Wanted by stateofmind
Summary: A girl is wanted by the vampire comunity - buffy is sent to save her but doesnt know why. Things sound simple till she realises one of her allies is someone she thought to be dead! Will the unrwquited love be fullfilled?
Categories: NC-17/Hardcore Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: No Word count: 29057 Read: 13476 Published: 04/06/2006 Updated: 09/10/2006
Chapter 11 - Shopping trips by stateofmind
Author's Notes:
Hope you like it and I'm still looking for betas!
Chapter 11 - Shopping trips

The November arrived and went, the research was becoming manic but still not getting anywhere. What ever book Giles found he threw away again in a matter of hours. Willow and Dawn had gone back to London to run the slayer school, as news of bedlam was seeping down to Giles, who was in two minds where he should be. Everything else had run like normal, work, school, life in general.

One freezing sunny afternoon Spike pulled his car out side the car park of Lucy’s work. He knew she was on half day today and was hoping he could borrow a female point of view for a few hours. Stepping out of the car he leaned against the cold paint work, watching the other half day employees wander out of the security gate.

He didn’t see Lucy sneak up behind him and tap him on the shoulder. “Watcha doing?” she asked her best baby voice. He friend was stood with her, her eyes taking him in, Lucy saw her obvious attraction and broke the spell, by kicking her in the shin.

“And who is this lovely person Lucy?” she asked still eyeing him up.

Spike was about to answer when Lucy cut him off. “This is my brother May.” she smiled at him, “His names William also known as Spike, and he’s very, very taken so back off.”

“That’s right love sorry.”

May looked a bit upset, but hugged her friend good bye and Lucy turned back to Spike. “So I’m your brother am I?”

“Well what would you like me to tell people? That you’re an ex vampire, demon fighting superhero, whose here with my uncle among others to save me from some Daniel creep?” she asked, hands on her hips. Spike was a little gob smacked. “Thought not, now what do you want?”

“I need your help.”

“What with? Has uncle Giles found something?” a bit of fear was creeping into her voice.

“No nothing like that, its err Buffy. I want to get her a ring.” he looked a little shy. “Christmas is coming up, and she already kinda said yes, I just wanted to make it official. I am useless at stuff like this so I thought you might have some idea.”

“Your gonna propose?” Lucy gushed. “About bloody time to. So come on batman get in the car, I have shopping to do, and its so much more fun when I’m spending someone else’s money.” she grinned getting into the car.

“Thank you.” he said starting the engine.

They had walked around every jewellery store going, the town centre was crowded with shoppers and it was beginning to become a battle just to get where they wanted to go. Lucy could find nothing that was right, Spike pointed a few out, but she just dismissed them, mumbling something about he was a bloke and knew nothing.

Lucy dragged him down some back alley, it was a total sass pit but she insisted that there was something there that they might want. She pulled him into a dingy little antiques shop. It stank of damp and moth balls, but Lucy was fascinated with a display of jewellery.

“That one there!” she said with girly excitement.

“Which one?”

“That one there. Its gorgeous, simple, diamonds, its got to have diamonds.”

“Its late 18th centaury.” a dusty old voice said from his chair.
“Its beautiful Spike, she’ll love it, I promise.”

“You sure pet, I want it right.”

“Would your baby sister lie to you?” she asked her best puppy dog impression being given.

“Ok then we’ll take it.”

Ten minutes later they were back in the car. The box safely in Spike’s pocket. “you sure she’ll like it?”

“She’ll love it, trust me ok. So how are you gonna give it to her?”

“I thought Christmas morning.”

“No, no, no! You want something original. Every bloke in the world comes up with that idea, for crying out loud Mike did it. Why not rent out a restaurant or something and have a party, really surprise her.”

“Yeah and how would that work?”

“You get all the guests to hide, pop the question by candle light and music and then we all jump out and congratulate you when she says yes.” she grinned.

“You thought a lot about this haven’t you.”

“I have time on my hands yes. So is that a yes?”

“Yeah its sounds like a good one, better than anything I could come up with. I am crap at romance.”

“You not that bad, just need a push in the right direction, turn right here.”

Spike did as he was told and pulled up out side a little Italian place, he had never really noticed before.
Lucy got out of the car and went in, hugging the owner. Spike was impressed, it was decorated like a little Italian café, low lighting, and to the back a dance floor.

“Romano I want you to meet Spike, we need to ask you a little favour.”

“And that would be?” the fat man asked.

“Can we have you restaurant for a night? Spike here’s getting engaged.”

“And here I was thinking it was like last times favour, which involved a lot of broken plates.” he laughed. “Not a problem though, just give me a time.”

“Thanks mate.” Spike said shaking his hand. “You don’t know how much this means to me.

After half an hour of finalising details they were home. Spike couldn’t help but smile to his self. It would finally be official, she would be his forever. Buffy came bounding up to him wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss.

“Where have you two been?” she asked coming up for breath.

“Just thought I would take my baby sister out for a while?” he smirked over at Lucy.

“So we are related now are we?” Buffy asked

“Well as she pointed out this is simpler than the superhero explanation. Plus I like have a sister to look after.”

“I’m glad” Buffy said pulling him close.

Spike smirked to himself again. A few more days and his ring would be on her finger, and eternal bliss will follow.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=18619