Long Time Coming by Sabrina
Summary: Spike must help his best friend, Buffy, escape her wedding with Riley when she has second thoughts. Will they be able to salvage their friendship when Buffy comes to depend on Spike's help, and Spike begins depending on her company?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Completed: Yes Word count: 30828 Read: 32779 Published: 04/02/2004 Updated: 04/16/2004
Stay by Sabrina
Chapter Seventeen: Stay

Spike waited patiently at JFK airport. He couldn’t get a plane until the next morning. He was desperate to reach Buffy. The next available flight was the next afternoon. At the rate he was going, he wouldn’t reach Sunnydale until the next night.

He spent the night in there, wandering around with his duffel bag on his shoulder. He wasn’t sure what he could say to Buffy in order to have her forgiveness.


Buffy lay in her bed, staring at the window. Everything was happening so fast. Joyce was gone, her mother…Dawn was a mess, Giles was hiding his pain, and she felt alone. Add in Spike, and she was mere seconds from cracking, but she couldn’t allow herself a chance to cry.

She’s spent the day in her room, lying there. Dawn made an attempt to speak to her.

“Buffy, are you okay?” No answer came. It hurt too much to speak.

Soon, day turned to night and the next day would be the funeral. Buffy couldn’t go, she wanted so badly to ignore it, pretend her mother was in her room at the moment sleeping, or downstairs watching TV with Dawn. Maybe she just stayed at the gallery late, and was due home any second.

With that thought the doorbell rang, and slowly, Buffy got out of bed. She wanted to think that her mother forgot the keys, and as she descended the stairs, she could here Dawn’s hushed whispers.

“She hasn’t left her room since we got home from the hospital yesterday, just to use the bathroom. She hasn’t even showered.” The young girl’s eyes turned to her older sibling coming down the steps, one by one. She stepped aside, opening the door wider, allowing the bleach blonde, leather clad man to come in.

Buffy stopped at the foot of the stairs, hugging herself tightly.

Spike looked into her eyes, and saw the pain hidden within. “Buffy…” He said her name so softly. He reached for her, but she didn’t come to him.

She stood frozen in place. There was a bitter taste in her mouth, from not speaking, or eating for the entire day. She just watched him, thinking he was a figment of her imagination.

Spike stepped forward, putting his hands on her shoulders, guiding her to him. The moment her head made contact with his muscular chest, she broke down.

He was real, and she was sobbing like a child in his arms.

“Let it out, pet. It’s going to be okay.” He soothed her, running his hands over her hair. “When is Giles coming home?”

“Late,” Dawn sniffled. “You can stay, I’m sure he won’t mind. She needs you. I’m going to bed.” She made her way past the couple, but not before kissing her sister’s shoulder. “Take care of her.”

Spike only nodded. He took off his duster, and hung it of the coat rack, before leading Buffy upstairs into the bathroom. “You need a bath, pet. Let me take care of you.” He pleaded with her as she stood there, distancing herself from him.

“What about them?” She sniffled.

“Those girls were poor replacements for you. I’m a bad man, Buffy, but I only did it because I couldn’t be without you.” It was a bad excuse, but it was the truth.

“They’re dirty, what if you got something?” She questioned.

“Used protection, Luv. You’re the only woman I’ve been with since Dru that I didn’t.” His words were earnest. He went over to the tub, and set the water to the perfect temperature, allowing it to fill up.

She fell to the tile floor in a crumpled mess of sobs. “She’s gone, Spike. She’s gone and there’s nothing I can do about it. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.” Their problems were forgotten, and Spike sat with her, his arms around her, allowing his tears to fall.

“Buffy, when my parents sent me here to stay with my aunt, I never thought I’d know the love of a family, until I came here, and met your mum, and Giles. I’ll miss her just as much, because when you weren’t there and I came rushing to this house with a broken heart, Joyce was so quick to set out the hot chocolate and chat with me. And she never forgot those little marshmallows I love, so much. I was lost without you, Buffy, after you left. I couldn’t turn to your mother, because I was ashamed, and I avoided calling, except once when the poof answered, but the point is that I missed everything. I didn’t get to say goodbye either.” Spike babbled.

“But, she was my mother.”

“I know, pet, but she’s at peace.”

Buffy looked up, into the vast oceans of his eyes. She leaned forward, and kissed him. He was caught off guard, but his lips were moist and soft.

She wanted to escape in him, and he knew it, but he couldn’t let it happen. There were still issues they had t work on. “As much as I want you, Buffy, we can’t. Not until everything is right.”

She nodded, understanding his reasoning.

He stood, and helped her up. “Do you want me to undress you?” He didn’t mean to sound sexual, but couldn’t help it.

He stepped close to her, slowly unbuttoning the flannel top she wore. He pushed it off her tanned shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor. He was mesmerized, at first, but then went back to the task at hand, untying the bottoms. The crumpled to the floor, and she stepped out of them, her body bare.

It had been so long since he’d had her, but he had to be platonic with her for the time being.

“Wash me.” She said, and she sunk into the full tub, and turned off the water. She went under, wetting her hair and came back up.

He shampooed her hair first; massage her head so she could relax, as he shared memories of Joyce with her. When she finished rinsing off her hair, he hesitated to start on her body.

He took the washcloth she handed him, and poured the vanilla body wash on it. He caressed her body gently, from her torso to her ass, to her toes. He skipped her pussy, then went back up, and decided to give her a release.

He ran the washcloth over her swollen lips, massaging gently, and earning a moan. He lost the cloth, and slowly pushed his fingers within.

“Spike…” She whispered with a gasp.

He worked her, pumping in and out of her tight center. “Let me take care of your needs.” He whispered

She groaned, and whimpered before he felt her clench and release. He took the cloth in his hand once more, and washed off her juices.

She stood on wobbly leg, reaching out to hold his shoulder. He looked her up and down, but quickly looked away. His erection was becoming painful. He reached the rack for her towel, and wrapped in around her body tightly.

With his arm around her shoulder, he led her to her bedroom.

“Maybe I should go to the hotel, get a room.” He said, turning to the door as she dressed in a short white cotton nightgown.

She put a hand on his shoulder. “Just hold me.” She whispered.

He turned to face her, planting a chaste kiss on her lips. “Are you sure?”

“Please…stay.” She threw back the comforter, as Spike removed his combat boots and shirt. She went over to her drawer and pulled out a pair of sweatpants that belonged to him. She turned as he pulled off his pants, and slipped them on, afraid that she wouldn’t be able to control herself. She was a little disappointed that she allowed him to please her, when he didn’t deserve the satisfaction, but she felt so complete to have him touch her, and speak to her.

She slipped into bed when he finished, and he followed. His hand made it’s way around her waist, and they faced each other, her legs tangled between his. Her hand reached his hair, and she leaned over for a kiss.

“Goodnight.” She whispered on his lips.

“Night, Luv.”

*A/N: Just to let you guys know, I'm not going to make it this easy...Reveiw please and there's more to come...Thanx to Ash, and you lovely readers.*
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=1996