack, thinking it was the best place for him with the lack of windows, though at the moment the thought of him frying was very appealing to her. She had spoken to Buffy who hadn’t seen him since the fight, had he just bottled out of making up with her or was there something else?

She put Luke to bed, and was now sat in her room getting herself ready. Tonight was the first night she was meant to be going to patrol with Buffy, and Spike if he ever showed up again. She pulled her hair into a pony tail, looking at the photo of her husband on her dresser. She picked it up running her fingers over the image, smiling.

“My turn to fight the bad guys baby.” she said before kissing him.

Giles knocked on her door. Beckoning him, he sat on the bed and smiled at her. It still seemed like only yesterday she was finding him in the middle of the night to scare away the monster from under her bed.

“You don’t have to do this you know. Buffy, Spike and Angel can handle the patrols, you can just stay here with us.”

“What Angel’s coming too? Ok never mind and yes I do have to do it, I’m not gonna just sit here and let this Daniel bloke just walk all over me, I’m gonna fight back.” she looked at her feet, feeling slightly shy at how she had stood up to her uncle. “You never did.” she smiled.
Giles got up and hugged her knowing where she was coming from. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a box and handed it to her.

“It was your nana’s, my dad bought it for her when he first met her, protect her.”

She opened the box and pulled out an antique silver cross, slightly tarnished from the years but still beautiful. “Uncle Rupert thank you” she hugged him before he fastened the clasp for her.

“Just promise me that you will wear it forever.” she nodded before smiling at him and pulling him downstairs.

“You set?” Buffy asked standing at the bottom of the stairs, still upset from earlier.

“Yeah sure just let me grab my coat.” she grabbed it watching Angel with disgust as he skulked to the door.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Yeah, but where’s Spike, he said he would come with me.” she looked hurt, he had never let her down before, so where the hell was he.

Just then Spike tore through the door, nearly knocking Angel over. Panting for breath, he grabbed Lucy and hugged her.

“Ok nice greeting there but where the hell have you been?” Lucy asked pushing him off her.

“Yeah well I had some thinking to do.” he said glaring at Angel. “You ready to go?”

“Yes, yes for crying out load yes! If one more person asks me that then I will kill the lot of you.” she said leading the way out of the door.

Later the group were wandering through a graveyard. The night had been relatively uneventful, a couple of newbie’s coming up, which Buffy gave to Lucy. She was good, scarily good actually, there was more to her then they had imagined. No body had really spoken, little bits of politeness here and there but no real conversation. Buffy at one point had tried to take Spike’s hand, but he had pulled it away, switching sides so he was with Lucy.

As they were heading home, the air seem to shift. A group of vamps came out of the shadows, not noticing the hunting party that was in front of them. Buffy coughed and waved at them. They turned and ran.

“Stay with Angel, these guys aren’t for beginners.” she said running after them, Spike fast on her heal.

Lucy had no idea what to say to Angel, she could tell he was desperate to join the party. Lucy opened her mouth to begin talking when they heard Spike call for Buffy to get down, then a load bang. Angel ran off leaving Lucy alone in the night.

“Right, I’m alone in the middle of a grave yard, with loads of nasties crawling about, and nobody to help.” she said looking around her, before deciding to follow.

She caught up with them, seeing dust fly, and the group work, she stood on the sidelines. She knew he limits, and fledglings yes she could handle but fully loaded vamps she thought not. Then something grabbed her. She threw her elbow back meeting his nose, knocking the vamp backwards. She fought back screaming for Spike or Buffy to help her. He was too strong for her, she would loose unless she could get away soon.

Buffy turned to see Lucy, she was loosing Buffy tried to fight her way over, something was telling her this wasn’t a coincidence. Lucy resulted to her last means of defence. She gouged her hands out, ripping at his eyes. The vamp pushed her back, hitting her head on one of the near by stones, she was out cold. Buffy ran over, as Spike and Angel dusted the last of the vamps.

Spike saw Buffy sitting by Lucy’s still body, his heart fell, and his glare turned on Angel.

“You fucking left her alone you bastard. If shes hurt, your gonna get a suntan.” he ran off before Angel could answer.

He crouched next to Lucy, pulling her up onto his lap.

“I think she’s ok” Buffy said quietly putting her hand over his. “Just think shes out cold.”

Spikes heart melted slightly. He looked at her and smiled, then noticed her arm. “Your bleeding.”

She looked at the cut and shrugged it off. “Its just a scratch, I’ve had worse.”

“We get her home. “ he said lifting Lucy into his arms. “Get in the car peaches.”

“Spike I never..” Angel began.

“Save it, I don’t have the steam right now.”
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=18619