Wanted by stateofmind
Summary: A girl is wanted by the vampire comunity - buffy is sent to save her but doesnt know why. Things sound simple till she realises one of her allies is someone she thought to be dead! Will the unrwquited love be fullfilled?
Categories: NC-17/Hardcore Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: No Word count: 29057 Read: 13482 Published: 04/06/2006 Updated: 09/10/2006
Chapter 6 - It all begins somewhere by stateofmind
Author's Notes:
A/N Buffy stuff belongs to joss everything else is mine.

I am looking for a beta coz mine has let me down (they shall remain nameless) so if anyone has time on there hands let me know please i could do with some help form time to time.
Chapter 6 - It all begins somewhere

Buffy walked down the stairs, avoiding the piles of books that were piled by the front door. The days had ticked by without so much as a sniff as to what they were to expect. The house was a hive of activity, with the coming and goings of her hoist and the ongoing research that was going on, the ball this evening was going to be a welcome release for all of them, the not knowing clearly ripping holes in each of them.

She entered the front room expecting to find Lucy sat at the coffee table helping her uncle, but she was no where to be seen. Spike was there with Giles, idly flicking through the pages of the text he was holding. “Where’s Lucy? I thought she had the day off today?” she pulled up a cushion and sat next to Spike taking his hand.

“Lucy apparently has more important things to be doing apparently.” Giles sniffed.

“In other words pet, she’s down at he club setting up for later” he looked at his watch. “Actually she should be back soon, its nearly six and she needs to get Luke and get her self ready. She find you something to where tonight?”

Buffy nodded, she wasn’t sure about the dress she had picked from Lucy’s closest. Their tastes were alike and the gothic punk look wasn’t her thing, but she had found something that had resembled a cocktail dress, and decided that it would be fine. She had quizzed Lucy on why she had one odd dress that didn’t resemble any of her others, the only answer she got was ’Mike’. she knew to leave that subject alone.

“Yeah I got something. Not sure if it will suit me though.” she smiled nervously at them both.

“Yes my niece does have very erratic tastes.” Giles smiles at his student.

“I’m guessing you found the cocktail dress.” Spike grinned “I kinda rescued that, she was ready to throw it out, but got her to keep it. You will look beautiful in it.” he kissed the back of her hand and smiled, filling Buffy with confidence for the evening.


“Lucy get a move on the cabs here” Dawn yelled up the stairs. She had decided to go as little red riding hood, borrowing her sisters old costume. It had amazed her what her sister packed for these missions. “That goes for you to Buffy. Come on!” she whined.

“We’re coming” Lucy screamed back.

Giles and Spike walked out of the kitchen, both dressed in dinner suits as Buffy and Lucy came down the stairs. Lucy in a black, backless evening dress which hugged her hips, and showed off her figure. Spike could do nothing but stare as she reached him at the foot of the stairs. He kissed her on the nose and smiled, he couldn’t believe she was his, this goddess in front of him.

Lucy followed, her elegant velvet gothic style dress flattering her complexion, the black body corset holding up, Giles admired his niece, she had survived his disappearance and come back 10 times stronger. He held out his arm for her as they headed for the door.

Willow came running back in, deciding to join in the fun of the evening and dressing as the stereotypical witch. “Erm we better get going the drivers getting kinda pissy .”

“Right we got everything?” Lucy asked as she kissed Luke good night. Sarah had hold of him, but he didn’t seem bothered his mother was leaving him. “Lets go, I still got a few bits to finish off when I get there.”


The club was decorated in Halloween paraphernalia, cob webs, skeletons and such. The group sat at a table in the corner Lucy had reserved for them earlier. Lucy’s rants at the staff and people she had hired for the night had finished the party got started.

“Matt better behave himself” Spike said to Jo who had just arrived.

“She been ranting at him again? “ he said taking his seat.

“Something like.” he smiled. The others coughed as Spike look around the table realising introductions hadn’t been done. “Oh right, Jo this is Buffy, who I think you already met, Willow, Giles, Lucy’s uncle, and Dawn.”

Jo smiled at each one in turn, till his eyes fell on Dawn. He was kinda taken back by her. “Hi” he said as the song changed. “Wanna dance?”

“Yeah sure” Dawn said seeing the same fascination in him and getting up.

“Don’t break her” Spike warned him, the over protective bog brother coming out again.

Jo just smiled taking Dawn’s hand and leading her to the dance floor. Spike feeling slightly better that Matt had just changed the record and put on something not so heavy. His little bit will come back in one piece.

“I think she’s smitten” Buffy said smiling at her sister dancing.

“I think he is too.” Spike said pulling Buffy closer to him.

As the party carried on each enjoying the freedom of not having the research their impending doom. The night was drawing to a close. The alcohol had run free, with Lucy being the organiser it had literally, even Giles appeared to enjoying himself. The last record of the evening started and Spike pulled Buffy up to the floor.

It's been a while
Since I could
Hold my head up high
And It's been a while
Since I First saw you
And It's been a while
Since I could stand
on my own two feet again
And it's been a while
Since I could call you

He spun her round, watching her hair flow around her neck. He couldn’t believe still she was his. All those years of wanting and never having, and now she was dancing in his arms.

“I love you Buffy Summers. He said stealing a kiss.

“I love you too”

And everything I can't remember
As fucked up as it all may seem
The consequences that I’ve rendered
I stretched myself beyond my means

They watched Jo and Dawn slow dance round the floor. The image made Spike laugh. He was so used to seeing him jumping round the floor to now see him dancing with such precision was comical.

And It's been a while
Since I can say
That I wasn't addicted and
It's been a while
Since I can say
Kelly tapped him on the shoulder as she dance behind them both, she grinned.

“Where you been?” he asked as she had been elusive all evening.

“Here there and everywhere.” she grinned again and moved on.

I love myself as well and
It's been a while
Since I've gone and fucked things up
Just like I always do
and it's been a while
But all that shit seems to disappear when I'm with you

Lucy sat twirling the hem of her dress. She didn’t dance much, no reason to now a days. Giles saw the melancholy look on her face and took her hand leading her to the floor, recapturing some of the moments he had lost.
Willow sat by her self for a moment till a girl wandered over and offered her a dance. Having a moment of courage she accepted and joined her friends on the floor. This was prom kind of all over again, it wasn’t so much the people, it was the contented feeling that everyone she cared about was in the same room at the same time having a good time.

And everything I can't remember
As fucked up as it all may seem
The consequences that I've rendered
I'm gone and fucked things up again

Why must I feel this way?
Just make this go away
Just one more peaceful day

And it's been awhile
Since I could
Look at myself straight
And it's been a while
Since I said I'm sorry
Spike kissed her again. The music and the lyrics moving him. He was sorry. Sorry he hadn’t done this sooner. Sorry he hadn’t told her he was back, sorry he hadn’t gone to her.

And it's been a while
Since I've seen the way
the candles light your face
And it's been a while
But I can still remember just the way you taste

And everything I can't remember
as fucked up as it all may seem
To be,
I know it's me
I cannot blame this on my father
He did the best he could for me

And it's been a while
Since I could
Hold my head up high
And it's been awhile
Since I said I'm sorry

“Ok boys and girls that’s this years Halloween ball over. I would like to say thank you to Lucy for once again organising everything, and as far as I can tell no one died this year.” Matt boomed over the microphone.

“Ha fucking ha” Lucy said glaring at him, a look that could melt ice.

“Nah seriously though she puts in a lot of hard work and we wouldn’t be without you.” he said saluting her. The entire room erupted with applause for her. She blushed at the attention.

Spike hugged her knowing that what Matt said was true she had put a lot of hard work in.

The applause died away, but the usual chatter didn’t start. Spike looked around the room. Moving away from Lucy he nudged Buffy, aiming her gaze at the DJ box. Two vamps were stood there, Matt had been thrown to the floor.

“I like your attention please” one said eyeing the crowd up. “Can you all be quiet while we pick you off one by one.”

The whole crowd screamed. Running in all directions, but Spike wasn’t paying attention to the rest of the crowd. Lucy screamed and they both looked in her direction she was being held by what seemed to Buffy and him as a fledgling vampire.

The one that was talking before jumped off the stage and headed towards them. Buffy looked around the room. Dawn Willow and Giles were dusting vamps left and right, Dawn had even thrown Jo a stake and he was picking it up quick.

The leader was eyeing up Lucy. His long nails scraping down her face, his foul breath repulsing her. Spike pushed forward. “Oi let her go.” he yelled as he moved towards him.

They ignored him, spikes temper flared, his blood boiling. “Daniel I said let her go!”

For anyone who is interested the song is "It's been awhile" by Staind - fab band!
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=18619