What You Wanted by TheBear
Summary: A now retired Buffy is called upon to save the world, when a charasmatic vampire raises an army
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Completed: Yes Word count: 71388 Read: 40381 Published: 04/02/2004 Updated: 05/17/2004
A few things resolved by TheBear
Buffy flew past the living room door and up the stairs faster that humanly possible, her footstep echoing through he suddenly silent house. The group exchanged worried glances “Should I…?” Willow trailed off angling her head towards the stairs.

“No” Dawn said standing. “I’ll go”

She disappeared up the stairs, the quite pad of her stoking feet contrasting with her sister’s earlier ascent.

“Buffy” she called softly through the closed door, “Buffy can I come in?”

Silence, Dawn waited a moment more before pushing the door open and peering in. Her sister sat on the bed in the poorly lit room, her hands wringing nervously in her lap.

“Buffy?” Dawn prompted again, moving closer. “Are you okay?”

When she met her sisters gaze, Buffy’s eyes where worried, he demeanour skittish. She glanced away quickly biting her lip, “I’m fine,” she answered softly.

“Buffy” the younger girls voice held a trace of gentle reprimand, “Tell me. Did something happen tonight, with Spike?”

Buffy’s head came up quickly, her eyes wide with shock and guilt, again she only held her sister’s gaze for a moment before dropping her head.

“Buffy” Dawn implored, “Please, whatever it is you can tell me, please”

“I’m sorry” Buffy choked out, her voice filled with tears, “I didn’t mean to, we where fighting and it just happened, I’m sorry”

Fear gripped her, no this couldn’t be real, Buffy couldn’t have really killed him, she just couldn’t have. “Buffy” she asked urgently “Buffy what happened?”

“I’m sorry” Buffy apologised again, tears streaming down her face as she avoided Dawns questioning gaze. “It wasn’t like I planned it, but he kissed me and I, I just couldn’t stop, I’m so sorry Dawn.” She raised her head and met her sister’s eyes determinedly “It won’t happen again Dawn, I promise. I never meant to hurt you”

“Eh?” the brunette’s ineloquent response seemed to provoke further apology from Buffy.

“I’m sorry Dawn, truly I am. I know how things are between you, I should never have… I’m so sorry”

“Eh?” okay Dawn, really need to find a new response, the brunette chided herself, but what the hell is she talking about, why does she keep apologising, surely she knows I love Spike.

“I’m a terrible sister, I really am. I know how you feel about him”

Oh, realisation hit Dawn like a sucker punch, causing her to sputter at her weeping sister, “Ewwwww!!!”

Buffy stopped in her track, self-flagellation temporarily forgotten in the wake of Dawn’s violent exclamation.

“Eh?” Buffy’s turn to try the monosyllabic

“Ewww” Dawn reiterated her earlier sentiment, face screwing up in an expression of disgust. “You thought me and Spike where, ewww Buffy. What the hell made you think that?”

“Eh?” Buffy shook herself “I mean what? You mean you’re not?”

“No” she shook her head, glossy brown hair flying. “Definitely not. That’s just ewww. Buffy how could you think? Spike’s like my brother”

“But” Buffy blinked and shook her head. “You two, doing your Siamese twin impression, with the giggling and the jokes, a-and the touching” She nodded her conviction that she was not mistaken.

“Buffy, he’s my friend, and he just came back from the dead” Dawn told her in a soft earnest voice, then she crossed her arms and gave a petulant toss of her head “It’s not like you where exactly welcoming him back with open arms”

“I” Buffy frowned at the accusation “I did what I could, he hated me remember?”

“My God are you blind” Dawn looked disbelievingly at her “Did you not notice the way he was looking at you, I mean right from the start, it was obviously just a matter of time”

The blonde sighed with relief, Spike and Dawn, just friends, completely wholesome relationship, but if that was the case…

“Then why did he stop?” she asked a perplexed Dawn. “He said that ‘cheating would hurt in the morning’ and he stopped. If he’s not with you, then where’s the cheating?”

Dawn gave her an incredulous look shaking her head, “Buffy. Richard”


“Oh dear lord” the familiar phrase caused the Scoobies to look suspiciously at their mentor.

“Well that doesn’t sound good” Xander commented, earning wry glances from his friends.

“What’s up Giles?” Buffy asked grateful for something to occupy her mind other than the absent vampire

“Something rather disturbing regarding Velmorick” the watcher told them, pensively polishing his glasses, “this text refers to an astral alignment that it is believed will enhance Velmorick’s power. This alignment happens roughly once every ten thousand years”

Buffy sighed running a hand through her hair “let me guess. This is the lucky year, fifty percent extra free on all demon power sources”

Giles gave her an un-amused glare. “Quite” he affirmed, “I’ll have to do some more work to give you and exact date but, yes, this is the year”

“Do we have any idea what this could mean?” Willow asked, “Marcus already has control of his demon horde, what else does he need”

“Uh oh” Dawn interrupted, frantically flicking through the pages of her own book, “I saw something about this in the legend”

Only the sound of rustling paper disturbed the tense silence as the group waited from Dawn to locate the information, Willow and Buffy shared a worried look.

“Here it is” at last she found the page, “my translations kinda sketchy but basically it says, ‘And Velmorick took the power of a thousand stars’ um then something I don’t understand, maybe ‘forged his armies swords’ or sharpened them I’m not sure. Then it says ‘nothing stood before them’”

“Forging swords, now he’s a blacksmith?” Xander asked his tone light, but unmistakable worry on his face.

“Probably a metaphor, I think we should all get some rest, I’ll attempt to find an exact date for the alignment, Dawn if you have time perhaps you could work on that translation, maybe decipher it’s meaning”


Rest, hah that was a joke, it was nearly dawn, she would need to be up in an hour if she was going to get to work on time. She rolled over and buried down into her pillow, she had deliberately not changed the sheets after Spike had moved into the spare room, and his scent lingered in the fabric. Still sleep eluded her.

Why wasn’t he back yet, it was nearly sunrise, he should be back, unless he wasn’t coming back, maybe she’d scared him away. No, this was Spike, really not scared off that easily, he’d be back. Unless he’d been hurt, Marcus might’ve sent another demon assassination squad. She was half way out of bed, when she heard the back door open, she relaxed back into the bed, sighing her relief, he was home.

She lay still, barely breathing, senses reaching out through the quite house to track his movements, she heard him quietly ascend the stairs, must’ve taken his boots off. She listened to his footsteps on the landing, one two three, four, that would take him past the spare room, five six, shit he was coming to her room, he was nearly at the door, on God.

She wasn’t sure if she was relived or disappointed when she heard the bathroom door open. Letting out a shaky breath she closed her eyes, she had to see him before she went to work, she felt like she was going crazy.

Spike exited the bathroom just as she came into the hall, instinctively she ran her eyes over his body, checking that he was okay, her eyes rested on his damages hands and worry overtook her. Strange how even knowing that his vampiric power would heel the slight wounds before nightfall still she couldn’t help but fuss around him.

“Oh your hands, did you get in a fight?” she didn’t wait for an answer before stepping forward, taking one bloodied hand gently in hers, “Let me clean these up properly for you”

She led him back into the bathroom, leaving him momentarily to riffle through the cabinet in search of her first aid kit. “Come here” she ordered gently, as she ran warm water into the sink.

Spike knew he should get out, leave the bathroom, tell her he was fine and slink off to bed, but she was so worried and gentle as she touched him, he couldn’t resist basking in her concern.

“It’s alright” he told her half heartedly “you don’t have to”

“I want to” she responded firmly, dabbing at his knuckles. A moment’s silence before she spoke again. “Spike about earlier…”

“Don’t,” he commanded shakily, “you don’t have to say anything”

“Spike you don’t understand” she ran her hands up his arm, and locked her eyes with his, “I know what I’m doing”


“Ssshhh” she whispered moving closer, standing on tiptoes she laid her lips gently over his.

Don’t do it mate, his half formed memories told him, she’ll hurt you, go running back to lover boy. But her lips where soft temptation and he succumbed returning the tentative kiss. It was Buffy who took the lead, angling her head and opening her mouth to deepen the kiss, small strong hands sliding up his arms to cling to his shoulders.

It was gentler this time, an almost lazy caress of lips and tongues. Buffy moaned into his mouth, letting herself sink deeply into the feel of him. Then he was pulling away, leaving her bereft, she reached for him but he batted her hands away. “Not really interested in being your dirty little secret Slayer”

His tone was bitter, eyes wary, maybe even hurt. Shame for the way she had treated him in the past despite everything he had given her overwhelmed her she dropped her eyes.

He clenched his fists, hurt and anger sending violent shudders through his body, there it was, guilt and shame written on her feature as clearly as if she had shouted it aloud.

“Spike” she looked up at him resolve replacing guilt. “Spike, I promise it won’t be that way.” She moved towards him and he stood his ground, letting her get close enough to touch. “I promise it’ll be okay, I wont…” now she did touch him, one warm hand sliding up his body to settle over his heart. She watched it’s progress as if hypnotised by her own movement, “Please believe me, it’ll be okay, I won’t hurt you again”

He didn’t question the ‘again’ knowledge that she had done so was already clear in his fragmented memories. He looked away eyes lifting to the ceiling, “Buffy, I…” he trailed off, when her hand reached up to angle his face back down to look at her

“Do you trust me?” she asked softly, her eyes telling him what is answer meant to her.

“Yes” he breathed, before his mind had even processed the question, he trusted her implicitly.

She quirked a smile at him, “there you go then.” She kissed him again, and this time he didn’t object, he yanked her body flush against his with one strong arm wrapped around her waist, revelling in how her shocked gasp mutated quickly into a needy moan.

Her hands wasted no time in reacquainting themselves with the contours of his body, gliding over his chest and back, reaching higher to tangle in his short hair. He responded in kind, hands slipping up beneath her baby t-shirt to caressing her breasts as he backed her up against the sink. A trail of kisses down her throat had her gasping his name and thrusting her hips towards him eagerly.

His self-satisfied chuckle, which should have been annoying in its arrogance, was in fact so familiar, so utterly him that it served only to fuel her desire. She dragged one leg up the outside of his thigh and he caught it beneath the knee, pulling her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. “Buffy” he moaned into her skin

“Buffy” Dawns aggravated voice sounded through the locked door, “what are you doing in there? Come on it’s nearly time to leave and I need a shower”

Spike pulled back and set her on her feet, chuckling at the annoyed growl that emanated from the small slayer. “Okay Dawn, go put some coffee on I’ll be right out”

She turned to Spike as she heard her sister plod off down the stairs. “No fair” she pouted, her hands once again gliding over his forearms.

“Gotta go to work pet?” he asked, one hand toying with a strand of golden hair.

“Yeah” she sighed, “Actually I really do, my boss is kinda down on me for taking the other afternoon off” she pouted again, “Don’t wanna,” she stated petulantly “wanna stay here with you”

He chuckled at her childlike antics, “I’ll be here when you get back pet” he tried to placate her.

“You better be” she told him firmly, leaning up to kiss him briefly. “See you later then?” she asked almost shyly

“Count on it.” He affirmed, “Now off you go” he pushed her towards the door, only to pull her back just before she could reach for the handle. She giggled delightfully as she was jerked back into his arms, he couldn’t help but smile, god but she was adorable like this.

She kissed him on the nose, and he gave her a fake glare that made her laugh even more. He silenced her with a passionate kiss, trapping her between his body and the door hands running through her shiny hair.

“Hhhhhmmm” she voiced her approval when he finally let her breathe, “are you trying to convince me to go to work, ‘cos really not the way to do it”

“Sorry pet” he apologised insincerely, but you’re just to delicious no to grab another taste”

She blushed prettily and kissed him briefly before opening the door and heading off down the hall, she made it all of three strides before she turned back to the following vampire and kissed him again.

They broke apart and came together again so many times that they were both laughing breathlessly by the time they reached the top of the stairs. Suddenly he became serious, “See you later pet?” he sought one last confirmation.

“See you later” she affirmed in a whisper, satisfied he gave her a nod, and turned her towards the stairs, patting her ass playfully to send her on her way.

She glanced over her shoulder at when she reached the bottom to see him watching her, he gave her a cheeky wink and disappeared in to the spare room.


Dawn raised her eyebrows questioningly when Buffy came into the kitchen a dreamy smile on her face. “Shower’s free,” she told her smiling broadly.

“Uh huh” she paused “so did you and Spike make up?” she asked innocently.

“Um hmm” Buffy affirmed nodding enthusiastically, “much making up, and more promised for later”

Dawn couldn’t help but smile, it had been such a very long time since Buffy’s smile had been so genuine, perhaps now was not a good moment to bring up the small matter of the fiancée Buffy seemed to have completely forgotten.

An hour later as Buffy turned the car into the university car park a good moment was still yet to arrive, Buffy had been humming happily along to the radio for the entirety of the drive, occasional breaking off to comment on how much a she liked the songs.

“Buffy” Dawn ventured regretfully as Buffy brought the car to a halt, “what are you gonna do, about Richard?”

Dawn wished she’d kept her mouth shut as she watched her sister’s good mood deflate as if she had stuck a pin in it. “I mean if you and Spike, well you know, what about Richard.”

Buffy looked troubled for a moment before smiling again, “I don’t know, but I’ll figure it out. See you later”


Spike lay on his bed puffing on a pensively, on a cigarette he had been staring at the ceiling for the better part of an hour. Turning over the images his shattered memories had supplied after she had left for work.

He had closed his eyes, willing himself to conjure her face earlier, happy and carefree, but his mind had provided less appealing memories. He remembered rough sex and cruel words, he remembered lying in a filthy alley with the Slayer above him, pounding her deadly fists into his face, spitting venom and hatred at him as she battered him.

He remembered the pain of her insults ‘evil, disgusting, thing’ the words repeated in his mind over and over until he thought he would scream.

Again he reached for more recent memories ‘I won’t hurt you again’, she had promised him that everything would be okay and he had to believe her. She had asked him if he trusted her and he knew that he did. Mentally he compared the playful smiles she had given him that morning to the tortured pain that distorted her face in his memories and he believed her that things were different, that she was different, now.

He let images of a smiling Buffy fill his tired brain. What a bloody woman, he mused, could break a fella’s heart just by looking at him.

He glanced at the clock, she’d barely been gone an hour and already he was impatient for her return, he just wanted to touch her all the time, she was so god damn enchanting. Everything a man could want, fiery warrior, beautiful woman, and charming girl.

He stubbed out his cigarette an smiled up at the ceiling, best try and get some sleep, at least it’d pass the time till she got home. He closed his eyes, hoping that he’d dream of their earlier encounter in the bathroom.



I like them too, fun to play with,Subtle hint for fast writting lizzy, glad you liked it xxx
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=1983