Wanted by stateofmind
Summary: A girl is wanted by the vampire comunity - buffy is sent to save her but doesnt know why. Things sound simple till she realises one of her allies is someone she thought to be dead! Will the unrwquited love be fullfilled?
Categories: NC-17/Hardcore Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: No Word count: 29057 Read: 13476 Published: 04/06/2006 Updated: 09/10/2006
Chapter 15 - Break in by stateofmind
Author's Notes:
thank you to my lovely reviewers they always bring a smile to my face.
Chapter 15 - Break in

No one knew what to say, Willow and Dawn sat in silence as Buffy filled them in on what they had missed. Spike stood by the window contemplating the information he had just heard. Aimee was still alive and Daniel had access to her. He was a sick son of bitch and he knew. He didn’t know much about the time bubble, but he knew that people could enter and leave but the captive couldn’t. God alone knew what he had done to her, and with Dru egging him on, it couldn’t be good. He wished he had staked the pair of them when he had the chance, then he took a step back. If he had staked them then Aimee would be lost forever and no one would find her, even Angel had no idea where they had moved her to, and there was another problem. His grandsire, he just wanted to throw his pasty ass into the day, but he also knew there was no way he could let Aimee go without him. He knew enough about magic to know it was the enchanter that had to break his own spell.

Buffy watched her coffee swirl around as the group took in what was had be said. Xander pushed his chair back abruptly and headed for the door.

“You like her don’t you?” Willow asked.

Xander looked at her sheepishly. “There’s just something about her, haven’t got her out of my head since I met her.” he looked at the floor hoping Spike wasn’t listening.

Dawn smiled at him, she knew it had taken him a lot to get over loosing Anya, they were all glad he was moving on. “Well at least she’s not a demon.” she laughed.

“Or a bug.” Willow added.

“Go” Buffy commanded, “See if she’s ok, I think she likes you too.”

Xander turned to leave to be stopped by Spike. “You hurt her whelp and I will rip you limb from limb, you get me.” he was still looking trough the window but his sentiment was felt.

“I wouldn’t expect anything else.”

“So erm what are we going to do? We don’t have long. New year is just a few weeks away.” Willow asked.

“The books aren’t helping there is nothing in any of them, its like some one just erased it all.” Dawn added.

“I know, I don’t know what to do.” Buffy looked at Spike as his head fell at her words. “Even Angel doesn’t know where they are holding up, its not like Sunnydale here, there doesn’t seem to be many hiding places for demons and stuff.”

They sat in silence again, no one knew what to say to make it all better. They had no leads, Daniel had been quiet since Halloween, it was like he has just vanished. Buffy knew though if had the Angelus schooling then he was just biding his time till he could strike and cause chaos.

The door burst open and a middle aged Chinese man ran through waving a book in the air shouting. “我發現了我發現了的它, 它什麼我們需要殺害他和保存Lucy”

Kelly followed behind screaming at him in Chinese back at him. She stopped and smiled apologetically at her friends.

“Erm, Kelly whats going on?” Spike asked eyeing the man up.

“This is my dad, Lee, he thinks we found what you have been looking for.” Lee gave the book to Spike, who read flicked through the pages. “He tends to go all traditional when he’s excited.” she said glaring at her father.

“Sorry, sorry, but I got it, not much in it but its all that’s left of the prophecy.” Lee sat down catching his breath.

Giles came down into the kitchen, wondering what was going on. Seeing his old friend he smiled. “Lee might of known it was you.” he saw the book Spike was turning over in his hand and took it from him, in awe of what he held. “Is this what I think it is?” Giles asked, Lee just nodded, “I thought it got destroyed when the council was bombed?”

“I have contacts.” he smiled again.

“Erm where’s Lu?” Kelly asked realising the one person who should be there wasn’t.

“She’s upstairs, we had information of our own today, you had better go see her.” Giles said the smile failing this time.

Kelly headed out of the room. “Just make sure the whelp hasn’t got his tongue down her throat.” Spike added with venom in his voice. Kelly just smiled and left.

The sun had set, Angel was out on recon, he had taken upon his self to find Daniel. Guilt was beating his sole and he had to try and fix things, he couldn’t let Aimee down or Lucy, it was his fault after all.

Spike and Buffy lay in bed in silence. She didn’t know what to say to make his world better. She loved him so much and his pain was hurting her as much as it was hurting him. She couldn’t stand to see him all broken up and helpless. She opened her mouth to say something to him but he got there first.

“Its all my fault.” The tears heard in the dark.

“How can it be, you weren’t even turned by then, and you said yourself you thought Aimee had been killed.”

“I shouldn’t of let her go that night, I should of stopped her.” he turned to look at her, the tears shining in the dark. “If I could of only stopped her then none of this would be happening.”

“And you wouldn’t of been turned, you said it yourself, you had only gone out that night to find her.” Buffy looked down, her own tears beginning to fall.

Spike stroked her face pulling her chin up to look into her eyes. “I don’t regret you baby girl, never would I regret you, I just wish I could of kept her safe that’s all.” he kissed her forehead pulling her closer.

“If she’s anything like Lucy, you wouldn’t have been able to stop her. That and you would have never met Lucy either, you’re her only family, her brother she needs you, and we will free Aimee, and she will know how to keep safe when she goes back.” she pulled him close.

“Yeah, at least I can say goodbye properly, and she’ll know I did ok in the end.” he smiled.

“You have about an hour baby, Giles senior said that much, its time if not much for you and Lu to say some of the things you needed to.”

He lifted her head and kissed her, what he had done to deserve such a goddess he didn’t know, but she was his, forever, and he wasn’t letting go. He pulled her closer, his hands exploring her body, her soft moans edging him forward, wanting to her more from her sweet mouth. Her mouth fought him back her hands following his lead and stroking his chest leaning into his touch she wanted more, she wanted him so bad, she needed him, ached for him.

Spike kissed her neck snaking down her body, sucking each nipple into his mouth, enjoying the sounds she was making. Her hands wound tightly in his hair, pushing him closer, wanting him to suck more on her body. She couldn’t believe one could worship her this much, thought this was meant for fairytales, but she had found her princes charming, and she wasn’t letting him go.

He carried on her assault on her body, worshipping her golden skin, working his way down to her sex. The neat mound of curls already wet and wanting. He kissed around her clit, sucking her folds into his mouth, marvelling at the honey they were covered in. Buffy moaned wanting him to suck her tiny bundle of nerves, trying to positioning her self where she needed him. He gave in, rubbing his tongue over and over again across the bag of nerves. Buffy’s hold on his head tightened as she calm screaming his name, but he wasn’t finished. He climbed her body, kissing her intently as positioning himself at her entrance. With one long slow motion he entered her, stopping for a moment to savour the warmth of his girl, her eyes said it all to him, that she was with him, and it was forever.

Buffy started rocking her hips, him just being there turned her on again, she needed him. Spike got the idea and began to move with her, their eyes locked, never leaving each other even when they came declaring their love for each other. He rolled to the side taking his girl with him. He just held her. The days events had drained him and needed to know she was close. No matter what happened over the years she had always been there and this time she wasn’t going to run.

Sleep had taken them. The house was quiet, the darkness filling any void that was hoping to escape. CRASH! Everybody flew from their beds meeting in the hall. Giles did a quick head count, and his face fell.

“Where’s Lucy?” he asked.

“When I left her she was sleeping.” Xander spoke, feeling slightly uneasy with his last comment.

Spike’s glare could of killed if he wasn’t more interested in the where about’s of his sister.

In the dark Lucy was unconscious. Three bouncerish men dragging her down her driveway, handing her over to a cloaked figure.

“There you go, no where’s the money?” one of the men asked.

The figure handed over the money. “You sure they heard you?” she asked, insanity pouring out of her voice.

“Yeah I’m sure they did.” the other man chuckled.

“Stay close I may need you again.” she laughed, holding the doll she was carrying closer. “Come on Miss Edith, lets get our house guest home. I think out boy will want to play too.”


A/N1 I apologise to anyone of chinese origins thats reading this, I got my friend (who is is chinese) to translate for me and shes slihghtly rusty, so if its wrong then pleae forgive me, i meant no offence

A/N2 I know i havent gone into much detail about the book, but dont worry it will all be explained eventually. I have an order to things here I promise