Wanted by stateofmind
Summary: A girl is wanted by the vampire comunity - buffy is sent to save her but doesnt know why. Things sound simple till she realises one of her allies is someone she thought to be dead! Will the unrwquited love be fullfilled?
Categories: NC-17/Hardcore Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: No Word count: 29057 Read: 13490 Published: 04/06/2006 Updated: 09/10/2006
Chapter 3 - Revelations by stateofmind
Author's Notes:
Hope you all enjoy. Thanx for the reviews they are so kind.

All of the buffy stuff belongs to joss everything else is mine
Chapter 3 - Revelations

Buffy took the phone and walked back into the living room leaving a group of giggling people in the kitchen. James had tears falling down his face, the look on Spikes face was humour enough after the stress’s of the evening.

“Are we going to explain?” James asked tears still falling down his face, heaving deep breaths trying to regain himself. “Coz from where I’m standing you and the blonde are together.”

Spike watched Buffy pace the living room, an animated conversation going on. What ever it was he knew it couldn’t be any good if Willow was calling this late. “It defiantly looks that way doesn’t it mate.” he answered absent mindedly, “but your guess is as good as mine.”

“She loves you, you idiot. If you cant see it then you are more of an oaf than I thought.” Lucy added looking him directly into his eyes. He just smiled and was about to contradict, but he was cut off. “Hey I may not be any good at my own love life here pal, but I can see what’s clear to any idiot even the peroxide variety, she loves you, you love her. Stop pissing about with you own self loathing and go get your girl back, or so help me I will kick your ass from here to next Tuesday.”

The speech left Spike and the others gob smacked. They had heard Lucy threaten them all with their lives before, but never like this, never with so much conviction to it. Spike slumped against the counter and let out a breath. He looked up as Buffy entered the room with the and here comes the fun part look he knew so well. He looked at the boys and just smiled, “I’m thinking that you two should head home, its late after all.”

Joe looked at his watch “Hang on its only………… oh right.” He grabbed James arm pulling him towards the door. “Call me Lu ok, I hope whatever it is you will sort it ok sweetie.” and with that the door was shut and all eyes were on Buffy.

“So goldilocks, what did red have to say.” He pulled a cigarette from his packet and threw the remainder at Lucy.

Buffy sat at the small table in the corner and looked at them both. “What do you know about you heritage?” she asked looking at Lucy.

“As much as most” she took a drag from the white stick. “Part Irish, Part Scottish, Part English, bit of everything really, what’s the big deal?

“Your blessed.” Kelly cut in. Horror illuminating her face. “But, you cant be. It ain’t possible, they died out more than a hundred years ago.”

Lucy was confused, what did she mean blessed. She looked at Buffy wanting more answers, wanting to know why these evil things were after, wanting her life.

“Its kinda a long story, and I don’t know all the details, Will only gave me a brief run down, but its an old legend, and as with most legends it is all truth. When the world began it was run by demons, then humans began evolving. Some of the old gods felt sorry for us as we were being picked off by the demons, so they blessed a select group sending them off around the globe to spread this blessing, most ending up in Scotland and Ireland. As Kelly said most died out as the population exploded onto the earth, but some of the Scots and the Irish still carry this blessing and if you get two parents carrying part of the blessing together then you get……..well you, and oh my god did I just sound Giles or what?” she laughed along with Spike, both could see the watcher pacing the floor giving the same speech.

“OK, didn’t quite get that last remark, but I am sure you will both explain later, and what the hell does this all mean?” Lucy looked pissed as she glared at the pair.

“Sorry Lu, you will get it when you meet him.” Spike took a deep breath recomposing himself.

“Yeah sorry.” Buffy blushed. “It means that you have power. Strength, Skill, and the ability to turn vampires into day walkers.” She stopped and looked at the horrified looks on the groups faces. “If they perform this freaky ritual and drink your blood then they will loose all their weakness‘. Sunlight, garlic, crosses, none it will be any use. Willow knows more she’ll be here tomorrow along with Giles and Dawn. Xander is still in South American dealing with some icky thing, but he will be here soon enough.”

“OK hang a minute here.” Kelly walked over to Spike, snatching the packet of smokes from his hand ignoring his complaint, “Share” was all she said to him drawing a small smile from him. “Who are all these people that are coming and what the hell are we going to do to protect Lucy and Luke? I know I haven’t read that much on the blessed but all this is gonna get dangerous and Luke is only 2, he cant protect himself.” Her glare could of killed at 20 paces if it was loaded. The fierce protectiveness of her friend and honouree nephew was strong and ringing in the room.

Buffy hadn’t thought of it before, she had totally forgotten about the toddler fast asleep upstairs. She had always had Dawn to worry about, but she was old enough when Buffy was called to listen and pay attention when it was needed to keep her out of trouble, but how was she going to explain this to a 2 year old. Her thoughts were broken by crying and a small boy walking into the kitchen, clutching a blanket and staring at her. He stopped crying and gave her a smile, by passed his mother and jumped straight into Spikes arms, clutching his neck.

“Excuse me mister what are you doing up its late!” Lucy looked at her son and smiled. It didn’t bother her that she was not the one to console her son, as long as the one doing the consoling him was someone she could trust.

The boy looked at her and smiled and pulled a bottle from under his blanket. “Milk” he smiled and handed the bottle to Lucy. Lucy filled it and handed it back to him and took him from Spike and hugged him.

“Come on you say goodnight, we are going back to bed.” the boy waved and Lucy left the room carry the small child back to his bed.

The room fell silent. No one knew what to say to each other. Spike looked around the room till his eyes fell on Buffy. He piercing green eyes were full of thought. He knew what was going through her head. Battle strategies, saving the world again, the child! He knew that more than anything would be plaguing her. How could her blame her the same thoughts were going through his own head. He had only been here for a few months but already he had grown to love the little boy, and he knew the vampire community well, they would use him to get to Lucy if they needed to. He couldn’t let that happen.

“OK..” Kelly broke the silence. “I’m going to bed, I’ll share with Lu tonight so Buffy here can have the pull out in your room Blondie.” She smiled at them both and began to leave the room “Just try to keep the noise down will ya, some of us do need sleep.” They could hear her laughing to her self as she climbed the stairs.

“Interesting friends you have here” Buffy said looking at him, her playful smile spreading across her face.

“Yeah, that’s one way to describe me pet.” he laughed taking in her amusement. “They good people, Lucy’s had some shit to deal with but she’s a fighter she won’t let this beat her.” he sat next to her taking another smoke from the packet. “About before…” he was cut off by a hand across his lips.

“I love you, always have, always will. I just couldn’t let my self believe it to begin with, but when you left me……….”she trailed of, tears beginning to flow from her eyes. “I felt like I was going to die.”

“I love you too, I just didn’t know what to say to you when I came back. I went out with such a bang, I thought you would be pissed if I just showed up again.” he looked at his shoes, realising just how stupid his last comment was. “But I know I was wrong now, I just wanna try and make this work, we actually have a chance now.”

“Yeah we do” she cupped his face and made him look at her. “And I am not going to waste anymore time, I love you and I want you, and we are gonna try and make this work!” her look became firm, making him realise that she meant what she was saying.

“Yeah we are” he said as he stood up, pulling her up with him.

He pulled her close smelling her hair. Their eyes met and they both realised then how much time had been wasted and stupid things. He cupped her face and lowered himself down for a kiss. Both pair of hands roaming bodies, exploring areas that hadn’t been explored in what seemed like forever. Spike’s hands fell down around her thighs and hoisted her up so she was straddling him, and he carried her up the stairs to his room, the kiss never breaking.

He kicked open the door, causing it to bang. They held their breath for a moment hoping they hadn’t woken Luke. When they realised it was all clear he shut the door behind them and laid Buffy down on the double bed. Their hands still caressing each other. He stroked her cheek staring into her eyes. Love radiating between the pair.

“Can I just hold you tonight? I wanna feel close to you like I did that night in the house.” he was still looking at her, embarrassment sweeping him at the sappy words he had just spoken.

“I’d like that” she smiled back at him.

The snuggled under the duvets, Spike’s strong arms wrapping themselves around her pulling her close. They both drifted into a comfortable sleep, the kinda sleep neither had experienced since sunnydale
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=18619