Long Time Coming by Sabrina
Summary: Spike must help his best friend, Buffy, escape her wedding with Riley when she has second thoughts. Will they be able to salvage their friendship when Buffy comes to depend on Spike's help, and Spike begins depending on her company?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Completed: Yes Word count: 30828 Read: 32771 Published: 04/02/2004 Updated: 04/16/2004
Not Much After by Sabrina
Epilogue: Not Much After

Two years later…

“How’s my Blondie bear doing?” She teased sticking her tongue out at him.

“I can’t believe your bloody sister told you that story.” Spike looked at the younger Summers girl, his eyes in slits.

“She had to, especially after you told me all of her high school secrets. Her poems about Angel, the time she fell in the cafeteria and everyone saw her Hello Kitty underwear, and when people would say hi to her in the hall, they’d say ‘Hello Kitty,’ and it lasted for three months. I love that one.” Dawn laughed. “It’s not a surprise that you’d be attractive to the cheerleader type.” She said. “Buffy was a cheerleader.”

“For, like two days, and then I quit.” Buffy came into the living room with a bowl of popcorn in her hand. She plopped down between her loving man, and sister.

“Still have your uniform?” Spike asked with a sly smile on his face, as the DVD played.

Buffy elbowed him gently in the ribs, and leaned against his shoulder. “Were you born this big a pain in my ass?”

“What can I say, Baby, I’ve always been bad.” He took her chin in his hand, and brought his lips down to her.

“Gross much?” Dawn asked, taking the bowl from Buffy.

“You’re just mad, cause I promised Giles I wouldn’t let Conner over until he got back from that convention.” Buffy said, rolling her eyes.

“When are you two getting married, anyway? You’re betrothed and all, but what about the wedding? You live together.” Dawn’s eyes never left the screen, as Johnny Depp appeared in pirate apparel.

Buffy grinned up at her loving spouse, and brought her hand to the chain on her neck, which held her wedding band. “Only time will tell.”

Her other hand went to Spike’s neck, his wedding band on his chain. They decided there would be no pressure and much easier circumstances if they just eloped. So three months after Xander and Anya’s wedding and one morning after a night of mind-blowing sex, Spike recommended they drive up to Vegas, and get married.

It was the best recommendation he’d made, beside for the proposal. It wasn’t much, but it was the simplest part of their relationship. They’d been approaching their two-year anniversary, and decided that would be the day that they would announce it to their people.

“You’re practically married already…soon there will be dresses and babies, and stuff. It took you forever to get together, then to get engaged, and now the wedding will be like, never…” Dawn babbled on, and the couple beside her kissed again.

*A/N: I'm sorry if anyone feels as though I rushed this. it's just been a little hard to come up with more things to keep this story going, but I may be writing a sequel...depending on how my mond starts working...Reveiw please and thanx for reading...*
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=1996